RWBY reacts to Arcadia

By Darkdecade97

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Jaune Arc is known as the "Weakest" Student in Beacon, his records and combat skills are the lowest and no on... More

Prologue: Bringing in the Guests
Chapter 1: The Original 15 (Part 1)
Chapter 2: The Original 15 (Part 2)
Chapter 3: The Original 15 (Part 3)
Chapter 4 The Original 15 (Part 4)
Chapter 5: The Original 15 (Part 5)
Chapter 6: Replacements
Chapter 7: Intermission
Chapter 8: Black Arms (Part 1)
Chapter 9: Black Arms (Part 2)
Chapter 10: Bombshell Crew
Chapter 11: The Eikons
Chapter 12: Hunt for Makarov (Prologue)
Chapter 13: Arcadia vs. the Arc Clan (Part 1)
Chapter 14: Black Arms Declaration of War
Chapter 15: Jaune's Drunken Marriage (Prolouge)
Chapter 16: Arcadia vs. the Arc Clan (Part 2)
Chapter 17: Arcadia vs. the Arc Clan (Part 3)
Chapter 18: Arcadia vs. the Arc Clan (Part 4)
Chapter 19: Return to Raccoon City (Part 1)
Chapter 21: Spartans Never Die (Part 1)
Chapter 22: Scarlett Blaze
Chapter 23: The Root of All Evil
Chapter 24: The Beacon Massacre
Chapter 25: Darkness on Sera

Chapter 20: Return to Raccoon City (Part 2)

2.4K 58 158
By Darkdecade97



An explosion erupts in the Streets of Raccoon City, Arcadian Forces alongside the BSAA and the Umbrella Security Service Soldiers are holding the line in the Main Capital Square of the City. They were able to establish a Command Post and Staging Point there, clearing out majority of the BOWs and U.B.C.S. in the Area, Soldiers can be seen escorting the Civilians as they are being evacuated in Rescue Helicopters that are being flown out of there to safety.

The Arcadians formed a Barricade in the perimeter, assigning over a dozen Platoons to hold the line with the support of many Armored Vehicles. The Gunners can be seen firing the Mounted Machine Guns in the Turrets and are mowing down swarms of G-Virus and C-Virus Zombies. This Legion of Arcadians are under the command of an elite Squad of Covert Operators part of the U.S.S, they are Delta Team, or the Wolf Pack. VECTOR and SPECTRE are part of this Squad, like with their Outfits, they all wear similar overalls with the only changes being the Gear and Gas Masks, its other Members are as follows, Karena LesProux, codenamed: LUPO, Michaela Schneider or BERTHA, Christine Yamata or FOUR EYES, and Hector Hivers or BELTWAY.

Delta Team can be seen both commanding the Arcadian Soldiers and engaging the hordes of BOWs being thrown at them. LUPO orders multiple Squads to get into a firing line formation and to lay down rounds at BOWs that are sprinting towards the Barricade, with BERTHA mounting the Mounted Machine Gun and BELTWAY firing 40mm Rounds using the M32A1.

Up by the Rooftops, SPECTRE can be seen calling out targets to the Sniper Squads, firing out rounds at BOWs spread thin in the Street. Those of the Black Arms have deployed another Variant of the Hunters, which are the Hunter α. The Hunter α can be seen sprinting towards the Barricade when all of sudden, they were immediately shot down as they crash to the road or were sent flying by a huge gust of wind.

Shiho: Hold the line! Nothing gets past this Wall!

Shiho alongside her fellow Squadmate, Inko, rush out of the Barricades and into the Hot Zone, Shiho fires her Dual-Pistols, while Inko fires her Assault Rifle with a Drum Magazine. The two can be seen standing in the middle of the Road, having no fear at all as they fire their rounds at any BOWs that rush at them, with Inko using her Enhanced Speed to kick the Hunter α, sending them flying to the ground to give the Soldiers enough time to shoot them. Shiho does the same, zig zagging back and forth around the road, punching or kicking the BOWs.

Suddenly, FOUR EYES looks at her Datapad, a beeping sound alerted her of something, she takes a look and sees they've detected a BOW or multiple BOWs headed their way.

FOUR EYES: We have a T-103 Tyrant approaching.

Amidst the wreckage of destroyed Buildings and Cars, a large bang hits the wreckage, causing it to move a few inches, another bang erupts in the wreckage until it bursts open, sending a Car flying to the Barricade. The Soldiers take cover as everyone turns their attention forward, seeing three BOWs. The BOWs are that of Tyrant T-103s, but noticeably taller, and are armed with black overalls, and Armor around certain parts of its body.

Inko: Rockets!! Blow those Tyrants to kingdom come!!

But before any of the U.S.S Soldiers were about to bring in the Launchers, VECTOR decided to handle this himself and sprint towards the Tyrants. One of the Tyrants sees VECTOR and charges towards him, the minute VECTOR reaches the Tyrant, the Tyrant delivers a punch at him, but misses as VECTOR teleports out of there using Blink, appearing behind the Tyrant and giving the BOW a salute. The Tyrant grunts, looking down on its feet and sees a large Bag full of Grenades.


The explosion blows up the Tyrant's legs as it crashes on the road. Thus giving the U.S.S Soldiers  the chance to fire two Rockets at the Tyrant on the ground, blowing it to pieces. VECTOR turns around and rolls to his right, seeing a Tyrant slamming its fist on the road, breaking it. He runs on the Tyrant's arm and makes for its head, maneuvering around it as he got his legs wrapped around the Tyrant's head. VECTOR brought out a C4 and sticks it to the Tyrant's face. Then brings out a Grenade Launcher, aiming it at the last Tyrant and fires, hitting the Tyrant in the face. He left one last parting gift to the Tyrant he is on and brings out an Explosive Knife, stabbing it at the Tyrant's head. VECTOR proceeds to stand on the Tyrant's shoulders and boosts himself up, doing a backflip before he lands on the ground.


He detonates the explosives as the two Tyrants blow into pieces and fall to the ground, dead.

Shino: What a showoff. Sitri taught him well.

Inko: Makes sense, he is Sitri's "Son". Which led to VECTOR inheriting her traits, and it shows.

Shiho smiles under her Mask as she orders majority of the U.S.S Soldiers to push forward and secure the Area.

Sitri: Just remember, Outsiders. If you think the situation with Jaune is bad. Wait till you see what's happening in the rest of Raccoon City.

Shiho: Because it is utter chaos out there. Every single Street or corner you end up in, you either deal with Zombies and BOWs or Arcadians engaging them.

Roman: Basically what you are telling us is, if this ever happens in the 4 Kingdoms and knowing that Dust ain't going to do jack shit at these Zombies, we're all doomed.

Shiho: Yup, that's basically it.

Winter: And who are Delta Team?

Sitri: It's like what was said, Delta Team or the "Wolfpack", are an elite Squad of Covert Operators employed by Umbrella Security Service. You already met two of its Members with VECTOR being the Recon, and SPECTRE; Surveillance. The others are LUPO, who is the Assault and Team Leader, BERTHA who is the Medic, FOUR EYES who is the Field Scientist, and BELTWAY; the Demolitions.

Inko: Note, like many Squads in Arcadia, Delta Team displays sadistic tendencies and lacks compassion for the Enemy, especially the Black Arms, and here, the U.B.C.S. In certain instances during this battle, they described them as "Guinea Pigs", saying how "nobody cares about a few dead U.B.C.S.".

Sitri: But they still show compassion towards their own Teammates and people. But for the Enemy, not so much.

Harriet could only scoff as usual, believing this Delta Team and many other Elite Squads in Arcadia are no match for her, and with the same reason being, she has her superior Speed Semblance to defeat them.

While Ruby can only frown at the thought process some Arcadians have, this is wrong. She's glad her Mother isn't like that, right?

Pietro: So these Hunter α, what makes them different from the rest of the other Variants, and what are the Tyrants?

Sitri: The short version of these guys are the Hunter α are one of the first fully-functional and marketable B.O.W.s produced by Umbrella. It is created by injecting Reptilian DNA into a Human Embryo and administering the T-Virus as a bonding agent.

Pietro: I see, so they are the first of their kind and led to many Variations being created to surpass it.

Watts: And for the Tyrants, the Tyrant T-103 is a series of mass-produced Human Bio Organic Weapons. Produced from Modified Clones of the T-002 Tyrant, the T-103 is the posthumous completion of the Tyrant Project's goal. The T-103s possesses intelligence close to that of normal Humans, and can follow orders which are impossible for more primitive BOWs. Consequently, the T-103 Models are used as Bodyguards, Assassins sent to hunt specific Individuals, Umbrella Agents sent to acquire important objects, and hard-muscle for tackling armed opposition. The reason that the development code is "103" rather than "003" is likely a point to separate it from its predecessors, marking it as the true mass-produced Tyrant it is, rather than another Prototype.

Dark Decade: More explanations will occur once some Mutations of the Tyrants are shown.

Vine: Is there anything to stop them? We saw Rockets and Explosives work on them. But what about Bullets?

Revy: Bullets can slow them down or stun them for a certain amount of time. But at times, they will shrug off the Bullets or it will bounce off. So your best chance is blow it to smithereens.

Clover: And Dust won't do shit against them. Even a big explosion won't be enough.

Saeko: And no, Swords won't do shit as well unless you have a very powerful Sword that can cut through anything.

