I'm then who..?!

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Sure, here's the fanfic:

Peter Parker was never one to brag about his intelligence, but he knew that he was clever and a fast learner. But it wasn't until the day he surpassed Bruce Banner, Tony Stark, and Albert Einstein that he realized just how smart he was.

It all started when Peter had been doing some coding on his computer in the lab. He had been working on a particularly difficult algorithm when Tony walked into the lab with Bruce and a group of other scientists.

"Hey, guys, check out what Peter's working on," Tony said, pointing at Peter's computer screen.

Bruce looked over Peter's shoulder and paused for a moment, surprised, then asked, "Peter, did you just solve the algorithm?"

Peter nodded, his fingers still typing away at the computer. "Yeah, I think so."

Bruce looked stunned. "Well, that's some impressive work. It would have taken me weeks to figure this out."

Tony, who was equally impressed, added, "Peter, you're a genius. You're on par with Bruce and me. And according to all the data we have on Albert Einstein, you have surpassed him too."

Peter blinked, his jaw dropping. "What? Really? I mean, I always knew I was smart, but I never expected to be smarter than Einstein."

Bruce chuckled, understanding Peter's disbelief. "Don't sell yourself short, kid. You have a gift, and it's up to you to use it for good."

Peter smiled, feeling a sense of pride swell within him. From that day on, Peter continued to amaze his family with his intellect. He could construct complex machinery, solve intricate mathematical theories, and make advanced scientific breakthroughs quicker than anyone.

The newfound recognition didn't change who Peter was; in fact, it made his relationship with his parents even stronger. Tony and Steve were proud of what Peter had accomplished and knew that the sky was the limit for their young prodigy.

Together, they became the Superfamily- a family united by their strength, intelligence, passion, and love for each other. And in that family, there was nothing that they couldn't achieve together.

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