The Fury Of The Storm

By Silverflare-2

111K 3.9K 2.7K

Trueborn son of Robert Baratheon and Cersei Lannister Sold to slavery Forced to become a warrior Willing to... More

How could this happen?
No Matter The Cost
We Meet Again
Second Sons Part 1
Second Sons Part 2
Second Sons Part 3
The Raging Storm and The Roaring Dragon
Ai Art
New Road
Ai Art
Heart to Heart
The Whole Truth
AI Art
Ai Art
Ai Art
AI Art
Love and Betrayal
Regrets and Revival
The Beginning
A Better Path
AI Art
His Journey Begins Now
The Tale To Be Told Begins Thus
Final Trial
AI Art
Liberation Of Volants Part 1
Liberation Of Volantis Part 2
AI Art
The Time Has Come
AI Art
Forming Alliances
Full Circle
AI Art
Love and power
AI Art
Beyond The Wall Part 1
Beyond The Wall Part 2
The Meeting
The Storm and The Fire
The Reunion and the Wedding
Bound in Honor Part 2
Bound in Honor Part 3
The Great War Part 1
The Great War Part 2
Remember The Fallen
Next Strategy
True to your Word
Ready For War!
Vengeance For The Fallen
The Flood
Honoring The Fallen

Bound in Honor Part 1

1.4K 58 76
By Silverflare-2

Kings Landing

Cersei's room

Cersei was in her nightgown and walked to her table and poured herself a glass of wine. She had just had sex with Euron Greyjoy to secure his allegiance to her as Queen.

"I wanted those elephants." Cersei said. The Golden Company arrived in Kings Landing and Cersei was unimpressed by what she had paid for.

"So how do I compare to the fat king?" Euron asked.

"You're insulting my late husband." Cersei said.

"Are you offended?" Euron inquired.

"Robert had a different whore every night, but he still didn't know his way around a woman's body." Cersei said.

"And the Kingslayer?" He asked and that triggered Cersei.

"You enjoy risking your neck, don't you?" She asked.

"Life's boring." Euron said.

"You're not boring, I'll give you that." Cersei said.

Euron walked to her. "Do I please the queen?" He asked.

"You might be the most arrogant man I've ever met. Surprisingly I like that." Cersei said.

He then put his hand on Cersei's stomach. "I'm going to put a prince in your belly."

"What did you do to my son?" She asked.

"I hurt him." Euron said. "For what it's worth I didn't know who he was at the time. I just saw a slave who needed to be put in his place."

"Davion is the only good thing that came from my marriage to Robert." Cersei said. "If you touch a hair on his head, I'll remove yours."

"Of course, your grace." Euron said. "He will come here if he survives in the North. He'll come for you."

"My children will choose me once they see how sorry I am for hurting them." Cersei said. "Now leave me. I want to be alone." Once Euron opened the door Qyburn was at the door. He then entered Cersei's room.

"Apologies for the late hour, your grace. I bring news." He said.

"Tell me." Cersei urged.

Qyburn sighed. "Prince Davion has wed Daenerys Targaryen at Winterfell."

"That whore! She seduces my son to turn against me and now he takes her as his wife!?" Cersei spat.

"There's more." Qyburn said. "The Volantene army have arrived on Dragonstone twenty thousand strong. They arrived under the command of prince Davion."

Cersei had a small smile on her face. "He's going to betray her. He brought his army here to help his mother, and take his place at my side as heir."

"Forgive me, your grace, but no." Qyburn said. "They stand with both prince Davion and Daenerys Targaryen. The army is there to protect the castle from invaders."

Cersei then threw her glass against the wall. "That dragon whore has gone to far! She will pay for manipulating my son and turning him against me! Get Bronn and tell him to go to Winterfell." She then walked to fetch a crossbow. The same one that Tyrion used to kill their father. "Give him this to give to my treasonous brothers."

Qyburn took the crossbow. "What of the Targaryen girl, your grace?"

Cersei smirked. "I have other plans for her, and when she's dealt with. When my son sees her for the monster that she is, Davion will come crawling back to me and as his mother, I will welcome him with open arms."


Davion and Daenerys' room

Daenerys woke up and the first thing she saw was her left hand on Davions muscular chest. Her ring was still on her finger. She had forgotten to take it off lastnight. The couple had two rounds of sex and immediately fell asleep. Daenerys couldn't hold back her smile. She was married to the love of her life, and once they deal with the threat in the North, her husband will rule and she will be at his side. She knew Davion didn't want to be king, but Daenerys stopped caring about herself on the throne a long time ago. Davion was all that mattered.

Daenerys once again felt a bile rise up in her throat. She softly got out of bed and went to their chamber pot and released all the contents into a bucket. She couldn't understand what was going on. Lastnight she barely ate and this has been happening the moment she arrived in the North. She needed to talk to the maester to find out what was wrong. Once she was done vomiting, she drank water and went back to bed.

"Good morning, my wife." Davion greeted.

Daenerys blushed. "Good morning, my husband. I was thinking we should stay in before for the day."

Davion chuckled. "I thought about it as well, but we came North to defend it, not to have a vacation."

"You're right, as always." Daenerys agreed. "You can't fault me for wanting to stay wrapped in your arms."

"I don't." Davion said and held her close to him. "Are you alright? He asked. You look pale."

"I'm fine. Perhaps I'm just not used to the weather or the foods here." Daenerys said. "It's small sacrifice to fight for the people. I'll talk to Maester Wolkan today. Perhaps he could recommend something for me."

"Yes perhaps." Davion agreed. The then heard a knock on the door. "Just one moment!" Davion shouted. A few minutes later they got dressed in their robes, ans Davion opened the door.

"Forgive my intrusion, my King." Ser Jorah said and Davion rolled his eyes. "The Wall has fallen, and Ser Jaimie Lannister has arrived as well."

"He's brought the Lannister army?" Daenerys asked.

"No, Khaleesi. He came alone." Ser Jorah said. "He awaits for the both of you in the Great Hall."

Davion sighed. "Well be there shortly." Ser Jorah bowed and left the room.

A few hours later Jaime Lannister stood before Davion, Daenerys, Jon, Sansa and Myrcella. The Great Hall was filled with the lords and ladies of Winterfell.

"When I was a child, my brother would tell me a bedtime story." Daenerys spoke up. "About the man who killed our father. Who stabbed him in the back and cut his throat. Who sat down on the Iron Throne, and watched as his blood poured onto the floor." Davion looked at his wife and raised his eyebrow. "He told me other stories as well...about all the things we would do to that man...once we took back the Seven Kingdoms and had him in our grasp." Jaime sighed. "Your sister pledged to send her army North."

"She did." Jaime said.

"I don't see an army." Daenerys said. "I see one man, with one hand. It appears your sister lied to Davion and I." She said and looked at Tyrion.

"She lied to me as well." Jaime said. "She never had any intention of sending her army North." Daenerys once again looked at Tyrion. "She has Euron Greyjoy's fleet and twenty thousand troops. The Golden Company from Essos, bought and paid for. Even if we defeat the dead, she'll have enough to destroy the survivors."

"We?" Davion inquired.

"I promised to fight for the living, I intend to keep that promise." Jaime said and Davion nodded in approval.

"Your grace, I know my brother." Tyrion spoke up.

"Like you knew your sister?" Daenerys inquired.

"He came here knowing full well how he'd be received. Why would he do that if he weren't telling the truth?" Tyrion asked.

"Perhaps he trusts that his little brother would defend him, or that my husband, the new king would speak on his behalf." Daenerys said.

"You're right." Sansa spoke up. "We can't trust him. He attacked my father in the streets. He tried to destroy my house and my family, the same way he did yours."

"You want me to apologize?" Jaime asked. "I won't. We were at war. Everything I did, I did for my house and my family. I'd do it all again."

"The things we do for love." Bran spoke up and everyone looked at him. He knew that phrase from his letter. Then noticed Jaime looking uncomfortable as if he was hiding something.

