
By alewho89928

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99 11 0
By alewho89928


11:23 am

Seungmin whined as he woke up and groaned once he sat up. His head was killing him and soon the earlier events came to mind. He held his head and curled up not liking the huge headache. He felt a tap on his forehead and looked up to meet Hyunjin's gaze.

"here it's for you headache. You're lucky it's the weekend." Seungmin took the pills he saw and swallowed them. Hyunjin sat at edge of the bed and turns to look at the red head. "what was that yesterday?"

Seungmin tilted his head to the left and bit his lip when he remembered. "I want to know what that Ricky guy told you and know why you were drinking yesterday?" Hyunjin had turned serious and he wasn't the type to be a serious guy. He was always seen laughing and never took anything serious.

"Why were you crying? Please don't say it's nothing when clearly you were crying." Hyunjin looked at the other. Seungmin sighed and looked at the ceiling.

How can he tell him that Ricky was his ex? How can he explain his drinking? In reality the drinking wasn't nothing new, he had a drinking habit but he hadn't consumed a single drop of alcohol since he met the friend group not until yesterday.

"Ricky is actually my ex...I didn't tell you because I didn't know I would meet him after the whole thing. I got dragged into his office by him..he was upset and mad." Hyunjin was pissed off and more he was about to turn until he got the whole information.

"he complained about me with Chan hyung and you." Hyunjin crossed his arms. "How did he know that type of information? Not in my life have I seen him before." Seungmin took a breath in trying to keep calm just talking about it got him mad himself.

"dispatch actually was there when I was with chan. I guess I didn't notice and that's why my friends were mad. My father asked me as well and just said that he was my tutor. My friends were mad about you too and Ricky too. He asked me if I gave up my high class for you two. Ricky said I was.."

Hyunjin raised an eye brow. "A what?" Seungmin gave a look of sadness. "A slut..." the taller bolds out of the bed and had a angry look. "HE SAID WHAT?!" He signs. "Just listen, he hit me after and that's why I was crying. I told him to rethink why we broke up."

The more information hyunjin got the more he got angry. How can someone hurt much a cute puppy? How can someone even put their dirty hands on his puppy.

"I'm going back! I don't care! How he put his hands on you?!" Seungmin panicked once he saw the older serious and about to walk out but stopped him by back hugging him. Seungmin lets go and makes the taller face him.

It's okay don't worry anymore. Now about the drinking, I was upset and needed a way to relieve it." He added and made sit down again on the bed. "Drinking isn't the best nor to wash it away min. Did you know what was the cup or you didn't?"

Seungmin sighs and nods. "I did and your drink never went bad. The rich are always well aware that what needs to be cleaned. I asked him to bring you non alcoholic beverages because you didn't drink. That's why I didn't let you near it."

Seungmin began to play with hands. It was one of his habits when he got nervous. "don't worry about it anymore. It doesn't matter."

Seungmin looked down at his hands. His covered hands, he couldn't even tell the taller that even the blonde had also hurt his hands. It left permanent marks on his hands.

Hyunjin taps him. "It does matter, I won't let some guy put his hands on you. I could care less if he's rich." The taller began to put his jacket on and shoes.

"Hyunjin stop it. I told you to stop. Can't we just go Felix's house or something?" Hyunjin bit his lip and agreed just to not see the other upset.

"Let's go." Seungmin nods and stands up. He quickly dresses himself and puts his shoes on. Hyunjin followed behind closing the door right behind him.


"Okay, let me get this straight. You hit seungmin!?" Minho yelled out and glares at the blonde. "It wasn't my intention, I swear. I lost it and hit seungmin but it wasn't my intention to do so." Jisung crossed his arms.

"You should know to take your pills. If you followed the doctor's instructions then this wouldn't have not happened. Do you know how bad you have Seungmin in the past? and now this?" Jisung rolled his eyes. "now you're gonna have to fix it. You were the only communication we had to get to seungmin. We lost it because of you and your stupid stubbornness."

The brown haired groans and stands up from his sit. "do you think that he won't come back to home?" Ricky quietly asks. "he has to come back, there's too much of discrimination out there for him too be there too long." Jisung adds answering the taller's question.

"let's see, he usually pulls this card when he doesn't get his way but always ends up coming back but im not sure it's one of his tantrum. I think he's genuinely serious now." Minho points out and ran his fingers through his hair.

"What about mr.kim? Does he think seungmin is joking?" Jisung nods and looked away from the blonde. "He never takes seungmin seriously, I doubt he cares. Mr. Kim has always been this way since seungmin was born."

Ricky took a deep breath in and let it out. "ricky go take your pills. You're going to do it again the last thing I need you to do something stupid." The blonde opens his drawer and pulls out a container with pills.

He takes it and pulls the rest away. "I know you don't want to hear it but it's best if Seungmin knows that you're bipolar." Ricky shakes his head. "No, do you really think it will change anything? Regardless if I had it or not this can't be forgiven."

Minho sighs. "it may be true but Seungmin is quite different when taking new information. He will probably put it against you but he won't discriminate you for having it. We know him for so long, it's quite easy to read seungmin." The blonde sighs and shakes his head once more.

"and what? He won't want to meet me at all. For the things I said and did yesterday. He clearly said he didn't want to see my face ever again." Jisung looked up and shrugs.

"He says a lot of things but won't take it at heart." Ricky looks at the shorter and frowns. "How would you know? You haven't even tried talking to seungmin about your argument."

Jisung stood up from his seat and walked over the blonde. "I haven't tried because I genuinely don't think I deserve his forgiveness. I don't think he deserves to have a bad friend like me. I got upset and mad because I didn't want seungmin to hurt if his father found about his new friends."

Jisung sat back down looking ashamed by his actions. "he wouldn't listen and I went over board. I felt frustrated by his stubbornness. Seungmin's safety was on line but more now because if mr. Kim finds himself he won't show mercy." Minho raised an eye brow and looked at the silver haired.

"what? What are you saying?" Both elders say at the same time as they looked at Jisung.

"I heard my father and Seungmin's father talking in his office. I heard that seungmin should appear sooner or later but if he finds him. There will be serious consequences. Mr. Kim said that he announced that his son will take over soon but he was angry that many people asked about Seungmin. People asked where seungmin was and why he hadn't made an appearance through the week."

Jisung made eye contact with Minho. "Now the question is whether he'll listen or deny to listen whatever we say."

"for god's sake! Oh to be born in this hell." Minho groans taking his things. "Where are you going?" Ricky asks confused.

"To find Seungmin where else." Jisung stood up and followed behind but then stopped. "Ricky you have two choices, be a man and tell seungmin or be coward and hide."

Ricky hesitantly followed behind the shorter.

"fuck fuck fuck."

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