Burning Wings - Scarian Hero...

By LanIsCrying

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Grian has moved to a new school on the other side of the city. He somehow befriends Scar, a guy with a good a... More

!Before reading!
Chapter 1 - First day
Chapter 2 - Friends
Chapter 3 - Secrets
Chapter 4 - Upgrade
Chapter 5 - New enemy
Chapter 6 - Small introduction
Chapter 7 - Not as planned
Chapter 8 - Bonding? Absolutely not
Chapter 9 - Nice to meet you!
Chapter 10 - Get ready
Chapter 11 - Promise?
Chapter 12 - He's not dying, he knows that
Chapter 13 - Healing
Chapter 14 - Oh no
Chapter 15 - Things are going worse than bad
Chapter 16 - This wasn't a mistake, was it?
Chapter 17 - I wish I wouldn't have to remember
Chapter 18 - Where is my mind?
Chapter 20 - Why do I hate you?
Chapter 21 - I'm too scared if you stay
Chapter 22 - Please don't let me be the coward that gave up on you

Chapter 19 - You look far too different

315 12 39
By LanIsCrying

(Pearl POV)

-"Will he be here?" Fonnie asked after Pearl hung up on the call with Grian.

There were no cameras in the cell both girls were trapped that made suspicion crawl into Pearls brain with how easily the Skys trusted the technology they used.

-"Yeah. Any minute now." Pearl sunk back against the cold wall burying her head in her arms that sat crossed on her knees.

Pearl felt like crying. She wanted to cry, but she just couldn't. Her eyes were dry as the desert.

That was something she hated about herself. No matter how terrible the situation or how much she wanted to cry she just couldn't.

-"So," Fonnie spoke up again after a few moments of silence. "Who is this Grian?"

-"Oh you'll see!" She half laughed not looking up at her new maybe-friend.

A loud explosion sounded through the walls making both girls startle and look up, staring at the blank wall behind the cell bars from where the explosion came from.

It went quiet after that for barely a full minute before shouts and screams were heard through the doors.

Crashes and gunshots rung like bells in Pearls ears. She just wanted to curl up under a blanket and hide away from all the noise. It was scary. The fact that Pearl was a fucking villain who had experienced so many tragic events was now shaken by a few gunshots that were behind many walls.

A blood curdling scream made the two hostages stare at the door with absolutely horrified looks.

Pearl covered herself with her arms when the door blew up in gray smoke.

The explosion left Pearl coughing and waving away spoke from her face.

A ringing noise clouded Pearl as she tried to grip at the smooth wall for support while standing up.

Where once stood the door, of the room both girls were trapped in, now was just sharp, different-sized rocks, bricks and debris. The bars were mostly blown open aswell.

Pearl looked at her hands. They were dirty and gray. Her clothes were covered in dust and debris.

The ringing in her ears disappeared and her attention was swept towards Fonnie.

The brunette was on the floor, clutching her left leg to her chest while still coughing up the, now disappearing, smoke.

-"Fonnie!" Pearl gasped and almost fell next to Fonnie to help her in whatever way she could.

-"Oh my god! Are you okey!? What happened!?" She stressed at the shorter with stupid questions.

Pearls hands were raised above Fonnies shoulder and leg, but not touching. She just didn't know what to exactly do in this moment.

-"M-my leg-!" Fonnie let out between choked sobs of pain.

Looking closer Pearl noticed the bleeding out bruise that went down from the brunettes knee to ankle. It was covered in dust, debris, same as the rest of Fonnie just with smaller shattered rock pieces stabbed into the injury from the explosion.

-"Don't worry! We'll get you out of here! I'll help you!" Pearl tried to hide her panic with a smile and laugh, but it didn't work.

Focus, Pearl! She screamed at herself.

Pearl took Fonnies left hand in her left and started pulling her up. She threw Fonnies arm over her shoulders and put her right arm under Fonnies shoulders for better support.

-"Pearl!" Grians voice called out to her.

She turned towards him.

He was in his Watcher form. His face had splashes of blood and one of his hands was so bloody it almost looked like he just dipped his hand in a bucket of red paint.

-"Oh thank god you're here! I need to get her away!" She cried out to him.

Pearl had to hold every instinct and want in her and put Fonnie first. They needed to get out of there.

-"Yes, of course!" Grian looked around for a bit before locking his eyes on an intact wall next to the three.

He lifted up his hand. A white glowing swirl circled his hand from the shoulder to wrist before finally turning into a proper orb of magic.

The wall was getting split into huge rock pieces by the same glowing magic.

A some form of passage was formed and Pearl barely saw the bit of light that shone through from the night sky and street lamps.

Grian looked at Pearl and spoke, "Go. You'll get out of this building safely. Backup is already on their way. I'll explain later. Go!"