"So why have you abandoned your house and family now?" Daenerys asked.

"Because this goes beyond loyalty." Jaime said and looked at Brieanne of Tarth. "This is about survival."

"You don't know me well, your grace." Brieanne spoke up. "But I know Ser Jaimie. He is a man of honor. I was his captor once, but when we were both taken prisoner, and the man holding us tried to force themselves on me, Ser Jaimie defended me, and lost his hand." She then looked at Sansa. "Without him, my lady, you would not be alive. He armed me, armored me and sent me to find you and bring you home because he had sworn an oath to your mother."

"You vouch for him?" Sansa asked.

"I do." Brieanne said.

"You would fight beside him?" Sansa asked.

"I would." Brieanne answered.

Sansa sighed. "I trust you with my life. If you trust him with yours, then we should let him stay." Brieanne went back to her seat.

"What does the new king have to say?" Daenerys asked.

Davion sighed and looked at Daenerys. "We're guests here, my queen. We should ask the Warden of the North." Jon looked as if his mind was somewhere else. "Jon, what say you?"

Jon snapped out of it. "We need every man we can get." He said.

"Very well." Daenerys said. She then looked at Grey Worm and he took Jaimes weapons and gave it to him and walked away.

"Thank you, your grace." Jaime bowed. Both Davion and Daenerys rose from their chairs as did all in attendance. Sansa walked out of the Great Hall. Daenerys the walked away as well and all bowed as she walked past them.

Davion looked at Jon. "Are you alright?" He asked.

"I'm fine." Jon said and quickly left. Unfortunately Jon wasn't alright. His friend Samwell Tarly had come to him lastnight and told him that he is the trueborn son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark.

Davion also noticed that Jaime kept looking at Bran, almost as he if felt pity...or guilt. Davion later went to his and Daenerys' room.

"You shouldn't be angry at Tyrion or even at my mother." Davion said.

"Why not?" Daenerys asked.

"Take it from someone who's held on to his anger for five years, she's not worth it." Davion said. "I knew that it was all too good to be true. My mother is a queen of manipulation. It's why I wrote to Dario to sail to Dragonstone."

"How did you move past your anger?" She asked.

Davion smiled and walked to her and held her. "I'm still working on it, but there is this beautiful silver haired woman that helps me a lot." He smirked and planted a soft kiss on her lips. "Let's go outside. I'm sure the cold air would do us well."

Daenerys smiled at her husband. "You always know how to make me feel better." They walked hand in hand and left their rooms.

Kings Landing

Eurons ship

Euron Greyjoy walked to his niece. He was bored. The queen wasn't in the mood to have sex, so he decided to visit Yara.

"Why don't you just get it over with and kill me?" She asked.

"But we're family." Euron said and sat next to her. "The last Greyjoy's left in the world. The last the last ones with balls anyway." He chuckled. "If I kill you...who would I talk to?" He asked. "The Golden Company are mutes. The queen doesn't want to fuck tonight. It bores me."

"Are we in Kings Landing?" Yara asked.

"Mm." Euron answered.

"You picked the losing side." Yara said.

"Then I sail the Iron Fleet somewhere else." Euron said. He then got in Yaras face. "But first I'm going to fuck the dragon queen." He smirked. "Then I'm going to kill Davion Baratheon."

"You won't win against him, and if you think you get near Daenerys while Davion breathes, then you're a fool." Yara said. She then noticed Euron breathing heavily. "You're afraid of him. You're afraid of what he's become. The Raging Storm, the Storm King, the Father of Liberation."

"He became all of those because of me!" Euron shouted.

"He's in your head, dear uncle." Yara said. "You believe that he'll break, but you're nothing more than an afterthought to him now. He'll kill you, not for revenge or some foolish test of strength, but because your death will make the world easier to live in." Euron then stormed out.


Davion and Daenerys were walking and watching as the people were working to prepare for the coming war.

"How are you feeling?" Davion asked.

"Less angry." Daenerys smiled. "Thank you." She noticed Davion chuckling. "What's so funny?"

