Demigods and Dimensional Warps

By Isabel_Wonders

364 58 22

Disclaimer: I am not British or male, therefore I am not Rick Riordan. I am also not Cassandra Clare, Reki Ka... More

Just Two Tired Demigods And A Long Name Guy
The Ariana Fight
Oh Gods, He Has The Leopard Head
Okay, What The Hades Is Going On?
Another Otherworlder (Try Saying That Three Times Fast)
Schist, We Lost The Elf
...Well That Got Depressing
Weapons, Training, Trauma... Just Standard Demigod Stuff
Training Gone Wrong
Don't You Love The Demonic Voices In Your Head?
This Is Why We Don't Go In The Forest
Finally, Some Ambrosia
Corrupted Otherworlders *Dun Dun Dun*
Sati's Nightmare
Otherworlder In The Ocean
Otherworlder In The Woods
Prophecy Loophole!!! YES!!!
Why Is Is There A 10 Foot Cheeto In The Big House?
We Do A Lot Of Things That We Probably Shouldn't Do
Never Trust The Uneventful Days
Peleus! Down Boy!
Camp Is Mostly Safe
Poking Monsters With Sticks Might Not Be A Great Idea
The Wolf Talks

Time To Call A Meeting

10 2 0
By Isabel_Wonders

Ari had enlisted Darravalgareovean's help in getting Sapphire to the infirmary. She knew that Isabel's brother had healing powers after he had helped Abby, but she didn't want to wake him. "Hey, Darravalgarevoean. Could you find or grow some herbs that are good for inflammation?"

Darravalgareovean nodded, happy to help. He knelt outside and sang a quiet song almost under his breath and picked a few of the different herbs. He handed them to Ariana, "She must eat them all at once and chew well."

"You heard the elf." Ari joked as she passed them to the other girl. "I'm going to try and stop the bleeding on your more serious cuts while the herbs take effect."

"Mmm. Okay." The girl said. "I don't think I've said my name. I'm Sapphire. What about your wounds? You seem just as injured as me." Sapphire's face was worried.

"Oh, this? This is nothing." Ari said, noticing her wounds for the first time. "See. They're already disappearing." She held up her arm and a flash of alchemy healed the scratch like it was never there.

Sapphire looked at her, wide-eyed. "Was that your aura? It must be really strong to heal something so fast."

"Sure, if that's what makes sense to you." Ari said, drawing a circle underneath Sapphire's scratched arm. "Stay still, alright." She ordered as she activated it. The cuts began to fade from her arm.

"Is that your semblance?" Sapphire asked suddenly.

"My what?" Ari asked.

"Semblance. You know, an extension of your aura. Kind of like your own personal superpower. I know someone else who's semblance is healing. Well, specifically it is boosting the person's aura and their aura is what heals them." Sapphire explained, still to Ari's confusion.

"Yeah, there's a lot of that here."

At that moment, Isabel walked in with Sati and Opal. "Hey, we heard birds screeching. Is everyone okay?" she asked.

"Yeah, just confused." Ari answered. "The new other-worlder is Sapphire. Who's the other girl?"

"Oh, my name is Opal. Nice to meet you, Ari."

"I'm sorry, did you just say my name? I haven't even told you yet." Ari looked at Isabel for answers.

"Well, I was planning on calling a meeting to tell everyone at once, but since you asked, Opal can see the future." Isabel explained.

"Well that's convenient." Sapphire said. "What else have you seen?"

"A lot. Hey, is there a place where I can paint out my visions? It helps me figure out the timelines and the people." Opal asked Isabel.

"Actually, yeah," Isabel said. "Rachel is the current oracle of Delphi, but since that's stopped working, she's mostly been at school. Her cave still has most of her art supplies; I'm sure she wouldn't mind if you used it for your visions."

"You might want to call that meeting then." Ari said. "I have a feeling things will only get weirder from here."

Isabel nodded and went to tell Chiron that there was an important announcement, and called a meeting with the head counselors, and otherworlders in the big house.

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