Stranger Connections

By _eyes_wideshut

1.4K 151 19

A new phenomenon is sweeping the globe. Strangers who have a need deep inside rarely can meet the eye of some... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 24

26 5 0
By _eyes_wideshut

A/N see I promised it wouldn't take long! As always this story is fiction. I cross post this here and AO3 but it doesn't have my permission to be posted anywhere else. Comments really fuel my muse so please let me know what you think if you like what I write. If you want to be alerted when I update, you can follow me on _eyes_wideshut on twitter. This story is definitely kicking into high gear so hold onto your hat! Enjoy!

Chapter 24

The practice room was chaotic as soon as Hyunjin went down with a scream the likes of which the others had never heard before and never wanted to again. Minho had caught him and lowered him to the floor gently. Jisung had grabbed a coat and stuffed it under Hyunjin's head while Jeongin grabbed a bottle of water and brought it over. Seungmin was furiously typing on his computer searching for flight information for themselves and Changbin.

Chan stayed on the phone with the police as they arrived at the scene. Jacob had already fled, leaving the door wide open. They reassured Chan that Felix had a pulse but that he looked to be in bad shape and was unconscious. They reassured him the paramedics should be arriving soon and that they would be transporting him to the local hospital immediately. Chan told them he would call Felix's parents and provided his phone number for any questions. He also informed them that they were going to catch the first available flight to Sydney immediately and would be there as soon as possible. They would be available for any questions at that time.

He hung up as Hyunjin sat up in a panic. "I've got to get to him!" He yelled at the others.

They all tried to calm him but he heard nothing they said. "HYUNG!" Jeongin finally yelled at him and Hyunjin froze. "This isn't helping Felix! You HAVE to calm down!" He said sternly. He could tell he had finally gotten through when Hyunjin took a deep breath before he looked up at Chan.

"Is he alive?" He asked, the terror in his voice hard for them to hear.

"Yes." Chan said and crouched in front of him. "He is alive, Jin. We need to get there as quickly as possible and to do that we need your help. Can you hold it together for us so we can do that?" His voice was kind but also no nonsense. Though only he and Changbin were connected to Felix, that connection meant he was part of the Stray Kids family and they took care of their own. Hyunjin took another deep breath and nodded. "What do you feel from him?"

"Nothing. It's silent. Usually when we sleep there is this hum or buzz that is more internal than a sound but right now there is nothing. It's scaring the shit out of me!"

"When Sungie had his checkup thing when they knocked him out; that happened too." Minho said softly as he rubbed Hyunjin's back. Changbin took a calming breath in at that. "When we sleep, our brains are still active so there is that residual thrum you were talking about. But when someone is actually unconscious there is a disconnect between the brain and the mind so there is nothing to transmit. The connection will be fine once he is awake again." Minho reassured him. Hyunjin nodded. {C- I know Jin, I'm terrified too but there is nothing we can do at this second. He needs us to focus on getting there. We have to hold in our panic right now.}

"Thank you Min for sharing that. I know it will help both Hyunjin and Changbin. Now, I need Lix's parent's number so I can call them and let them know what happened." Chan said.

Hyunjin wiped his face and sat up a bit, nodding before he paused. "No. I need to call them. They speak Korean so it's ok. I need you to go to the bosses and smooth it for Felix to come here with us when he is released and to push our schedules off. I'm not going to have him going back to that apartment alone. I also need you to call Vanessa so she and Arny can be at the hospital."

"I can take that." Jisung offered. "I will call her."

"Jeongin and I can go to the dorms and pack bags for everyone." Minho offered.

"Minnie?" Chan asked.

Seungmin held up a hand. "I have us booked on a flight tonight at 8 landing in Sydney tomorrow morning. I left the return flight open since we don't know how long we will be there. I am looking for a solution to Bin now."

"He has a layover in Kuala Lumpur." Hyunjin offered. "Can he turn around and go back from there?"

"Yes." Seungmin said. "Bin?" He said to Hyunjin. "Text me your expected arrival and I will arrange the return flight." He watched Hyunjin nod Changbin's agreement. "Is hyung ok?"

Hyunjin's eyes lost some of the haunted look as Seungmin's worry registered. "Changbin is ok. He is trying his best to keep it together while he is on the plane. It took everything he had to not react while that was happening." He reassured the others.

Things moved rather quickly after that. Hyunjin called Felix's mother who panicked immediately and raced to the hospital without even pausing to ask how he knew. Jisung called Vanessa and stuttered an explanation that he was a friend of Felix's and family of his connected. He told what had happened; her tone of alarm made it very clear how much she cared for Felix. "I will get Arny and we will head to the hospital. I will send updates as they happen. Tell the connected that I will protect him." Jisung thanked her and hung up.

