Passes out

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Sure, here's the fanfic:

IronDad Tony and Papa Steve were in the living room with their Superfamily and a few of their Avenger friends. They had just finished a long day of training, and everyone was relaxing and chatting when the sound of a loud thud echoed through the house.

Without hesitation, Tony and Steve immediately rushed upstairs to Peter's room, the rest of the Superfamily and their friends following closely behind.

As they burst into Peter's room, they found their young son lying unconscious on the floor. Tony quickly scooped him up into his arms while Steve began to look for any obvious signs of what might have caused Peter to pass out.

The Superfamily and their friends panicked, worried about Peter's well-being and what had caused him to lose consciousness.

While Tony held Peter close, Steve did a quick check of his son's vitals, relieved to see that they were stable. Nick Fury took charge and contacted the team's medical staff, while Bucky and Happy moved Peter from the floor to his bed.

As they waited anxiously by Peter's side, Tony and Steve took turns mopping Peter's forehead with a cold wet cloth. They reassured him that everything was going to be okay, that he was safe in their arms and that they would do everything in their power to help him.

Slowly but surely, Peter began to stir. He opened his eyes and looked around, still a bit dazed from the recent incident.

"What happened?" Peter asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

"It's alright, kid. You fainted, but it seems as though you are doing better now," Tony said with a smile, relieved that Peter was awake.

Peter took a deep breath and tried to sit up, but Papa Steve gently pushed him back down. "Take it easy, son. You need to rest."

The Superfamily and their friends stayed with Peter, helping him through the tough experience and making sure that he was okay. Once Peter was fully recovered, they hugged him tightly, grateful to have him as a part of their family.

IronDad Tony and Papa Steve promised each other to never take their son's health and safety for granted. The Superfamily and their friends were reminded of the precious gift of life and the importance of taking care of those around them. Together, they vowed to always watch out for each other, no matter what challenges lay ahead.

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