The Adventure of a Lifetime A...

By CrazyKpopMama

428 36 0

The last 5 years of Lynn's life have been all about loss and rebuilding. Stray Kids, her favorite K-pop group... More

Into the Unknown
Shock and Awe
Let's go!
Blush for days
What had been
Questions Answered
Passions bloom
Running High
And so it begins
Information Revealed
Passions Ignited
Falling Deeper
Fears Unspoken
The Pain of Reveal
Letting Go
Time to Play
Warm, Cozy and Aroused
He's Finally Free
Demons Expelled
Shining Light
Nightmares Relived
Pains of Horror
The Sun will Shine
On the Other Side
Bells Ahead
The Can't Be
Is there Hope?

Text and Love

11 1 0
By CrazyKpopMama

Several days have passed and everyone is back to work. I loved my time getting to know the guys. Though there has been kissing and some serious making out amongst all of us, no one has pushed me. It has boosted my confidence. So much, that I actually had them all over last night for dinner where I actually wore my shorter shorts and a tank top! For the first time in a long time, I felt confident and loved. It was amazing. I know I'm going to have bad days still, but to feel this confident around them already is huge!

Tony started his new job today. He was seriously excited this morning. And I am so damn happy for my kid! I did have to remind him, no talking about the guys. I mean, he can say he's met them, but that's it. He assured me, he already had that covered. I hope he has a great day. We made him take the car today.

Don and I are off to his final doctor's appointment before his surgery next week. I can tell the nerves have hit. As we sit on the bus, he's fidgeting and twitching. Reaching over, I take his hand in mine. I can feel the slight shaking.

"Hey, it's going to be ok Don. OK? You're ready, right? This is going to be a great appointment and then Tuesday morning we are prepared for." He just nods his head and squeezes my hand. I'll be glad when his surgery is over. Not because I'm in a hurry, but because I know he can finally feel free. It's been a long time coming and I know he is so ready for this.

After the doctor's appointment, we decided to go walk around the mall. We did find a few shirts that Don is excited to get as they are for after he is healed. Seeing him so excited makes me giggle. I love getting to see the excitement!

"What you laughing at mom?"

"You. Your excitement is amazing! I really love those shirts you bought though. I can't wait to see you get to wear them."

"I know, right? Give me a month and I'll get to." Taking my hand, he jumps up and down. "It's happening mom!! Finally, after all these years. I'm so excited! Plus, I saw you eyeballing the lingerie. Why didn't you get any?"

"I'm waiting till after my surgery and the swelling has gone down. Because I have no idea what's going to fit me then! But, I did go ahead with getting a bathing suit. I've really missed swimming. Also, hello, the cute earrings I got? I was so excited to find those hoops! As for clothes though, no more till after swelling goes down."

This is the cutest thing ever! Watching my child be this excited. Something I haven't seen from him in so very long. Grabbing his hand, I lead him over to the boba shop Nari had suggested. Sitting down, we laugh as we drink our boba and debate what to eat.

Just then, my phone dings with a text message.

*BC* Hey baby girl, what you doing?

*M* At the mall with Don. He had his final doctor's appointment. It went great! We decided to do some shopping after. Found him so great shirts for after he heals. He's so excited!

*BC* I'm so glad it went well. We're all excited for him too! Hey, I'm going to create a chat message group with them added. We'll have our special one and then one for the whole group. Is that ok?*

*M* Let me ask Don, but I don't see why it'd be a problem

"Hey. Chris wants to know if it's cool if he adds you and Tony to a group chat with all of them. That way if we are going to do things together or whatever they can let y'all know. Is that cool with you?"

"Duh mom! I know Tony will be cool with it too. What are the guys doing today?"

"Not entirely sure, but I know they had some recordings to do this morning."

*M* They are good to go! So, whatcha doing today?

*BC* We are doing some recording. Got a question? Do you want to stop by the studio? You can see where we work! I mean, is that ok with y'all? We really would love to show you what we do.


*SC* YAY! Our beautiful girl is coming to see us!

*LF* Yes! You can hear me record my part.

*BC* Guess you can tell we are excited? Do you have the car today?

