King of the hero's |My hero a...

By _kosu_

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In this timeline, Izuku Midoriya was born with the Gum Gum quirk, which allows him to stretch and blow up his... More

My rubbery quirk
Training with All Might
The UA entrance exam
Class A's introduction
Gum Gum vs Santōryū
Class A's battles and leader
The USJ incident Part 1
The USJ incident Part 2
Sports festival preparations
The obstacle course
A kids game????
A Perfect Duo
A burning family
Uraraka's Will
Gum Gum vs Diable Jambe
An Immovable Object vs An Unstoppable Force
The sports festival's winner
A King's Meal
A deal with the devil
Class A's interships
Kodomo Yūsutasu and The Old Man
Deku's Bizarre Adventure
Three Girls One Rabbit And Guardian Dog
A Burning Friend
The calm before the storm
The Hero Killer Stain
A New Dawn
Class A's Reunion
The Final Exam
Class A's Resolve
A Fateful Encounter
The Summer Camp
His Hero
A lost friend
Tomura's Master
All Might vs All For One
Gifted blades
Akuyaku Gakkō
The hero licensing exam
Izuku Midoriya Vs Katsuki Bakugo
The Big Three
David's Mistake
Chisaki's Deal
The Lagoon Squad
The Lagoon Squad vs The League of Villains
The Deku Agency's Will
Lemillion's Rage
Shigaraki's Message
Unexpected Reunions
Hidden Talent
A New Threat
A Gentle Man
A Bouncy Battle
The Number Two Hero: Endeavour
Tomura's Statement
Class 1-A's Tournament
Class A's Decisive battles
Class A's Decision
Distant Memories
Intermission Chapter [Explanation on all of my OC's]
Poking The Bear
Australia's Last Hope
The WhiteStache Agency
The Justice Association

Kai "Overhaul" Chisaki

376 4 4
By _kosu_

Cover story: UA go on a mission to save Christmas!


Twenty-two years ago, Kai Chisaki POV:

"Kai, hold still, it's past your bedtime." My father demanded.

"No, I don't want to sleep, I wanna watch TV." I squirmed, pushing my father away.

"Kai, you can watch it tomorrow, it's time for bed," He retorted, raising his voice.

At that moment, I wished that he would disappear or let go of me so I could run back to my seat in the coach, but... instead of him disappearing seamlessly or his hands disappearing from around my body, he splattered everywhere.

It was like a bomb had gone off inside of him and exploded from the inside out. "D-Dad," I called out as his blood dripped down my face. "D-Dad, what happened, DAD!" I yelled, grabbing at the pool of blood beneath my feet.

"What are you yellin-OH MY GOD KAI, WHAT HAPPENED? WHO DID THIS?!" My mother yelled, picking me up to cradle me.

"I don't know, Dad was taking me to my room and then this suddenly happened. I want my Daddy back, I want him back!" I cried forcing the blood from my body to slowly drift away and return to its original form.

A second later, my mother and I heard sharp breaths from behind us and when my mother turned around, my father was standing there with a shocked look on his face. "What happened, I swore I was dead?" He said with a panicked gasp, making my mother and I cry as we embraced him.

Deep down I knew I was the reason for that freak accident, but I didn't want to admit it. I was always a smart child but at the same time... a child.


Intermission: Suzune Chisaki (Kai's Mother)

Quirk: Fluorescent Eyes


The next day, we went to get my quirk test and as I had been dreading, I had a quirk and my quirk was what I had theorised.

My quirk, Overhaul, had many amazing abilities, but at the same time, it had many terrible abilities. Being able to kill someone with just a touch made me flinch while being able to heal even the sickliest of people with just a touch made me feel pride within myself.

When my parents found out I was the cause of the incident that took place just yesterday, they were scared of me. The doctor suggested that I should wear gloves to restrict the usage of my quirk so my parents did as he proposed.

After buying it, we went home and my parents sent me up to my room so they could discuss things. Any other child would've listened, but I didn't. At the age of four, I was far more aware of my surroundings and my observation skills were way beyond my years. I knew exactly what they were going to discuss so instead of going upstairs to my room, I hid on our staircase and listened.