Again, Harriet scoffs at the notion that they can't defeat a Tyrant, just one strike from her Gauntlets will be enough to kill that thing. As for Adam, he believes his Katana and Semblance will be enough to slice that BOW in half, the same thoughts are in Raven as well.

Shiho: Secure the Area, and check your ammo. There will be more of them headed our way. I want everyone here ready before any attack were to occur!! Now move it!!

She goes over to Inko, who can be seen looking at her Gauntlet, which showcases the Map of the entirety of Raccoon City and the Outskirts.

Shiho: Have an idea on where the rest of our Squad is?

Inko: Most of them are spread thin, but Chitaru is making her way here. As for Sitri, she's activated her beacon and her location is that of the Outskirts of Raccoon City.

Shiho: Knowing them, they'll make it out of here, and for the Boss, she'll come back with the Samples. We just need to worry about the rest and get the Civilians out of here.

Inko nods as a U.S.S Officer runs up to the two.

U.S.S Officer: Ma'am, the supplies and reinforcements are making their approach.

Up in the skies of Raccoon City, a Squad of Arcadian Transport Helicopters are making their way to the Staging Point. Unknown to them, someone has their eyes trained on it, as we now see Nikolai armed with a Sniper Rifle, aiming right at the Cockpit of the Transport Helicopter, and fires.

The Bullet, which was made to pass through powerful Bulletproof Glass, breaks through and strikes the U.S.S Pilot, killing him. Alarms start to sound out inside the Helicopter as it spins around towards two other, causing an explosion in the air. Nikolai knew what Chopper to hit to cause a chain reaction, taking out most of their support.  

Up by the last two Transport Helicopters, a U.S.S Pilot wearing red overalls and black Ammo Pouches, whose callsign or codename is that of NIGHT HAWK, looks at the Cockpit Window and sees the three Transport Helicopters crashing on the ground in a large explosion. He went over to Comms to contact Shiho about this.

NIGHT HAWK: Wesker-2, this is NIGHT HAWK. We have a situation, Black Arms or U.B.C.S Forces have taken out three of the Transport Helicopters, we'll have to pull back until the Zone is clear.

Shiho: What?! Do we know where the shot came from?

NIGHT HAWK: Negative, Ma'am. We suspect-


Everyone stops what they are doing and takes cover when multiple explosions erupted all around the Streets of Raccoon City. In the Rooftops, we can see Nikolai holding the Sniper Rifle and the Detonator, showing he is the Man that detonated those explosives as he makes his out of the Rooftop.

Shiho and Inko can only scowl, remembering how much damage those explosions caused, and how it made majority of their Forces spread thin throughout the City. They didn't even bother to investigate who did it, as they had bigger problems at hand. But seeing it was Nikolai who did it, they were absolutely furious. 

Winter: It seems Nikolai came prepared in stopping the Arcadian's plans and took out a lot of Areas for all of you to move in or destroyed parts of the City to let the BOWs that are trapped, in the vicinity of the premises.

Carmilla: Of course, that is to expected. After all, who do you think was the one that helped him achieve this feat?

What she said was met with a glare from Wesker Squad.

Inko: All Squads, fall back to the Barricade, now!!

Up ahead, they see the explosion caused an opening for the Zombies to come through as they start to swarm the Streets. The U.S.S and Delta Team began firing off Bullets, taking out the Zombies charging at them, Inko goes up to Sitri as they head for the Command Center to report whats happened. On the way there, they ran into Chitaru who is with half of the One-Five.

Chitaru: Shiho, Inko!!

Inko: Chitaru, am I glad to see you.

Himeko went over to Shiho and asks about Jaune.

Himeko: Ma'am, did Jaune pass by here at all? We lost contact with him and have no idea where he could be.

Shiho: No, but if he were here. He would have been long gone, probably took a Unit to head for the Lab. If I were you, the best chance you can find him is heading for your main Mission Objective, that's where I would go.

Inko: I can head with you guys to the Mansion. I heard Maiya and Saeko are in the vicinity leading up to the Forests with the rest of the Shadows. We can start there.

Himeko: Thank you, Ma'am. Alright, One-Five. Let's go!!

Inko says her goodbyes to the two Members of Wesker Squadron, but as they head towards the other Street, another explosion occurs, shaking the ground.

Hilda: What was that?!

More explosions erupt in the Street, along with booming sounds that echo out. Shiho looks around, trying to see where they are coming from when she got a transmission from Command.

Arcadian Command: We have a situation, Wesker-2. Your reinforcements won't be arriving anytime soon due to Anti-Aircraft Artillery. We found them in your vicinity, take them out.

U.S.S Soldier: We got incoming!! Black Arms Aircraft dropping its payload!!

Shiho and the Soldiers hear the sound of a Transport heading in as they see the Black Arms Aircraft carrying something in a large Claw. It flies down towards the end of the Street and the Claw releases what appears to be a BOW. The BOW is a 30 feet tall Humanoid, albeit one with disproportionately long arms, and an overdeveloped bone structure; seen in its legs, hips, and jaw. There is a large, Rod-like Device that connects to its internal organs and protrudes slightly from its back. This here is an Ogroman.

When the Audience saw the Monstrosity which is the Ogroman, many felt disgusted and threw up in the Trash Cans placed in front of them. That thing looks way more disgusting than the Grimm.

Sun: So, what the hell is that thing? Cause it looks like an Abomination.

Shiho: You're not wrong there, Kid. That's an Ogroman, a series of BOWs derivated from the C-Virus. The Ogroman possesses impressive strength, capable of picking up Humans, Buses, and other heavy objects, as well as damaging Buildings by punching them. It uses its weight to its advantage, employing a wide range of crushing attacks, from stomping, smashing, or accidentally falling on its Targets. Its Bone Structure also made it nigh-invulnerable, with even small-arms Artillery having little effect on its protected areas.

Penny: And how do you take this BOW out?

Inko: the Ogroman has two visible Weak Points; the first being its raw and gaping mouth, and the second, if applicable, the internal organs exposed by pulling the Rod-like Device on its back. Damage to either will stagger the Ogroman, forcing it to its knees.

Shiho: Shit. Inko, are you and the One-Five close enough to take out the Ogroman?

Inko: We are, and we have eyes on one of the Anti-Air Turrets.

The Ogroman roars as it starts to make its way to the Arcadian Barricade. In the Buildings, Inko and the One-Five rushed towards the opened Arras and see the Anti-Aircraft Turret in front of them, they encountered U.B.C.S Soldiers, but multiple rounds from Hilda's Minigun was able to kill all of them. Inko reaches the open area and orders the One-Five to blow the Anti-Air as she deals with the Ogroman.

How does she deal with the BOW? Well, Inko straight up runs out of the Building and jumps to the Ogroman's back. The minute she's on top of it, Inko uses her Enhanced Strength and rips one of the Bones of the Ogroman off its body, using it to stab at the Ogroman's Rod-like Device. Inko jumps off as the Ogroman roars and falls to its knees.

Inko: Open fire!!

The One-Five fire at the Rod-like Device, goo bursts out of it as the Ogroman roars. Inko brought out her Grenade Launcher, shooting a round at the BOW as it continues to scream in pain. The Ogroman stands up and Inko nods to Iris and Akari, they do the same action as Inko and jump to the Ogroman, ripping its Bones and stabbing it at the Rod-like Device, Akari left a parting gift by dropping two Grenades and sticking it inside the Ogroman.

The Grenades explode and took out the Ogroman's Rod-like Device as Iris and Akari jump off it. The Ogroman roars one last time as it falls to the ground, dead, disintegrating into a Indistinguishable Biomass. Luckily they are wearing their Gas Mask, cause this type of Liquid is foul.

Inko: Shiho, Chitaru, my Team will take out the rest of the Anti-Aircraft Guns and head a break for the Mansion. You guys got it handled here?

Shiho: We do, Inko. Contact us once you reached the Forest, and good luck.

Inko: Roger that. Alright, One-Five, let's head over to the Forest and regroup with the rest of your Unit.

Amy: And let's hope Jaune is having a better time than we are.


Jaune: You've got to be kidding me. This is not my night!!

Right now, Jaune and Elise are facing a huge predicament, they opted not to take the route towards the Streets, and instead, on Elise's suggestion, which Jaune accepted thinking it was a good idea at the time, decided to head towards the Sewers. Problem is, they encountered a BOW that is hiding in the Sewers, and it's an Alligator, and a big one at that.

The two continue sprinting in the Sewers, but slowly due to the water and garbage floating there. Elsie looks at her Gauntlet and sees the exit is close.

Elise: Just keep running, we're almost there!

They continue running while moving in a different direction to avoid getting eaten or chomp to death by the Alligator. As they near the Exit, both of them jumped towards a slope that leads downwards to the Sewers, sliding on it before the Alligator tries to go for a bite. But instead, the Alligator bites a Pipe that has text saying "WARNING Flammable Gas". Flames burst out of it as the Alligator continues chomping on the Pipe.

Jaune and Elise took action, blasting the Pipe with their Pistols, causing an explosion that blows the Alligator's entire head off.

Jaune: Chew on that, you overgrown Son of a Bitch!!

Elise ignores what Jaune says and sees a Ladder that leads to the Exit, she climbs on it and calls out to Jaune.

Elise: Jaune, up here. This Exit leads to the end of the Street.

Everyone was shocked by what they were witnessing, with the One-Five being shocked the most. Jaune never really told them what happened with his Adventures with Elise, said he didn't want to remember that night. Guess they'll know what really happened here.