*AD* Yo, what the hell is this? Who is this?

*DN* Who do you think twatwaffle? Me, mom and all the guys! Duh!

*HJ* TWATWAFFLE?? OMG!!! Oh yeah, this is Han.

*AD* Dammit Don! OK, everyone send me a message. I'm going back to work.

Oh lord, I already forsee Jisung using twatwaffle a lot. I giggle as the messages keep coming through.

*M* At least he didn't call you a cuntmuffin, or cunticorn, cumbubble or cumdumpster!

I already know my child is going to go ballistic, but I couldn't resist. Don, sitting beside me, loses his shit. Throwing his head back, he laughs till there are tears coming pouring down his face. I join in and before long, people are looking at us like we lost our minds. I really don't care though.

*AD* OH MY FUCKING GOD MOTHER!!!!!!!! You just had to go there didn't you? I nearly spit coffee out of my nose! Thank god none of my coworkers were around. Y'all, you see how my mom is? I don't even think you are prepared for her!! Ha ha ha, guess it's too late now!

We start laughing even harder. Oh how good it feels to just have a fun day and tease my kid. Sometimes he can be quite serious, so I had a feeling he needed this to loosen up.

*M* Sorry, sorry! I couldn't resist! I love you bubba!

*AD* I love you to mom.

*LF* Are you sure you aren't Aussie? Those are epic! Oh, and there is a driver on the way to pick you up.

*AD* Not Aussie, just Texans! If you haven't realized, we are loud and mouthy. It's just kinda in our DNA. Not to mention, half of mom's DNA is Scottish and Irish. So, that combo, along with being a born and raised Texan... Good luck guys!!!!!

*M* Remember I know where you sleep child. Remember how quietly I can walk. Pay back will happen when you least expect it.

*SC* I can attest, she can walk extremely quiet. She has actually scared me! I nearly threw my damn phone. And wait, Scottish/Irish/Texan, hmmm. I've heard all three have attitudes and their anger can be, umm, well, potent. YOUR ALL THREE IN ONE? Hell guys, are we prepared? He he he. I'm up for the challenge.

Don, looking over at his mom, laughs. These guys have no idea the mischief his mom can get into. Just wait till after her surgery. The fun will really start then! Right now, though, he's so happy to see the light coming back to his mom. It had been dimmed for way too long.

*DN* Freaking awesome about the car! Thanks guys. Who wants a boba or coffee? My treat. Snacks too?

Our phones light up like crazy with the guys sending their orders. I giggle at them. This has been a great day. But, I'm a little freaked out to actually be going to their studio at JYPE. As we go around getting their orders and waiting for the car, we both look at each other and just smile.

We get the message the car is there, just as we pick up the last of the orders. Walking out, we see Hanuel waving at us. Unbeknownst to him, the guys had ask us to get him something too.

"Hi! How are you doing today, Hanuel?"

"Hello Lynn and Don. Today has been a very good day. The guys ask me to pick you up. Wow, they said you were coming in with drinks and snacks!" He stares wide eyed at the bags we are carrying out.

"In all fairness, we did some shopping too. We got you this. Chris said you liked this kind of boba and the others you might want something to snack on too. Hope this is ok."

"Oh, my goodness, I wasn't expecting anything! Those boys. Thank you so much." He smiles brightly as we hand him his own goodies. I love that they think of him. I have a feeling he is very much more than just a manager to them. I believe they view him and Nari as family. And I can see the love they both have for each of the Stray Kids. It makes me happy the guys have them close by.

As we drive to JYPE, Haneul asks how we are doing and when our surgeries will be. As we explain that Don's in a few short days, he tells us to let him know if Nari or him can help in any way. It seriously makes my heart happy. They are the sweetest couple and I've enjoyed talking to Nari. She's sweet and freaking hilarious. Plus, she doesn't take shit off the guys! I've got to see her put a couple in their place when they got attitudinal with her. Their expressions made me laugh so hard.

Pulling into the garage, I look up to see Jeongin and Seungmin standing by the elevators. They smile and wave as we pull up. The nerves set in, as I'm not sure exactly how to act around them outside of our bubble we have on our floor at the apartments. Hanuel must pick up on my tension as we pull up.

