I Need You

By OlpheliaLouise

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Beth and Daryl are reunited after she escapes from Grady with Noah. Now that they are back together with the... More



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By OlpheliaLouise


When we arrive to Alexandria, Aaron shows us where to put Buttons for the night and we head home. We are all tired but we still have to go to Deanna's party in a hour. Rick told us on the way back to the house we'd be sleeping in our own rooms tonight. At the mention of our rooms, Daryl looks a little nervous. When we get to the house, he and Rick talk to Aaron and Eric for a minute, while I take the opportunity to get our room ready. When Daryl steps up onto the porch a few minutes later, I am waiting for him. I silently grab his hand and lead him to the room I picked out for us. We go down the stairs to the fully finished basement.

He studies the area. It's basically like a mini apartment down here. It has a common area, a bathroom and a huge bedroom. I turn to him suddenly nervous myself. "Hope it's okay that I kinda decided a room for us. When I saw the basement I knew you would probably be more comfortable down here, away from the others."

He nods but doesn't say anything as he follows me into our room. He takes his crossbow off and sets it beside the bed. His attention turns to the clothes I set out on the bed. I felt weird laying out his clothes but I thought if I made it easy for him, he wouldn't try to bail on the party. I know he's been a little overwhelmed by this place and any decisions I could eliminate for him, I thought it might help. His fingers touch the gray flannel I picked out for him. "This for me?"

I smile and shrug. "Yeah if you like it. But you don't have to. You can pick out something else. I was just trying to help."

Thankfully he doesn't seem bothered by it. He looks at the outfit I have picked out for myself. It's a simple lightweight red sweater and some jeans. I clear my throat, "We better get ready. Deanna's party is starting soon."

He huffs, "We really gotta go to that?" I give him a look. "Jus' kiddin'...... maybe." I slap his arm and he raises his hands in surrender with a slight smirk. He gestures to the bathroom, "I'm gonna get washed up."

I brush my hair and change my clothes. I put on a pair of dainty gold earrings. I study myself in the full length mirror beside the dresser. Thankfully my hair isn't looking too wild so I can leave it down. Daryl comes in fully dressed for the party. I smile at him in the mirror. His eyes find mine and he dips his head in a hello. He walks up behind me and looks at me in the mirror. Something about the look on his face makes me ask. "What?"

He shakes his head slightly and mumbles, "Nothin'."

I roll my eyes at him. "Don't nothin' me." He huffs a laugh at my impression of him. "What is it? Is there something wrong with my outfit?" The way he was looking at me has me nervous. Maybe there was a big rip in my sweater or something?

Again he shakes his head. "Nah, nothin' like that. I jus'... I like ya in red." A blush spreads across his cheeks as one spreads across my face too. The butterflies get more intense when he reaches out and grabs my waist with his big, strong hands. "Yer beautiful."

The grin on my face grows to huge smile. "Why thank you Mr. Dixon." I turn around in his arms and let my hands rest on his chest. Unable to resist, I rise up on my tip toes and press my lips to his. He releases a deep rumbling hum of appreciation that fills the room as he kisses me back. I can feel the tension melt off of him. My fingers play with the back of his hair and he pulls me impossibly closer to him. I break the kiss. He kisses my forehead and I sigh with contentment. I look back up at him and smile. "You ready to go?"

"Not after that." He quips.

I release my hold on him and grab his hand. "Come on."

We walk hand in hand on our way to the party which surprises me. I figured as soon as we left the house he'd let go of my hand but it was the opposite, he readjusted to hold it better and kept walking to my delight. We are almost to Deanna's house. From the outside, we can see the party in full swing. I feel Daryl stop. I look over at him and I can see the hesitation all over his face as he looks at the front door.

"We don't have to go in." I offer.

His eyes remain on the front door. "Yeah we do." He glances over at me. "I told ya I would try."

I smile and he leads us to the front door. As soon as we knock, some random Alexandrian opens the door with a huge smile. "Welcome."

We don't get two steps inside before I hear my name being called. I look over in the direction of the voice to find Maggie working her way towards us. "Hey. You mind if I borrow my sister for a minute?" Maggie asks Daryl.

He shrugs in response but I speak up, very much annoyed. "Maggie we just got here."

"I know I'm sorry but I really need to introduce you to someone." I know there is no arguing with her so I give Daryl an apologetic smile. He nods as Maggie pulls me away letting me know he'll be okay. I hate to leave him alone. I see Rick walk up beside Daryl which makes me feel better. I turn my attention back to Maggie and weaving my way through the crowd to follow her.


