Peter not feel

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here's another fanfic

IronDad and Papa Steve Superfamily With All The Avengers, Happy, Bucky, and Nick Fury Overprotective Nice Peter Innocent Fanfic

Peter had been feeling a bit off for a few days, but he didn't think much of it until he woke up feeling incredibly dizzy. He got out of bed and stumbled around, trying to maintain his balance but eventually fell over.

The sound of Peter falling over startled Tony and Steve, who quickly rushed into the room. Seeing their son on the floor, they immediately picked him up and placed him on the bed.

Happy and Bucky, who had been keeping a watchful eye on Peter, also rushed in at the sound of commotion. Seeing Peter's condition, they suggested taking him to the hospital.

However, before they could do anything else, Peter ran to the bathroom and puked. The scene left the whole family feeling worried and helpless.

Tony and Steve carefully picked Peter up again and brought him to the living room, where Nick Fury had joined the family. They all sat down and discussed what could be wrong with Peter.

After some discussion, they realized that Peter may have caught a virus that was going around. They all agreed to take turns taking care of him and gave him plenty of fluids to stay hydrated.

The family members took turns sitting by Peter's side, holding his hand and talking to him to keep him calm and occupied. They brought him his favorite foods, as well as toys and books to keep him entertained.

Through their efforts, Peter gradually started feeling better, and the color returned to his cheeks. He was incredibly grateful to his family for taking such good care of him, and he promised to be more careful from now on.

As the days passed, Peter gradually made a full recovery, and the family breathed a sigh of relief. They knew that they would always be there to support each other through the tough times.

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