"Honey, what should we do with Kai? If he gets angry and lashes out, we'll die, but we can't pamper him too much. It's all so scary and nerve-wracking." My mother sighed.

"All we can do is treat him normally and hope he doesn't lash out at us, we can breed a powerful doctor or hero out of him." My father said, reassuring my mother.

Looking down at my glove-covered hands, I began to cry. They no longer saw me as their innocent little boy, they saw me as their way to an early grave. "My quirk... it's a curse." I cried to myself before walking up the stairs.

When I arrived back inside of my room, I looked at my tablet and went onto Google. My parents would always set the 'parental settings' on my tablet, but I would disable it and go onto Google all the time.

For a few seconds I couldn't decide what I wanted to type, but after a few minutes of pondering I typed in, 'How to get rid of quirks?'.

At first, it came up with many stupid ways like, 'cut out the fourth artery running in your arm.' Or 'Visit the special man who takes quirks.' All of the answers were nonsense and they never displayed any evidence.

Over the course of the next two months, I would go up to my room for many hours per day and read many threads and news articles until I stumbled across a thread called, 'The Origin Of Quirks Theory.' Intrigued by the title, I clicked on it and began to read.

The more and more I read it, the more I became disgusted with myself. To summarise it, the thread described how rats had given us quirks and that they're a disease instead of natural human mutation.

By the time I was done with the thread, I began to claw away at myself until I stopped to think. "My quirk... I can reassemble and disassemble things. What if I can cure people." At that moment, everything clicked and I stood up. "I can cure my parents first," I noted out loud before throwing my gloves aside.

Disassembling and then reassembling my door, I walked up to my parents' room. I thought about knocking, but instead, I flung the door open. "Kai, what are you-baby what's wrong, your arms and neck are red and why are your gloves off?" My mother asked me, rushing over to inspect me.

"Maybe his gloves were feeling itchy again." My father pointed out as he leaned up in bed.

Staring at my mother with a gleeful smile, I touched her, disassembling her only to reassemble her an instant later. When she reappeared she looked at me with a shocked expression.

"K-Kai, are you okay why did you just do that to mommy?" When I looked into her eyes, my world shattered. Dropping to my knees I began to weep, my parents couldn't be saved, and the illness that plagued us couldn't be cured.

"There's only one more way to save them," I muttered before looking up. Launching myself at my mother, I tapped her shoulder before she disappeared. Looking at me with complete horror in my eyes, my father tried to scramble out of bed, but I pounced on him. "It's the only way." I cried before killing him on the spot too. "They're cured now." I cried before staring down at my hands.

I had to cure my parents first, I couldn't watch them suffer from this disease with all the knowledge I knew.

"I'm going to cure everyone," I swore.

Later that night, the police would come and I would be put into care along with other children. At the care home, I would witness and experience many things that would corrupt my mind.

The appalling feeling I would get from quirks would turn into pure hatred. Anyone who used their quirk for criminal acts or heroic acts was seen as a pest to me, people who needed to be cured the most.

Not too long after being thrown into the care home, I moved to a new school and at that school, I met my only childhood friend.


(2 years later)

"Kai, how come you've got a mask on, we're not in Korea." The dark-haired boy joked he was the only person worth being my friend.

"People are disgusting," I replied as he pulled up a chair next to me.

Everyone in the classroom would observe our conversations and would look at Ukuzi like he was insane. Ukuzi was extremely popular despite being quirkless, his smarts and personality drew everyone to him. Even though his physical skills were abnormal for a kid our age, it made the teachers in our school really question whether he was quirkless or not.

"You know you'd have more friends if you weren't so rude and called everyone infected all the time right? Like I heard that Jasmine, the European girl thinks you're cute." He whispered, making me frown.

"I don't care about that," I replied, looking down at my book.

The two of us would sit there in silence before Ukuzi would talk about how he wanted to become a hero when he got older. I had no real opinion on his dream, heroes and criminals were a concept I failed to understand and only formed my opinions on them at a later age.

The day would pass and everything went as usual until I left school. A man with white hair stood in our courtyard and said he was there to pick me up. Usually, my career would pick me up, but on that day it was a man with white hair.

