You Make Me Crazy - Twilight...

Af FreeHugs4FiveDollars

1.8M 39.1K 5K

16-year-old, Macy Ann Louise Uley has been sent to La Push, Washington to 'get in touch' with her original ro... Mere

Chapter 1 - The Plane Ride
Chapter 2 - Sorry, But I'm A Claustrophobe
Chapter 3 - Uncle Sam, Where For Out Thou?
Chapter 4 - Hey, I Just Met You!
Chapter 5 - Finally
Chapter 6 - Where's the Murder?
Chapter 7 - This Place is Strange
Chapter 8 - Jumping
Chapter 9 - That Was Stupid
Chapter 10 - Sam's Discovery
Chapter 11 - Davis' Little Visiters
Chapter 12 - Hanging Out With Emily
Chapter 13 - Jacob
Chapter 14 - Painting My Room
Chapter 15 - An Interuption by Bella
Chapter 16 - A Kiss From Yours Truly
Chapter 17 - The Pursuit of Answers
Chapter 18 - Lost and Fallen
Chapter 19 - A Discovery for the Cullens
Chapter 20 - Bella's Here Too!?
Chapter 21 - What Is He...A Mind Reader?
Chapter 22 - Now That She's Gone, You Wanna Talk To Me?
Chapter 23 - Not As It Seems
Chapter 24 - I Owed Him
Chapter 25 - Five Weeks
Chapter 26 - A Letter From Crad Daniels
Chapter 27 - Into The Closet
Chapter 28 - News To Me
Chapter 29 - Nikki
Chapter 30 - The Sneak Out
Chapter 31 pt. 1 - She Will Be One Of Us
Chapter 31 pt. 2 - Busted By The Cops
Chapter 32 - A Different Side Of Nikki
Chapter 33 - A Kiss In Exchange For A Locket
Chapter 34 - Bedroom Intruder
Chapter 36 - The Mysterious Ring, Seth Clearwater And His Sister
Chapter 35 - Midnight Mayhem
Chapter 37 - Bella, Bella Go Away. Come Back Here Another Day.
Chapter 38 - I Didn't Imprint On Macy
Chapter 39 - Come With Me
Chapter 40 - I Swear I Am!
Chapter 41 - I Believe The Fear Is Called Cyno-Phobia
Chapter 42 - It Would Seem So
Chapter 43 - You Guys Again
Chapter 44 - Breakfast and Jasper
Chapter 45 - Pick Up
Chapter 46 - Selfish
Chapter 47 - Like A Sister...
Chapter 48 - Big Mouth Seth
Chapter 49 - Bonfire
Chapter 50 - Bonfire pt. 2 Staying A While
Chapter 51 - Sam, Sam, Sam, Sam, Sam!
Chapter 52 - Something Strange
Chapter 53 - Confrontations
Chapter 54 - Testing Waters
Chapter 55 - Surprise, Surprise
Chapter 56 - Casey
Chapter 57 - Casey, Jacob, Macy
Chapter 59 - Secrets Revealed
Chapter 60 pt. 1 - Never Letting Go
Chapter 60 pt. 2 - Abduction
Chapter 61 pt. 1 - Bittersweet Victory
Chapter 61 pt. 2 - In the Immortal Words of Socrates, "...I Drank What?"
Chapter 62 pt. 1 - Back To Business
Chapter 62 pt. 2 - Nila's Appearance and Her Plan for Revenge
Chapter 63 - Jacob's Discovery
Chapter 64 - Concurrently
Chapter 65 - Next Stop, New York
Chapter 66 - Macy
Chapter 67 - We're Mates
Chapter 68 - Davis pt. 1
Chapter 69 - If I Can't Have Her...
Chapter 70 EDITED - He is Dead
Chapter 71 - You're Mine, and I'm Yours
Chapter 72 - Davis pt. 2
Chapter 73 - Luna
Chapter 74 - Best Sister of the Year
Chapter 75 - Heavy Prospects
Chapter 76 - You Make Me Crazy
Hello, Again!

Chapter 58 - You Will Be Mine, Macy-Dear

13.3K 392 52
Af FreeHugs4FiveDollars




Oh, yeah and ..


Hey guys, haha, well long time no see?

Well, so sorry for the wait but hey I have an excuse:

It was my Birthday, for those of you who didn't know^^ (March 23rd) and I was simply enjoying it, hahaa

Anywayz, on with the story :P 

P.S. There are idk how many chapter left cos Im bad at math (lies)

P.P.S. - Thanks so much for the votes not only from the last chapter but for those of you who checked out The Vampire Queen formally know as GOLDEN LOCKS, THANK YOU SO MUCH I LOVE YOU GUYS!<3333

In the pouring rain, I stopped a few feet from the house. It was raining heavily and the water droplets seemed to pummel the dirt ground harshly as I went on. The skies were grey with sadness, or perhaps anger; I wasn't sure. It wasn't just raining outside it was pouring cats and dogs. The wind blew the rain furiously in my face making it hard for me to decipher whether the wet stains were water droplets from the sky or tears from my eyes. It was surprisingly cold as well and I only donned a T-shirt, Capri's and sandels.

 I stared up into the clouded sky and let the rain fall directly on my face. I closed my eyes to protect them as I did so. With every rain drop that landed on me, and every second that I past under the rain motionless, my hair and clothes became sticky to me. It felt like all the rain was targeted towards me as I stood. I was drenched for the most part, but I didn't care, I may have even enjoyed it.  I looked down at the foot prints in the mud that were being edged into a mucky uneven surface, erasing the trace of my imprint, erasing a mistake. In a way, as I stood in the shower of melted icicles, I felt as if nature itself was trying to erase me. Maybe I was being melodramatic, or maybe I was responding incorrectly by running away. 

The sound of a creaking door being opened alerted my senses and I immediately turned my head to see who it was. Three, four, five of them stood at the porch, one at a time. First the tan face of Jacob popped out from the house, followed by Embry, Seth, then Jared and finally Casey.

At least I had the father, I heard her words echo in my head and looked away from her to the others.

They all seemed concerned as they stared at me, or maybe it was simply curiosity that was ridden on their face. They say those emotions are often times mixed up; a person could take someone's plain curiousness as concern for their wellbeing. They were probably curious, I had decided. I looked at Casey who simply wouldn't look up to meet me.

Heck, I bet she even cherished me more than you. And I bet even the people here cherish me

 I wondered if she felt guilty for what she said but then I stopped when I realise she had simply stated the truth I had failed to see til now. All this time I was giving her grief and all for intruding, when in reality it was me who was the intruder. There was no reason for her to feel bad for saying a statement.

I was an outsider, an outcast, really. I was kin to them, but I didn't even look the part. I didn't really belong here in sleepy La Push, I was a city gal with a motorcycle and scars from ridiculous dares such as driving the opposite direction on the Brooklyn Bridge and climbing on apartment buildings. These guys didn't do much then jumping off of cliffs and high things.

"Macy!" Jacob shouted, "Get out of the rain, you'll get sick!" I didn't respond but instead turned my back to them. I wanted to stay in this rain, so what if I get sick, it wasn't like I really cared. "Macy, come back in the house!"

 And do what exactly? I found myself wondering. I go back in the house and do what? I wasn't going to sit there so Miss Congeniality could apologise and say that she did mean all those things she said. I knew deep in her heart she did mean it.

"Macy," It was Casey who spoke this time. I closed my eyes and breathed from my nose, I didn't want to hear voice now, "c'mon back inside before you get sick."

Instead, I went forward and walked further away from the house, "Macy, where are you going?" Another voice shouted but I only picked up the pace, "Macy, Macy!" With every time my name was called my feet took me further in quick choppy steps and before I knew it I was running away from the voices calling after me.

I didn't really think of where I was going when I stormed away from the house, nor did I care. The weather hadn't improved the slightest, in fact it was pouring even harder and harsher. Every hit from the rain droplets were like icy needles that seeped into my skin and melted. But regardless the weather, I didn't let this waver my determination to simply march out and be on my own. But at the same time, though, I wanted to give up, on what? I didn't know.

All around me the settings changed. I went from cabin-like house surrounded by nature to the daunting woods. I trotted through the sticks, logs and bushes that served as obstacles through my journey. I climbed through the thickets and found myself a small clearing that was surrounded by vine-like leaves and mud. It was dry and warm and would serve as shelter for no rain could touch me there.

I knew I could have been on my own in the safety arms of the house but at this moment I didn't want to be anywhere near there. I didn't want to see Casey's pitying eyes, or the others inquiring looks or even Jacob concerned face. I pulled my knees under me and put my head down in my arms.

At least I had the father and was cherished by not only my parents but by your mother as well! Heck, I bet she even cherished me more than you! And I bet even the people here cherish me!

I let out a sigh that turned into a jagged sob, but as soon as it left my mouth I caught it. I pressed my lips together and frowned. I couldn't believe I had cried in front of them. I let Casey turn me out like that? Ugh, what was wrong with me? I let her words get to me so quickly. And no matter how hard I tried they still echoed in my thoughts.

At least I'm not like some outsider like you

Everything seemed so perfect without me.

Maybe I wanted to stop trying to fit in? Maybe I wanted to go home. Maybe I longed for the days my life had no complications, no struggle of who I was. The days that consisted of me, Crad, and Nikki. Where the fuck did that go?

Oh, right...

My mother shipped it away on a plane. Shipped her only daughter on  a plane. Well, I guess I wasn't her only daughter since she apparently considered Casey as her daughter as well. I've been away from my best friends for months and during my stay here in la push, nothing but shit has happened. I jumped from a cliff that was tripled anything I've ever jumped, gotten lost in the woods and severely injured myself, lost my glasses, punched a dude's face and managed to break my hand...twice. A guy is missing because of me! I also fallen into a little something more than like with a guy who couldn't possibly return my feelings, and somehow choose him over my best friend and now she hated me. And top of all that I hit my head and got amnesia, so I couldn't even remember what happened. As if this all wasn't punishment enough, my mother dearest sent my worst enemy to me.

In front of me were roots of trees that seemed to grow feet tall and sway as the wind blew. I didn't fee the movement though. I figured that I was probably covered up by so many bushes, branches, and trees that I was unable to be touched by not only the rain but by the others as well. I heard, however, the rumbles of the clouds and the rain's helpless attempt to pour through the thickets. And then as the moments passed by a heard a voice, a shout of my name. At first it was faded, and I could have easily mistaken it for the roar od the wind, but then it became louder and more distinct. I huddled to myself when I realised the other had came out to look for me.

They wouldn't find me. I was sure of it. I was so buried beneath this copse-like shelter. They couldn't. But as I laid in the damp dirt that stuck to me, I heard something that made the confidence in my thoughts waver, "I know you're close by, Macy, I can smell you," the words weren't what surprised me, it was the voice. It was eerie and unfamiliar. A shiver ran down my spine and the need to escape rose in my chest. At first I was beginning to think that it was just the gang, playing some cruel joke on me, but I completely dismissed that thought. You'd have to be ignorant to think something like that, the danger here was real.

Sounds of branches crumbling beneath feet alerted my senses and I flinched back into the pieces of dead wood. When the movements I made conjured more noise than I expected I cringed and the voice chuckled.

"Don't you try hiding for me, darlin'" the voice sang.

The leaves above me moved, not because of the wind, but because they were being removed and picked away. My eyes grew wind along with the fear that crawled through my body. I didn't recongise the voice of the person, I didn't remember, I didn't know the person, but I knew one thing...I needed to get away from them.

"one," he was counting?

I turned my head and looked around me, looking desperately for a way out. There was no opening but I knew I had to make for one, I had to if I didn't want to be taken by whoever this person was, I had to escape.