Turning around, he smiles at me and takes my hand. "It's ok Lynn. The boys know what they can and can't do, at least till you get to the studio. They'll make sure you are safe and taken care of. They won't do anything to jeopardize what you have with them. You'll go first to the desk, where you'll be issued your passes. I took the liberty to already have all your paperwork done and approved. You, and Tony and Don, have passes to JYPE for as long as you want. You are now welcome to come anytime!"

"Oh my gosh Haneul! I don't even know what to say. Thank you so much! Wow!" Don echoes my enthusiasm as the boys open our doors. Looking over, we realize they'd brought down a cart for us to load the goodies and drinks on.

"Yes! I was hoping for help. Mom and I may have gone a little crazy with the goodies. Plus, we did some shopping for ourselves. Sorry!"

"It's all right. Chris told us you had been shopping. Thanks so much for the snacks. We were getting hungry. We just don't really like going down to the cafeteria anymore unless absolutely necessary. That's why we keep waters stocked in our studio."

After loading everything and telling Hanuel we'd see him later, we proceeded inside. As Seungmin took the stuff upstairs, Jeongin leads us down a hall to pick up our passes. He smiles as we get to the desk, informing the girl there what we needed. She does not look all that happy. Handing them over she makes sure to touch his hands and bat her eyes. He quickly pulls his hand away from her. It takes everything in my power to not snatch him away.

"Is there anything else you need?" She's staring daggers, since Jeongin had moved closer to me. She's pissed he is standing so close to me. I see red for a moment. Taking a deep breath, I look over at Don and smirk. Giving me the go ahead with a small smirk and chin raise, I slowly turn back to the girl. Jeongin is staring at the two of us trying to figure out what is going on.

Giving the girl a super sugary smile, I proceed with a very southern saying. "Oh, bless your heart. You're just so sweet. Thank you! This is all we need right now."

Behind me, I hear a snort from Don. Jeongin looks at me, cocking his eyebrow up as if to question what's going on. I couldn't care if the saying goes over her head, it felt damn good to say it. Give attitude and you shall receive the same back.

Once we are further away, Jeongin turns his head and looks at Don and I. "Mind telling me what that was about? Why do I get the feeling you insulted her?"

"Because she did. Bless your heart has several different meanings. It's all in the tone of how it's said."

He steps in front of me, essentially stopping me from walking. I look up into his questioning eyes. He won't let me pass till I tell him. Damn fox.

"OK! I may have gotten a little jealous." I whisper this since we are in JYPE.

"Awwww! Wait. Oh, when she touched me! Yeah, she's always doing shit like that to us. We try to avoid her as much as possible. She definitely didn't like when I stepped close to you."

"So, you noticed? If looks could kill, I'd have been stabbed to death in a very slow manner."

Stepping to the side, I lead Lynn and Don to the elevators. It's taking everything in my to not reach down and hold her hand. I can't wait till we are in the studio. Nothing to stop me then. Or from kissing her senseless. Maybe both. I didn't think it would be so hard. But every since she gave us the green light to date her, it's been difficult to keep myself away. I don't want to push her. Right now, all I want to do is push up against this elevator and devour her in every way possible.

The look I'm getting from Jeongin is making my head spin. This man is up to something, I just don't know what. As we get out of the elevator, he leads us down a long hall till we come to the end. The door has a plaque saying 3Racha Studio's. He has us make sure our badges are working. Success, they do! As we go in, he shows Don where to go and says he has something to show me.

Pulling me quickly into a room, Jeongin proceeds to kiss me so deeply and thoroughly, I'm melting. I'm not too sure my panties aren't currently on fire from the heat he has caused. Holy shit, his kisses are deadly. Pulling away, he smiles down at me.

"Let's go. The others will want their chance too. Today, I wanted the first kiss from you. Just remember Lynn, someday it will be much more than just kisses. I can't wait to ravage you, all of you." With that he proceeds to kiss me again.

Finally pulling away, I grab his shirt, pulling him to me. "I look forward to that day Jeongin." Kissing him, I step back. Not before I see his eyes darken with desire though.

I notice he has to adjust himself before we walk away. I'm not ashamed to say I watched and he knows I was. Calming my inner diva, aka lust demon, down is not easy feat around any of these men. And the panty burning kisses from them, oy... Keeping myself in check is a definite challenge!

Of course, fear still keeps me from doing all I want to. One day, that fear will be gone. One way or another, I will get rid of the fear.

I take in the surroundings as we walk in to the actual booth. I've noticed a few of the guys, including my son, are not there. 3Racha is at the sound board as Felix is in the sound booth warming up.

"Where did Don and the others go to?"

Changbin nearly falls off his chair and the other two jump. Guess they didn't hear me walk in behind Jeongin! Felix is cracking up hard in the sound booth. He'd seen me walk in and I just assumed the others had as well. Jeongin is laughing so hard, tears are pouring down his cheeks.

"Fucking hell Lynn! Changbin wasn't joking about you walking quietly. I knew Jeongin had walked in, I heard him. But you, how do you walk so quietly? Oh, and the guys took Don on a tour." Han looks at me with awe.

"You really want to know?" They all shake their head yes. Felix walks out, pulling me on to the sofa with him, Jeongin and Han.

"It was born of necessity. I've told you my granny wasn't the nicest of people. I learned where the squeaks where in our floors. I learned to very carefully place my feet, so that nothing made a sound. Even when I got older, and heavier, I still practiced it. It became a part of who I am. I've scared the crap out of my kids more times than I can count. Friends too. I actually forget how quiet my steps are. As I've lost weight, without thinking about it, I readjusted so that my steps continued to be very quiet. I don't know how I do it, I just do."

Felix looks at Lynn. He sees a strength in her he has never seen in others. The urge to kiss her is strong. He worries though, if he starts, what the effects will do to the others in the room. He saw how swollen her lips looked and Jeongin's hard on he was trying to hide. He thinks for a moment and comes to a decision. Fuck it. Guess we're all going to be sporting hard ons the rest of the day.

Pulling her suddenly on to his lap, he wastes no time in devouring her lips. Sliding his hand up the side of her shirt, he rubs his thumb in circles, eliciting a small moan from her. It doesn't take long for him to sense the arousal of everyone around him. He likes the idea they were watching as he bit her bottom lip. He heard the small moans from around the room. It takes everything in him to pull back from her. When he does, he realizes the other guys had walked back in at some point during his make out session. He notices the tents in their pants as well and smirks.

"Well, if you're done sucking my mom's face, can I come in now? Cause, love ya mom, but I did not want to watch them all drooling over you."

Giggling, I wiggle just a bit before getting off Felix's lap. His deep moan in my ear makes me shiver. Looking around, I can't help but see the arousal in all their faces. It's enough to make my heartbeat spike even higher. I have to mentally shake myself before answering Don.

"Ye-yeah, come on in. But I ain't apologizing. You just have to deal with it." That makes all the guys crack up, breaking the spell that had been woven. Didn't stop me from looking around at each of my men, all desperately trying to readjust themselves.

"I'm going to assume there isn't any camera's in here. Otherwise, Felix, that might get y'all in trouble. And I already have a chick downstairs pissed at me. I don't need any of your bosses pissed too."

"No cameras. We took them all out. And periodically double check to make sure new ones haven't been placed back in." Chris answers, with a serious look on his face.

"I take it you've had issues."

"Yeah, we have. We're in the process of securing all our stuff outside of the labels stuff."

"I can check for you, if you want. Remember, cyber security degree."

"I know you have your degree, but you really know it like that?" Seungmin looks at me with a smirk. The way he asks just raised my hackles. Oh you little shit, you're going to pay for that.

"Bless your heart, let me show you what I can do. And don't you ever take that tone with me again." Grabbing my bag, I go over to a table away from everyone. I'm pissed. I already had to deal with little miss attitude downstairs, now you want to act like I don't know what I'm doing. I plop down and take a deep breath before I explode.