"Hate to see 'em go but love to watch 'em leave" is somethin' Merle used to always say. I'd always scoff at him. I never liked to objectify e'ery woman we came across like Merle did. I just preferred to mind my own business. But now... I can appreciate that Beth has a fine ass. Hell, she has a fine everythin'. The girl is just so damn beautiful. Back at the house, it was hard to focus on one specific thing about her. I saw her in the mirror with that long blonde hair, pale skin, red sweater and jeans that hug her in all the right places. The way she looks... it's distractin'.

"Hey brother, glad to see you made it." Rick says, slapping me on the shoulder, pullin' my gaze away from Beth to him.

"Hey." I reply simply.

Rick smiles. "You decide to come on your own or did Beth drag you here?" He asks. I snort at that. I didn't want to but I came. I'm tryin'. Guess that counts for somethin'.

"More like I had to drag her. Didn't you know I'm th' life of the party?" I joke.

Rick laughs and shakes his head. I give him a quick grin and turn my attention back to Beth. She and Maggie are talking to some older lady. Rick's voice lowers a little and nods in her direction. "How's that goin'?"

I shrug. "A'ight I guess. She ain't kicked me to the curb yet."

Rick smiles again. "She's good for you." I hum in agreement. She is. She's everythin' that's been missin' in my life that I didn't know I needed. He speaks up again. "And you're good for her."

I look at him. His eyes meet mine and I can tell he means it. I ain't so sure but he's ain't the first person to tell me that. Maggie said it the mornin' I asked her for her blessin'. She said Beth needs me. But that ain't true. She don't need no one. I don't understand how people can't see how strong she is on her own. But for some unknown reason, the crazy woman wants me. She chose me. I think back to when we first left the prison together. We helped each other. We learned from each other. We understand each other. We make each other better. I guess that's what they mean.

I don't get a chance to respond before Glenn comes up and joins the conversation. "Hey guys. Some party huh?"

Rick and I both nod. It's weird, bein' at a party. It sure ain't like no party I ever been to. Merle used to take me to all kinds of "parties." They'd usually end in a fight or Merle passed out in a corner somewhere and I'd have to get his sorry ass home. The only thing that is the same about this party is that there is booze. Glenn offers me a cup and we take a swig of whatever cheap excuse of alcohol they're servin'. It tastes like piss but I drink anyway.

We all drink in silence for a minute until a woman approaches us with a smile. She stops in front of us. I have seen her before when she cut Rick's hair. What's her name? Bessie. Tessie. "Hey Rick."

"Jessie." That's it. "How are you?"

"I'm good." She looks over at me and Glenn. "I don't believe we have officially met. I'm Jessie." She extends her hand and we shake it, politely saying our names as we do so. Her gaze stays on me. "You're one of the ones who brought in the horse right?"

I nod.

"Thank you so much. We are lucky to have you all with us."

Unsure what to say I nod again. Thankfully Rick speaks. "We're happy to be here." Somethin' about the way he is lookin' at her... he likes her.

She smiles back and I can see a tint of blush. She likes him. Ain't she married? "You guys having fun?"

That's a stupid question. We're uncomfortable as all get out. Hell no we ain't havin' fun. Yet Glenn and Rick both say "oh yeah" and "yes". I guess to make her feel comfortable. She nods. "I'm glad. I know it must be weird but it's nice. It's like life before. Well not like before but it's better now. In here, not out there. Does that make sense?" She looks a little flustered after ramblin' on like that.

Rick quickly answers. "Yeah. We really appreciate it." Glenn and I give each other a look.

She smiles at his reassurance and looks only at Rick. "You deserve it after everything you've been through." She realizes her mistake and turns to me and Glenn. "You all do. Well I'll leave you guys alone to mingle. If you all need anything just let me know."

Rick smiles. "Thanks we will."

We watch her walk away. When she's out of ear shot, I say. "Ain't she married?" Glenn snorts a laugh.

Rick looks at me confused. "Yeah, why?"

I can tell he has no clue why I'm askin'. Rick's a grown man and knows a hell of a lot more about all this than I do. Maybe I'm misreadin' the situation, but based on Glenn's reaction, I don't think so. I shake my head. It ain't my place. Rick's smart. He wouldn't do somethin' so stupid. "No reason. Jus'... Be careful. Don't wanna piss off the town doc."

Rick seems to understand and nods. He and Glenn talk a lil' bit but I drown them out. My eyes search for Beth. I find her, next to Maggie, talkin' to some young dude. He's all caught up in tellin' them some story. Maggie and Beth are listenin' but I can tell Beth is uncomfortable. Her stance is rigid, her arms are crossed and her smile doesn't reach her eyes. He must have said something funny because Maggie laughs and Beth chuckles. He looks away and Beth rolls her eyes at Maggie who discreetly nudges her. The guy turns his attention back to the girls and I see Beth harden herself again.