I crawled from the roots that had once been arms for me to rest in and bounded around them. I was meet with more bushes and branches that blocked my path but this I noticed had prickly things and thorns that stuck out to be intimidating. I hesitated to touch them at first but then I heard that sinister voice count to two, and I took a deep breath before grabbing the arms of the thickets and broke them in my hand painfully. I bit my lip to hold back the scream I wanted to let out when the barbs dug into my palms.  I pushed them away and wormed through the tiny hole I created.

"ready or not," I heard the voice sing, "here I come!" but by the time he had removed all the leaves and bushes, I was gone and scurrying my way from him. As soon as I made it to the other side I was hit by the icicles once again but I didn't let that phase me. I ran with all my might and with as much strength I had. I wanted to call for the guys; Jacob, Embry, anyone but if I did then the person after would surely find me.

The rain made it hard for me to hop from one foot to another and I nearly ended up tripping, I truly picked the wrong day to where flip-flops. Eventually, I abandoned them and opted to run barefoot. The mud caked my feet and smothered in between my toes, under normal circumstances I would be grossed out by this, but this wasn't a normal circumstance type of thing.

"Oh," the voice echoed throughout the forest and it startled me at how close it sounded. A shadow crept its way ahead of me and my heart stopped when I heard the voice again, "you think you can run from me?" there was an ironic laugh that followed after.

I quickly turned my direction and I crawled, jumped and did every which possible thing to elude the dangerous person that was in pursuit of me. Whoever the person was they were very determined. Every where I turned their shadows lurked. I couldn't say how many times I'd scrap my legs against the jagged edges of the branches in this thicket. The dead branches were like hell's arms that reached out to spite me as I ran through them. Truth be told, I had no idea where I was going, I was lost here.

"You won't escape me, Macy!" The voice was behind me this time and I could hear him breathing down my neck. My breath come in rugged and choppy patterns as I ducked and dodged the trees that stuck out in my way. When I pulled the tree branches from my way, I was not expected to see those disturbingly happy red eyes that sparkled at the sight of me.

"Boo," he said grinned with fangs, "I found you!"

My breath was caught at my throat as he reached out a pale hand to me. For a moment the scream was silent and I struggled to let it out. But thankfully when I needed it the most that's when it came. A blood curdling scream escaped my lips and I fell backwards into the mud. I covered my face with my mud caked hands but my scream didn't waver one bit.

Instead of feeling rough hands pull me from the ground, I heard first the sound of sticks cracking, the moving of leaves and sooner the sounds of people shouting...and barking. But besides all the commotion from the background I didn't disregard the pair of icy lips that made contact with my ear, "You will be mine, Macy-dear," the voice said and as soon it had appeared, it had disappeared and left in its place a cool breeze and rain.

"Macy," it was a new voice that called me and this time when I opened my eyes I was met with big round brown orbs, "are you ok?"

"Embry?" I mumbled and soon another pair of brown eyes looked down at me, "Jacob?" I asked but my voice came out in a soft wheez. It was then did I realise how out of breath I was. My chest heaved heavily and I swallowed some droplets that fell on my face.

"It's us..." Jacob said and touched my cheeks, "You're ok, you're safe now..."

I pressed my hand to his chest, his bare chest (I'd have to question him about his choice of clothing later). "w-who was..." I began but he simply pressed his finger to my lips and shook his head.

"We wont worry about that now," he said and slipped his arms under me soon my was raised from the ground, "We're gunna get you out of here," I didn't know how he did it, but in this cold rain shower, Jacob managed stay so warm. I warped my arms around him and leaned closer, I knew I was supposed to be mad at him or something like that, but I decided I was going to be postponing those feelings and just be enjoying his warmth.

"Macy," I heard Embry begin and something warm touch my legs, "You're cut all over."

I said nothing in return but simply snuggled my face into Jacob's chest. I closed my eyes and wondered once again who that red eyed man was and how on earth he knew my name. But for some odd reason I found myself noting that the man had an uncanny resemblance to Crad. 

Thanks for reading!

Tell me what ya think, and vote!^^ 

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