You Make Me Crazy - Twilight...

By FreeHugs4FiveDollars

1.8M 39.1K 5K

16-year-old, Macy Ann Louise Uley has been sent to La Push, Washington to 'get in touch' with her original ro... More

Chapter 1 - The Plane Ride
Chapter 2 - Sorry, But I'm A Claustrophobe
Chapter 3 - Uncle Sam, Where For Out Thou?
Chapter 4 - Hey, I Just Met You!
Chapter 5 - Finally
Chapter 6 - Where's the Murder?
Chapter 7 - This Place is Strange
Chapter 8 - Jumping
Chapter 9 - That Was Stupid
Chapter 10 - Sam's Discovery
Chapter 11 - Davis' Little Visiters
Chapter 12 - Hanging Out With Emily
Chapter 13 - Jacob
Chapter 14 - Painting My Room
Chapter 15 - An Interuption by Bella
Chapter 16 - A Kiss From Yours Truly
Chapter 17 - The Pursuit of Answers
Chapter 18 - Lost and Fallen
Chapter 19 - A Discovery for the Cullens
Chapter 20 - Bella's Here Too!?
Chapter 21 - What Is He...A Mind Reader?
Chapter 22 - Now That She's Gone, You Wanna Talk To Me?
Chapter 23 - Not As It Seems
Chapter 24 - I Owed Him
Chapter 25 - Five Weeks
Chapter 26 - A Letter From Crad Daniels
Chapter 27 - Into The Closet
Chapter 28 - News To Me
Chapter 29 - Nikki
Chapter 30 - The Sneak Out
Chapter 31 pt. 1 - She Will Be One Of Us
Chapter 31 pt. 2 - Busted By The Cops
Chapter 32 - A Different Side Of Nikki
Chapter 33 - A Kiss In Exchange For A Locket
Chapter 34 - Bedroom Intruder
Chapter 36 - The Mysterious Ring, Seth Clearwater And His Sister
Chapter 35 - Midnight Mayhem
Chapter 37 - Bella, Bella Go Away. Come Back Here Another Day.
Chapter 38 - I Didn't Imprint On Macy
Chapter 39 - Come With Me
Chapter 40 - I Swear I Am!
Chapter 41 - I Believe The Fear Is Called Cyno-Phobia
Chapter 42 - It Would Seem So
Chapter 43 - You Guys Again
Chapter 44 - Breakfast and Jasper
Chapter 45 - Pick Up
Chapter 46 - Selfish
Chapter 47 - Like A Sister...
Chapter 48 - Big Mouth Seth
Chapter 49 - Bonfire
Chapter 50 - Bonfire pt. 2 Staying A While
Chapter 51 - Sam, Sam, Sam, Sam, Sam!
Chapter 52 - Something Strange
Chapter 53 - Confrontations
Chapter 54 - Testing Waters
Chapter 55 - Surprise, Surprise
Chapter 56 - Casey
Chapter 57 - Casey, Jacob, Macy
Chapter 58 - You Will Be Mine, Macy-Dear
Chapter 60 pt. 1 - Never Letting Go
Chapter 60 pt. 2 - Abduction
Chapter 61 pt. 1 - Bittersweet Victory
Chapter 61 pt. 2 - In the Immortal Words of Socrates, "...I Drank What?"
Chapter 62 pt. 1 - Back To Business
Chapter 62 pt. 2 - Nila's Appearance and Her Plan for Revenge
Chapter 63 - Jacob's Discovery
Chapter 64 - Concurrently
Chapter 65 - Next Stop, New York
Chapter 66 - Macy
Chapter 67 - We're Mates
Chapter 68 - Davis pt. 1
Chapter 69 - If I Can't Have Her...
Chapter 70 EDITED - He is Dead
Chapter 71 - You're Mine, and I'm Yours
Chapter 72 - Davis pt. 2
Chapter 73 - Luna
Chapter 74 - Best Sister of the Year
Chapter 75 - Heavy Prospects
Chapter 76 - You Make Me Crazy
Hello, Again!

Chapter 59 - Secrets Revealed

13.7K 361 106
By FreeHugs4FiveDollars






“Boo,” he said grinned with fangs, “I found you!”


My breath was caught at my throat as he reached out a pale hand to me. For a moment the scream was silent and I struggled to let it out. But thankfully when I needed it the most that’s when it came. A blood curdling scream escaped my lips and I fell backwards into the mud. I covered my face with my mud caked hands but my scream didn’t waver one bit.


Instead of feeling rough hands pull me from the ground, I heard first the sound of sticks cracking, the moving of leaves and sooner the sounds of people shouting…and barking. But besides all the commotion from the background I didn’t disregard the pair of icy lips that made contact with my ear, “You will be mine, Macy-dear,” the voice said and as soon it had appeared, it had disappeared and left in its place a cool breeze and rain.


“Macy,” it was a new voice that called me and this time when I opened my eyes I was met with big round brown orbs, “are you ok?”


“Embry?” I mumbled and soon another pair of brown eyes looked down at me, “Jacob?” I asked but my voice came out in a soft wheez. It was then did I realise how out of breath I was. My chest heaved heavily and I swallowed some droplets that fell on my face.


“It’s us…” Jacob said and touched my cheeks, “You’re ok, you’re safe now…”


I pressed my hand to his chest, his bare chest (I’d have to question him about his choice of clothing later). “w-who was…” I began but he simply pressed his finger to my lips and shook his head.


“We wont worry about that now,” he said and slipped his arms under me soon my was raised from the ground, “We’re gunna get you out of here,” I didn’t know how he did it, but in this cold rain shower, Jacob managed stay so warm. I warped my arms around him and leaned closer, I knew I was supposed to be mad at him or something like that, but I decided I was going to be postponing those feelings and just be enjoying his warmth.


“Macy,” I heard Embry begin and something warm touch my legs, “You’re cut all over.”


I said nothing in return but simply snuggled my face into Jacob’s chest. I closed my eyes and wondered once again who that red eyed man was and how on earth he knew my name. But for some odd reason I found myself noting that the man had an uncanny resemblance to Crad. 


When Jacob and Embry brought me into the house it was quiet and seemed void of any people. I didn’t know whether to feel relieved because the last thing I needed right now was any pitying looks, or maybe to feel eerie or even scared the slightest because of what I just went through. I squinted my eyes in the darkness and frowned.

“Where’s everyone?” I asked, “And why are the lights off?”

In the darkness, I would tell Embry and Jacob were sharing a look. I heard Embry clear his throat before he spoke up.

“The storm knocked the lights out,” he said

“What about everyone else?” I asked as I felt my body rock forward when Jacob began walking further into the dark house. How he could see where he was going was beyond me.

“They went out to get some things to fix it,” it was Jacob who answered me this time.

I frowned at his words, but said nothing in response. It was quiet for the rest of their walk to what I assumed was the path to the kitchen. When we arrived to the dim room I was placed on a wooden chair and Embry dropped four candle lights on the table. It wasn’t that many candles but it managed to give the room some kind of life, even if it was a bit of a dull one. I squinted at the outlines of Jacob and Embry when I spoke.

“How long is it going to be before the lights come back on?” I asked. The reason to why I asked that question wasn’t because I was scared of the dark or anything but I think I deserved to at least be able to see my surroundings for what just happened earlier.

“Not too long,” Embry said as he moved the candle closer to another candle and lit that one, “but for now we’ll just have to stick with these candles.” He smiled and the candles he held seemed to illuminate his features in the dark.

I sighed and looked down at my palms. The pulsing pain seemed to suddenly get my attention. I don’t know why I hadn’t felt the pain before (which had been a slightly dull and numb feeling through out my run) because now they felt as if they were screaming for my attention. Maybe it was the adrenaline that had me going and not noticing those punctured dots on my hands that now crusted over with dried blood. To add on top of all that, my feet, caked over with cracked mud, began throbbing as well.

I suppose this was just perfect. It had been a while before I fucked something up and hurt myself again.

Memories of what had just happened continuously flashed through my head as I sat at the table. A pair of red eyes flashed through my thoughts and for a split second I felt fear shiver run down my spine. When Jacob noticed my flinch he asked if I was cold.

“No…” I told him shaking my head, “I just remembered something…” I took my eyes from him and stared at the door where the pounding of the rain could be heard clearly, “There was this man that was after me—h-he had red eyes and… fangs…” I  turned my head to him and saw him quickly turn his away from mine. I furrowed my eyebrows. But as soon as I was about to speak to question this Embry spoke up.

“Macy, let me take a look at your wounds, I’ve found some bandages,” he said and appeared in front of me.