Elise: To think this is the start of our Adventure, ain't that right, Jaune? This is just icing on the Cake, knowing what we faced together that night.

A grumble can be heard from Jaune as Elise can feel Amy glaring daggers at her. She turns to Amy and gives her a smirk, which made her angrier than ever. 

Pietro: Is this Alligator another BOW?

Watts: No, originally this Alligator is a byproduct of the T-Virus where they were infected by it and this Alligator is one of many cases that exist during the time of the first Outbreak. How this happened is Carmilla obviously taking a Sample of it and mass-producing it for this very battle.

He nods and follows Elise out of there, she removes the Manhole Cover and climbs out of it, with Jaune following close behind. Jaune looks at his surroundings and sees they are in an open area in the City, which seems to have no signs of Zombies right now, but he is dead wrong. The two hear the sounds of Engines when all of a sudden, a Motocycle comes bursting in through a Ramp, it's a Man infected by a Virus, he is armed with a Chain and whips it towards Elise.

Jaune pushes her out of the way as his leg gets wrapped by the Chain as the Zombie, which are called Majinis, starts dragging Jaune around the road. Elise immediately took action and fired a round at the Chain, destroying it, causing Jaune to roll on the ground.

The Majini stops and screeches, opening its mouth in a weird shape, not that of a Human. The two aim their Pistols at them as more and more Majinis in Motocycles come driving in and circling them. They were able to take out a couple of them, but there are still too many. Two more come driving in as Jaune and Elise quickly jumped out of the way, but as another makes its way towards them.


The Majini gets shot down, Jaune looks to where the shot came from and sees a BSAA Soldier posted up by the Rooftop, firing his SIG-Sauer SIG556 HOLO, taking out two Majinis, leading to one crashing and being thrown towards a broken Lightpost, getting impaled in the chest. BSAA Forces head in with another Majini in a Motorcycle making their way towards Jaune, but gets shot by another BSAA on a Roof, hitting the Engine and causing the Motorcycle to explode, sending the Majini flying.

The BSAA Team continues their path to Jaune as Elise fires at one more, killing the Majini. The last stops in their advance and revs their Motorcycle, Jaune and Elise look at each other as the Majini drives to them, only to-


Get shot by a BSAA Operator, they lower their SIG-Saucer down, revealing themselves to be a Woman. She has Blonde Hair that's cut very short and blue eyes, like with the rest of the BSSA, she is wearing their Outift, but the difference is her Gear is much more lighter compared to the rest. She doesn't have a Gas Mask and is only wearing a Helmet, she is Sherry Birkin.

Sherry: Your highness, looks like we got here just in time.

Jaune: Indeed you did, Sherry Birkin.

A sigh can be heard from none other than Roman as he can be seen writing another note in the Notebook.

Roman: Okay, not only are they dealing with Zombies that are intelligent in some form of degree, but they are driving Vehicles now?! Just great!! What else are we going to see here?

Pietro: Why do those Zombies look different from the G-Virus and C-Virus Zombies? They look similar to the effects of the C-Virus, but the eyes are different.

Watts: It's another Virus that is coming into play, we'll explain more once it fully shows in the Viewing. But what I can say about them is they're known as the Majini, a term given to describe people who are suffering from a Disease caused by either the Type 2 or Type 3 Plagas.

Dark Decade: More of these Viruses will be explained once a certain BOW gets unleashed. So stay tuned.

Whitely: Who is this Woman with Jaune and Elise? And if I recall, I heard the name Birkin. Isn't that related to the Man you said created the G-Virus?

Dark Decade: Yes, she is. This is Sherry Birkin, the short explanation in her long history of fighting against BOWs is she is the Daughter of Doctors William and Annette Birkin, two Virologists who took part in the T-Virus Research at Umbrella's isolated Arklay Laboratory. Sherry's relationship with her Parents was strained due to their busy work schedules and was frequently neglected. When the first Outbreak in Raccoon City appeared, she was infected with the G-Virus, but was treated with the Vaccine soon after. But because of her exposure to the Virus, Sherry gained lifelong regenerative abilities, in which she used to the fullest when she served Arcadia's Military. Unfortunately, years later, her G-Virus laced Blood would be used by Bio-Terrorist Carla Radames to engineer the C-Virus and its enhanced Strain.

Some Members of the Audience nod at the information, with Adam adding in another target to kidnap, so he can have his people experiment on this Sherry Birkin and extract her Blood.

Winter: And is Sherry Birkin still active in the Arcadian Military?

Sitri: Yes, besides the BSAA, she works for the Division of Security Operations or DSO, an Arcadian Anti-Bioterrorism Agency under the jurisdiction of the United Arcadia Factions.

Jaune: Where you guys headed off to?

Sherry: To the Outskirts of Raccoon City. Heard majority of the BSAA is engaging BOWs there, it seems the Black Arms don't want us reaching the Forest anytime soon and are giving it everything they got. So who's she?

Jaune: Her? She's Elise, heard she's part of the Shadows and is heading for the Forest as well.

Elise: Was sent here during the First Wave, lost my Team when SAM Sites shot our Helicopter down. My Team's Mission was to head over to the Mansion to pick up the Samples if Wesker Squad left any behind. Hoping to find my Team there.

Sherry: Since we're both heading for the same location. Might as well join in for the ride, you can hop in the back and mount those MG Turrets. There are still BOWs out there and we need all the firepower we can get.

They nod as Sherry escorts them to the Gambit, where Jaune and Elise both mount the M134 Miniguns, one is located on a tripod in the bed of Gambit, while Jaune's is on top of it.

Jaune: Sherry, I take it you happen to know who was responsible for the large amount of dead Zombies in the Hallway in that Building over there?

As Jaune points to one of the Buildings that is up in flames, he and Elise remember seeing a lot of dead Zombies there, but no Umbrella, BSAA or U.B.C.S Soldiers.

Two certain Individuals in the One-Five know who exactly they are talking about, with one smirking and the other feeling shy that they will see them in action.


In the Hallway of a Building, we see multiple Zombies crowding around, when all of a sudden, Nina comes rushing in, armed with her M4A1 Carbine with an ACOG Attachment, Olive Drab Furniture, Drum Magazine, M203 Grenade Launcher and Bayonet. She lays rounds at the oncoming Zombies before pushing forward, once she turns to another Hallway, Nina fires more rounds at the Zombies behind her.

One Zombie went to grab Nina, as she slaps its hand away and puts her back towards it, pushing the Zombie as Nina fires at the Zombies in front of her, turning around and using the Zombie she is holding to place her Rifle on its shoulder and fires at the Zombies. Nina slashes at the Zombie she is holding using her Bayonet, placing the Rifle under its Right Arm, pushing it forward before throwing the body away.

Nina continues firing, using the Bayonet to slice them or shoving any Zombies getting too close for comfort. She looks down and sees a Zombie grabbing her foot, Nina moves and continues firing then slashes the Zombie's Arm by her leg. A Zombie grabs her Rifle from behind, Nina elbows it and fires at the Zombie crawling to her, then kneels towards the floor in front of the Zombie behind her and kills another. She stands up, slashing the Zombie's waist then stabbing it in the head as she charges forward with the Zombie's body still stuck to her Bayonet and stabs another.

She swings the Rifle to get the body off and stabs the same Zombie in front of her. As the Bayonet is stuck to the Zombie's body. Nina went for a reload but the minute she puts another Drum Magazine, a Zombie grabs her. Nina lets go of the Rifle and moves back, before grabbing the Zombie and slams it to the floor. She stands up, grabs her Rifle from the Zombie, and slashes it, then finishes her reload.


Suddenly, a Motorcycle came rolling in the Hallway, Nina looks and it is none other than Shiro. Shiro whips out her heavily customized Staccato and fires, taking out two Zombies in front of Nina before stopping her Motorcycle and getting off it.

Nina: Shiro.

Shiro: Sorry, I'm late. Had to take the Stairs.


The two look at the end of the Hallway to see more Zombies exit out of the Elevator. Nina and Shiro looked at each other as the Zombies rush at them, the two fire their Guns as Nina dodges a Zombie lunging at her, and dodges another heading to another Hallway. Shiro fires her Pistol before turning around and firing two more rounds, a Zombie grabs her arm as Shiro slaps the Zombie's arm off. Shiro delivers numerous maneuvers by moving back and forth in different directions, firing multiple shots at the Zombies or pushing them back as they get close.

Shiro reloads her Pistol and fires more rounds as she slams a Zombie to the floor that was behind her, she kneels and fires, the Zombie went to grab her arm but she shoots it to pieces. She knees the Zombie in the Head before whipping back around and firing at a Zombie behind her. She grabs said Zombie and slams it to the Zombie next to her, Shiro fires one shot before shooting the two Zombies on the floor. She delivers a swinging back kick to a Zombie behind her, rolling on the floor and firing at the Zombie while prone. Shiro then kicks a Zombie to the floor, spinning her body around while prone and taking out two Zombies with her Pistol before getting back to her knees and firing more shots.

Nina grabs a Zombie in a neck-lock before lying on the floor, crawling backwards while holding the Zombie and fires at the oncoming Zombies. One rushes at Nina and forces her to roll on the floor and drop her Rifle. When she stands up, a Zombie tackles her but Nina punches it and grabs the Zombie by the neck before slamming it to the floor.

She runs over and grabs her Rifle, rendezvousing with Shiro, they look at each other and nod, heading to two different directions. On Nina's side, she charges forward and fires at the Zombies before smacking them away from her path. As for Shiro, she fires in different directions while dodging the Zombie's strikes. One Zombie tackles her and pushes her back, but Shiro elbows them in the back, firing rounds at the Zombies in front of her, she maneuvers around the Zombie's Head and elbows it before shooting the Zombie in the face. She continues firing her Pistol as the screen turns into black.

Nora: Holy shit!! That was awesome!!

Sun: Yeah!! Talk about making an entrance, and with a Motorcycle no less!!

And with the rest, they were all shocked to see the two Members of the One-Five, who they remembered to be the Rookies of the Unit, take out a large horde of Zombies with ease, and they made it look easy. Some even said their moves and skills can make any Veteran Huntsmen and Huntress jealous.

Weiss is appalled by two Individuals that are about the same age as Ruby, doing far better in the field than any of the Huntsmen-in-Training, and it's making her furious at the thought she is getting outclassed by two Children. As for Ruby, she is jealous that someone of her age is able to achieve feats such as this, she knows besides the use of her Semblance and large knowledge of Weapons along with her Scythe skills, any other skill that isn't related to that, she has no experience at all. The reason being, she didn't want to do it and solely focused on her main skills.

Ruby: 'I can do better. With the right training, I can surpass these two!! I just know it'

Meanwhile with the One-Five, they can be seen congratulating both Shiro and Nina.

Lena: Well, Girls. Looks like that training really paid off. Good job, you really impressed us.

Lilly: A shame we didn't get to see what really went down on your end during this mission. But I guess we got answers to one of them.

Kevin: Indeed. You both continue to show us why you are truly part of the One-Five.

Nina puffs her chest with pride, hearing the complements, while Shiro feels embarrassed and shy about all the praise, and was met with a pat to the head by Jaune as she blushes hard.

In some parts of the Audience, some of the Huntsmen-in-Training felt a stab to their pride when they see two 15 year old were able to outclass them in combat. Even Harriet got annoyed that a bunch of Kids made this fight look like a piece of cake, she'll show them. She'll show that she can take out the Horde of Zombies on her own.


Sherry: Who knows, lots of Squads come in and out of these Streets and Buildings, piling up the body count, so it could be anyone.

Jaune nods as Sherry contacts the Convoy and orders them to roll out as the Gambits make their way out of the Street and towards the edge of the City.


In the Rooftops that overlook the entire Block of Raccon City, roars and screams can be heard as we can see multiple Zombies that are described to be crimson in color, with more skin-like muscle showing off around their bodies, claws can be seen on their arms and their eyes glow a bright white. These are known as the Crimson Heads.

Watts: To explain what these BOWs are, since they are far more different than the rest. The Crimson Head is one possible Mutation a Zombie can experience, depending on the Strain of T-Virus it is infected with. The V-ACT process is responsible for its crimson skin, earning it its name. They are the result of the unforeseen effects of the ε strain on the Human Body.

Jade: How they turn into one is when the V-ACT process occurs within a Zombie, the Heart begins pumping at an alarming rate, causing noticeable Blood Seepage in the Skin and giving it a crimson shade, while the eyes become white and glowing. The Subject's fingers and toes develop sharp claws and an increased muscle mass and movement speed. The Subject's level of aggression also increases exponentially from that of the typical Zombie, and the typical moans become loud, hoarse roars. When they mutate into Crimson Heads, virtually nothing will stop them from pursuing their Prey, and will even slash through other Zombies standing between them and their Prey. As a result, these Creatures are extremely dangerous.

Penny: And what is V-ATC?

Watts: V-ACT is the name attributed to Umbrella for the Re-activation of the T-Virus following a period of dormancy. T-Virus Variants using the V-ACT process will activate when the Human Host is incapacitated, by either falling into a coma from starvation, or being severely wounded, prompting significant Mutations as a last-ditch effort to ensure the Host's Body's "survival".

They are charging towards a Man wearing what appears to be a 3rd Class SOLDIER Uniform, and is armed with two SOLDIER Swords as he gets into a stance, ready to fight the charging Crimson Heads.

The Man sprints towards the Crimson Heads, delivering a swipe and kills two, followed by another that kills two more. He executes a cross-slash that cuts the Crimson Heads' bodies in half, stabbing one in front of him and delivering an upwards slash that sends one flying, finishing the group with two stabs each to two Zombies.

He sprints to another group, delivering a cross-slash and multiple swings at the Crimson Heads, executing a spinning slash before delivering another round of swings. Before the Man initiates an upwards slash, he heads for the air then delivers an downwards cross-slash towards the ground, slicing the Crimson Heads into pieces. The Man delivers more swings before jumping into the air, slashing the last two Crimson Heads, sending them down to the ground as he lands and stabs them in the head.

???: ARCS!!!

The Man hears someone shouting and moves his way to the edge of the Rooftop, seeing the Nemesis walking in an Alleyway and into the road. The Man looks to where the Nemesis is going, and it's the edge of the City heading towards the Forest. The Man looks at his Gauntlet which shows a Datapad, and there, it shows a beeping location, indicating the Man has someone tracked.

He gets his Gear ready and grabs a Jar of Pickles from a Supply Kit belonging to a bunch of Survivors, and makes his way to the beacon's location.

Everyone in the Audience wonder who this Man is and why did it focus on him, with only Wesker Squadron and Bianca already knowing who this Man is, with Sitri smiling seeing her "Son" in action.

Johnny: Okay, why the hell did the dude grab a Jar of Pickles? And in an Outbreak no less?

The Resident Chef and Heavy Weapons Trooper of the One-Five asked.

Sitri: Ignore it, that's not the important part you should ask.

Ignoring what Sitri just said, as she rolls her eyes at her "Son's" actions because of his love for that food. One Member in the Audience, asked the question everyone is thinking about.

Amy: Who is that Man?

Sarah: Yeah, I didn't expect a SOLDIER to be in Raccoon City of all places. From what I heard, they're all dealing with Shinra back in Arcadia. So what is one of them doing here?

They all question the same thing, with Bianca knowing the answer to it and will let the Viewing show it, but she made sure to put in a small bit of info about the Man. 

Bianca: Everyone, I just want to say I know who the Man is. I won't give in too much details about him, but I'll just say he's a Major in the Arcadian Army as well as a Sleeper Agent and Assassin, who only takes direct orders from me, and Aunts Jeanne and Angel.

Sitri: And someone I trained and consider as a Son.

They all nod to their explanation, Elise meanwhile, has an idea on who this Man is and how he played a part in her and Jaune's little Adventure. 

Jaune: 'Hmm, maybe this Man played a part in dealing with the Nemesis when it chased after me'


In the road leading to the Outskirts of the City, the Gambits continue their route as Jaune looks around for any BOWs that may ambush them. He now focuses his attention on Elise, wondering who she really is, remembering what his Mother said, the Shadows are known to be very secretive. But still, he has a bad feeling when it comes to Elise, he just can't figure out what it is.

Amy: 'So Jaune already knew Elise was bad news beforehand, but why did he continue on with this Adventure with her?'

Amy still doesn't understand why Jaune considers Elise an ally and friend, after everything that's happened between the two. She just doesn't get it.

Jaune: Sherry, how much longer till we get there?

Sherry: A couple of more minutes, we'll take you to the Staging Point leading to the Outskirts of the City. Heard the Shadows were able to clear the Area, but there are still some BOWs that are-

BSAA Soldier: Ma'am! We got an incoming BOW headed our way, and it's a big one!!

Jaune and Elise get the Minigins ready as they observe their surroundings. Only for Elise to hear a screeching sound and everyone sees it's a very big BOW that resembles a large Mutated-Overgrown Bat with an Insect's thorax as a tail with several legs attached to the tail. This is a Popokarimu.

Elise: There, in the sky!

Jaune looks at the Popokarimu and starts the Minigun and fires at it, hitting the Weak Point which is its tail as the Popokarimu screeches in pain.

Furlan: Wow, Jaune. If we thought our Unit has the worst luck during this Outbreak. You were the one that took most of it.

Jaune: Ah, shut up, Furlan!!

Coco: Okay, so what the hell even is that thing and why did they even think to create a Monstrosity such as this?

Watts: That's a Popokarimu, a genetically Modified Bat-based BOW created by Batswith the Las Plagas Parasite. The way it looks is the result of splicing together Genes from Bats and Silkworms before infecting the resulting Creature with Plaga Type 2. Its entire Body is extremely resilient, with only the sticky silk spewing underside of its tail where the Parasite emerges being vulnerable to attacks.

Pietro: What's this Las Plagas?

Penny: And the Plaga Type 2?

Watts: Plagas are a Genus of Parasitic Arthropods that belong to an unknown Taxonomical Order. They are endemic to a remote Mountainous Region of Spain on a different Earth, from which they derive their name, "las plagas," meaning "the plagues" in Spanish. Assuming that Plagas are otherwise typical Parasitic Arthropods, they are believed to reproduce asexually, with their eggs being expelled from the Host and consumed by other Animals as part of their life cycle. Plagas generally reach maturity within days of hatching, progressing through three stages known as "Guadaña," "Mandíbula," and "Araña." By latching onto the Nervous System, Plagas can exert influence over their Host's actions, leading to increased aggression in Human Hosts known as Ganados. Additionally, they form Social Clusters with other Infected Hosts. Unless the Host's brain is destroyed, this influence is not absolute, allowing Hosts to continue their daily routines.