"Ah you must be Kai, I'm your new parent." He smiled. "Your father was one of my best friends from school so don't worry, I'll take care of you." A promise that never broke.


(3rd Person POV, 8 Years Later)

Many years had passed since the boss of the dying Shie Hassaikai adopted the young Kai. The boy was around fourteen years old, he no longer attended school and only stayed in the house.

The boss had no problems with this as he could easily get Kai into a high-ranking position among the working class of people due to his connections and Kai's own intelligence. So instead of prodding the boy to go to school, he allowed Kai to stay inside and do as he pleased.

This would happen until the fourteen-year-old Kai overheard an argument between the boss and some of his men. Kai was no idiot and knew that his newly adopted father was a Yakuza boss and was one of the most powerful and influential people in Japan's underworld, so when he heard the argument he was stunned.

The Shie Hassaikai was on the decline and soon enough it would have to come to an end.

Not being able to sit there and listen any longer, Kai opened the door with a determined look on his face. "K-Kai what are you doing here?" The boss stammered, trying to push his son out of the room.

"I want to join the Shie Hassaikai, I want to help you!" Kai stated, shocking everyone in the room.

"Listen here kid you can-" Without allowing the burly man to finish his sentence, Kai dismantled him and then reassembled him.

"I have the strength just let me out there, I'll even learn how to negotiate with people, please just let me in." He begged. As he begged, he began to see how joining the Yakuza wouldn't just benefit his father, who he felt indebted to, but himself.

With the resources that the Mafia could gain, he could use them to find a cure for the 'diseases' plaguing everyone. It was a win-win situation.

"Kai, your father would be ashamed of me if I allowed you into the Yakuza, I can't allow it." The man refused, making Kai bite down on his lip.

Instead of fighting back, he turned around and ran upstairs, locking himself in his room. He knew what he needed to do.

For the next few days, Kai would listen into the boss's lackeys' conversations and would piece together who the Shie Hassaikai's enemies and their friends were.

Once he had enough information, Kai decided to enact his plan. Sneaking out late at night, Kai snuck off to Kyushu.

It took him a little while to arrive there, but once in Kyushu, Kai would look around to see if any of the Tokuto faction were lurking in the streets. It wouldn't take him long to see a tatted-up man with a clean-shaven head walk out of an alley. On the breast of his shirt, Kai would spot a familiar logo. "He's a part of the faction." He whispered under his breath as the man walked out into the Main Street with his lackeys. "I'll take out the two men beside him and then strike him down." The boy planned as he ran up to the three men.

Once Kai was close enough, he enacted his plan, he simultaneously touched the two men on the back, killing them on the spot.

Immediately, the bald-headed man turned around to face the blacked-out teen. He tried to swing for Kai, but he was too slow. With one slap, Kai killed him as well.

"Now time to send a message." Using their blood as ink, Kai wrote 'For the Shie Hassaikai' on the pavement and wall. He detested touching another person's blood but bared it for his mission.

Looking at the bloody message, Kai was satisfied and left, returning home without anybody knowing he left.

The next day Kai would hear his father talking about the situation, The boss said he was proud of what occurred, but no one in the gang wanted to take credit for it. Jumping at the opportunity, Kai ran out and revealed himself.

"It was me, I killed them." He claimed, gaining a shocked look from everyone inside the room.

"Nonsense, you couldn't have killed the Tokuto's leader!" A random lackey yelled.

"I did! If you don't believe me, why do I have a photo of it on my phone?!" Kai argued, taking out a picture to show that he had really done it.

Everyone in the room fell silent, they were at a loss for words. The Boss was frozen, but after taking a deep breath, he walked up to the teen. "Well then, I can't deny your presence and your show of force. Kai Chisaki, I welcome you into the Shie Hassaikai." The Boss smiled, sticking his hand out to his adoptive son.

Taking it, Kai gripped it firmly and shook it, establishing himself as a new member of the family.

From that day onwards his life would change.

Over the course next few years, Kai would train himself every day before going out at night to join the gang in drug trades and all-out wars with many other Yakuza families.

Due to his overwhelming quirk and keen intellect, he would solidify himself as the boss's right-hand man. Although many people liked this, many didn't as they began to see the twisted side of the young adult.

As the years went on, Kai's mysophobia, he would tell his members to cover up and wear masks at all times. Some thought it was to make them stand out, but many people close to Kai knew what it was really about as they had arguments with Kai about his restrictions on a regular.

On Kai's Twentieth birthday, he would hold a party at a club in Shinjuku. On that night, the ranking of the Shie Hassaikai in the Japanese underworld would change forever.


(6 Years Later)

"CHUG CHUG CHUG CHUG YES KAI!" Various members of the Hassaikai family roared as Kai drank a whole bottle of gin to himself.

"Look at the birthday boy, he's really living it u-" Cutting the man off, the door of their private suite swung open to reveal a bloody general. "Who-Kezzess, what's wrong?" The tall dark-haired man asked as he stumbled over to the barely conscious Kezzess.

"The Diamond family... they're working with the Mafia, the Fire Tank Mafia. They ambushed us." Kezzess coughed, spraying his blood onto the dark-haired man holding him.

"Kai, I know it's your birthday but we should go."

"Don't worry Zando we are going, someone take Kezzess back to the house and get him patched up," Kai ordered as he removed the alcohol from his system. "Zando, Rikiya and Yu come with me, we're going to eradicate those pests."


Intermission: Zando

Zando was Kai's right-hand man, he was Kai's age and helped him on many operations.


(Kai Chisaki POV)

"HAHAHAHAHAHA, they said you were invincible, it seems like they were lying all along!" I lost... my quirk it wouldn't work, why?! "The invincible, The All-Powerful, The Ruthless Kai 'Overhaul' Chisaki has been taken down by The Diamond Jozu!" Shut up. "I wonder how the rest of the Shie Hassaikai is doing, I bet they've lost to my Italian friend." Shut up, they'd never lose, I'd never lose. This is all a bad dream, if I don't rid everyone of their disease, then the world will end and my sacrifice that day will be for nothing.

"Failure is never an option, I can't fail," I whispered to myself as I bashed my head against the wall, causing a tremor throughout the room.

"Oh you're still alive, what's with the bashing?" Jozu grinned as he stared at me.

Glaring back at him, I smiled before bashing my head once again. "I'm this world's saviour, I will cure everyone." I chanted to myself, for the last time I banged my head on the wall so hard I felt something in my head crack and that's when I instinctively let my will free. "There it is, I can see it, I can feel it. The disease, it's running all throughout my body, I can feel it pumping my veins, the limiter, ITS BEEN BROKEN!" I claimed as I stood up. "Our bodies try to limit the disease, but if you allow it to awaken fully, you can use it to its fullest extent. I WILL take on the disease to cure everyone, I'll use my disease to bear the burden of the world." I continued as I began to destroy the ground around me.

"A conqueror huh? That makes sense, but your quirk, you've awakened it?" Jozu grinned as he activated his quirk and haki.

Staring at the man blankly, I clenched my fist and forced my will to coat my hand. "Jozu, remember when you said you had beaten me?"

"Yeah, I'll beat you again!" The dark-skinned man claimed as he ran toward Kai.

"Well think again." I coldly retorted as I used an unimaginable amount of speed to close the distance between him and I. With one touch, he was gone. "The Shie Hassaikai will be the number one family in Japan. Never forget that."


Intermission: Jozu

With his overwhelming power and force, Jozu ran his own Yakuza family called the Diamond family. While he was alive, Jozu would rule over the Yakuza underworld with a Diamond fist, always taking it upon himself to deal with matters in the most brute way possible.

That was until Kai Chisaki started to become notable and the Shie Hassaikai grew in strength and numbers. This wavered the Diamond Family's power and made Jozu take extra precautions.

Calling in the infamous Mafia Family from Italy, Jozu made sure to let it known that he and the Italian Mafia were in talks and his first show of power was to take down Kai Chisaki. Unfortunately for him, this failed.

Jozu will be remembered as the man who nearly brought Kai Chisaki down but came up short.