“But who was that guy? He…” I furrowed my eyebrows and the frown on my face deepened, “He knew my name! He might still be out there—Jacob, I—”

“Macy, Macy…” Embry interrupted quickly and pressed a hand on my shoulder, “Calm down… we’ll look at your cuts first ok? Your injuries come first right now and then we’ll talk about what you just saw… There are some things you don’t quite know or understand so just wait, for now, kay?”

I sighed and nodded my head, “Kay.” I said and allowed Embry to continue checking out my wounds. When Embry went to grab onto my bare leg he let out a short breath of air and told me my skin was too cold. I rolled my eyes and told him it was his hands that were too warm. After our few exchange of words, Jacob, out of completely nowhere, cleared his throat and pushed Embry aside with a tight frown.

“I don’t think you know what you’re doing, so I’ll take it from here…” he said grabbed a hold of the same leg. A small shiver left my lips and I smiled at his touch.

“How do I know, you know what you’re doing?” I laughed.

In the dimly lit room, I spotted the grin on Jacob’s face that glowed on his face. “Let’s not forget who wrapped your sprained hand now…”

From the side, Embry handed him a wide sided medical box full of cleansing cloths and such of that matter. I watched Jake carefully as he swiped the dirt off my legs, where the cuts were, (mostly on my knees from all that crawling in the shrubs) and on the palms of my feet where I was punctured.

“And let’s not forget who injured it in the first place…” I replied

Jacob paused from wiping the long gash that and stared at me, “You know I didn’t mean for you to get hurt…” He said oh so sincerely that I nearly wanted t take back my words. Ugh, I've turned into a sap with this crush I've got on him!

“Well, ok...” I told him.

He nodded his head and continued onward in wrapping my feet now in bandages. It was silent before he spoke up again, now cleansing the wounds on my hand from dirt, “So what happened between you and Casey,” I furrowed my eyebrows in a scowl, ready to speak out to his words until he lifted his hand up and told me to shush, “Hear me out first, kay? Casey feels terrible for what she said. She shouldn't have dared say what she said, but now she feels terrible because she didn't mean it.”

I quickly looked around to find Embry but to my relieve he wasn’t around. He must’ve gone to place more candles upstairs or something. Either way, I was glad he wasn’t around, he wouldn’t feel my discomfort at the moment.

I sighed and shrugged my shoulders at Jake, “I don’t care anymore Jacob,” I said, “all the things she said were true anyway. I’m an outcast here—”

“Macy, no you’re not.”

“Jacob, yes I am.”

Jacob placed the cleaning pad on the table and grasped my arms with his warm hands. He tugged me forward and had me stare into his eyes. It was silent for a moment before his perfect lips moved again.

“It’s not true… Casey didn’t even mean any of those things she said, you know that right?” He stared at me for a while and I offered a shrug in response. He brought his lips in a thin line and he spoke again, “And you’re not an outcast, Mace. You belong here as much as anyone else, maybe even more…this is your house—your home,” his hands moved up to my shoulders and rubbed against my cold skin soothingly, “You could never be an outcast.

This wasn’t my home, I thought, it was Casey’s.

“Well, that’s not entirely true… You guys never let me go anywhere with you anymore…” A sad sigh left my lips, “It’s like you don’t wanna hang out with me anymore.”

When a frown graced upon Jacob’s tan face as he said nothing I knew I was right. I huffed and crossed my arms, “See, I’m right aren’t I?”

“Macy,” Jacob began quietly, “You’re wrong… it’s not that at all… It’s just that we’ve all been busy doing something really important, and the reason you can’t come is because it’s too…dangerous for you, too much of a risk.” I raised an eyebrow incredulously at him but he continued anyway, “There’s a lot of things you’re not aware of…things that you don’t know about that may put you in a lot of danger like it did tonight. I can’t tell you much right now, but for now I can tell you that you’re not an outcast here, we all need you here Macy.”

And with that Jake brushed his fingers under my chin and tilted my head and captured my lips with his. His perfect lips left tingles on my own and I didn’t know how long it was before we parted for air. “We all need you hear. You’re important to us… you’re important to me.” And he kissed my cheeks.

There was a long hiatus before I had to speak up and ruin this beautiful moment with my jealously and paranoia.

“Well, what about Casey?”

Jacob gave me a confused look, “Well, what about Casey?”

“Well, if...if I'm as important as you say, then what about Casey? How come she knows all about this? How come she gets to go along with you guys?”

“It’s complicated, Macy… Casey is, well, its… just not up to me. I’ll explain to you, and you’ll understand. I promise, one day…just not today.”

