Protect cinnamon roll

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Sure, here's the fanfic:

Peter Parker was the epitome of a cute, innocent, and smart cinnamon roll. He was intelligent, friendly, and always had a smile on his face. And with the Superfamily behind him, he felt like he could take on the world.

However, not everyone had the same friendly demeanor as Peter. Some people were just downright mean and loved to pick on the kid. Fortunately for Peter, his family of Superheroes was always watchful and protective.

It all started on a trip to the local mall. Peter had been with Tony and Steve, shopping for some new clothes, when a group of bullies started to mock him. Steve and Tony had been keeping an eye on Peter, but they were momentarily distracted by a store display.

The bullies saw their chance and surrounded Peter, taunting him with cruel words. Peter tried to ignore them and back away, but they kept pushing and touching him. He suddenly felt trapped and helpless.

That was until the Superheroes sprang into action. They heard the commotion and raced over to help. Thor and Bruce parted the crowd, while Natasha and Clint got in the bullies' faces, ready to take them down if necessary.

Tony and Steve were already hauling the main instigator off of his feet. "I suggest you let him down if you ever want to walk again," Steve growled.

The bullies, realizing their mistake, quickly released Peter and scampered away. Tony took one look at Peter to make sure he was okay. "Are you okay, kiddo?"

Peter nodded, his eyes wide with shock. "I'm...I'm fine. Thank you guys."

Steve ruffled Peter's hair. "Don't worry about it, kiddo. We'll always have your back, no matter what."

From that day on, the Avengers became even more protective of Peter. They kept a close eye on him, making sure that no harm would come to their precious little cinnamon roll. They never wanted to see Peter hurt again.

However, Peter was grateful for their caring nature. He knew that the Avengers loved him like their own, and those bullies had learned their lesson well. From then on, Peter continued to thrive and grow in the Superfamily's love, knowing that he always had a family looking out for him.

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