(3rd Person POV)

After the battle between the Shie Hassaikai, the Diamond Family and the Fire Tank Mafia ended, many casualties were reported on both sides. The Shie Hassaikai had the least, but the one casualty they had hit Kai the most. His closest subordinate Zando. He never viewed him as a friend, but Kai always respected his colleague highly. His death only made Kai crueller as he had no one to make him level-headed when things weren't going his way or he was having one of his 'episodes'.

Taking a back seat, The Boss would hand the Shie Hassaikai over to Kai and that's when the game would prevail at the cost of major change.

Five years later, The boss would tell Kai about his granddaughter.


(Five Years Later)

"My granddaughter Eri has been entrusted to me, much like your situation, she killed her parents by accident. Her quirk is dangerous, I worry for her." The Boss revealed, gaining Kai's interest.

"What's her quirk?" Kai wondered, taking a sip of his tea.

"Rewind, it's just as the name suggests. She can rewind you, but she can't control it at all." The Boss answered, sparking a light within Chisaki.

"Rewind huh, Boss, could I take a look at her?"

Looking at Kai with a questionable look, The Boss sighed and took a sip of his tea. "Kai, if you bring any harm to my granddaughter, I swear-"

"The tests will only be to see how her quirk interacts with things, I promise I won't hurt her in any way shape or form," Kai swore, making his boss relax.

"Then, take her and tell me what you find."

The next day Kai would take Eri to his lab, many of his colleagues would look at him with a curious glance but he said she was there for some tests. Without asking any more questions, they began the tests on Eri.

After a few tests, Kai decided to see if his brewing theory was right. Kai had crafted a serum of Eri's blood to specifically remove quirks within the very few days he was given with Eri.

He would test it out on an enemy Yakuza that his men had captured and to his surprise, it worked, he removed the quirk, but within the same hour, it returned.

"The serum isn't potent enough, but with more experiments, I can make it potent enough to remove it completely." He said to himself with a gleeful grin.

Returning to Eri, Kai picked up the girl and spun her around, taking her by surprise. "Did you fix my quirk?" Eri asked with a curious look on her face.

"Your quirk doesn't need fixing, your quirk is perfect. Eri, you're our key to salvation, you're our Goddess." Kai cried as he hugged the girl tightly.

"I... am?" The four-year-old girl thought out loud.

"Yes, I'm going to tell your grandfather the good news!" Kai exclaimed before taking Eri with him to the Boss.


Arriving back at the mansion, Kai returned Eri to her room and went to meet with the Boss. Entering his quiet study, Kai bowed before taking a seat in front of him.

"You were gone for a few days, what were the results?" The Boss asked, putting down his newspaper to stare at his adoptive son.

"She's perfect. Boss, you remember how I've been searching for a way to get rid of quirks right? Well, your granddaughter is the key, if I'm allowed to do more experiments on her I'll-" Before Kai could finish his sentence, The Boss slammed his hand down onto the table, stopping his adoptive son.

"Kai, you shall do NO such thing. My granddaughter isn't to be used as a test subject you HEAR ME?!" The Boss snapped, shocking Kai.

"B-But, she's needed Boss, I need her to complete my goal. The same way you needed me for the Shie Hassaikai, I need her for my goal." Kai retorted.

"It's not the same, you join of your own volition, Eri does not want to become a test subject for you. Kai, rethink your next course of action and words before I banish you." The white-haired man spat, making Kai infuriated.

"Damn it, to hell with you then!" Kai yelled as he touched his boss, knocking him out on the spot. "When you wake up, the world will be a new place, a place where you can fight right in and where we rule it." On that day, everything holding Kai's mental sanity from drifting off into the deep had vanished.

With his boss in a coma and his allies too scared to speak up to him, he was given the power to let loose his twisted and corrupted mind.

The very next day, Kai would inform Eri about the news of her grandfather's sudden coma and she would cry. Kai would be there to comfort the young girl and tell her that if she can help him he can help her bring back her grandfather.

Taking his words as fact, she believed him and went along with his experiments until she overheard one of the doctors talk about Kai. The doctor would bad mouth him and Eri wouldn't believe their words until Kai came in the room with a pissed look on his face.

