Kook or Pogue? // JJ and Rafe...

By LifesTooShortSoFckIt

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Y/n arrived to Outerbanks few months ago to find her lost twin brother John B. She stay and became one of the... More

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By LifesTooShortSoFckIt

She got to the Wreck, where the event was taking a place. She helped to set everything up, Kiara wouldn't speak a word to her, she was just giving her death stares. On the other hand, Sarah didn't really care about past and was happy to stop by and talk to her. 

"Wards here." She told Y/n and watched her reaction. 

"I know, Rafe told me." 

"I don't know what to do. I don't want anything to do with him, but I'm scared he won't leave me alone, he already managed to lure me out to one of Rose's houses to talk to me." 

"Be carefull Sarah, we all know what he's capable of."

"Yeah- shit." She turned  all of the sudden. 

"What?" Y/n started looking around confused. 

"Topper is here."

"I think the whole island is here." Sarah quickly waved at Topper and then turned back around. "I thought you were in good terms." 

"Well yeah. But I fucked up."

"What happened?" 

"I didn't have anywhere to go, John B was gone and Topper caught me stealing beer in Tara's restaurant by the port. He invited me to go for a bonfire with him and couple of his friends. Oh god, I have to tell John B."

"It's not that bad, so you went for a bonfire with them." Sarah looked at her guilty and y/n immediately realized. "Unless something happened between you two." Just one look was enough for her to understand. 

"It was a mistake." 

"I know Sarah, I get it. We can talk about it later if you want okay? But I have to get back to work." Just as she left her spot was taken by Topper. She saw them talk for a while then he left. Y/n cleared a few tables, when she saw her brother storming away and Sarah looking behind him. 

"What happened Sarah?"

"I told him." Tears were falling down her cheeks. "He broke up with me." 

"Come here." Y/n pulled her into hug. "It'll be fine, he's going to be mad for a few days, but he will forgive you."

"I.. hope... so.." She said between sobs. "As soon as I'm done we're gonna get waisted okay?" She smiled to Y/n, grateful for her support. 


Y/n was getting ready to head off and find Sarah, when she saw her brother coming back with really angry face. She looked in the direction he was heading and saw Sarah and Topper hugging. "Oh fuck." She tried to get there before he causes any troubles, but he was already there pushing Topper around. 

"Could you just for once turn around and walk away? Please, look at me. Don't do it." Sarah was trying to calm her brother. 

"Hey no hard feeling bro." Topper said with smirk on his face.

"Topper shut up." Y/n was already there. "John B come on, let's go bro."

"Yeah, go home with your sister, it's bed time." Topper just couldn't stay quiet. John B turned around and punched him straight in the face. 

"Wow, you like that Top?" It was like it wasn't even him, y/n saw her brother like this for very first time. 

"No! John B, don't do it!" Sarah was screaming at him, while he was walking over to Topper laying on the ground. "John B, don't do anything stupid, let's go." Y/n walked behind him, he was holding Toppers collar punching him again. "John B stop!" She tried to stop him, but in his madness she got into his way, he punched her and pushed away. Y/n was laying on the ground, her head was spinning. She saw Kiara's dad getting John B from Topper and JJ showed up. All of them were yelling, but she couldn't figure out what they were saying. Sarah was running between her and Topper, people were checking them out. Y/n sat up, finally able to recognize people around them.

"Are you happy now Sarah?" She heard John B yelling. 

Sarah kneeled next to her checking her face out. "Are you okay? Y/n?"

"I'm fine."

"Thanks for trying to stop him." Topper told her.

"Shut up Topper." Her head was hurting, it felt like half of her face is about to explode. Kiara showed up next to her with ice. "Here put this on." 

"Wow, now we are talking." Y/n couldn't help herself and mock her a bit. Kiara rolled her eyes and left, saying she had to be there with her parents. 

"I'll take you to the doctor." Sarah helped her get up. 

"No, I'm fine Sarah."

"You could have concussion, I can't leave you just like that. I'm staying at Kiara's and I don't think it's a good idea for me to go back to the Chateau, so I take you to Rafe?"

"No I can't go there. If he sees me like this, he's gonna go crazy. I should just go back home." 

"Fine, I'll take you there." Y/n looked at her little worried. "Are you sure? After everything that happened?" 

"I'm not gonna stay, just drop you there." 


When she got to the Chateau, the only thing she could've think about was her bed. She woke up in the morning to someone ringing on the bell in their backyard. Her head wasn't hurting that much anymore, but her cheek did. She looked into mirror and saw it was bruised pretty nicely. She walked to the back porch where was John B talking to JJ. "Y/n, hey." JJ stood up when he saw her. 

"Hi." John B looked at her cheek and lot of emotions changed in his face in single second. 

"I'm gonna kill him."

"What? Who?" She was confused.

"Rafe! I can't fucking believe it! I told you he is not a good guy!" 

"Shut up B!" He stopped and looked at her. "Rafe didn't do this to me. It was you." She realized that in his rage he didn't even realized he punched her. " I tried to stop you last night, so you wouldn't kill Topper."

"Oh my god. I didn't even.. I'm so sorry sis, I didn't mean to." He came closer to her to examine the bruise. "I'm really sorry." She nodded and he pulled her into hug. 

"So, what mischief are you two planning right now?"

"Well we have to go to south America to save our pops."

"What? He's missing?" She had to laugh a little. 

"Yeah, Singh have him. And he's going to kill him, so we need to get down there to help him."

"How, you don't have passports so you cannot fly, and I'm pretty sure that little boat out there isn't built for a trip like that."

"Rafe have a boat." JJ said while eating something from the fridge.

"Yeah, keep dreaming. Don't eat that, I can smell all the way over here that it went bad like a week ago."

"Oh shit." John B all of a suden dropped to the ground. 

"You good bro?"

"No, no, don't get me started in this one.." JJ was still eating that, Y/n had to hold her breath so she wouldn't be sick. John B pulled JJ down and told him to be quiet. "Shoup is outside. Like right now."

"Oh shit!" JJ finally dropped the food.

"All right John B!" Echoed from outside.


"I'll  talk to him." Y/n jumped down from the counter. 

"No Y/n!"

"Helloo? Anybody home?"

"It's gonna be fine." She walked outside from the back. "Hello sheriff. How can I help you?" 

"Oh hey kid. Good to see you home. Is your brother here by any chance? I need to talk to him."

"Sorry just me." She smiled at him.

"Hmm. What hapened to you?" He motioned to her cheek. 

"Oh this? That's nothing, just walked into door frame." she shrugged her shoulders.

"Yeah, right. If you see your brother, tell him I need to talk to him."

"Will do, have a nice day." She gave him her's best fake smile. He didn't believed her a word, but left eventually. "It's clear." She went back inside only to find them both hiding under the table. "Wow, he really wouldn't find you there." She mocked them both.

"We gotta go." 

"Do you two assholes even have a plan?"

"No." John B looked at her like it doesnt matter at all.

"I might have one, but you'll not like it."

"What? Tell me."

"No, later. Come on." JJ packed his stuff and left.

"You coming with us?" John B turned to his sister. She was about to answer him, when she received a message. It was from Rafe. "Meet me here." And added was a exact location. She opened up the map, it was somewhere in the middle of nothing.

"Yeah, but I have to do something first. Let me know the plan, okay?"

"Yeah sure."

She tried calling Rafe, but it went straight to voicemail. What the hell did he get himself into now?

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