I slap Glenn in the shoulder to get his attention. "Who's that?" I nod in the dude's direction.

Glenn looks. "That's Aiden. He's Deanna's youngest son. He's a bit of an asshole."

I nod because he looks like an asshole. Rick speaks up. "I haven't met him yet."

"He is young and cocky. Thinks he knows everything. I'm surprised he's talking to Beth. I overheard him bitching and moaning to Nicholas about how he struck out with her earlier." Glenn says.

What the hell?

"He made a pass at her?"

Glenn must can see the anger all over my face because I see him gulp and get all twitchy. "I... uh... she... uh... she didn't... she didn't tell you?" He keeps shifting his gaze from me to Rick. I just stare blankly at him with a look of obviously not dumbass. He looks back at Rick one more time who gives him a face. "You know it's really none of my business."

"Speak." Or else I swear I will kick your ass all the way back to Atlanta... is what I want to say, but since we are in mixed company, one word is all I get to say.

Glenn folds like a lawn chair. He sighs, "All I know is he approached her and made some not so subtle comments along the lines of ditch the redneck and let us get to know each other better. He even asked her out after the party, but from what I gathered from his conversation with Nicholas, she shut that shit down pretty fast. He was still pretty pissed about it earlier." He gives me a very unsure look. "She really didn't tell you?" I shake my head. My fists bawl up and I stare the little mayor boy down. Glenn adds, "It was probably nothing."

"It don't sound like nothin'. It don't look like nothin'." I cross my arms and try to control myself. They are alone now. Maggie left them to talk to some other Alexandrian. I watch as he says something and Beth looks like she is ready to crawl right out of her skin.

I take a step forward but Rick's hand is on my shoulder in an instant. "I wouldn't do that if I were you. Beth is a big girl. She's got this. She don't need you comin' to her rescue. It'll only make it worse."

I breathe in deep. "What the hell am I suppose t'do then?"

"Wait. If she needs you, she'll let you know."

I huff at that. Why the hell didn't she tell me? I plant my back on the wall beside Rick showing him I plan to behave. I watch Beth leave Asshat. He watches her go lookin' pissed for bein' dismissed. Beth musta said somethin' to him. He takes off in the opposite direction, leavin' the room. Beth makes her way over to Noah who has been glued to a wall since he arrived. Beth says a few words and he follows her into the crowd. She introduces him to a few people but eventually they end up at Deanna and her husband, Reg.

I have no clue what they are talkin' about. My mind is still reelin' over Beth not tellin' me about Aiden. In her defense, we ain't had much time to talk. We've only been alone for a few minutes all day and it was spent gettin' ready for this stupid shindig. It still don't mean she couldn'a told me. Maybe she was worried 'bout how I would react. I ain't takin' it well, that's for damn sure. Maybe it was nothin', but based on how she looked talkin' to him, I don't think so. Ever since she told me 'bout Grady, 'bout what almost happened, I can't stop thinkin' about it. I will never let anyone hurt her. Especially not some momma's boy who don't know how to keep his damn mouth shut. If he so much as looks at her wrong, I swear I will gouge his eyes right out of their sockets. Maybe she was right not to tell me. But I just don't get why she wouldn't.

"Daryl?" Rick nudges me.

"What?" I snap at him.

"Do you need anything? I'm getting another." He holds up his empty cup.

That's a weird question, aint it? He should be worried 'bout gettin' some woman a drink, instead'a me. I guess he's just bein' nice. Merle woulda called Rick queer for askin' that. Then again, Merle always was a dumbass. Unable to help myself, I tease him. "Nah, thank ya dear."

Rick laughs and pushes past me. "Asshole." I snort a laugh at him.

"What's so funny?" A sweet voice asks from the other side of me.

I turn to see Beth smilin' up at me lookin' like the sun with her long blonde hair and the warm lights in the room. I have to remind myself, I'm still frustrated with her. Well. A little. It's gettin less and less the longer I look at her. "Nothin'."

Her smile never wavers. "You about ready to go?"

Thank God. "Hell yes."

She takes my hand and we say our goodbyes as she leads me outside. We don't make it to the street before we hear Maggie callin' after Beth. I groan. I'm so done with this shit. Apparently so is Beth 'cause she rolls her eyes as she faces her sister. "What Maggie?"

"Are you guys leaving?" Maggie asks, shocked.

"Yeah. See ya tomorrow."