"Oh shit. Dude, you done went and pushed the wrong button. Sweet, sweet, loving button, that's the one you want. No, you had to go ahead and push the scary bitch button!! Not even a small tap, but full on punched the button. Damn Seungmin." Don looks at him, eyes wide open. "You fucked up boy!"

Seungmin, watching Lynn, sees the anger in her eyes. Shit, I did mess up. She won't even look at me know. Fuck. She's absolutely pissed. I think about how I looked and what I said. And it dawns on me she has probably been doubted since she before she even fully got the degree. Fuck my mouth and not thinking before I talk.

Pulling my laptop out, it takes me no time to get in and check JYPE's systems. Huh. Someone's been monitoring this room. There isn't any cameras, but someone has got a bug someplace in here. Weird. Definitely an issue too. I hope they haven't discussed us in the last few days. Following the lead, I back track till I find it. Thank god, the software I created makes my computer vitually untraceable. They'd have to be better than me and get pasted my security, which would alert me immediately. As I start secretly digging around, I discover they've been listening on and off for a while. Nothing has been downloaded, it's all on a desktop. But they've been saving conversations. Not happening ass-wipe. Looking up, I realize it's gone quite. I motion for the guys to keep doing what they were doing, as all the snacks and drinks are being passed around. Don brings me mine and sits down to watch. It's always fascinated him what I can do. We resume conversations as I slowly wipe out the whole system of whoever is bugging the guys.

All of a sudden, Seungmin yells. "What the fuck is wrong with my phone? What is this?" He turns it around as it shows an emoji sticking its tongue out. Don lets out a laugh, knowing. I'd done it to him and his brother several times when they've pissed me off.

Eight sets of eyes turn to me at once, eyes wide with astonishment. Don looks at them just shaking his head yes. Suddenly, all their phones, and Chris's computer, come across saying gotcha.

"How is this even possible? We're supposed to have top of the line security! Lynn, why?" Seungmin then stops, looking down. He knows why.

"Hate to tell ya, it ain't all that. Oh, and someone bugged in here so they could monitor your conversations. Don't worry, I've just about got them all gone. And, ok. Done. Conversations have been wiped out and the bug has been killed. Oh Chris, your computer is now a hell of a lot more secure. No one from this place will be getting into it without my knowledge. Nor any of your phones. Now, would you like your phones and computer back so you can finish today?"

"Holy shitballs, that was awesome! And fucking sexy too!" Chris jumps up from his chair, grabbing Lynn and kissing her like there is no tomorrow. When he finally lets me up, he starts laughing.

"Sorry baby girl, but that was hot! I know you said you had a degree, but damn woman! How did you do all that? And what do you mean someone had our studio bugged?"

Catching my breath, I start explaining that I'd found a tap in the room. Followed it and destroyed it, along with the info that was stored on their computer. Someone is going to be pissed and I have a feeling they'll know it pretty damn quick. My guess, it's because the guys have refused to resign with the company, just yet. I plan on asking about that later. It's coming down to the wire and rumors of them disbanding have been everywhere.

Letting them have their electronics back, I make sure they each have the latest software for safeguarding. And I wipe out any linked to JYPE that shouldn't have been on there in the first place. Like hell will I let them do anything to jeopardize these men. Someone's been trying to dig up information and I don't like that.

Seungmin walks over, sitting on the other side of me. "Umm, Lynn. I'm sorry. I realize that was incredibly rude of me."

"Yeah, it was Minnie. I know you weren't doing it to be mean, but damn dude. How about you don't say things like that again to a female? Or, well to anyone? It hit too close to home for when I was in college. No one thought I could do it. There were only two females in the class and I was the oldest. I got harassed by fellow students. So when you said it like you did, it to me back to then."

Leaning over, he pulls me into a hug. "I'm sorry I made you feel that way. I never meant to do that. I don't always think before I speak. Obviously. I never want to make you feel less than you are. That was amazing to watch. And kind of scary too! How were you able to do that?"