"I still can't believe Viserys told you that bedtime story." Davion said.

"Yes well he wasn't a good brother." Daenerys said. "You should know what it's like to have a poor excuse for a sibling."

"Yes I do." Davion smiled when he watched some children play. "Look at them. They have no idea what's coming."

"No. They don't." Daenerys said. "I don't remember being so innocent."

"Neither do I." Davion said.

Daenerys sighed. She wanted to talk about something that's been bothering her since she arrived. "Lady Sansa doesn't like me."

Davion sighed. "She doesn't know you. If it means anything. She's not angry with you. She's angry that I'm not with her."

"I understand that she was betrothed to you, I even understand that she loved you." Daenerys said. "I don't need her to be my friend, but I am her queen, and you are her king. I need her allegiance, as do you." Just then two Dothraki rode to them. "How many?" She asked.

"Only eighteen goats and eleven sheep." Qhono said. He then rode off.

"The dragons are barely eating." Davion pointed out. They then walked to the dragons. Davion saw that they seemed uneasy. "What's wrong with them?" He asked.

"They don't like the North." Daenerys said, she then put her hand on Drogon and she saw Rhaegal nuzzling against Davion. Daenerys then climbed on top of Drogon and looked down at Davion. "Go on." She urged him to climb on Rhaegal.

Davion looked at his wife, then at Rhaegal and then back at Daenerys. He could see that she was seriously asking him to ride Rhaegal.

"I don't know how to ride a dragon." Davion said.

"Nobody does, until they ride a dragon." Daenerys teased her husband.

"What if he doesn't want me to?" Davion asked.

"Then I suppose you'll have to explain why you let the queen ride on her own in a strange place." Daenerys smirked.

Davion took a deep breath and tried to climb on Rhaegal. "Shit." He grunted and Daenerys chuckled. Once he finally got on he looked at his wife. "What do I hold on to!?" He asked.

"Whatever you can." Daenerys shrugged.

Davion grabbed Rhaegals spikes and the Dragon took flight. "Rhaegal waiiiiiiit!." Davion tried to protest, but he was already in the air with Rhaegal.

Daenerys smiled and tapped Drogon. He then took flight as well. They flew over Winterfell and everyone who was working, stopped to watch.

"Is that Davion on a dragon?" Jon asked.

"Of course it is." Thorak said. He remembered how Davion told him that his father Takmet saw Davion in the North and on a dragon.

They flew further away from Winterfell and Daenerys looked behind her and smirked at Davion.

'It's as if she's testing us.' Davion thought. 'Alright then let's show her what we got.' Davion tapped Rhaegal three times and the bronze-green dragon flew faster.

Daenerys smirked as she saw Davion was challenging her. She then tapped Drogon to fly up. She flew all the way up and she could barely see trees. Rhaegal and Davion followed them, and Drogon dipped and dove down, ans without warning so did Rhaegal.

"Oh shiiiiiit!" Davion shouted. Rhaegal then dipped back up and flew down the mountains with his brother Drogon. "Fuuuckkk!" Davion shouted. Once Rhaegal flew steady Davion laughed.

Daenerys looked behind her and she saw her husband smile. She loved seeing him like this. It was as if all the bad faded away and there was only good. They landed by a nearby waterfall and climbed off.

"You were having so much fun I think you made Agragon jealous." Daenerys said.

"Well Agragon has made a new friend." Davion said. "I saw him with Ghost after we arrived, so perhaps I should be the jealous one." Daenerys chuckled.

Daenerys then looked at her surroundings. She stared at the waterfall. "We could stay here a thousand one would find us."

Davion chuckled. "We'd be pretty old. Daenerys smiled and Davion walked to her. "This side of Winterfell is much colder, especially for someone who's never been in the cold before."

"So keep your queen warm, my king." Daenerys said and Davion grabbed her by her waist and pulled her in for a kiss. Davion the heard a snarl and turned to see Drogon and Rhaegal looking at him. Daenerys smirked. "Don't be afraid, my husband."