Seungmin found a flight from Kuala Lumpur back to Sydney. It would be almost a five hour layover which Binnie wasn't happy about but his flight arrived just after the earlier flight left and there was no way he would make the transfer. Seungmin sent Binnie the flight details and his boarding information. He wished there were more he could do but without additional ways to help he sat and worried.

Chan was meeting with their managers and was refusing to give additional information. He told them they had had a family emergency in Sydney that immediately required all schedules to be put on hold and all the members were needed immediately. They fought him trying to get more details but he refused to grant the information. He said they would explain everything when they returned and that when they came back they would have someone living with them indefinitely. When Div 1 bosses were insistent that wouldn't be happening he dropped the one threat they had. That they nor the group had a choice in this matter, it was a matter of life or death. If Div 1 wouldn't accept these conditions; the whole group left immediately. They would break their contract and go public with why. Chan promised them it was for good reason and they would understand once the guys had a chance to explain but he told them their need to go and to go NOW was too urgent to allow for the explanations now. With him not giving them a choice they agreed. Assigning a few bodyguards to go with them.

They all made it to the airport just in time. With no pre schedule, the paparazzi had no warning and were not there to take pictures which was just as well, the guys had no smiles to give. Changbin had landed for his layover and because Seungmin had been able to upgrade his flight to first class, he had access to the lounge. He appreciated the quiet there. He couldn't have eaten, instead he plugged up his phone and stared out the window, he and Hyunjin comforting each other and praying for the moment Felix would wake.

Vanessa would occasionally text updates to Jisung and he would relay them to the other guys. She had gotten Felix's phone and called his boss to let her know what was happening. The six were in the air by the time Changbin was able to board his return flight. He was frantic to get back to Felix but there was nothing more he could do to speed the process so instead he imagined holding Hyunjin and offered his connected what comfort he could. Hyunjin sniffed softly. He was in quite a daze over the situation but was working hard to hold it together. He could fall apart when he saw Felix but not yet. Right now he had to focus on getting there. He almost wished he could drive or even run so that he would at least be DOING something instead of sitting here.

They landed just after 8 in the morning and the group headed immediately for the door but Seungmin stopped and put a hand out to stop one of their bodyguards. "I'm waiting here for hyung. He has been alone long enough." He said simply. Chan looked at him and wanted to argue but he could see the quiet resolve on Seungmin's face and nodded. Bin had been alone for too long through this

Binnie watched the guys arrive at the hospital. He saw Hyunjin greet Felix's parents with a hug before turning to Vanessa and Arny who he felt like he knew at this point. He saw Vanessa's eyes widen as she realized who they were but she said nothing. Felix's mom and dad updated Hyunjin on Felix's condition. He was still unconscious but the doctors had said not to worry just yet. They said his head injury was moderate and he appeared to have some broken ribs a black eye and several bruises. Changbin watched Felix's parents ask how Hyunjin had known but he didn't answer. His eyes burning with emotion.

Changbin met up with Seungmin and security and together they headed to the hospital. He entered the room and immediately went to Felix's side and kissed his forehead gently. "I'm so sorry Lix, I should have stayed. If I had known I would have stayed."

"It wasn't your fault hyung." Hyunjin said, holding onto Changbin and hugged him close.

"I was right there and the bastard followed me to the airport and waited to make sure I was gone. I was right there!" The rage and torment of the last twenty two hours had been hell for him.

"You were the one with him?" Mrs. Lee asked in confusion.

"Yes." Hyunjin said, turning to them. "This is Changbin, he is ... .I really want Felix awake for this conversation...." he moved to try to explain what was happening but the monitors attached to Felix began beeping more quickly. All heads turned to him as a nurse came in to check on him. She looked up and smiled at the large group.

"He appears to be trying to wake up. Give him a bit and he will be awake."

Arny, Vanessa, Jeongin and Jisung went down to the cafeteria to get coffees for everyone; knowing they had all had a long night. They were in the process of handing them out when Changbin and Hyunjin's heads snapped to Felix. "He's awake." Changbin said in English. The thrum below their skin was suddenly back and the two men welcomed it even though it included the pain of Felix's body.

Felix's eyelids fluttered weakly. "Hey, Angel," Hyunjin said. "We are all here baby. Can you open your eyes for me?" He held Felix's hand and stroked it gently. Felix's eyelashes fluttered again and this time they raised as his eyes opened.

"Hey there, beautiful." Binnie crooned as his eyes met Felix's.

"Bin? Didn't you leave?" Felix asked in confusion.

"Yeah baby and I am so sorry about that." Changbin said and he ran a hand over Felix's cheek lovingly. "I'm back, we are all here. Minnie was on the computer organizing flights as soon as he hit you."

"Does someone want to explain what the hell is going on here?" The voice exploded from the other side of the bed and Felix flinched immediately and Minho reflexively stepped between Felix and his father.