Jade: And the Plaga Type 2 is formed by a sample of the normal Plaga Parasite being combined with Leech DNA. The original Plagas had to find a way into the Host in its egg form and be given time to develop within the Host. Unfortunately, this means it takes a great deal of time for an Infected Host to fall under the Parasite's control. The Type 2 is developed to eliminate said drawback by maturing much, much faster. Infestation of Type 2 occurs by force-feeding an already mature Parasite into the mouth of an unwilling Host. In this way, the growth rate is drastically increased and the Host is under total control of the Plaga in a matter of seconds

Neptune: Seriously! How many Virus exist in Arcadia?! It never ends!!

Arcadians: Too many.

Jaune: Keep laying pressure on the Popokarimu! Small Arms fire won't do shit, use the Miniguns or any Grenades you have!!

BSAA Soldier: We got incoming on our six!!

Jaune and Elise look behind the Gambit and see Majinis on Motorcycles. The two look at each other and Elise focuses her attention on the Majinis while Jaune on the Popokarimu, opting to use a Rocket Launcher on the Gabmit, he waits for the right moment and fires.


The Rocket blows up the Popokarimu's tail, it screeches in pain before crashing at the oncoming Majinis. But before Jaune could celebrate, the Gambit gets hit and he falls to the Vehicle, he looks to his right and sees a Truck carrying a large number of Majinis. Elise takes actions and fires rounds at the Truck, hitting the Driver as it starts skidding and crashes on a bunch of Vehicles, causing an explosion.

They continue taking out the Majinis in both Trucks and Motorcycles, until they hear a BSAA Soldier call out something in front of them.

BSAA Soldier: We got a roadblock up ahead!!

Jaune turns the Minigun forward and uses his Enhanced Senses, seeing the U.B.C.S has set up a blockade, as they open fire at them.

Jaune: All Gambits open fire at that blockade, now!!

The BSAA Soldiers on the Miniguns lay down a swarm of rounds at the U.B.C.S Soldiers, killing them as they take cover in their Vehicles. Jaune focuses his fire on their Vehicles as with enough fire, causes a large explosion that takes out a large group of them. The Gambits floor it and burst through the blockade, running over a few U.B.C.S Soldiers as they push through. On Elise's end, she takes out the last of the Majinis until there is none left.

Elise: We're clear.

The Gambit rams past a bunch of wrecked Cars and continues its route to the Staging Point.

Sherry: That was a close one.

Jaune: Yeah, no kidding. Let's make our way to the Staging Point and head for the Mansion so we can finish this fight.


By the Roads that lead to the Mountains and Forests of Raccoon City, the Arcadians have set up a Barricade along with a Makeshift Base. Hundreds of Arcadian Soldiers are patrolling the perimeter or are set to head out to the City, while another Legion is being set to head for the Forests. The ones leading these Arcadians are the Shadows, what makes them distinguishable amongst the Arcadian Army is their Armor, which are Heavy Armor Pieces around their bodies with a T-Shaped Visor and is all coated black.

Rias: Hustle up, Shadows. We leave for the Lab in 10 Mikes!!

Then there are those of the Shadows who are the Assassins of the Empress of Arcadia. These Shadows that are all coated in black are the standard Troopers of the Unit, serving as support, while the Officers, the ones who take orders and serve the Empress herself, were given the opportunity to customize their Armor and add Attachments to it. Rias' Shadow Armor has red markings around it, with the face of a Demon painted on the Helmet, her Visor is red, and the Attachments she placed are pouches located on her waist and arms, which are for her Grenades or Explosives, two holsters for her Pistols, Enhanced Gauntlets on her arms and legs for added punching and kicking power, and a hybrid Jetpack/Backpack to store her Mace.

Seeing the Armor of the Shadows, Winter is very intrigued by them. She can tell their Armor and Weapons look much more advanced than the standard Arcadian Soldier and some of the Special Forces Units they've seen. 

Lilly: I can see you've taken an interest in the Shadow's Armor.

Winter: Yes, do you mind explaining what makes your Armor different from the rest?

Lilly: Sure. For starters, you're right about our Armor being different from the rest since it is made from a series of Companies that supply the Shadows, since we are the Assassins of the Empress, we are supplied with the best Gear and Tech Arcadia can offer.

Once Lilly spoke, those who are part of the Shadows in the Audience, spoke up.

Rias: The Shadow Armor is comprised of 20 Form-Fitting Plates of heavy Plastoid-Alloy Composite, sealed to a black Bodysuit. When the first Prototypes were made for the Shadows, it was known to be heavy, uncomfortable, and not very well liked by the Shadows, hence the nickname "Body Bucket". But overtime it changed when the Phase 2 Model was implemented to the Shadows.

Makima: Indeed, the Phase 2 Model is able to incorporate the features in the older Model which are the Coolant Systems to prevent overheating, and also the Enhanced Breathing Filters inside the T-Visor, it can also resist Vacuum Environments, allowing the Shadows to continue fighting outside of Spacecrafts for a certain period of time.

Inko: More advancements for the Phase 2 Model are the added Polarized Lenses, Padding in the Bodysuit, Stronger, but Lighter Armor Plates, a more advanced Air Filtration and Oxygen Supply System along with a Fully-Pressurized Suit, Voice Scramblers which allow us to speak in a specific Shadow Encryption, which made our communications impossible for anyone except another Shadow to understand, along with adding to our intimidating appearance. Additionally, the Boots are Magnetized and incorporates a Grav-Field Alternator to ensure stability. Then our Armor is covered by a Spray Polymer called Reflec, which warps Electromagnetic Signals commonly found in Sensor Arrays. This made Shadows well suited for Stealth Operations. Even our Helmets feature a number of Advanced Sensors and Targeting Systems to give total situational awareness of combat areas, enemies and allies.

Everyone was interested in the Armor, with some of those in the 4 Kingdoms wanting said Armor, while a certain someone in the Audience is not happy with this.

Harriet: I say all of this is a complete utter waste of resources!! You are all wasting it on the Military and not the rest of your so called Kingdom!! Spend your resources on something better than filling your egos with this so called powerful Military!!

The 4 Kingdoms were silent, while the Arcadians are all glaring at Harriet. The ones to rebuke Harriet's claims are the two people in the Arc Council that are in charge of the Economical and Resource Divisions in Arcadia, Arthur and Lupin Arc.

Arthur: Oh, we spend many of our resources on our people, making sure they live the best lives in Arcadia, and even have enough to aid and support numerous other Kingdoms in Remnant and the Outer Colonies in the Galaxy.

Lupin: And the Military Budget is its own separate entity, meaning it does not take funds from other Departments. We coordinate and contracted with many Companies in Arcadia to ensure a stable relationship when it comes to building our Weapons and Ships.

Arthur: Indeed, and you are nothing but a Soldier of Atlas. A Kingdom that never bothered advancing due to them believing nobody in the 4 Kingdoms can top them, and we know where the rest of the money goes to.

Juniper: The Council's pockets.

Harriet scoffs at their claims and will not relent.

Harriet: We have the means to become stronger, Atlas has the means to become stronger than Arcadia. We have the SDC on our side and Polendina over here.

Lupin: I'm afraid the SDC will be completely useless here as Jacques will capitalize at any upcoming Company that will come to the 4 Kingdoms to help advance in technology, either buying it out or sending people to rid of them. That Man wants to remain on top no matter what, and if he comes to Arcadia, he will do the same.

Liam: He can try, the only thing that will come back to the 4 Kingdoms is his corpse.

Willow: Don't worry, I made countermeasures to make sure that never happens, and I will enjoy what's coming to him in the future.

Arthur: And for the Doctor, I believe he won't be working for Atlas anytime soon.

Pietro: Indeed, I'm afraid I lost interest in anything Atlas related, considering Arcadia can offer me so much more than what Atlas can......and I'm afraid the minute Arcadia gets revealed, the Atlas Council will force me to create something that can cause untold destruction, just so they can satisfy their egos.

Harriet: Traitor! After everything Atlas has done for you, you sided with these Arcadian Filth!! I'll make sure you come back to Remnant without your arms!!

She uses her Speed Semblance and charges up her Gauntlets with the intent of harming Pietro. But it didn't come into fruition as Harriet falls to the floor, unconscious. Everyone looks and sees Clover holding a Pistol and giving it back to Makima. He fired a Stun Round that caused Harriet to be unconscious.

Clover: We'll make sure Harriet is kicked out of the Ace-Ops and back to being a basic Infantry Soldier, maybe it can teach her a lesson about being humble.

Penny comforts Pietro, with even Watts joining her as Clover drags Harriet's unconscious Body back to her Seat.

She turns her attention to the Entrance of the Staging Point and sees the Convoy of Gambits heading in. Rias walks up to them and sees Sherry ordering the Men and unloading some of the Gear they have.

Rias: Sherry.

Sherry: Major, I take it we arrived just in time?

Rias: You did, have the rest of your Men regroup with the BSAA Forces and have them be ready to roll out in 10 Mikes.

She look over to the Gambit, seeing Jaune and Elise walking up to them. She is surprised to see the Prince here without his Team, and doesn't know who the Woman that is with Jaune.

Rias: Jaune, what a pleasant surprise. Where's the rest of the One-Five?

Jaune: Got separated when we dealt with U.B.C.S Forces in the Communications Tower. Best chance I will see them is here.

Rias: Makes sense, who's see then?

Jaune: Her? This is Elise, she saved my ass when I was almost eaten by a bunch of Dogs, told me she's a part of the Shadows.

Rias: Shadow? I wasn't informed about this. Usually we are told if a new Member joins in. Do you have any identification that shows you are indeed a Member of the Shadows?

