Title: "A Super Birthday Surprise"

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Title: "A Super Birthday Surprise"

It was a sunny morning at the Avengers Tower as Peter woke up on his 14th birthday, excitement bubbling inside him. He rushed to the kitchen where his dads, Tony and Steve, were already preparing breakfast.

"Happy birthday, Pete!" Tony greeted, ruffling Peter's hair.

"Thanks, Dad Peter beamed, taking a seat at the table. "I can't wait to see my presents!"

After a hearty breakfast, Peter eagerly opened his gifts. He unwrapped Iron Man and Captain America merchandise, a stack of books, Star Wars LEGOs, and his eyes widened in surprise at the last gift—a brochure for a Star Wars cruise.

"A cruise?!" Peter exclaimed, eyes wide with excitement.

"Yep, we thought it would be a fun family trip," Steve said, a smile tugging at his lips.

Tony winked, "And it just so happens that we're leaving today!"

Peter's jaw dropped. "Today?!"

As they finished packing, Peter couldn't contain his excitement. In the quinjet, Tony and Steve shared a knowing smile as Peter chattered non-stop about the cruise.

Finally, they arrived at the docks where a sleek spaceship awaited them. Peter's eyes sparkled as they boarded, greeted by droids and a holographic display of the destination.

"This is amazing!" Peter exclaimed, unable to wipe the grin off his face.

As the spaceship took off, Peter marveled at the stars passing by, feeling like he was in a dream. He looked at his dads, pure happiness reflected in their eyes.

"Best birthday ever," Peter breathed, leaning into their embrace.

Tony ruffled his hair, "Glad you like it, kiddo."

As they settled in for the adventure ahead, Peter knew that this birthday surprise would be a memory he treasured forever—a day filled with love, family, and the promise of new horizons.

Superfamily one-shots Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz