The Adventure of a Lifetime A...

Galing kay CrazyKpopMama

428 36 0

The last 5 years of Lynn's life have been all about loss and rebuilding. Stray Kids, her favorite K-pop group... Higit pa

Into the Unknown
Shock and Awe
Let's go!
Blush for days
What had been
Questions Answered
Passions bloom
Running High
And so it begins
Information Revealed
Passions Ignited
Fears Unspoken
The Pain of Reveal
Letting Go
Time to Play
Warm, Cozy and Aroused
Text and Love
He's Finally Free
Demons Expelled
Shining Light
Nightmares Relived
Pains of Horror
The Sun will Shine
On the Other Side
Bells Ahead
The Can't Be
Is there Hope?

Falling Deeper

8 1 0
Galing kay CrazyKpopMama

Jumping off the counter, I walk into Changbin's open arms. If this is how the rest are going to be, I'm going to be a mess. Seungmin nearly wrecked me saying he was scared and I have an inkling he's not the only one. I cry softly, snuggled into Changbin's neck. I wasn't expecting the emotions to hit me like this.

"Hey, it's going to be ok. Minnie talking to you and letting us know what he was feeling is huge. Really huge. Lynn, I've never seen him that shaken before. But he shared instead of holding it in. Thank you! I don't know what kind of magic you have weaved around us, but I'm not letting it go. None of us are. Now let's finish this, because I know the rest are about to start waking. And trust me, the others don't go take showers yet. They just want food!"

I giggle at that and wipe my face. As we get finished, we start quietly setting the table. I notice some of them starting to stir in their sleep. The call of food getting to their subconscious. Changbin decides it's time, so I go stand by the kitchen door. Close enough I can see them, but they can't see me. We'd decided I was going to surprise them.

As he starts attempting to wake them, Seungmin walks in. I let him know what the plan is and he gets a devious look on his face. Uh oh. I have a feeling I'm going to see savage Seungmin come out. He walks into the living room, turns around, winks at me. OH NO!

"Hey, I think Lynn's moving out!" he yells out. That little shithead! This is going to cause a problem.

Changbin's face mirrors mine in shock. Everyone starts trying to jump up at the same time and keep knocking each other over and I giggle. It's like watching a cartoon right now! But damn it Minnie, this was not part of the plan! This is not going to go well for him. I just know this caused some issues.

They all stop and look around trying to figure out where the laugh came from. Seungmin still has an evil smirk on his face as he turns around to me. I can't let this go any longer, because I can tell Seungmin may go further. Just as he starts to say something else, I jump out.

"Ummm, surprise and good morning!" Seungmin gives me a pouty face, but then smiles. The rest of the guys are in shock. I walk forward to stand in between him and Changbin.

"Cat got your tongue boys? Never seen y'all so speechless. And Seungmin..."

Before I can finish, a chorus of squeals and excitement comes from the other 6. Soon, I am being passed around for hugs. All of them, with tears in their eyes. The last to grab me is Minho.

Currently, Minho and I are hugging, but I feel like something is wrong. So far, he hasn't looked at me. I look over at Chris, worried. Suddenly Minho looks at me with panic in his eyes. I quickly glance at Chris, because he noticed it too, and he motions us toward the kitchen.

As I lead Minho to the kitchen, Chris gets the rest of the guys to calm down and sit at the table. They all look over as I'm leading Minho away. "Let them be guys. They'll be back. Minho just needs a moment, ok?"

"Seungmin, you are in so much fucking trouble for that stunt!" Hyunjin is not happy and very vocal about it. I hear a loud smack and realized he'd hit Seungmin.

"You asshole, that hurt!!! Why the fuck did you slap me?" Seungmin yells.

"Yeah? It was meant to! You're lucky I just slapped you and don't deck you right now!"

"KIDS, STOP IT RIGHT NOW! This is not helping anyone. Sit down and we will talk, like civilized adults." bellows Chris.

