Superfamily one-shots

By Aaliyah548400

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Superfamily one-shots More

:Love you kid:
:Nightmare πŸ’•:
:Too overprotective :
*Oh ...Peter*
Hi da... i mean mr.stark
Chapter 7:Holy cow
I'm just worried
I'm then who..?!
Protect cinnamon roll
The shake up
Overprotective superfamily
My baby :stony: son peter
Story of uncle Ben
Frustrated οΏΌ
Peter singing
Headaches hurt
I'm cold
Emotional break
I hate bullies
We will get through this together
:Bullying is not right :
The panic
The panic part 2
I forgot
Giggle machine
Ice skating .gone wrong
Peter not feel
Disney world
οΏΌ aww
Everything's gonna be OK
Sick days
Bashful οΏΌ
Backflip oh no
No coffee
Breakfast οΏΌ
Passes out
That hurt
I hit my head
Happy peter
Road trip
Well, take care of you
Bad morning
I'm so.. tired
Shaky part 2
I forgot my web shooters
Stressing out
Separation anxiety
The stars are shining like my eyes
First time walking
The Spider-Bite
Superfamily Health Scare
Superfamily Sleepover
When Peter Falls Ill
Be more careful
Believe in yourself
Title: Breathless
Road to Recovery
Lego land
A Superhero Smile
A Night to Remember - Peter's Prom Dmma
Peter's First Date
A Christmas
A Wild Ride with the Avengers Superfamily
Resting on Iron's Lap
Genius Playtime
Family Matters
Age-Flipping Avengers Celebrate Victory.
Title: Bambino
Title: Bambino (Part 2)
Title: Superfamily Easter Fun
Title: "A Super Cinco de Mayo"
Title: A Mother's Day to Remember
Title: Memorial Day
Title: "Sparks and Senses"
Title: "Fizzing Fun on National Root Beer Float Day"
Title: "Of Crushes and Confessions"
Title: "Spicy Surprises"
Title: "Guardians of the Superfamily: In the Face of Adversity"
Title: A Pup-tastic Request
Title: "Coffee Talks in the Superfamily Household"
Title: Family Matters
Title: "A Super Birthday Surprise"
Title: The Wisdom Teeth Woes
Title: Teenage Troubles
Title: Superfamily to the Rescue
Title: The Truth Behind the Arc Reactor
Title: Superfamily Tech Troubles
Title: A Superfamily Treat
Title: A Superfamily Haircut
Title: A Day in the Life of the Avengers Superfamily
Title: A Family's Care
Title: A Sticky Situation
Title: A Galaxy Far, Far Away
Title: A Day at Universal Studios
Title: A Father's Comfort
Title: A Superfamily Snack Run
Title: Sugar Rush Shenanigans
Title: A Day at the Pool
Title: Peter's Dental Dilemma
Title: Sleepless Night
Title: Family Allergies
Title: A Stark Family Conference
Title: Allergic Avengers

A Superfamily's Support

5 0 0
By Aaliyah548400

Title: A Superfamily's Support


Peter Parker sat nervously in the dentist's chair, his heart racing as he stared at the sterile surroundings. Beside him stood Tony Stark, his adoptive father, wearing his Iron Man suit as a precautionary measure. Across the room, Natasha Romanoff, also known as Black Widow, offered a reassuring smile while Clint Barton, aka Hawkeye, tried to lighten the mood with a joke.

"Remember, Pete, it's just a little dental work," Tony said, his voice muffled by the suit's helmet.

Peter nodded, but his palms were sweaty, and he couldn't shake off the feeling of dread gnawing at his insides. "I know, but I've heard horror stories about root canals."

Natasha laid a comforting hand on Peter's shoulder. "You're in good hands, Peter. And we're all here for you."

As the dentist entered the room, Peter couldn't help but notice the oversized needle in his hand. His eyes widened in terror, and he instinctively reached out for Tony's hand, squeezing it tightly.

"It's okay, Pete," Tony reassured him, squeezing back just as tightly. "You're brave, remember?"

Peter took a deep breath and nodded, trying to muster up some courage. "Yeah, I'm Spider-Man, I can handle this."

The dentist approached Peter with the needle, and Peter couldn't help but flinch at the sight of it. "Just a little pinch," the dentist said, his voice soothing but Peter's heart was pounding so loud he could barely hear it.

With a quick motion, the dentist injected the numbing agent into Peter's gums. Peter winced at the initial sting, but soon felt the familiar numbing sensation spreading through his mouth.

"Doing great, kiddo," Clint chimed in, offering a thumbs-up from across the room.

Peter managed a weak smile as the dentist continued his work. Despite the numbing agent, he could still feel the pressure as the dentist worked on his tooth, and tears welled up in his eyes.

Natasha reached over and wiped away a tear, her expression filled with sympathy. "It's almost over, Peter. You're doing amazing."

After what felt like an eternity, the dentist finally finished the procedure, and Peter let out a sigh of relief. Tony helped him sit up, and Peter couldn't help but grin through the lingering numbness.

"See, that wasn't so bad, was it?" Tony said, ruffling Peter's hair affectionately.

Peter chuckled weakly, still feeling a bit dazed from the ordeal. "Thanks, Dad. And thanks, everyone, for being here."

As they left the dentist's office, Peter felt a wave of gratitude wash over him. He may have been scared, but with his superfamily by his side, he knew he could get through anything.

"Anytime, kiddo," Tony said, pulling Peter into a tight hug. "That's what family's for."

And as they walked out into the bright sunlight, Peter couldn't help but feel grateful for the incredible support system he had in his life.


Part2 is next chapter

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