Be more careful

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Title. Be more careful

The superfamily of Avengers had just finished an intense battle against a group of villains when they received a call from Spider-Man. Peter, who had been patrolling the city on his spider-suit, was in trouble. He had been stabbed and was bleeding internally.

Tony and Steve immediately sprang into action. They had Happy fly them to the location where Peter was, while the others stayed behind to secure the area.

When they arrived, they saw Peter lying on the ground, his costume stained with blood. Tony could feel his heart breaking as he saw his son in that state.

Steve quickly sprang into action, pressing a hand to Peter's abdomen as Tony tried to keep him conscious. Bucky and Nick Fury helped to keep the area secure, while Natasha and Clint assisted Steve with Peter's injuries.

Bruce was called to help with the medical emergency, while Thor and Loki conjured up a barrier to keep them all safe from potential enemies.

Sam and Rhodey were working on getting the chopper ready to take Peter back to the Avengers' compound.

As they worked to stabilize Peter, the group could feel the tension and urgency in the air. They all knew how much Peter meant to them, and that they needed to do everything in their power to save him.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Peter was stable enough to be transported back to the compound. Tony and Steve rode in the helicopter with him, holding his hand tightly.

Once they arrived, the medical team took over. Peter was rushed to the operating room, where Bruce and his team worked quickly to repair the damage.

The rest of the group waited anxiously, feeling helpless as they listened to the sounds of the medical equipment beeping rhythmically.

Finally, the doors opened, and Bruce stepped out. The group held their breath as he gave them the news they had all been hoping for -- Peter was going to be okay.

Tony and Steve hugged each other, tears streaming down their faces, while the rest of the group cheered and breathed a collective sigh of relief.

It was a reminder of how precious life was and how much they all meant to each other. Even amid the chaos and danger of their superhero lives, they always had each other's backs.

In the days that followed, they all took turns sitting with Peter, making sure he was never alone as he recovered from his injuries.

And, as Peter slowly started to regain his strength, Tony and Steve knew that they would do anything to protect their superfamily and keep them safe, no matter what challenges they faced in the future.

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