I hear sorry from the two as Minho and I make it to the kitchen. Right after entering, I hear laughter. Ok, I know they'll be fine now. If I can only figure out what's going on with Minho.

Suddenly, Minho grabs me and pulls me in to his arms. His shoulders start shaking and his tears start to fall. Out of all of them, Minho crying shakes me to the core. Knowing how much he holds in his emotions. He rarely cries in front of others. And all I know to do, is just hold him closer as my own tears fall.

We stay like that for a long time. Eventually he slides down the wall. Pulling me down with him, he holds me in his lap. I wrap my arms around him, holding him tight, as his tears continue to fall. I'm beginning to become worried. My heart is shattering at his tears and I don't know what to do. He isn't responding to me talking to him.

"Minho, sweet one, please, stop. You are breaking my heart. What has brought this on? Please, talk to me." I softly stroke the tears away, wishing I knew how to help him.

Eventually, his shaking subsides as does the tears. But still, he won't look up. I sense someone walk into the kitchen and look up at Han. I don't know what to do. I don't know how to help him and Han must have sensed it. I feel like I've broken him somehow. I've done this to him, to them. What am I thinking?

"Jagiya, please. I know love. But she's here baby. She came to us. Please let us help you. That's all she wants to do." Han comes to the side and sits next to Minho. Putting his arm around us both, he pulls us into a tight hug. Slowly, I feel Minho relax. Finally, he looks up at me.

"You came. You actually came. When Seungmin said-said you might be moving, my heart shattered. I-I need you in my life Lynn. Please don't ever leave us. Why am I feeling this way? I don't even understand it!!! But you feel right. Like you complete us. Please don't take that away. Please." Minho whispers the last part while tears stream down his face again. Reaching up to wipe them away, I look at him, then Han. Han guesses what I'm about to do and nods with a smile. I do the only thing I know to do to reassure him. As I lean toward him, his eyes grow big. He closes his eyes and lets out a soft sigh as my lips touch his.

Han is watching, knowing this is the only thing that might snap Minho out of it. When they hadn't returned to the table, he got worried. After quickly talking to Chris, he knew he needed to come in. Seeing his lover so upset and looking lost just now, was like a punch to the stomach. He knew Lynn had awakened something in Minho, they'd talked about it yesterday. But he hadn't realized till now how deeply Minho's feeling for Lynn are.

He watches as Minho takes over the kiss, deepening it. Han suddenly wishes he was kissing her too. Lynn doesn't let it go too far though and pulls back. Han is surprised, but realizes Lynn has a lot more control that he understood. He knew this was not the time nor place, but secretly wanted them to keep kissing. Seeing her kiss his soulmate like that was hot!

"Mind out of the gutter Hannie. I saw that look." I can't believe this man. Sheesh. Oh, who am I kidding, it took everything in me to stop the kiss! Damn Minho can kiss!

"Thank you gorgeous. Thank you, my love. I've never felt such gut-wrenching fear before. I never want to feel that again. And Minnie is getting air fried."

"My darling love, I'll help you with that, plus tissues. He scared all of us. He's been getting a serious talk since you've been in here. Plus, Hyunjin smacked him pretty hard. He might have a bruise. I'm pretty sure he knows what's going to happen."

"OK, Ok you two. No serious damage. But he may get a shoe thrown at his head for that stunt, by me. I had no clue he was going to do that. He's a savage little shit of a puppy! Yes, I laughed because of the chaos of watching y'all scramble to get up. But I am not happy with how he went about this. Scratch what I said, there isn't a maybe. He's getting a shoe launched at him. And I happen to have deadly aim." They both look shocked at the vehemence in my voice.

We stand up and hug together. This just feels right. Minho is right, it's like I've always belonged. And I don't understand it. But I feel the tingle in my heart and that scares the shit out of me. If it feels this strong now, how will I let go when it's time to leave to go back home in the US? I shove that thought away. Right now, it's retaliation time.

