Everything's gonna be OK

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IronDad and Papa Steve Superfamily With All The Avengers, Happy, Bucky, and Nick Fury, Hulk, and Bruce Overprotective Nice Peter Innocent Fanfic

Peter had been having some health issues recently, and the doctors had recommended that he wear a heart monitor to keep track of his heart rate and other vital signs.

The family was understandably worried, but Tony and Steve took extra precautions to keep Peter safe. They made sure that the heart monitor was always securely attached to Peter's chest and that the readings were accurately recorded.

They also made sure that the family was always aware of Peter's condition and that everyone knew what to do in case of an emergency.

The Avengers were all overprotective of Peter, and they kept a close watch on him at all times. Happy and Bucky took turns keeping a watchful eye on him, while Nick Fury, Hulk, and Bruce monitored the readings on the heart monitor.

Despite their worries, Peter remained his cheerful self, playing and laughing with his family members as usual. He was always eager to draw pictures and show them to his family, and they were all amazed by his talent and enthusiasm.

Gradually, Peter's health began to improve, and he was able to play and run around like any other child. The family felt a sense of relief knowing that he was doing better and that the heart monitor had been able to help the doctors understand his condition better.

Even though they knew that Peter could still face health issues in the future, the family was grateful for each day that they got to spend together. They cherished their time with him, knowing that he was a gift to be treasured.

In the end, the heart monitor became a symbol of the family's love and protection for Peter. It reminded them that they would always be there for him, watching over him and supporting him through whatever challenges he might face in the future.

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