"Not only do I have a cyber security degree, I also was the top of the class. I may or may not have been hired to take dig into things I can't talk about. Let's just say, I can do things that the normal person can't do. College made me realize it and my professor taught me everything he knew, until I was surpassing him in my abilities. I can't go in to everything I do, but I monitor my own stuff. I'd been monitoring y'all, just making sure some of the ugliest comments didn't get to you. There is actually several of us that do that on the daily. But now I think some of it may have come from inside your own company. Someone is going to be really damn pissed that everything has been cleared."

"Oh, and I just secured your phones. Chris, your computer was definitely not protected like it should have been. It is now. And I wiped out some stuff that shouldn't have been on then in the first place. They'll probably run a whole lot faster."

Grabbing my chin, Seungmin pulls me into the sweetest, softest kiss. It is full of emotion. As he pulls away, we both smile. He keeps me in a hug till it's time to go. He may have pissed me off, but I know it wasn't out of maliciousness. I feel safe with his arms around me.

As soon as we begin to leave their studios, I get the feeling we are being watched. I get the distinctive feeling it's not because of the guys, but because of me and Don. Trusting my intuition, I pull Don back and signal for him put his hat on before we step out. Pulling mine out of my bag, I put it on, keeping it low. I can't tell where this feeling is coming from, as there is no one in the hall. I trust my instincts though. Always have, always will.

Walking next to Lynn, Seungmin looks over as Don and her pull hats on suddenly. He caught the look they had quickly given each other. He knows something is up. He steps up to Minho, poking him and motioning for him to glance back. Looking at each other, they make a note to ask her once they leave. Minho feels uneasy too. Not sure what's going on, but he doesn't like the feeling he is getting. He'll have a talk to Chris more about it later. He's had this feeling before and ignored it. Now he's realizing he shouldn't have.

The rest of the day goes smoothly after Lynn explained the feeling she had gotten as they were walking out of the studio. Minho has agreed that he'd felt something was off as well. But neither could explain where it was coming from, as they hadn't seen anyone in the hall. Deciding to let it go for the time being, you and Don head back to the apartment. The guys had a few meetings that afternoon, so you say good bye in front of JYPE.

The guys message you later, saying they have a business dinner that night they were just informed about. Y'all decide to just order in, as none of you are in the mood to go out.

The guys come home long enough to get dressed up for the dinner. Now a days, they rarely had stylist around except during appearances. The preferred to do it themselves. Knocking on the door, they came in to see me before they left. Seeing them off, all dressed up in suits, sets my lust into high gear. Just something about them in suits is hot. And they know it. Of course, the hot kisses I got from every single one of them didn't help.

The rest of the evening was spent laughing with Don and Tony. Tony told us all about work and Don informed Tony about what went down. Also, we gave Tony his badge to get in to JYPE. He was totally not expecting it and yelled with excitement. He's excited to see what all they do.

All in all, it was a really fun, if not a bit weird day. But I'm cool with that. I enjoyed seeing what the guys do. I really enjoyed shocking the shit out of them when I hacked their phones. Their faces were epic!

Just as I'm drifting off to sleep, I hear the doorbell. I look at my phone, realizing it's nearly 1am. It's got to be one of the guys, but which one? Looking through, I see Chris standing at my door.

"Chris, what's going on? Are you ok? What's wrong?"

"Can-would... I need to hold you tonight Lynn. I'm tired, I've been trying to fall asleep and I can't. Would it be too much trouble to spend the night with me? Please? I need you in my arms."

He looks exhausted. I bring him in from the hall, grab my phone from my room, sending a quick message to the kids that I'm spending the night with Chris. Taking his hand to lead him back to his apartment, he's walks in a daze. The exhaustion is so evident, I have to question if he slept the night before. Pulling the covers up, he hesitates before getting in the bed. I immediately know why.

"Chris, just take your damn clothes off and get in the bed. I don't care if you sleep naked. I know you're more comfortable that way. Now get over here and let me hold you my love."

I watch as he strips in front of me, his eyes never leaving mine. Crawling over, he snuggles up close, pulling me in for a kiss.

"Thank you, baby. I love you." He pulls me close, our arms around each other. His breathing slowing down as I rub his back; he falls asleep in my arms. As his body fully relaxes, I fall asleep to the sound of his heartbeat in my ear.

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