"But yall just got here." Maggie whines. "Yall will be the first to go. They threw this party for us, we don't wanna be rude."

Beth walks up to her sister while I stay firmly put where I am. I ain't tryin' to get in the middle of it. "Maggie, Abe and Rosita left an hour ago and we've been here a while. Quit being so dramatic. It's been a long day. Daryl and I are ready to go home."

"But..." Maggie starts, but Beth interrupts her by whisperin' in her sister's ear. Maggie's face turns to horror. "Beth!!"

Beth laughs and mocks her. "Maggie!"

Maggie suddenly stares me down. "You're a bad influence on my little sister."

I shrug, offended that I am now somehow drug into... whatever the hell this is. "What did I do?"

Immediately, Beth says. "Nothin'." She looks back at Maggie. "Don't blame him. I am a grown woman and I have needs. See ya tomorrow, Mags. Love ya."

Maggie stands there stunned and speechless. I don't question it when Beth takes my hand again and we make our way home. It's nice walkin' down the street, holdin' her hand. I'm nervous for when we get home though. We'll be sharin' a room, a bed. We're supposed t'be takin' it slow but... damn it's goin' t'be hard. I ain't never wanted to touch someone so much in my whole life. It's like she's a damn magnet or somethin'. I am just drawn to her. Holdin' her hand, kissin' her, touchin' her face, it just feels so right. So good. We ain't done nothin' sexual yet and somehow I already know, if and when we do, I ain't never gonna be the same again. She's the best thing that's ever happened t'me. I don't want to screw anythin' up between us by goin' too fast. Shit or too slow. Beth did say she likes affection and it's up to me to set the pace. I don't know.

I look over at her. She is smilin' to herself. Obviously very happy that she beat Maggie at whatever that was back there. Curiosity gets the better of me. "What the hell did ya say to Maggie?"

Beth blushes and giggles. "I told her we were leaving to have sex."

I choke on my own spit. I cough a little and get myself right again. "The hell did you say that for?"

"It got her to leave us alone, didn't it?" Beth shrugs.

"Guess so." I smile back at her. My smile fades as I think about the party. Aiden. I try to keep my voice light. "Did ya tell that to your new boyfriend too?"

Her eyebrows furrow. "My new boyfriend?" Then a look of realization sweeps over her. "Oh you mean Aiden?" I nod. "He wishes."

"He does wish from what I heard."

"Who did ya hear that from?" She asks. I shrug and give her my idontknow mumble hopin' that will satisfy her. It don't, judgin' by the death stare she shoots me with.

"Glenn. He said Aiden made a pass at ya."

"He did, but I told him nicely I wasn't interested."

I shove my free hand in my pocket. "Why didn't ya tell me 'bout it?"

"Because for one, it was nothing and two, we haven't had a lot of time today to talk. Are you jealous or something?" She asks curious.

"Hell no. I jus' wanted to know why ya didn't tell me. You looked... so uncomfortable 'round him. Guess I was jus' checkin' to make sure he didn't try nothin'."

"No! He's harmless. Even if he did, I can handle myself." She says confidently.

"I know." I say quietly. I hate the thought of anyone else lookin' at her, or touchin' her. She ain't theirs. She's mine. Hell, maybe I am a lil' jealous.

"I was uncomfortable because I realized tonight... he kinda favors Gorman." She says sadly. I don't know what to say to make it better for her. I hold her hand a little tighter and rub it with my thumb. A sweet smile graces her face. "I know they are two different people but still..."

I nod. She is fightin' back tears so I stop and pull her to me. I'm learnin' with Beth, a hug can go a long way. She may shed a tear or two but that is it. She lets herself melt into me. I hold her close and then kiss her head after a minute or two. She eventually pulls back and looks up at me with those big blue eyes. "Thank you."

I shrug. "It wasn't nothin'."

She smiles up at me. "No it was somethin'."

We walk in silence the rest of the time. It's that comfortable silence. That's one of the things I love 'bout that girl. She doesn't mind the quiet. She's good to just be with me. We are almost home when a voice calls to us. "Hey you two!"

We look over to see Aaron standin' on his porch. "Hey ain't ya supposed t'be at that party over there?" I ask him.

"Oh I was never going to go to that." he says dismissively.

"Then why the hell did you tell me to?" I ask, annoyed.

"I told you to try and you did with a little help I see. You guys hungry? Eric and I are making some pretty serious spaghetti."

I sigh and look at Beth. Spaghetti is her favorite which means we are probably gonna go inside. I just wanna go home. She whispers to me. "Please?" She even gives me the damn puppy dog eyes. Shit how am I supposed to say no to that.

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