The Bonds We Have (Beyblade B...

By endgamesplash

2.4K 40 29

"Imagine how it feels to have all that power, in expense of everything else" It's time. The legend festival i... More

Chapter 1: The Big Event! Legend Festival!
Chapter 2: Sword and Shield! Infinite Achilles!
Chapter 3: Battle Of The New Generation!
Chapter 4: Legends of BC Sol!
Chapter 5: Tag Team! Lui and Drum vs. Hikaru and Rantaro!
Chapter 6: Serious Flames vs. Super Sword!
Chapter 7: Attacking Full Force! Fight for Semifinals!
Chapter 8: Aiga vs Lane!
Chapter 9: Going All Out! Hyperion vs Valkyrie!
Chapter 10: The Burning Flare Battle!
Chapter 11: The Legend Festival Finale!
Chapter 12: Light & Dark! Hyperion & Helios!
Chapter 13: The Crimson Fire God! World Spriggan!
Chapter 14: Battle Royale! Valt & Shu!
Chapter 15: Rematch With The Black Sun! Lucifer The End!
Chapter 16: Raging Whirlwinds! Jet Wyvern!
Chapter 17: Super Tournament! Ultra Legend Bladers League!
Chapter 19: Power Unbound! Dismal Destruction!
Chapter 20: Bursting Flare! Lane vs. Lui!
Chapter 21: The Diminishing Sun!
Chapter 22: Bombers Battle! Mentor vs. Student!
Chapter 23: Grand Rivals! Epic Clash!

Chapter 18: Demon Master! Death & Abyss Diabolos!

99 2 7
By endgamesplash

"So Bladers! Let's get on to the second match! First in the blue corner let's welcome the rebellious outlaw, Sisco Karlisle! His opponent in the red corner is the Scarlet Lightning Bolt, Delta Akane!"

"Delta Akane... I know you" Sisco said smugly. "It's been a while since you left BC Sol"

"Sisco Karlisle... It's been a while" Delta looked at him intensely.

"I am going to win this battle, and break that pride of yours!"

"We'll see about that!"

"First Battle"

Up in the stands everyone watched with great enthusiasm.

"Delta! It's really nice to see him again!" Valt said. "I was really surprised when I heard he was in this tournament!"

"I wonder... what kind of bey does he have?" Rantaro asked.

Drum, who was sitting behind them, decided to but into their conversation. "His bey is sooo cooool! I've seen it firsthand and even battled it! It's called Death Diabolos and it is a right spin balance type!"

"Death Diabolos, huh... Sounds interesting!" Valt cheered.

Sisco stood in his launching stance, ready to launch. I can win this. I have battled in the Speed Storm Stadium many times. And this will be no different.






"Go, Shoot"

Both bladers launch with sparking shoots into the stadium. Satan made a beeline for the center, claiming it instantly.

"Oh yeah! The center is Satan's home, and now we can defend against anything you throw at us!"

Diabolos spins near the outside of the stadium. Once close enough, Diabolos headed for the center of the crater. Slowly but surely, spinning out from the center of the crater collecting speed each time it goes around. Having moved across the entirety of the crater, Diabolos jumped back into the stadium aiming for Satan. Diabolos attacked Satan relentlessly.

"Roller Defense"

Satan blocked Diabolos attacks with the rollers on its ring, minimizing the damage done.

"Interesting! If using the crater to gain speed and break through your defense didn't work, then let's try this!" Delta exclaimed.

"Go, Diabolos!"

Diabolos headed up to the upper deck of the stadium and lined up the driver with the edge of the stadium. Diabolos gained incredible speed as it went around.

"Hey Valt! Isn't that your..." Rantaro said.

"Yeah, it's just like my Brave Flash!" Valt exclaimed.

Diabolos headed straight toward Satan. Diabolos sent Satan flying out of the center and on to the upper deck.

"This is Death Diabolos! He is the strongest!" Delta said to Sisco.

"Oh! I don't think so!" Sisco responded.


"Universe Drift"


"Finish him! Death Upper!"

The two beys head at each other. Diabolos's attack sends Satan out of the stadium.

"Death Diabolos wins with an Over Finish! Delta Akane gets 1 point!"

"Alright! This is the power of Diabolos!" Delta smiled.

"I guess ordinary methods won't suffice" Sisco said quietly.

"Second Battle"

"Let's go, Curse Satan" Sisco said, putting his bey on his launcher.