Elise: I do.

She gets something out of her Pouch and pulls out an Indetification Chip. These Chips are used to distinguish the Identity of the Shadows, other means of Info about them are erased from the Databanks and this is the only way you can see info about their Missions. Rias grabs the Chip and places it in her Datapad, located on her Gauntlet, the info appears on her Visor as she looks at the Identity of this Elise.

Rias: 'Shit, everything here is legit. The Log Records, Mission Reports, Orders given by the Empress, nearly everything here is all authenticated either by Arcadian Command or the Empress herself. But this is still unusual for a Shadow to suddenly be added out of the blue. I need to contact Lilly and see if she knows about this'

She quickly downloaded the Info on her Gauntlet and removes the Chip, giving it back to Elise.

Elise: So?

Rias: Yup, the info is legit. Best chance is you were a new addition to the ranks and Command didn't get a chance to inform us due to the battle.

Lilly: 'It made sense for Rias to be weary of Elise being a Shadow. All Shadows will always be informed of a new Member in their ranks, no matter where they are. But even with that, the info Elise showed them is legit, and it makes me wonder how she was able to acquire it. I know Carmilla helped her, but where exactly is my question'

She looks to Elise, who sees Lilly staring at her. Elise knows what Lilly is questioning, as she turns her head towards one of the Members of the One-Five, and it's Iris.

Lilly: 'No, don't tell me it was from Iris' Sis-'

A nod from Elise gave Lilly her answer, Iris is not going to like this.

Jaune: So, Rias. What's the plan here? Cause it seems like you're very busy right now.

Rias: We're making a break for the Forest to clear a path to the Mansion as well as the Underground Lab located in another part of the Mountains.

Jaune: Underground Lab? I wasn't informed about this.

Rias: Apparently Wesker Squad's Leader, Eisner, found the location of the Lab and has engaged multiple BOWs in the pathway leading to it. She was also able to find out Carmilla is hold up there with her Forces.

Jaune: And has the Boulder Punching Man been informed about this?

Penny: Boulder Punching Man?

Jaune: It's Chris Redfield, and yes, he did punch a Boulder, numerous times to be honest.

Rias: Yes, we will also support his Forces that were able to make it to the Forests.

Jaune: Then I'll hitch a ride with your Unit and head off once I see a straight path to the Mansion.

Rias: You better make it quick cause we got new orders from Command, and you ain't gonna like it.

Jaune: Oh Oum, what is it?

Rias doesn't say anything at first and brings out a Holoprojector, showcasing the Map of Raccoon City and then a Squad of Arcadian Bombers.

Rias: With the numerous reports from different Units around Raccoon City, Carmilla has released far too many BOWs and infected almost all of the City's population. To the point it can spread to the other Cities, and with this whole War going on, we can't contain it now. We can in actuality, but it will be a couple of days to do so, and can't risk it.

Sherry: Command made the highest priority to retrieve the Samples, capture Carmilla, and evacuate whatever remains of the populace of Raccoon City. Once that's done, we release the payload.

Rias: It's enough to take out the entire City and the Outskirts, we had Scientists back at Home add in a Gas to hopefully neutralize any stragglers. Decon Units will contain the Area once the bombings have finished.

Elise: Hearing what you said, means this City is going to be wiped out from the face of the Planet, again.

Sherry: Sad to say, yes. We have the means to counter a Bio-Terrorist attack, but it seems Carmilla is one step ahead of us.

Elise: More like a 100.

Ruby: Wait, you're going to blow up the entire City?! Why?!

Rias: Didn't you listen to what the conversation said? We have no choice due to the amount of Civilians infected and the BOWs that were released around the City. With the War going on and the Black Arms halting any means for reinforcements, we can't contain the Outbreak and are afraid it will reach the other Cities. So we have no choice but to bomb the City.

Ruby: But what you are doing is wrong!! Destroying a City is not what a Hero should do!! This is madness!! You should have tried something else!! Not give up the minute you see it's a lost!!

Rias: Sorry to say, you don't call the shots here, Kid. Best you can do is follow orders, whether you like it or not.

Ruby grits her teeth in anger as Yang glares at Rias. Ruby felt upset that the Arcadians would leave a City to die. If Ruby was in their place, she would follow her ideals and save everyone in this City. Even kill every single BOW there and capture all the Zombies, she believes killing the Zombies is wrong and better to imprison them so they can find a cure to turn them back to their normal selves. In that belief or scenario, Ruby believes that is the right thing to do.

But before Jaune was about to say his thoughts regarding this order. They hear one of the BSAA Soldiers shouting in the Makeshift Towers.

BSAA Soldier: BOWs!! By the East Side!!

By the Gates in the East of the Staging Point, multiple BOWs can be seen barging in, and they are that of the T-103 Tyrants, but they are not alone, joining the Tyrants are another form of the Lickers, but seem to be larger in size when it pertains to their muscles and the brain is not as exposed compared to the other Lickers. This here is the Licker β.

The Tyrants and Lickers start charging at the Arcadian Forces with the BSAA opening fire, hitting the Lickers as blood spews out of their bodies, compared to that of the other Lickers, this Variant is far more durable and stronger, making it harder to take down. As for the Tyrants, the Tanks are taking them down with ease, blowing the BOWs to pieces, and if some are still standing with only little to their body left, the Tanks blow them up a second time.

But as the BSAA continue to push the BOWs back due to their amount of Soldiers present in the Staging Point, a loud animalistic roar is heard.

BSAA Soldier: What was-


The BSAA Soldier was stabbed in the chest by three Blades as the Soldiers turn and were met with a Man infected by one of the Viruses, he appears as a large Armored Gladiator-like Warrior, with retractable Claws grafted to each forearm. These are known as Garradors.

The Garradors scream like madmen as more of them start to swarm the Staging Point, slashing at any BSAA Soldiers in their path using their Claws, with some swarming the Tanks, a Tank Gunner can be seen firing its 50. Cal Rounds, taking a few of them out before he was stabbed in the chest.

Rias: You gotta be fucking kidding me! Where are these guys coming from?!

Marrow: Seriously, it's chaos out here! That Carmilla chick really doesn't want you guys to head for the Forests.

Clover: If you think this is bad, wait till you see what happened in the Forest.

Elm: That bad, huh?

Clover: Yup, it's FUBAR.

Pietro: So, Arthur, Lady Jade. What Variant of Lickers are those, and what are those Monstrosities with the Claws?

Watts: This Variant of Licker is known as the Licker β the result of TRICELL's decision to research and develop from the Licker Data left behind by Umbrella, following continuous high demand on the Black Market for the Creatures.

Jade: A short explanation for TRICELL Inc, is it's a Multi-Industrial Conglomerate, prominent in the Federation of Pharmaceutical Companies. Which is a Council of Pharmaceutical Corporations throughout the Galaxy, with Umbrella also being a Member of it.

Watts: Continuing with my explanation, like the standard Licker, the Beta Variation is blind, yet still possesses an increase in hearing sensitivity, allowing it to trace loud sounds to their source almost instantly. The injection of a Progenitor Virus led to the Creature gaining the ability to reproduce at a fast rate. This fertility rendered it more of an actual Animal. One major difference from the original is the Creature's vastly increased Muscular Mass, as well as an improved sense of smell. One new weakness exhibited by the Licker β is an exposed heart located in the center of its chest. A simple knife can end a Beta's life with a single stab to this organ.

Jade: And as for the Garradors, they were once Human Hosts that underwent physical enhancement through the use of the Plaga. Though successful in obtaining exceptional physical abilities, the Garrador also became uncontrollably aggressive, indiscriminately attacking anything that caught their eye. In response, their Captors were forced to sew their eyelids shut and confine them to cells. This loss of sight heightened their other senses, particularly their hearing, making them formidable opponents even when deprived of their vision. The Garrador are equipped with razor-sharp Claws on both arms, which they use to do devastating effects in combat. Once released into battle, they use their acute hearing to locate and track their Targets before launching a ferocious assault with their deadly Claws.

Sherry: Aim for the Plaga in its back!! Shoot the Lickers in the heart, it's the only way to kill them for good!!

Rias nods and orders her Shadows to push through with the defense, firing their Assault Rifles, Heavy Repeating Blasters, and Blaster Rifles, Blaster Bolts were able to stop the Garradors in their advance, bringing them down to their knees as the Shadows surround them and blast the Plaga in their back. The same can be said for the Lickers, their body can tank a few of the Blaster Bolts, but too many causes them to crash to the ground, giving the Shadows the chance to blast their hearts.

Rias comes in and is armed with an Energy Mace, the lines that light up in the Mace, activate, showcasing an Energy Blade that makes the Mace look like an Axe as Rias charges in.

She uses the Mace part first to send the Garradors flying, each hit causes a booming sound when the Mace makes impact with their bodies, and as for the Lickers. She uses the Axe Feature in her Mace and slices them in half, making sure to take the heart with it.

Seeing the Ammunition used by the Shadows, Velvet and Penny couldn't help but be intrigued by it, with the Bunny Faunus asking the question to the Shadows.

Velvet: Those aren't the Bullets the rest of the Arcadian Military uses. What makes yours different from the rest?

Lilly: For starters, the Weapons we are using are called Blasters, a Ranged Weapon that fires bursts of Particle Beam Energy called Blaster Bolts from a Replaceable Power Pack. They are commonly used by all Shadow personnel and now, the 15th Platoon in the One-Five. Our Blasters range in size and power from Compact Pistols to Large, Heavy Rifles to Starship-Mounted Blaster Cannons.

