The Beta's Mate

By sandstorm2453

737K 18.8K 1.5K

I found my mate at school. He was eighteen, I was seventeen. He was one of the school's populars; I was one o... More

The Beta's Mate
The Beta's Mate Ch.2
The Beta's Mate Ch.4
The Beta's Mate Ch.5
The Beta's Mate Ch.6
The Beta's Mate Ch.7
The Beta's Mate Ch.8
The Beta's Mate Ch.9
The Beta's Mate Ch.10
The Beta's Mate Ch.11
The Beta's Mate Ch.12
The Beta's Mate Ch.13
The Beta's Mate Ch.14
The Beta's Mate Ch.15
The Beta's Mate Ch.16
The Beta's Mate Ch.17
The Beta's Mate Ch.18
The Beta's Mate Ch.19
The Beta's Mate Ch.20
The Beta's Mate Ch.21
The Beta's Mate Ch.22
The Beta's Mate Ch.23
The Beta's Mate Ch.24
The Beta's Mate Ch.25
The Beta's Mate Ch.26
The Beta's Mate Ch.27
The Beta's Mate Ch.28
The Beta's Mate Ch.29
The Beta's Mate Ch.30
The Beta's Mate Ch.31
The Beta's Mate Ch.32
The Beta's Mate Ch.33
The Beta's Mate Ch.34
The Beta's Mate Ch.35

The Beta's Mate Ch.3

32.6K 786 53
By sandstorm2453

Both Connor and Keri had biology class with me. “It’s Caleb Foster,” I growled to them as I sat on my stool on the lab bench and the two of them gathered around.

Keri’s jaw dropped while Connor had a sympathetic expression. “And that’s a bad thing why?” Keri asked.

“He told me I wasn’t worthy of him!” I exclaimed at whisper.

“What a-” She started but Connor elbowed her as Caleb and Kyle had walk in. Crap I forgot they were in my class.

“Go ahead Keri, finish your sentence, they need to hear from more people than just me.” I told them loud enough for the two betas to hear.

“Yeah go ahead Keri,” Caleb encouraged threateningly.

“Careful guys,” Kyle said with a warning tone, he seemed relatively calm but it was obvious that he was ready to hold Caleb back.

“What’s going on here,” Miss Steph our teacher said as she walked into the room, it was then that I realize I hadn’t been sitting since the two boys walked in and Caleb and I were in very threatening positions.

“Come on,” Kyle said pulling Caleb away, Caleb let him unwillingly.

“Sorry Miss Steph,” Keri apologized on mine and Caleb’s behalf as I glared at Caleb until he sat down and Connor pushed me down.

I can honestly say I have no idea what happened in class that day. I wasn’t all broken hearted like most girls would be, no I wasn’t most girls. I was pissed off. Why did I get stuck with one of the jerks? I thought I would be lucky and find someone I was at least remotely compatible with. I was mad at the way Caleb had treated me; I wasn’t worthy of him, like he was some kind of god. Psh, far from it.

My last class of the day was music class. I didn’t have any of my friends in this class, in fact there was only one person I talked to in this class and it was the teacher. No one else in the class had anything else in common with me; I guess I always did march to my own beat.

                I played the piano, ever since I was five. My mother always claimed that for a person to be successful they have to play some sort of instrument. Playing the piano was something barely anyone knew about me, except to the people in my class. The extent of my playing was a secret to everyone except my family, not even my friends knew that the pages they handed out to me at school was amateur compared to the music I would work for hours on when I was home alone. I did what I had to in this class, in silence; afraid that if I opened my mouth I would regret what came out.

                Keri was waiting for me outside my classroom when the bell rang; she had gotten out of her Phys. Ed. Class early. “You okay now?” She asked.

                “No.” I stated bluntly, we stopped at her locker which was down the hall from my class.

                “So what are you going to do about it?” She questioned.

                “Easy, go on with my life like he never happened.” I informed her taking some books she handed to me to hold for moment. Suddenly I felt a headache come on out of nowhere, it was so sudden I fell against the locker for support from the nausea that came with it.

                “Lana what’s wrong?” Connor said coming up beside us, taking Keri’s book from me, as the both looked at me with concern.

                “Nothing just a sudden headache.” I told them holding my hand to my head and squeezing my eyes shut trying to rid myself of the pain. After a few minutes it faded and we were able to make it to Connor’s car. “What in the world was that? It just came out of nowhere.” I exclaimed confused.