"I will win this battle!" Delta said. He changed out his bey and held it out at Sisco. "This time with Abyss Diabolos!"

"WHAT!" Drum screamed. "He has another bey! Sooo Cooool!" Drum cheered with stars in his eyes excitedly.

Valt and Rantaro covered their ears at the sheer volume of Drum's scream.

"I didn't expect that. Who would have thought he had another bey lying around?!" Rantaro questioned.

"It seems Abyss Diabolos is a left spinning bey." Valt said.






"Go, Shoot"

As both bladers pulled their ripcords, the beys flew into the stadium at high speeds.

"There's no way you will beat Satan, especially after  I claim the center!" Sisco retorted.

"Oh is that so...? Well then I'll just have to make sure you don't get there!" Delta responded.

Satan and Diabolos both headed for the center, trying to claim it. As they clashed in the center, neither of them gave up ground.


"Roller Defense!"

Satan's rollers redirected Diabolos out of the center, allowing Satan to claim the center.

"Yes Satan that's the way! Now kick it up!"

"Triple Twister!"

3 red glowing red rings surrounded Satan, allowing it to deflect attacks.

"Diabolos, attack!"

Diabolos headed for Satan, launching a string of attacks.

"Interesting..." Valt said.

"What do you mean?" Rantaro asked.

"It's Diabolos's attacks"

"Huh...? I'm lost" Rantaro looked at him confused.

"Yeah! What do you mean Valt? Diabolos attacks aren't having any effect on Satan" Drum chimed in from behind.

"Yeah, it may seem that way at first, but look closer" Valt pointed down to the battle. "It's very tiny but you can see that all of Diabolos's attacks are slowly wearing on Satan."

"Yeah, ok, but how?" Rantaro still looked at Valt all confused.

"I think it has something to do with the way it is shaped. Notice how it has 6 blades. The lower blade on Abyss Diabolos is made to continuously strike the opponent and deal damage. The upper blade is made to smash the opponent from above, but it also can be used to deal massive damage to opponents. The general shape also looks like it can be good for defending opponents attacks when it is defending. That, combined with its left spin makes it a well rounded beast in the stadium which seems very different from Death Diabolos"

For a while, Diabolos kept striking at Satan.

"I think it is time to finish this!" Sisco declared.

"Satan!" Sisco called out as his purple aura appeared all around him.

"Universe Drift!"

Satan's driver hit the stadium floor, allowing it to drift and change directions multiple times as it headed toward Diabolos. Satan collided with Diabolos, hitting it toward the edge of the stadium.

"Diabolos!" Delta yelled out, his aura appearing.

Diabolos barely managed to hit the wall and survive the attack, landing on the upper deck.

"Abyss Smash!"

Diabolos came from the upper deck and headed into the stadium gaining speed as it went for Satan. As they collided, Diabolos attacked Satan from above with a smash attack, knocking it into the ground and causing it to burst.

"Abyss Diabolos wins with a Burst Finish. Delta Akane wins with a score of 3-0!"

Delta raised his hand up in victory.

"Burst! Abyss Diabolos has successfully defeated Curse Satan"

"Ugghhh...." Sisco screamed. "This won't be the last time we battle. We will battle again and I will definitely beat you!"

"I guess you weren't able to break my pride after all" Delta told him. "And I will definitely win next time as well!"

Both bladers turn to leave the stage.

"That was such a cool battle!" Drum exclaimed. "Delta and Diabolos were so cool! I've decided! I am going to face Delta in this tournament!"

"He has gotten so strong! This is certainly going to be interesting!" Valt said.

"Yeah! Let's do this!" Rantaro replied.

"Your battle is coming up in a little bit, Rantaro. Go and win it!"

"Yeah! I am going to rock it and win!" Rantaro held out his fist, fist bumping Valt.

As Delta left the platform, he saw Drum running towards him.

"Delta!" Drum yelled, running towards him. As he got closer, he jumped and wrapped his arms around Delta, hugging him.


"Delta, you were so cool!" Drum exclaimed, stars in his eyes. "That battle was so epic and Abyss Diabolos was so cool! I really want to battle against you and Diabolos now!"

"Thanks... Uh Drum" Delta said, " You're hugging me too tight..."

"Oh sorry." Drum responded, letting go of Delta. "Anyway Delta, why didn't you tell me you were competing in this tournament?"

"I only recently found out that I was going to compete in the tournament when I got the invitation to compete."