Walking back into the living room, Seungmin has his back to me. Chris looks up and I shake my head no at him. Walking over to the door, I grab the first slipper I see, turn around and launch it straight at the back of Seungmin's head.

*TWACK* The hit is dead center and hard. Enough that his head flung forward. It goes so quiet you could hear a pin drop. He jumps up yelling.

"What the hell? Who threw th.." Seungmin is yelling as he turns around and sees me standing with my hands on my hips. There is shock on every single one of their faces as I march up and stand looking up at Seungmin.

Poking my finger into his chest, I see a slight fear come into his eyes. "YOU. If you EVER pull a stunt like that again, it won't be a shoe that hits you. I will I have deadly aim and damn strong upper cut. I really don't give a fuck that you are an idol. That was mean and cruel and you knew it. I get it, you're the savage puppy of the group. Yes, I laughed at the chaos. But I'm not laughing now after seeing what that did to Minho. And something tells me he's not the only one that affected. You had better have apologized. Do I make myself clear?"

Seungmin, with tears in his eyes, looks down at me. "I'm sorry, really sorry. That's what the guys were telling me. Chris told me he'd never seen Minho look like that. Minho hyung, I am so so very sorry. I-I didn't mean to scare you like that. I don't know what came over me. I was wrong to do that. Lynn, Minho, please forgive me. I won't do it again."

Looking at Minho, I watch him walk up to Seungmin. They look at each other for a minute, before Minho pulls him in for a hug. I let out the breath I didn't even know I'd been holding. Chris gets up, coming over to stand in front of me. He looks at me and smiles so big. My heart does a flip as he takes my hand to lead me to the table.

He has me sit next to him, as Minho and Seungmin sit down. The conversation starts up as we all dig in to breakfast. I look over at Felix and he slyly motions to my neck and glances at Changbin with a knowing look. My eyes grow big and I nearly choke on my juice. I'm hoping no one else caught the motion. Damn it, I hadn't realized he'd left a hickey. I didn't pay attention as I was getting ready this morning. Taking a deep breath, I can feel the blush. Felix winks at me, which makes it so much worse.

Just then, Chris leans over and whispers in my ear, "So, going to explain that hickey on your neck Lynn? Or should I just ask Binnie what happened? You know he'll share the details. We LOVE knowing what the others have done. It's a kink of ours." His lips are so close, I can feel his breath. He quickly nips at my earlobe, then leans back before anyone even realizes what he did. I feel the burn in my face. Damn it Chris!

Yep, I'm done eating. Taking a big drink of water, I try to calm my racing heart. I can't do anything about the redness, but I pull my hair around to hide my neck. Next to me I hear Chris chuckle.

"By the way Lynn, that was an amazing throw. You grabbed and didn't even aim. Yet you hit him!" Han tells me from around Minho.

"Thank you. Y'all better remember that too. I wasn't joking about the deadly aim and the right hook." I say with a straight face. Smiling sweetly, I wink at everyone. There is immediate laughter from everyone.

"So, why are you here this morning Lynn? And when did you get here?" Hyunjin ask, looking at me with his chin resting on hands. He's so beautiful. But under that beauty, I see a very smart man. He just tries to make everyone think he isn't.

"Well, I came to help Binnie cook breakfast for y'all. I got to see the snuggle pile. I nearly joined y'all, but thought better of it."

"Yah!!!! We could have had Lynn snuggles!!!!" Jeongin shouts from beside Felix, making everyone laugh.

Chris looks at me, tilting his head. I can tell he is trying to figure out exactly what is going on and why I'm here. I see several emotions, but the two that stand out the most are fear and what I think is hope.

"If everyone is done eating, lets clean up." I get up grabbing my dish and Chris's, making a dash for the kitchen. Everyone starts bringing in their dishes one at a time. All just keep looking at me and I know they all want to know what's going on. I just smile sweetly at them. I hear Changbin tell them to go shower, then meet back over here. Seungmin leaves with Hyunjin, so he can talk about a song they are working on. After the last leave out, Changbin and Chris come in to start helping with dishes. After a moment, I put my towel down from drying and walk up to Chris. Giving him a back hug, I just stand there holding him, while looking at Changbin. He smiles sweetly back at me and takes over drying.

Chris turns in my arms to look at me. "Lynn, why else are you here? And you going to explain that hickey?"

I look at Changbin and he grins from ear to ear. "Umm, yeah, about that. We may have gotten a little bit carried away this morning. And yeah, it might have been one of the hottest damn things I've done. I'll tell you all about it later, but right now Lynn has something to say. Don't you baby?"

"Baby? Lynn? Does.does this mean...?" He looks so hopeful, but so scared to finish asking. I look up slightly, leaning in to him. I can feel his heartbeat pick up in speed.

"Chris, it means I'm saying yes to you and the guys. I want this. But we have to go slow. Are you ok with going slow?"

He captures my lips with his. He pulls back looking at me. "You really aren't running away? You are accepting us, as is? All of us?" He looks between Changbin and I. Changbin walks over and wraps his arms around us both.

"Yes Chris, exactly as you are. All of you."

Suddenly I'm picked up spun around. I wrap my arms and legs around Chris and feel Changbin move in closer behind me. Chris looks down at Changin, then back up at me. Leaning down, he begins kissing Changbin. My breathing and heartbeat both become erratic. Watching them, their tongues dancing around each other, devouring each other, is one of the sexiest things I've ever seen. I feel myself becoming wet. I let out a whimper and the boys turn and look at me.

"Looks like our girl is getting turned on by us kissing. Should we share our kiss Bin?" Oh fuck. I can barely breath as they both take turns kissing me. At one point, we are all kissing, our tongues caressing each other in a frenzy. I feel Chris and Changbin's cocks beginning to push against me and know I've got to get this under control.

"Chris, Bin, we have to stop. The gu-guys are going to be right back over. I n-need to talk to them too."

Changbin pulls back reluctantly. Chris leans his forehead on mine and sits me on the counter, where Changbin leans in to both of us. All of us are still trying to catch our breath when Felix walks in. Looking back and forth between the three of us, his eyes darken.

"Well damn, I think I should have hurried even faster to get over here. Looks like I missed the show."

I grab a wooden spoon and shake it at him. "Boy, don't make me hurt you."

Chris starts laughing and tells us he's going to take his shower. A very cold shower, which makes me and Changbin giggle. Changbin says he has to go to the bathroom and walks out before Chris. As he walks out, he stops and looks back. Something about the look that crosses his face has me worried.

Felix takes the place where Chris was and pulls me forward. "First off, I like being spanked, so do your worst."

"Well damn, wasn't expecting that!" I was absolutely not expecting that to come from Felix! Felix grabs me, lifting me off the counter. Wrapping my legs around him, he carries me into the front room. He sits down in the middle of the couch, with me still having my legs around him. Seriously, how do these men pick me up so easily? I'm still a heavier person, but they act as if I'm not!

"Felix, sit up so I can get my legs out from behind you. This isn't the most comfortable position."

"I kinda like it. But fine." He pouts at me, but sits up. I pull my legs from behind him, but instead of getting up, I straddle him and snuggle into his chest. He lets out a sigh, while putting his arms around me. Changbin comes back in and sits next to us. We all snuggle up while waiting on Chris and the rest of the guys. While waiting, we start talking about what we want to do today, if anything. None of us really have any plans, so it looks like it'll be a 'come what may' day.

Chris walks in from his shower, his hair is still damp and beginning to curl up. I love his curls. It's always been my favorite way to see his hair. He comes over and sits on the other side of Felix. I sit up and run my hand through his hair and down to his cheek. He leans in to my hand, with his eyes closed. Leaning over, I kiss his nose, which makes him giggle.

Snuggling up together, as we wait for the others, I begin to feel a sense of contentment. A sense of belonging. And a sense that I may have fallen a lot harder for them, than I thought was possible.

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