From there, more of the Arcadians gave info regarding the Blasters.

Sitri: The Blaster fires a compressed, focused, high-energy Particle-Beam that is very destructive, commonly referred to as a "Bolt". Generating the Bolt relies on two components: a Gas Cartridge filled with an Energy-Rich Blaster Gas, typically Tibanna, and a Power Pack. When the Blaster is fired, a small amount of Gas moves from the Cartridge through the Heter Valve into the Gas Conversion Enabler Chamber, commonly called the XCiter. In this Chamber, the Power Pack energizes the Gas, before it passes into the Actuating Blaster Module, where the now extremely high-energy Gas is transformed into a Compressed Beam of intense Energy Particles, coupled with Intense Light. The Particle Beam is then focused through a Prismatic Crystal which generates a deadly high-energy Particle Beam, firing from the Emitter Nozzle as a Bolt of Glowing Energy. The color of the Bolt depends on the Gas being used and the type of Focusing Device, and could vary from red to blue to orange to white.

Chitaru: A side effect of firing Blasters is the Gas Conversion Enabler heating up as Gas is energized by the Power Pack, which can cause Blasters to overheat, sometimes to the point of destruction. Additionally, a small amount of Ozone emits as a trace product of the Bolt emerging from the Emitter Nozzle, lending Blaster Bolts a distinctive smell that we characterize as being like burnt meat.

Saeko: Most Personal Blasters have two kinds of Ammunition: a Gas Cartridge and a Power Cell. Blaster Gas Cartridges can typically provide for up to 500 shots before needing replacement. Most Blaster Power Packs can supply Energy for up to 100 shots. Certain more powerful Weapons put greater demands on the Gas Cartridge, Power pack, or both, like less powerful Weapons, they rely largely on the Power Cell and use only a small quantity of Gas, while very powerful Weapons, use a much larger amounts of Gas. Most Blasters also have a Stun Setting, which feeds power through a Secondary Emitter, bypassing the Gas Chamber to create a ring-shaped Electromagnetic Burst that disrupts the Target's nervous system, often leaving them unconscious.

Maiya: Blaster Bolts themselves carry no heat. On impact, however, their displacement of matter produces Kinetic Energy that causes Heat: the atmosphere is displaced by the Bolt's Passage Materials struck by Bolts tending to deform and fuse, and liquids inside Organic Bodies instantly change state to steam, expanding and doing terrible damage to surrounding tissue. Consequently, Bolts usually dissipate in a small, but violent, explosion of extreme Heat and force upon contact with an unshielded surface, sometimes leaving Blast Points. There are Weapons that can cause incredible destruction, and have the power to blow large chunks from Stone Walls, smaller holes and Pockmarks out of Durasteel Bulkheads.

Hearing the explanation made many of the people in the 4 Kingdoms intrigued by another form of Ammunition that is uncommon or nonexistent in the 4 Kingdoms. The Huntsmen and Huntresses both Veterans and Students, wanted those Blasters so they can add it to their Weapons.

As for Weiss, she is baffled by the amount of Ammunition and Fuel Sources that are being used in Arcadia. To think there is another Alternative Source other than Dust, since all her life, she knew Dust to be the number one source in Remnant, apparently it isn't in the eyes of the Arcadians. Weiss pales at the thought of her Father hearing about these Companies and the kinds of Fuel or Energy Sources they use, he will do whatever it takes to get every single Company in Arcadia for himself or eliminate any that stand in his way. 

Then we have Adam, who is willing to start a raid on these Shadows and their Base to steal their Weapons. He doesn't care if they are one of the Elite of the elite of Arcadia or are known as the Assassins of the Empress. The White Fang are superior than them, and always will be.

Rias: We have one more Tyrant left. Anybody here got first dibs?

Jaune: I do. Elise and I will take care of it. Finish off the rest of the BOWs and get our Men to the Forest.

She nods as both Jaune and Elise sprint to the Tyrant, seeing him holding a BSAA Soldier by the head, his body lifted up in the air. The Soldier can be heard screaming as the Tyrant crushes his head into pieces, dropping the poor Soldier's body to the ground. The Tyrant looks towards Jaune and Elise, the two sprinting in different directions as the Tyrant start walking to Jaune, its footsteps echoing out in the Staging Point.

The Tyrant makes its way to the Supply Depot, the footsteps continuing to echo out as Jaune can be seen hidden by a Vehicle with the Tyrant walking past him. Jaune can be seen slowly putting an 40mm Round on a Heckler & Koch M320, before he gets out of cover and fires a round at the Tyrant, who uses its arm to block the explosion, which did nothing to scratch its armor.

The BOW charges at Jaune and goes for an upwards swing which Jaune dodges in time. He starts running through the large amount of Crates and Vehicles as the Tyrant uses its Enhanced Strength to burst through it, sending multiple objects flying, Jaune immediately jumps in time as the Tyrant body slam itself to the ground.

Jaune: Elise, anytime now.

Elise: Hold your horses, Blondie. I'm just about done.

Jaune watches the Tyrant slowly get up, focusing its eyes at Jaune, but glances over to Elise, who has now set up an array of Sentry Guns, and they are all circling the Tyrant. Elise activates the Sentry Guns as two of them fire a Grapple, wrapping it around the Tyrant's arms and unleashing an electric charge to slow the BOW down, giving the other Sentry Guns a chance to fire their Explosive Rounds at the Tyrant.

Elise nods to Jaune to get into position as he sprints towards the Buildings by the Staging Point. Elise turns her attention to the Tyrant to see it using its strength to swing their right arm and taking the Sentry Guns with it as it hits the others and sends them flying. The Tyrant does so with his left and uses the momentum of the swing to lift the Sentry Gun high up in the air and slams it on the last Sentry, causing an explosion.

The Tyrant now looks at Elise, who can be seen smirking.

Elise: That's my cue.

She moves positions as the Tyrant can be seen sprinting after her. The Tyrant starts chasing after her in the Vehicle Depot, punching or throwing the Military Vehicles out of its way, until it corners Elise by a Fuel Truck. A smirk is present on her face as the Tyrant was about to deliver a slam at Elise, she teleports out of there, with only the ground being destroyed.

Up by a Supply Truck, Jaune reloads his Assault Rifle and aims it at the Tyrant, now springing the trap as the Tyrant looks to see Magic Fire Bombs start floating in the air and surrounding the it in a circle. With Jaune aiming his Assault Rifle at the Fuel Truck.

Jaune: Checkmate.


The minute he fired his Assault Rifle at the Fuel Truck and the combination of the Fire Bombs, caused a huge explosion that nearly destroyed the Building. But this fight isn't over.

The Armor Pieces of the Tyrant start falling off its body in a set of sparks as the Tyrant starts to mutate. The Tyrant starts roaring as it walks out of the sea of flames, its appearance different from before, having its entire upper body mass increase substantially, and one mutated Claw Arm located on its right. The Tyrant has now turned into a Super Tyrant.

Watts: To answer the questions you are going to ask, Pietro. That is a Super Tyrant, a summary of how it works is think of it like a second phase of a Boss Battle.

Jaune: Basically making the fight much harder if you wasted all your efforts on taking it out during the first phase.

Jade: The description for this is a Super Tyrant is the result of excessive mutation in a Tyrant Model, caused by the removal of its Power Limiter. The Power Limiter is a device which serves as a crucial component for the Tyrants to prevent further mutation. Once the Power Limiter is removed, the Tyrants will mutate. The most noticeable changes are their upper body mass will increase substantially. The Skeletal growth in the arms will form crude claws that the Tyrant can use as Weapons. The heart will also increase in size, often protruding from the body, with this one in the screen, lacking it. Once it mutates, the Tyrant's speed, strength, and resilience to damage will increase.

Nora: And how did you guys beat it?

Jaune and Elise didn't say anything and told them to focus on the screen, to let the Viewing answer their question.

The Super Tyrant roars and starts making its way towards Elise, but before she can move, she heard Jaune shouting to her.

Jaune: Get out of there!!

She looks and sees Jaune armed with a Carl Gustaf M4, firing a Rocket at the Tyrant, but the Tyrant narrowly dodges the Rocket as it hits the ground in front of it, the explosion sent Elise rolling to the ground. The Tyrant now focusing its attention at Jaune as he kneels and readies another shot. He fires, but the Tyrant was able to catch the Rocket using its hand, aiming it upwards and sending it flying to the sky, before it comes crashing down on Jaune's position, who got out in time as the Rocket hits the Military Trucks, causing an explosion.

Before Jaune could get up, he sees the Tyrant sprinting right at him, Jaune braces himself as the Tyrant smacks him upwards, before grabbing him and throwing Jaune towards a Pillar in a Building, crashing on it hard.

Jaune: Okay, now I'm pissed.

He slowly looks up while on his knees as Jaune sees the Tyrant in front of him. He stands up, the sounds of the Tyrant's footstep inching closer and as the Tyrant is about to grab him, he immediately teleports out of there using his Eikon Flames, and the minute the Tyrant grabs the Jaune Fake, it causes a huge explosion.

Jaune looks at the aftermath to see the smoke clearing at a fast rate, this was him using his Magic to do said action. There, he sees the Tyrant is still standing with only its right arm destroyed. It sees Jaune and slowly marches up to him, Jaune aims his Assault Rifle and fires, only to find out it's out of Ammo. The Tyrant inches closes to Jaune, but stops when they hear the sound of an engine starting up, the two turn to the sound to see Elise driving a Tank.