Pearl threw a look at the newly formed passage then at Grian.

She breathed in a heavy breath and started helping Fonnie to get to the passage.

A few steps through the passage, Pearl looked over her shoulder at Grian.

He hadn't moved, still holding up rocks.

A distant shout came from somewhere behind him, startling the two villains.

Grian glaced back and then at Pearl. He moved his hand up a bit, then down. The passage was closed off on signal leaving Grian in that mostly destroyed room and the other two on their way up to the streets.

Pearl trusted Grian. If he thought he needed to stay behind then she wouldn't interfere no matter how stupid that was.

Turning her head back, Peael kept, kind of, carrying Fonnie out.

The passage wasn't the best for their situation. It was all rocky and steep, but it didn't matter, because it would get them out.

She was starting to calm down, but that was sadly interrupted by someone.

Right in front of them, blocking their way out, stood Mist. A one hell of an annoying hero.

-"You are not getting away so easily, Moonlit." The hero infront of them threatened spitting out Pearls villain name like a curse.

Mist took out a long and thin sword. There was an evil smirk on her face. If all Mist definitely couldn't have looked more like a villain than Pearl in this situation.

Pearl glanced at Fonnie. Her eyes were just thin lines. She was most definitely drifting from consciousness with every second that went by.

-"Not today, Fox!" Pearl matched her tone using a nickname that was given to the hero for being an artic fox hybrid and also a nasty bitch.

Pearl had only one choice in this situation. Magic.

She couldn't do anything else, she was far too tired and, even if that wasn't the case, she was the only thing supporting Fonnie.

Pearl moved her right wrist a bit in a way that she was still keeping Fonnie up.

A spark of energy lit up in Pearl and, almost as if known, Mist charged at the two girls.

Mist raised her sword and just when it was about to hit them Pearl cast out some sort of see-through shield that looked like shattered mirror parts put together.

The heros sword collided with the shield, breaking in small pieces while Mist fell back on the ground from the sudden resistance.

She looked at the sword handle that was still in her hand before getting up and shooting Pearl a furious stare.

Pearl tried to keep the shield up, but her exhaustion was getting better of her and the shield faded away, leaving Pearl and Fonnie unprotected once again.

Mist laughed and pulled out a small, but sharp dagger.

-"I won't need much to kill you." She spoke before walking towards Pearl.

She couldn't even do anything about it. She couldn't move back or sideways. She was left standing there.

Mist came closer and held up the dagger in her hands.

Pearl looked to the side and shut her eyes waiting for the gushing pain to hit.

A skin cutting noise sounded, but Pearl didn't feel anything, then something heavy fell on the floor.

Opening her eyes Pearl gasped at the headless body that laid infront of her feet.

She looked up. Mists head was being held up to the wall made of rocks by black crystal-like spikes.

Blood started to stain the rocks beneath Mists head and Pearls legs from the rest of the body at her feet..

-"Pearl!" Someone called out to her.

Pearl looked at the speaker. It was Shade. Or how Pearl knew her, False.

-"You killed her." Pearl was speechless. Mist killed so easily.

She wasn't even disgusted or scared. She was just shocked...

-"Grian told me to be somewhere around here and I heard something shatter and I'm glad I came to look at what it was." False spoke with relief while stepping over Mists death body.

The newcomer stopped by Fonnies side and helped supporting her.

-"Let's get out of here."

(Grian POV)

Grian closed the passage he had made for Pearl and the other girl he didn't recognize.

Yes. Grian had magic. A bit too much for him to know what to do with it. No one really knew about that, because he was just so good at fighting heros he never needed to use magic.

But this seemed like the time he might have to.

He turned around to face the place where once stood a door, waiting for someone to barge in and attack him.

The avian was right, of course, but it wasn't who he expected.

Hotguys stupid face appeared from the side. Guess he should say Scars stupid face, but no. This wasn't Scar. It was Hotguy.

Two completely different people that somehow were the same. It made Grians brain tingle trying to understand how he truly felt about him- them?

He loved Scar. He hated Hotguy. Both emotions were true, coming from the pit of his stomach.

-"Grian." Scars voice was broken, but he was furious and threatening.

-"Oh I'm sorry! I must be the wrong person, because I can't seem to spot out any Grians here!" The avians voice was harsh and with a sarcastic tone.

Part of him wanted to kill Hotguy then and there, but the other part of him resisted, not wanting to deal with the guilt and pain of losing someone he loved very dearly.

Scar charged at Grian so suddenly and fastly he didn't have much time to react.

The taller pushed Grian harshly into the wall behind. He grabbed the collar of Grians shirt and pulled him a bit back from the wall before pushing him even harsher into it again.