                “Who knows? Maybe you really do have mental problems.” Keri suggests as she climbs into the car. I shut the door behind her. Connor and Kayla live close to each other, while I live on the opposite side of town.

                “You’re mean,” I retorted weakly. A honk behind me made me turn around; the bus was waiting for me. I said goodbye to my friends then strode away to my bus. I did have my driver’s license but my parents wouldn’t let me drive the car to school, I didn’t mind that much the bus wasn’t that bad and I didn’t have a long ride on the bus.

                I got straight to my homework when I got home; I was home alone for the time being my parents wouldn’t be home till around dinner time. When homework was done, I continued my daily routine of playing the piano.

                It was around four thirty when I heard the doorbell ring over my playing. I stopped my playing and set the cover back over the keys before I made my way to the door. I saw Mark’s figure through the window beside the door. Just great, I thought to myself. What did they want now? I knew it was all of them and not just Mark because they were nearly always together. The Red River pack and the Holloway pack, my pack, were very close allies. There alpha’s were best friends, almost brother’s, both present and future alpha’s included.       

                “What do you want Mark?” I called through the door leaning my head against it.

                “Just open the door Lana, so we can talk face to face.” He told me, I really wanted to challenge him, but I guess I had done quite a bit of that already today when I had insulted him and his friends, so I did as he told me. He seemed shocked when the door opened, “That was easy,” he commented. He was alone at the door but I knew they were in the vehicle that was in the driveway.

                “I don’t have all day.” I informed him leaning up against the door frame, and crossing my arms in dissatisfaction.

                “Sorry, I just wanted to make sure you were okay, after, you know what happened earlier.” He explained.

                “What happened earlier?” I asked playing stupid.

                “Lana,” He cried exasperated.

                “Is that coming from you or him?” I questioned nodding towards the white hummer with tinted windows. Mark didn’t answer this question. “I’m not a child Mark; I can take care of myself. So if Caleb doesn’t want anything to do with me, then I don’t need him and I certainly don’t need the rest of you.” I slammed the door on him then and went back to my piano. I let my hands glide over the keys and I felt my day’s anger and frustration fade away into my music. I lost track of everything when I focused intently music, including the time. The next time I stopped my mother was coming in the door hands full of groceries and my little adopted brother Gavin was behind her.

                “Hey sweety,” She called dropping her keys on the counter; I stopped playing and made my way over to them.

                “Hi mom,” I replied as I stepped into the kitchen. “Where did Gavin go?”I asked.

                “Right here,” He answered appearing from behind the fridge door with the jug of orange juice that was almost too heavy for him to lift. He practically threw in on the counter before going to reach for a glass in the cupboard which was too high so I ended up grabbing it for him and pouring the juice.

                “Thanks,” He said before heading to the living room to watch TV.

                “I have something to tell you,” I said calmly to my mom, leaning against the island counter with my hands folded in front of me. She gave me an unsure look but nodded for me to continue. “I found my mate today.” I told her bluntly.

                The look of concern was replaced with a gentle smile, “Awe sweety, that’s amazing. Who is it?”

                “Well, he’s older than me. He actually isn’t part of the pack.” I said slowly, not entirely sure if I wanted to tell her who it was, I was scared of what her reaction would be.

                “Just tell me already!” She practically shouted and it caught me off guard causing me to blurt out his name.

                “Caleb Foster from Red River.” Her eyes widened.

                “Someone hit the jackpot.” Someone said behind me, I turned to see my dad.

                “Hey dad,” I mumbled a little annoyed that he had arrived home at this moment, I had been hoping to do this one parent at a time. Oh well might as well get the whole thing over and done with. “It would be a jackpot if we had decided to be together. But he had different ideas.” Both of their foreheads wrinkled in confusion. “Caleb decided that I wasn’t worthy of him.” I explained using air quotes on ‘worthy’.

                “I’m going to call his mother, have her talk some sense into him.” My mother said reaching for the phone.

                “No mom don’t. It doesn’t matter really. If he doesn’t want me who cares, my life isn’t going to end because some boy doesn’t want me.” I pleaded trying to talk my own sense into her.

                “But he isn’t just some boy Lana,” Dad interrupted, “He’s your mate and shouldn’t be treating you like he did.”

