sweet seduction

By cherrymoonss

10.7K 488 27

I was you're friend until you treated me as if I was dirt under your foot, but I swear I'll be the demon in y... More

Act one
chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter sixteen
act two
chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18

chapter 10

179 9 1
By cherrymoonss

The night after the sultan had deported with his sons Gülnihal was sat enjoying music and dance in the harem alone side the rest of the royal family. 

The valide had decided to host a festivitie since they had all been bored and cooped up in their chambers. She had ordered all sorts of desserts to be brought such as Baklava, Lokum and Helva. 

She smiled thinking that Ahmed would have loved be here, her sweet lion would have squealed in delight seeing his favourite treats. She would make sure to suprise him with them when he returns.

Mahidevran sultana had come with her daughter, the young sultana was clothed in a baby pink dress with gold embroidery on the end of the sleeves, her short black hair was slightly wavy where as mihrimahs was curly and her own daughter's straight. The three girls were opposite even in behaviour. Gulbahar was a shy child who often clung to her mother, she hardly spoke. Mihrimah was more free spirited and often laughed and clapped her chubby hands together from what Gülnihal had seen. Halima although too young to predict on her nature just yet, often would be quite yet when she wanted something she would not keep quiet.

If her wet nurses was running late? Screaming could be heard, the child had a loud scream and wasn't shy to hide it. It was safe to say that she had her mother and father wrapped around her fingers, amusing thought Gülnihal. 

Hurrem had come with none of her children, she claimed that her daughter was asleep early tonight and that Selim was being fussy. Gülnihal herself could understand this, orhan had been rather fussy and refused to be put down. Halima remind her normal self. She had brought him along at first but then decided it was best to keep him indoors so had defne take him. 

As the music was playing and a bunch of girls were dancing the valide whispered something to daye hatun. Something all three women heard and didn't appreciate at all. At least for different reasons.

" Daye look at that beautiful girl! No not that one, the one behind her"

Gülnihal followed her gaze to a  beautiful blond wearing a blue dress. She was sat with two other girls. Her face glowing and she had a bright smile. Definitely beautiful Gülnihal realised with a sinking feeling.

She glanced at the other two sultanas who had similar reactions. What was the valide planning? Thankfully they were going to find out very quickly, the valide wasn't very good at keeping her intentions hidden. At least for a long period of time.

" Daye, do you know who she is? I don't seem to recognise her" 

" Sultana her name is Daphne, she's from Greece. I believe she's one of the new girls who arrived a few weeks ago " 

The valide nodded, she seemed deep in thought as she watched the young girl talking and laugh with her friends. 

" How old is she? And find out how her education is going " 

Ah so the valide had taken an interest in this girl, she probably was going to be presented to Suleiman once he returns. Now Gülnihal was not afraid of loosing her place in the Sultans heart or his desires. He would seek her out regardless of the other women he saw, but she couldn't help feeling a little insecure about a younger woman with Suleiman. Would he feel as if this Daphne is better? Find her more appealing? 

Absolutely not! She couldn't let these horrible thoughts run through her mind, she was the mother of two sehzades and a sultana. She'd act like it, act like a good consort.

So she masked her discomfort and irritation at the topic and put on a gentle yet bright smile, rocking her body to the music and occasionally gossiping with Gulfem hatun. Hopefully the valide would see a mature and unbothered woman, see that she was in fact the better consort. 

After a few hours, mahidevran sultana left along side hurrem who claimed that her children would wonder where she is. Gülnihal to rose and bowed down to the elder sultana. Graceful she left without show casing any bitter emotions. She would save that in the comfort of her chambers. 

After taking off her jewelry and day time clothes she put on her cream coloured night dress and braid her hair with a silk ribbon. Since Ahmed was gone she would have the bed all to herself, she couldn't help but worry if he was sleeping alright or if he had eaten enough. She slept a restless sleep and rose and hour later than usual. 

When she woke up she washed herself with rose scented water and put on a simple blue dress with her hair in a loose updo. For some extra glamour she added a vail and sapphire crown along side her diamond locket. 

" Defne, go find out what is to happen with that girl, the one who the valide pointed out" 

Confused the woman frowned and Gülnihal realised that she may not have noticed the woman. Sighing she told her the name and the maid set off. 

It wasn't until after lunch that information arrived. 

" Sultana she is new and daye hatun was correct about her origin. I don't know much about her education but from the little conversation we had she can speak fluent Turkish and Greek so I believe her education is going alright"

Gülnihal nodded, then asked if she was going to be prepared for the sultan. If so news would have already spread. Nothing is hidden in the palace after all.

" I believe so my sultana, I caught her coming out of mahidevran Sultanas chambers and when I was making my way to yours, I saw her with esma hatun. I believe hurrem sultana is speaking to her "

Gülnihal laughed out loud, her two rivals trying to intimidate a girl who might not even be allowed in the private chambers. How ironic.

" Defne, I will be dining with the girls this evening. Tell the chef" 

With that she dismissed her maid and pulled out her embroidery. The evening would be full of entertainment. 

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