Sick days

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Sure, here's a fanfic as per your request:

IronDad and Papa Steve Superfamily With All The Avengers, Happy, Bucky, and Nick Fury, Hulk, and Bruce Overprotective Nice Peter Innocent Fanfic

Peter had been feeling unwell since he woke up that morning, but he insisted on going to school. When he came back, he had his hand over his mouth, running up the stairs to his bathroom.

The family members became worried when they saw him, and Tony and Steve quickly followed him to the bathroom. They held his hair back as he puked, giving him comfort and support.

Happy and Bucky brought Peter a glass of water, while Nick Fury, Hulk and Bruce watched over him. They all looked overprotective and worried, not wanting anything bad to happen to their little boy.

Once Peter was feeling better, Tony suggested that he take the day off from school and rest at home with his family. Steve quickly agreed and they made sure that Peter had everything he needed to feel better.

The family worked together to take care of Peter, bringing him food, medicine, and anything else that he needed. They made sure that he was comfortable, and stayed by his side the whole day to keep him company.

As the day progressed, Peter began to feel better. He thanked his family for taking care of him and making him feel better.

The family knew that these moments where someone is down that they could come together and take care of one another. They gave each other strength and support through tough times.

In the end, Peter learned that his family would always be there for him and that he could count on them no matter what. He felt grateful and loved, knowing that he was a part of such an amazing family.

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