                I rolled my eyes, “You can’t make someone love someone else. You can’t make him love me and neither can I. If he really does care he’ll come around eventually and not because of the pressure from those around him.” I tried to make them see my side but mum was already talking to Caleb’s mother and dad was listening intently with his arms crossed. I threw my hands in the air exasperated and headed for the door with the car keys.

                “I’m going out. Tell mum and dad not to wait up on supper.” I told Gavin as I walked past the living room door.   

                I threw my bag on the passenger’s seat and put my hair up in a ponytail before pulling out of the driveway and heading down the road.

                I was heading towards my second guilty pleasure, the guilty pleasure my parents didn’t know about but my friends did. This guilty pleasure was my rebellious side, I’d been caught once and told I was never to do it again. It was the reason why I wasn’t allowed to drive the car to school. It was race car driving. Mind you not on the NASCAR level but I didn’t care about that. All I cared about was the adrenaline rush is gave me, yes I’m a certified adrenaline junky.

                I pulled up beside the familiar black pickup truck and park before getting out and running to the top of the stands that surrounded two-thirds of the stadium. I smiled as I saw the cars speeding full throttle around the track.

                “Lana!” I heard my name being called over the speakers, I waved toward the announcers’ box where I know my friend Stan would be chilling and observing the driving. I skipped down the stairs and to the track and crossed when it was safe to do so to get to the underground garage where my car was parked and waiting like always. I’d saved up for this car since I was ten, cutting lawns, babysitting, works many shifts at a local diner; six and a half years later I had the car just not the right parts. That was where the team saved me; they offered to fix it up free of charge just as a gift for my dedication. So I’ve been using my car for the past four months, it was my baby and I would let few people use it. I kept it polished and sparkling clean.

                I ran my hand over the tan sheet that covered the car before gripping it and sliding it off, I smiled at the fire red Ferrari and ran my fingers only its shinning side before coming to the front vender and leaning over the hood, throwing my arms out wide as if I were giving it a hug.

                “I filled her up for yah,” A voice said from doorway. “Since you haven’t been around for awhile I figured when you did come you wouldn’t want to do all that.” I smiled at my coach and friend Stan. Stan was tall and lean with dark scraggily hair with a beard of stubble that hadn’t been shaved in a couple of day.  

                “I owe you one Stan, don’t let me forget.” I said going to the driver’s side as Stan pulled the chain that opened the large car door. I put on my helmet and strapped it on accordingly, many of the drivers at the raceway chose not to wear helmets, but I figured I owed it to my parents that although I was being rebellious at least I took some safety into account.

                “Hey Lana, how was your day?” Carl said through the radio that was inside my helmet. Carl was Stan’s older brother; Carl was twenty eight and Stan was two years younger both were part of the pack.

                “Stressful and that’s the exact reason I’m here.” I grumbled as I pulled around the first bend of the track.

                “Boy trouble?” He joked little did he realize how accurate he was, I mumbled a reply. “So there is someone I can punch in the face?” He inquired.

                “Be my guest.” I granted then added to myself, “The cocky asshole, little prick thinks he’s too good for me.” I heard Carl chuckling in my head phone I couldn’t help but smile myself. I lost myself in my driving now speeding through lap after lap until my gas tank was nearly empty the sun was below the horizon and the first few stars had begun to appear in the darkening sky.

                Carl and Stan both helped me put away the Ferrari and walked my back to my parents car. “So there’s a race coming up in about a month, a couple miles from here. You interested in racing it in? Stan and I can get you a pit crew and we can teach you a bit of strategy.” Carl asked.

                I lit up like a light bulb, “Are you kidding me? Of course I’ll race!” I exclaim, I jumped up and wrapped my arms around his neck, “Thank you. Both of you.” I added giving Stan a hug as well.

                “Don’t mention it. It’s time to get you racing. No point in having at race car if you can’t race it.”

My parents were furious with me for leaving, when I got home; I got to eat supper– that was cold– then I was to go straight to bed like a four year old. I did as I was told like a good obedient child, if only they had known where I was.

A/N: Well Chapter three is up! Why did Caleb reject Lana? Guess you're going to have to wait! I would like to know what you all think  of this so if you could spare a moment to comment it would be greatly appreciated. Have a good week!

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