A tale of Love || #vmin #Jink...

By WishMeh7

5.7K 490 32

Two different souls, who just want to live a peaceful life by fighting the odds of life. Unaware of how desti... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Not an Update

Chapter 29

154 15 0
By WishMeh7

As Jungkook and Jin's relationship bloomed, another powerful bond was quietly forming between Jimin and Taehyung. From the moment they met, they had always a sizzling chemistry between them—a magnetic pull that neither could deny.

Their fans who watch them on YouTube, affectionately known as "Vmin shippers," had long recognized the undeniable chemistry between Jimin and Taehyung. They delighted in their playful interactions, their heartfelt moments, and the noticeable connection that seemed to radiate whenever they were together.

But for Jimin and Taehyung, their bond went beyond mere friendship. They were soulmates in every sense of the word—two halves of a whole, drawn together by an invisible thread that seemed to bind their hearts together.

It was in the small moments that their connection truly shone through—the lingering glances, the gentle touches, the whispered confessions shared in the dead of night. They were each other's confidants, their haven in a stormy sea, and they found solace and comfort in each other's presence.

Their fans adored them for their genuine and unbreakable bond, and they celebrated every moment of closeness between Jimin and Taehyung. They saw in them a love that surpassed labels and definitions—a love that was pure, raw, and utterly captivating.

And as Jimin and Taehyung navigated the complexities of their relationship, they couldn't help but feel drawn to each other with an irresistible force. They were two souls intertwined, destined to walk through life hand in hand, their love shining like a beacon in the darkness.


As Jimin and Jungkookie found themselves alone one evening, their conversation flowed effortlessly.

"How is life going kook"? Jimin asked him, sitting beside other

"Mind-blowing, you say what's bothering you"? JK asked, he has become quite good at reading others' faces, maybe it's maturity.

"Me, nothing, what makes you think of that,"? Jimin asked he had many rushed thoughts, but he didn't know that it was written on his face.

"You are my friend chimchim, I understand and you can tell me anything, you know," JK said, assuring others.

"It's just, I'm finding everything so hard at the moment" jimin huffed

"Like"? He raised his eyebrow,

"Like sometimes I feel like there's something between me and ___

"And tae" jk completed for him, chuckling, while leaving jimin stunned.

"How do you know"? He asked, astonished

"I think everyone knows, except you two,' he said

Jimin gave him a surprising look, which JK found too amusing,

"Complete your sentence, what you were going to say"? JK said, resuming their conversation.

"that there is a bond between us that we can't quite explain or understand?" Jimin said,

JK nodded, he looked at Jimin his eyes were showing a mixture of anticipation and longing.

"Hn, Jimin, It's like... there's this undeniable connection between you two,?" JK asked, carefully collecting words from what jimin said.

Jimin nodded, a soft smile playing on his lips.

"I know exactly what you mean, jimin. It's like you two are drawn to each other, no matter what." He added

"Yes, exactly. It's like we're pulled together by some invisible force" Jimin said while softly smiling

"And no matter how much you try to resist it, it's always there, lingering in the air between you two," JK said, nodding

"It's both comforting and confusing at the same time, you know?"

"Yeah, I can imagine. But maybe it's not something to be understood, chim. Maybe it's just something to be felt and cherished.

"Maybe you're right, Kook. Maybe we don't need to analyze it; we just need to embrace it for what it is" jimin sighed

"Exactly. Sometimes, the most beautiful things in life are the ones that can't be explained."

"Wow, my maknae has become so wise, impact of love, huh"? Jimin teased younger, though he was thankful for his advice.

"It teaches you things, you will learn a lot when the time comes," JK said, winking at other.

"You have become shameless," jimin said, playfully hitting the other's shoulder.

JK just laughed, they were thankful to have each other to discuss their thoughts and problems with each other. Jimin felt really thankful to other.


Taehyung found himself wrestling with a whirlwind of emotions, his thoughts consumed by the complex feelings he had toward Jimin. Unable to make sense of it all, he sought solace in the wisdom of his friend and mentor, RM.

"Hey, Namjoon Hyung, can we talk for a minute?" Taehyung went to him

RM glanced up from his book, noting the seriousness in Taehyung's tone.

"Of course, Tae. Come, have a seat" namjoon said

Taehyung took a seat beside RM, his mind racing with a million thoughts.

"It's about Jimin... I don't know how to explain it, but I feel like there's something more between us than just friendship." Taehyung directly comes to the point, because he understands the feelings of friendship way too well, this feeling is beyond that.

RM listened attentively, offering Taehyung a supportive smile.

"It sounds like you're struggling with your feelings for Jimin. That's perfectly normal, Tae. Love is a complicated thing." RM said

"Love, it's a strong word hyung," Taehyung said, feeling so uncomfortable with everything

"Then what do you think, what is it"? RM asked him

Taehyung just shrugged, feeling conflicted

"I just don't know what it is, hyung. One moment, I feel this overwhelming attraction towards Jimin and the next, I'm filled with doubt and confusion."

RM placed a reassuring hand on Taehyung's shoulder, his eyes filled with empathy.

"It's okay to feel conflicted, Tae. Love isn't always black and white. Sometimes, it's messy and complicated, but that's what makes it beautiful." RM tried to explain it to him

Taehyung let out a sigh, his heart heavy with uncertainty.

"I just wish I knew what to do. I don't want to risk our friendship, but I also can't ignore these feelings anymore." Taehyung said he was on the verge of crying with all of his thoughts.

RM nodded in understanding, offering Taehyung a supportive smile.

"Trust your heart, Tae. It may lead you down unexpected paths, but ultimately, it knows what's best for you. And remember, no matter what happens, Jimin will always be there for you." Namjoon knows all of his members way too well.

Taehyung felt a sense of gratitude wash over him, knowing that he could always count on RM for guidance and support. With his friend's words echoing in his mind, Taehyung felt a renewed sense of clarity and determination. Whatever the future held, he knew that he would face it with courage and an open heart.


As RM's advice lingered in Taehyung's mind, the group found themselves brainstorming names for their new project. Suga's friend Lisa, an energetic and vivacious individual, joined them to lend her expertise.

"Alright, everyone, let's focus. We need a name that captures the essence of our collaboration." Suga said

"I've got some ideas brewing already! How about 'Harmony Collective' or 'Creative Unity'?" Lisa said

"Hmm, those are great suggestions, Lisa," Taehyung said, praising her

As they continued to bounce ideas off each other, Taehyung couldn't help but notice Lisa's flirtatious glances in his direction. He found himself feeling flustered by her attention, unsure of how to respond.

"Taehyung, I have to say, you're looking particularly handsome today." She complimented him.

"Oh, uh, thank you, Lisa. That's very kind of you."

Taehyung's mind raced as he tried to navigate the sudden shift in their conversation. He felt a sense of unease creeping in, unsure of how to politely deflect Lisa's advances without causing any tension within the group.

"I should stay focused on our work.  Focusing on her Flirting would only complicate things." Taehyung thought.

Despite his internal turmoil, Taehyung remained composed, and determined to keep the focus on their project. As they delved deeper into their brainstorming session, Taehyung made a conscious effort to steer the conversation back to their creative endeavors, grateful for RM's earlier advice on maintaining professionalism in the workplace.

Jimin was observing everything and tension mounted between Jimin and Taehyung over the issue with Lisa, their argument reached a crescendo,

"I can't believe you're still entertaining Lisa's flirting, Tae! Don't you see how disrespectful it is to our connection?" Jimin said between their arguments

Taehyung's expression hardened, his frustration evident as he struggled to find the right words.

"I've been trying to handle it delicately, Jimin! It's not like I've been encouraging her advances."

But before Taehyung could say another word, Jimin's voice cracked with emotion, his words catching him off guard.

"It's not just about Lisa, Tae! It's about... it's about how seeing you with someone else makes me feel!" Jimin suddenly shouted

The room fell silent, the weight of Jimin's confession hanging in the air like a heavy fog. Taehyung's eyes widened in shock, his heart pounding in his chest as he processed Jimin's words.

"Did Jimin just...? No, it can't be..." Taehyung's thoughts raced

As the reality of Jimin's confession sank in, they stood there in stunned silence, unsure of how to react to the sudden turn of events.

Taehyung's mind raced, his thoughts a jumbled mess as he struggled to make sense of Jimin's revelation. He had never considered the possibility that Jimin had romantic feelings for him, until now he was just fighting with his own thoughts he actually never thought about Jimin's point of view and the realization left him reeling.

"Jimin, I... I don't know what to say." Taehyung managed to say

But before Taehyung could form a coherent response, Jimin turned and fled from the room, leaving Taehyung speechless in his wake.

In the aftermath of their argument, Taehyung found himself grappling with a whirlwind of emotions, his mind consumed by the implications of Jimin's confession. And as he struggled to come to terms with the revelation, he couldn't shake the feeling that their relationship would never be the same again.


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