"I'm not, I just think it's inappropriate to do this in front of the children." Davion then turned his back to the two dragons and kissed Daenerys again. What they didn't know was that Drogon and Rhaegal was looking at them, but at Daenerys' belly

A few house later Davion and Daenerys returned to the castle on dragonback. Davion met with his uncles.

"Here the three of us are." Tyrion said. "Together again." He then looked at the northmen who glared at them. "And the masses rejoice."

"How do they feel about their new king and queen?" Jaime asked.

"They're your new king and queen as well." Tyrion pointed out. "They remember what happened the last time Targaryens brought dragons."

"True, but they'll come around once they see Daenerys is different." Davion said.

"And she is? Different?" Jaime asked.

"She is." Davion said. "Daenerys is far from her father."

"You're sure about her?" Jaime pressed.

"I am." Davion said. "Unlike most people I dint judge people based on their parents' crimes. It's like uncle Tyrion said to me once, children are not their fathers...or their mothers."

Jaime nodded. "I'm only asking because she doesn't seem to sure about Tyrion."

"It's hard to blame her." Tyrion said. "I made a mistake common to clever people, I underestimated my opponent. Cersei told me seeing Davion and Myrcella changed her. A chance for them to start again, and I believed her." Tyrion told his brother.

Myrcella then walked to them. "My mothers always knows how to lie, uncle." She said.

Tyrion stopped walking and looked at Jaime. "Was she lying about that as well?" He asked.

Jaime shook his head. "No, that part is true." He then looked at Myrcella. "Your mother's always been good at telling to gell lies, but don't be too hard on yourself. She's fooled me more than anybody." Davion then looked at him. "What?"

"She never fooled you, uncle." He said. "You always knew exactly what she was, and you loved her anyway."

"Davi-" Davion cut Jaime off.

"I'm not angry at you for being with her, but know that I don't approve." Davion said. "The only reason I haven't said anything about it is because of Myrcella. There is something that I wish to know."

"Or course." Jaime said.

"Its something that Bran Stark said." Davion then reached in his pocket for the letter that his mother gave him on the day he was taken away. "My mother gave this to me." He gave Jaime the letter and his face went pale when he read it. "I thought that would be your reaction. I've been trying to piece it all together. You weren't around when my mother sold me off which means yiy didn't plan it with her. Then I thought further to when Bran fell and became crippled."

"Davion-" Jaime tried, but Davion kept talking.

"Tyrion mentioned that Bran night live and I saw they way you and mother looked at each other." Davion said. "I even asked you if you knew anything about Brans fall and you swore to me on my grandmothers grave that you knew nothing. No I'll ask you again. What do you know about Brandon Starks fall?"

Jaime looked down and then back at Davion. "I pushed him because he saw me with your mother. I did it for Cersei. Davion I'm sorry...I didn't know things would be this out of contr-" Jaime Lannister was cut off by a punch from Davion. He fell ti the ground and the people stared at Davion, but said nothing.

That's the last time you ever lie to me." Davion said and walked away.

Davion and Daenerys' room

"Are you sure, maester?" Daenerys asked. She had finally seen the maester and hoped that he would be able to tell her what has been wrong with her, but the results were not what she expected.

"Yes, your grace." Maester Wolkan said. "You are with child."

"I...I didn't think it was possible, not after the witch cursed me." Daenerys said and put her hand on her belly.

"I can't speak for witches, but I've done the test correctly, your grace. Should I call...King Davion?" Maester Wolkan asked.

Daenerys wanted to tell her husband, but he was so focused on defending the North that she didn't want to distract him. "That won't be necessary. I'll tell him myself." She lied. The maester bowed.

Daenerys still couldn't believe it. She was pregnant with the child of Davion Baratheon.

Hi guys here's another chapter of The Fury Of The Storm

What did you think of Cersei's rant?

What did you think of Jaimies arrival?

What did you think of Euron and Yaras conversation?

What did you think of Davions dragon ride?

What did you think of Davion punching Jaime?

What did you think of Daenerys being pregnant?

I'm open to suggestions for this story

Please comment and vote

Thanks guys

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