"Ya know Delta,  I've gotten a lot stronger since the last time we faced off."

"Oh yeah...? Well I can't wait to see how strong you've become."

"Hey Delta, let's make a promise"

"What for?"

"Let's promise that we will battle in this tournament" Drum said, holding out his hand.

"Of course!" Delta responded, grabbing Drum's hand.

"Then it's decided! We are definitely going to battle each other in this tournament!"


Hyuga ran to the stands, getting ready for the next match to start. He saw the bombers waving at him and sat next to their group.

"Oh, hey Hyuga!" Valt said

"Hi Valt!" Hyuga responded as he sat near him.

"Where were you Hyuga?" Raika asked.

"You were almost late to the match!" Chuck said.

"Yeah, the match is about to start!" Gun added.

"I get it! I'm sorry!"

"Rantaro is battling next!" Valt said. "I know he can do it!"

"Let's see how Honcho does!" Raika said.

"Guys, it's starting" Chuck told them.

All of them quieted down, their attention turned to the stage and at the battle about to begin.

"Woah Bladers and beyfans! That last battle was intense! Let's get on with another epic faceoff! Let's get on with the third match of group A! First in the red corner is the man of men! Rantaro Kiyama! In the blue corner is his opponent, Hikaru Asahi!"

Both bladers slowly walked up to the stadium.

"I'm excited to get to battle you Hikaru! Let's have a fun battle and give it our all!" Rantaro said, happily looking over. He looked confused as he watched as Hikaru stood there with his head down and his eyes closed.

His head shot up and his eyes opened. His eyes looked cold and empty as he looked at Rantaro. "Fun... Ridiculous. I AM GOING TO DESTROY YOU!"

"Uh..." Rantaro looked in shock, his head spinning. What? What's going on? No... Could it be...

Hikaru holds out his bey. "I'll show you the power of Dismal Helios."

"Huh?! Dismal Helios!?"

As Hikaru held out his bey, the evil avatar of Helios creepily appeared. An eerie and unsettling feeling penetrated the entire arena.

"That bey looks wrong." Raika said.

"Dismal Helios!? But what happened to King Helios!?" Valt asked.

"Dismal Helios..." Drum stood up, wondering.

"No!? But how? How could... he..." Aiga gasped.

Hyuga looked down at the stage in disbelief. "Hikaru..."

Rantaro grabbed his launcher, securing his bey to it. "I will definitely win this battle no matter what! It will not end this way!"

"It's impossible." Hikaru said, staring intensely as his dark blue aura appeared around him.

"First Battle"






"Go, Shoot"

Both beys come out of the gate with insane speed. As they land in the stadium, they spin around the stadium, by each other in opposite directions. They both head closer to the center, Helios able to claim it first.

"Go, Ragnaruk!" Rantaro shouted.

Ragnaruk launched some heavy attacks on Helios.

"It's no use." Hikaru said.

"Dismal Defense"

As Ragnaruk kept attacking, Helios deflected all of the attacks that were sent his way.

"Woah!" Aiga marveled.

"That bey is so strong!" Hyuga gasped.

"It seems that Helios is in defense mode." Valt said. "And so it seems to be doing excellent at negating lots of Ragnaruk's attacks."

Back at the battle Ragnaruk headed back to circling the stadium.

"It's over! I am going to end this now!" Rantaro exclaimed.


"Glide Tornado"

The wings on Ragnaruk generated a tornado as Ragnaruk headed back to Helios. Ragnaruk collided with Helios, the heavy attack forcing it up and the force of the tornado sending it swirling around and onto the upper deck. Ragnaruk claimed the center.

"Entertain me more." Hikaru growled.

"Helios" Dark blue aura appeared everywhere, surrounding him.

"Destroy them!"

Helios sped down from the upper deck, gaining speed from the slope of the stadium angling downwards. Helios collided with Ragnaruk from underneath, allowing him to send Ragnaruk up into the air with great force. The attack sent Ragnaruk out of the stadium.

"Dismal Helios wins with an Over Finish. The score is 1-0!"

Hikaru just stood there staring as his bey still spun in the stadium.

"Hikaru... He's got a terribly strong bey" Valt said.

"Yeah..." Hyuga responded, looking worriedly down at the stage.

"No way" Rantaro said in disbelief.

"Give up, you're doomed." Hikaru demanded. His dark blue aura appearing as his lime green eyes glowed. "I will destroy you!"

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