The pain in his wings was worse than he'd like to admit. Especially where the wing connected with his back. It stung like nothing Grian had ever felt in this world.

Scar pulled Grian back from the wall again and half threw, half pushed Grian to the side into a different wall.

The avian completely collapsed against the wall and grabbed onto his shoulder.

-"I hate you." Scar spat standing over Grian in a threatening way.

Grian only could guess Scar was having his own debate in his mind about how he felt towards Grian and Watcher.

He couldn't help, but laugh out loudly at Scar. The look Scar gave him now was more than enough for Grian.

The fear in the tallers eyes was like honey in tea to Grian.

He kept laughing before finally saying. "You!? Hate me!?"

After another fit of laughter, Grian looked Scar death in the eyes, lowering his head for the more intimidating look and with a sharp, teath-showing smirk he said. "You couldn't hate me if you tried, Scar. You love me too much to kill me. You're pathetic, Scar. You let your emotions take control of you. That's what's different about us. I don't."

Grian did let his emotions take control a lot of the time, but that was beside the point right now. But overall, Scar was easily influenced by his emotions, Grian, on the other hand, was more hesitant to his emotions and tired to keep them uninvolved as much as possible, which was not all the time.

Sacrs anger dropped. The shock overshowing his face like the moon in an eclipse.

Grians body slowly turned into small ash pieces and he disappeared only to reappear behind Scar and, with his foot, shove Scar to the exact place Grian was seconds ago.

Scar let out a yelp crashing with the wall and barely stumbling back on his feet.

The brunette turned to Grian while wiping off the blood that had started to flow out his nose with his hand.

-"You think you know everything about me, Scar. You don't. And there will come a day you will regret finding out." Grian threatened Scar who had regained his hatred filled expression.

Something sharp dug into one of Grians wings and he was yanked away from Scar.

Grian looked at the touched wing before the one who was responsible for it. His wing rested in a painful angle with crooked feathers in specific places. He was about 90% sure he had dislocated his wing a bit.

He looked up. Scar had anger clash with extreme worry on his face as he stared at Grian making him internally flush pink.

Looking at the one who yanked his wing, Grians teath-showing smirk returned.

Gold Wing. The shape-shifter that took on the look of an avian.

Grian straightened out and, with a simple wave of his hand and magic swirl around the newcomer, picked the hero up from the ground.

A glowing white chain tightened around the shape-shifter, not touching the wings. The same type of chain pushed Scar back against the wall when he tried to intervene.

Grian was so lost in the disrespect and pain that he fully didn't care how psychopathic he was acting. How much he was acting like Sam. How much he was acting like them. How much he was acting like the villain everyone saw him as.

He started to pull the shape-shifters wings to the sides, spreading them out more than just achingly. Gold Wing screamed out in pain as the wings started to separate from the heros body slowly and painfully.

After a few heartbeats, that must have felt like hours to Grians new-found toy, the wings were fully off, turning into ash and falling to the ground.

Gold Wing was still a shape-shifter, so he could get back his wings if he really wanted, but he might not after experiencing something this traumatic. Grian saw the spark of hope in Gold Wings eyes when Grian didn't do anything further.

Grian thought of all the things he could do to the hero, but something spiked at the back of his head.

It wasn't physical, but emotional more so. He imagined what he might look like to Scar. What would Pearl think of him. What would Alya think of him.

The chains around Gold Wing disappeared, but Grian wouldn't let him just go conscious so he simply threw him against the wall making the hero black out and fall unconsciously on the ground.

-"Oops." Grian rolled his eyes and walked infront of Scar who was still chained against the wall, completely speechless

-"Grian, please." Scar begged with tears crowding his eyes.

Tick-tock. The timed ticked at the back of his head. He had to wait. There was no way Grian would do it now.

-"I love you too." Grian cupped Scars face with his hand and placed a soft kiss on the others cheek.

It was genuine and Grian was almost 100% sure Scar could tell even with how oblivious he was.

He dropped a sad smile to Scar before disappearing into the same ash as before, teleporting to a dark alleyway.

Tears clouded his own eyes and he covered his mouth with his hands.

What was wrong with him!? Why is he acting like this!?

It was like he had said earlier with Hotguy and Scar. Grian and Watcher were two completely different people.

(Word count: 2717)
1st off. Mist is Avery! (I hadn't mentioned it so straightforwardly in this book, but it was hinted at long ago so just confirming it here)

2nd off. If you forgot, Gold Wing is Jimmy and he ain't dead! Just... sleeping...? He's just not dead dead (for now)

3rd off. I don't know if I should say sorry or not. I don't want to.

4th off. Y'all got a long chapter with bunch of angst! Yippi!

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