Immediately he killed the two doctors. Why Kai killed them was simple, they refused to work on Eri. To Eri, that was all she needed to know her new guardian wasn't a good person.

Days would go by and Eri would feel the need to rebel and that would only set Kai off, making him hit the girl out of rage. Eri wouldn't sit there and take it, so these exchanges would end up in the two fighting and in the end, Kai would go too far and really do real damage to the little girl.

Crying from the pain, Eri would start to call Kai a monster, a demon and a bad person. Any bad thing you could think of, Eri called Kai those things. This would make Kai realise what he had done and he would break down crying, saying he didn't mean to hurt his Goddes.

"Please stop disobeying me, I don't want to hurt you." He wept as he hugged her.

Oblivious to his subtle manipulation, Eri would hug him and forgive him. Unfortunately, this would happen over and over again and the child couldn't take it anymore.

After two years of abuse and manipulation, Eri was tired and decided to run.


(Eri POV, 2 Years Later)

Run, I have to run. "That's a really good goal to ha-" Ouch, I bumped into someone. "Are you okay, you have a lot of bandages on your body, do you bump into people often?" Looking up, I saw a green-haired boy with a bright smile on his face.


"It's fine, I'm not going to scold you, just be more careful next time." His smile, it's genuine, I want him to take me.

"Sorry for any trouble my daughter Eri may have caused, she's very unaware of her surroundings sometimes." No, no, no, no, why are you here, green-haired boy, run!

Pressing my head into his chest, I could feel him shift his head up to see the demon. "Kai Chisaki, he's someone we need to take down," He's a... hero, maybe I am saved.

"Oh that's fine, I'm sorry my friend picked up your daughter without your consent. You see he has a little sister who looks around her age so he's very protective and stuff when it comes to injuries." He has a sister my age, I wonder if she smiles just like him.

"Hey, haven't I seen you two before?" They're famous? Who are they?

"No, we aren't." The other hero responded. "We're just two nameless sidekicks and we'll be on our way." What? No, I can't go back, please save me, I can't go, his cape if I grab it he'll know I don't want to leave him.

Staring up into the green-eyed hero's eyes, bit down on my lip and pleaded. "D-Don't go," I whispered, making him snarl.

"Your daughter seems frightened, are you looking after her properly?" He does care, I knew I could trust him, and he has a sense of warmth about him I can trust.

"If discipline is bad then I guess so, but everyone with their head screwed on knows that a little slap on the wrist here and there is normal." You... hit me, you tell me I'm worthless if I don't help you, you hurt grandpa, you're a bad man!

"Don't worry, I'll save you I promise," I have to hold back tears, this man, he's too sweet and warm. "Maybe you should tone it down a bit." He retorted, pushing me away to get into a fighting stance.

"Yeah well, ever since my wife has died she's been very mischievous and spoilt. Like going on hunger strikes if I don't feed her the food she wants to eat or even self-harming if I don't stop my work to play with her." The demon sighed, walking into the alley while taking his glove off.

Immediately I knew what was going to happen, I don't know how strong those two are, but I know how strong he is and what he can do. I can't have them killed, especially the green-haired one. I have to... leave.

Running over to the demon's hand, I squeezed it before he could take his glove off, making him sigh.

"Good girl Eri, let's go home now."


(3rd Person, Present Day)

After recapping the events in his life in his mind, Overhaul grabbed Eri and walked into a hallway. "The Yakuza will never die and I won't allow them to take away our Goddes, can I trust you two to fend those pesky heroes off while I relocate?" Kai asked two familiar criminals.

"Of course, I can feel his presence out there so I'll keep him occupied for as long as possible." Himiko Toga grinned.

"You got it, Boss!" Twice said in English to make himself seem cool.

"Let's do this TWICE!"


End of chapter! Did you guys like it? Tell me in the comments.

I contemplated whether I should include his backstory here or not, but I decided to add it. Did you guys like the POV switches? Because it's something I want to include in my chapters to make them seem more versatile. Being in the third person all the time can be boring.

Anyway, I'm tired so BYE!

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