“Why?” I asked feebly.

“If it was up to me, I’d tell you all the answers in the world. But it’s not because—”

With a roll of my eyes I turned my head and scoffed, “because of Sam right?” I asked with my arms folded. I should’ve known.

It’s always Sam with these things.

“Ugh, well…this isn’t fair Jake...”

Jacob’s arms fell from my shoulders and to my waist where his tingling touch brought me closer to his warm body.

“I know.”

 I sighed as my head laid on his shoulder. I needed this hug. He was just so…welcoming.



“Do you know Casey likes you?” I asked him. A moment past and it was quiet for a moment as I waited for his response. I clenched onto his shirt tighter than I expected I would. I’m not sure what I was waiting for or what I had anticipated, but whatever it was, was completely different from what Jake said.

“Well, that’s nice…I like her too. She’s a nice girl.”

I furrowed my eyebrows at his words. Seems like he didn’t understand my words, “I mean, Jake…she likes you, likes you. Like, the way…the way I like you.”

“Oh.” He said as he understood, “well…that’s ridiculous!” I stared up at him, the corners of my lips tilting slightly. Yes, it was ridiculous, especially when he was mine. I wasn’t willing to share him. I wasn’t going to share him. Oh, boy, I’m possessive with this boy, yet all we’ve done was exchange a few kisses!

“I know right?” I agreed and managed to sigh for the thousandth time today, “ridiculous…”

“Especially when I already like you, like you.”

I blinked.


“I like you.” The words did only flow from his mouth but vibrated through his body and to mine, and bounced off each corner of the room. I like you

“What, like a sister?”

Jacob shook his head quickly, “No,” he said, “I know I said that before but I was only being stupid. I really do like you, Macy, like a boyfriend would like his girlfriend. I like you a lot.”

“Oh.” I wanted to say more. Something like; I like you too; but he already knew that. I had been the first to confess it to him.

A chuckle rumbled from Jacob’s chest as his eyes sparkled at me, “And I’ve realized something.”

I tilted my head to look up at him, “What?” I asked.

He reached down and kissed me again before responding, “I want something more between us… more than this simple friendship…”

I couldn’t help but laugh, “What, so are you willing to defy Sam for me?”

Once again, Jacob was able to surprise me with his next response, “Yes.”

I reached up to Jacob and kissed his lips passionately. He didn’t waste too much time in responding. Again, he left me with this lively feeling of love that swelled in my heart and pumped in my veins. I was speechless as much as I was breathless. He took my heart and my breath away. He made me feel unreal in all ways possible.

“I know we’ve been over this before, but Jacob… what are we? I mean, what am I to you?”

There was a long pause before a grin made way on Jake’s face and he answered, “You're my imprint. We're mates.”


“Tomorrow,” Jacob began, “Me, Embry, Jared and all the others are going somewhere and I’m going to need you to stay here.” The lights had came back on, but the others had yet to arrive so we were now in my room. Oooh, a boy’s in my room, don’t tell Sam! I couldn’t help but think as I brought Jake in.

I wasn’t sure where Embry had gone to but Jake told me not to worry about it, so I didn’t. We sat at the foot of my bed, doing nothing but enjoying each others company and maybe exchanging a few kisses here and there. But have no worry, we talked as well.

I furrowed my eyebrows at his words, “Why?”

“It has something to do with what happened tonight,” he told me as he stroked my hair. I closed my eyes for a moment to savior the soothing sensation he was giving me with his petting but opened them again to focus on what he was saying.

“Do you mean with that…thing? That man with the red eyes? Who was he anyway? You never told me!”

Jacob now caressed my face as he sighed, “Macy, it’s complicated to explain to you… if I tell you, you wouldn’t believe me….”

“Oh, please, Jake… just tell me already!" I don't know what made my pleads different from all the other times, maybe it was the fact that I was something more to him now, or maybe they way I clinched onto him and offered him my best pair of puppy eyes, or maybe it was my reasoning. Maybe it was all three because, "I’ll try to understand, just tell me. This man was after me, I think I’d deserve to at least know who the freak was!”

Silence lingered in the air and laid thickly in the atmosphere as Jake remained quiet and resistant to answering me. It wasn’t until later did he finally speak.

“A vampire.”

I can’t tell you I took him very seriously, but I can tell you that I laughed in his face at his words. He shrugged it off and refused to tell me the true reason. That night I dreamed about a wolf and that scary, uncanny Crad-look-a-like man.

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