She uses the Tank to ram the Tyrant, the BOW using its only arm to hold the Tank in place as it gets pushed towards the Pillar of the Building, and Elise is not stopping the Tank's advance.

Elise: Jaune, get in the Tank and shoot this Bastard!!

He nods and sprints towards the Tank, dropping his Assault Rifle and climbs inside.

Jaune: Sorry for butting in.

He gets the systems in check and starts aiming the Cannon right at the Tyrant's face. The minute he fires the shot, the Tyrant moves it head and the shot misses, instead hitting a part of the Pillar as it collapses to the ground.

Jaune: You can run, but you can't hide.

Jaune continues to aim the Cannon at the Tyrant as it moves its body around and when the Cannon went for another attempt, the Tyrant uses its face to block it, preventing the Cannon from moving.

Jaune: Ah, come on. Don't be shy.

The Cannon is continuously hitting the Tyrant as it starts lifting the Tank up while screaming. Luckily, Elise has a plan and calls out a Drone with a Grapple Feature, a gift from the "Shadows", the Drone fires off a Grapple around the Tyrant's neck, pulling it forward.

Elise: Now!

The Cannon now aims directly at the Tyrant's face, it was able to snap the Grapple off, but it was too late.

Jaune: This might hurt a little.


The Cannon hits the Tyrant, blowing its entire face out as their body falls to the ground and the Tank runs over it.

Nora has stars in her eyes as she just witnessed her Fearless Leader blow up a BOW with a Tank, she hopes she can do the same as well. All the while Lie felt a shiver down his spine and had a feeling whatever plans Nora has, will end up in disaster, and them somehow still winning whatever fight they are dealing with.

Elise drives the Tank forward to another part of the Building which leads to a Repair Shop and Gun Store of all places, possibly stock up on some Guns if need be. The Tank stops as the two exit out of it.

Jaune: That went well.

Elise: Indeed, with all of the BOWs taken out in the Staging Point. This gives us a chance to make a break through for the Forest and head to the Mansion. Hopefully we can get the Samples before-

Jaune: Look out!!


Jaune was able to tackle Elise out of the Tank just in time before a Rocket hits the Tank, causing it to explode as they fall to the ground, Jaune looks at his surroundings to see where the Rocket came from and found his answer. It was the Nemesis, now armed with a Rocket Launcher.

Elise: So, are we even now?

She looks to her right and sees the Nemesis walking up to them, repeating the same phrase over and over again, "Arcs"

Elsie: You've got to be fucking kidding me!! We need to move!

The two immediately took off out of there as the Nemesis fires another Rocket at them and sends the two flying to the ground. Jaune grabs an Assault Rifle and fires at the Nemesis, only for the Bullets to bounce off the Nemesis' body. He runs out of Ammo and throws the Rifle to the ground, now following Elise to the Alleyway.

As they continue in the Alleyway, the Nemesis was able to find another way around and fires another Rocket at the two, causing more explosions and sending Cars flying.

Jaune: Keep moving, don't stop!!

They sprint their way in the Street as they are being met with a continuous amount of explosions from the Nemesis, but stopped in their tracks when they see a Rocket blow up in front of them. They turn towards the Nemesis to see it aiming its Rocket Launcher, and firing. Jaune grabs Elise and shields her using his Flames as the explosion sent them tumbling down towards a Hill and in another part of the Street.

Jaune: That's two now.

Elise: What? are we keeping count now?

The two get up on their feet as they make their way to a Construction Site, maneuvering around the debris and were able to reach a part of the Street where a couple of Restaurants are. But the minute they arrived there.


A Rocket hits one of the Restaurants that has a giant head on the Roof, causing it to explode and be sent flying to the ground, right in front of Jaune and Elise.

Jaune: This is insane.

Elise: There, that Alleyway should lead us to the end of the Street!! We just need to get past that giant head!!

Jaune: How do you know?!

Elise: I just do!

They full on sprint towards the Alleyway, with Jaune grabbing on to Elise as the two teleport past the giant head, only to hear the Nemesis landing on the ground in a large thud. The Nemesis aims the Rocket Launcher as Jaune quickly ushers Elise to keep moving, narrowly dodging a Rocket that hits a Store.

The two barge through a Gate and made their way to an Alleyway, only to fall to the ground when the Nemesis fires a Rocket, sending them tumbling to the ground. Jaune pushes Elise to move forward, turning his head to see the Nemesis closing in, he quickly stood up and sprinted towards the Parking Lot, with the Nemesis following close behind. But as the Nemesis reaches the corner leading to a Parking Lot.


An explosion erupts, stopping the Nemesis on its tracks, before another Rocket hits the Nemesis and sends it crashing to a Truck. Jaune picks up an Assault Rifle from a dead U.S.S Soldier and fires at the Nemesis. Another Rocket hits the Nemesis as it now focuses its attention to the source, the BOW sees a Man, who is the same Man who is wearing the SOLDIER Uniform, the Nemesis grunts, making chase to the Man. Jaune is confused about this, but gets out of his thoughts when he hears Elise calling out to him.

Elise: Forget about it! Let's go!!

Jaune sprints to a Garage as Elise presses a button and the Doors close. The last thing the two saw is the Nemesis leaving the Area and chasing after the Man as it was hit with another Rocket.

Seeing who was the one that saved him, Jaune was surprised to see it was the Man from earlier, the one wearing the SOLDIER Uniform.

Jaune: 'I see, so it was him that saved us. I should ask Bianca who this Man is and thank him when I ever see him in Arcadia or somewhere in the Galaxy'

Elise: 'And so begins our real journey. This will be fun to reminiscent'

Elise: I can see Carmilla has deployed the Nemesis after you. I take it you read the file about that thing?

Jaune: I did, and if my hunch is right, that thing will keep coming after me unless we destroy it, and I don't have time for that. We'll have to head for another route to reach the Forest, hopefully we can lose the Nemesis there. I'll contact Rias and inform her of the situation. Give my Team an idea on where I am.

Elise nods as the two head further inside the Building as they find another route to the Forest.


What's left of the BSAA and Shadow Forces have left the Staging Point, with the 2nd Wave heading in through a Convoy. In a Gambit, we can see Inko stepping out of the Vehicle alongside Himeko, who is now joined by Lilly and Violet. They walk over to Rias who can be seen overseeing the next wave.

Inko: Rias, what's the situation? I take it by the amount of dead bodies you took a hard beating?

Rias: We did, shit ton of BOWs showed up and took a chunk of the BSAA's Forces. We were able to pull through and sent the Main Force to the Forests, hopefully it can turn the tide of this battle.

Violet: And did you happen to come across Jaune?

Rias: I did, he already left to the Forest with the Main Force 20 minutes ago. But Lilly, I want you to confirm something for me.

She presses a button on her Helmet and sends the info of Elise to Lilly's Visor.

Rias: I need you to confirm if this Elise is part of the Shadows. She said she was newly added to our ranks and didn't have time to let the rest of us know.

Lilly looks through the info of Elise, and after a couple of seconds of browsing through it, her eyes widen.

Lilly: Where's Elise right now?

Rias: She's with Jaune. They're headed for the Mansion to retrieve the Samples. Lilly, is she part of the Shadows? I need to know so I can contact our Forces.

Lilly can be seen looking at the Forests, they can tell Lilly suspects something and it's making them uneasy.

Lilly: We need to double time it to the Forests and head for the Mansion now. Rias, contact the Shadows and have them locate Jaune immediately.

Rias nods and contacts their Forces on the Comms.

Violet: Lilly, what's wrong?

Lilly: The info on Elise's background regarding the Shadows, its missions are those that some of the Shadows have done, but are rewritten to show that she did it herself. I don't know how she was able to get a verification that made her a Shadow or a certification from her Majesty, but I intend to find out once this battle's over.

Violet: Wait, isn't she with Jaune right now? Then that means-

Himeko: She is a spy for Carmilla and sent to retrieve the Samples.

Inko: Then we need to head for the Forest as soon as possible. Jaune could be in danger and we need to stop this Elise before she retrieves the Samples in the Mansion.

They all nod as they head for the Gambit, driving off to the Forest on their own, in hopes of finding Jaune before it's too late.

From there, the Viewing ends as Dark Decade and the 4 Founders appear in the front of the Theatre.

Elise: Well now, for starters, I didn't know the moment you found out I was not your ally. But seeing this Viewing, now I know.

Lilly huffs in annoyance, Elise probably knew she was found out, and is only saying this to mess with them.

Lilly: It didn't matter, you and Jaune were already far in the Forest by the time we found out.

Elise doesn't say anything and just smirks, which annoyed some of the Women of the One-Five, not liking her attitude.

Lie: How bad was it in the Forest, Jaune? Leading up to the Mansion?

Jaune: Bad, and it was just Elise and I for most of it. Are we going to see the next part of the Battle of Raccoon City?

Dark Decade: We'll take a breather from this Battle, and show you another arc in the Civil War, and I'm sure some of you in the Audience will be either jealous or curious about it.

Word Count: 14893

Author's Notes:
- I do not own the Images and Gifs used here. They all belong to their respective owners.

- Part 3 will solely focus on Jaune and Elise's Adventures, along with the One-Five and Shadows chasing after them to the Mansion.

- The Man in the 3rd Class SOLDIER is an OC belonging to FireRogueWolf25 You will see more of him later on.

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