"Hyung, it's ok." Hyunjin said. "He was just startled." He reassured Minho.The older member looked back and met Felix's eyes. The tiny man in the hospital bed whose body was so bruised and hurt hesitated, moved to bite his lip but froze when he felt the split lip. He finally nodded.

"I'm ok hyung. He doesn't know or understand what is happening. I think it's time we tell." He looked at both of his connected. "Is this ok?" {C- Of course, beautiful. I'm fine with us telling them whatever you need to.} "Thank you, Binnie." He turned to Hyunjin. {H- We are with you, Angel. Whatever you want to tell them we will support.} "So everything is ok?" They both nodded and he turned to his parents who were looking confused at the half conversation. Vanessa and Arny motioned to the door in question asking if he wanted them to leave but Felix shook his head no with a smile. "No you guys were there for some of it so I want you to be here for the explanation."

The couple nodded but Arny did shut the door to keep this private. Felix took a deep breath. "Mum, Da, you both know Jinnie and that we are together or at least you suspected though when you met him we were just starting." They both nodded. "We told you we met at the mall and we did. That was the truth. But you commented that it must have been an impactful meeting and it was more than you could understand." He stopped to look and Hyunjin who gave him a nod of approval and Changbin squeezed his hand gently.

"A lot of this is going to be really hard to believe." Felix said worriedly.

"Lix, you guys have proved the truth. Just talk and they will believe you." Chan said and Felix looked at him gratefully. He nodded and took a deep breath, wincing at his ribs protesting.

"When I was at the mall looking for a gift for Jacob..." {H- asshole!} {C- I don't like you saying his name.} Felix glanced over at them. "Let me tell it and that means I will be saying his name. I know he is an asshole," he said to Hyunjin before turning to Changbin "And I know you don't like hearing me say his name. Just let me tell this." Both men looked sheepish and nodded. Felix turned back to his parents. "I was at the mall looking for a gift for Jacob. Skz were there for a fan meet. I had been there for a few hours and couldn't find anything. I was getting frustrated. I was walking near the food court and ran into some guy and looked up and saw Hyunjin and I passed out."

"What??" His mother cried out. "Why didn't you tell us..."

"Please let him tell it." Hyunjin asked softly. "This is very difficult for him and he is struggling over telling you all this and if you interrupt he won't get through it." He was being as respectful as he could. His father's face began to turn red.

"Jin is being kind. Felix needs quiet. Please respect that. He has had enough yelling at him lately." Changbin added bluntly and Mrs. Lee froze and shrank back.

"Thank you Bin and Jin." Felix added before turning back to his parents. "I know you both have questions. Please wait. This is really hard to do right now but it's important to get this out before the police come for my side of what happened. I don't want you blindsided by what we have to tell them." His parents nodded and settled back. "So I passed out and when I came to I looked over and saw Hyunjin had passed out too. He was helped up and I was helped up and we went about our business with one little.."

"Huge." Hyunjin threw in and Felix laughed slightly.

"Fine. One huge change." He glanced at his parents, his eyes pleading for them to believe him. "I could hear his thoughts. We didn't understand what was happening. I could taste his food and hear every thought that went through his mind. He could speak and read English perfectly. We thought it was weird and that it would go away when he went back to Korea. It didn't. We began researching it. It turns out we are part of a group they call the connected. People who have a need can connect with someone if both parties need something the other can fulfill. It is becoming more known and even some laws are being set up to protect us. Sometimes it goes away once the needs are met but other times especially in romantic connections..." He smiled over at Hyunjin and Changbin and then turned back to his parents.

"Romantic connections appear to be permanent. We didn't start as a romantic connection but I think my body knew I needed him. Jacob and I weren't doing well and you already know there was more going on behind the scenes. He was mentally and physically abusive to me. He had me fully believing that I would never do any better, that I was weak and a loser, fat and undesirable. Being in Hyunjin's mind began showing me a different side. He hated the way Jacob talked to me and treated me. And because he was in my head and my body but Jacob didn't know, he saw things Jacob didn't let others see. It began to open my eyes to what was really happening. I began to realize that I was loveable. That I am desirable. That people do actually want me around. It built my confidence."

Feeling how thirsty he was, Changbin held out a cup of water and silently urged him to take a few sips. After he did, Felix then turned to Vanessa and Arny and he smiled at them. "Then Jacob decided I should host a poker night for him and his friends. He had met Arny who didn't know him well and had never met me but he brought Nessa with him. That night Jacob humiliated me in front of his friends and Arny and Nessa were not happy about how I was being talked about."

"We were horrified Lix. No one should talk about someone they love like that." Arny said and looked down at Vanessa, his eyes shining with love. "You treat people you love like they are important to you. You lift them up and never tear them down." Vanessa grinned back up at her boyfriend and bounced happily in place.

"They stood up for me and offered to kick out the others. I was so hurt that night, I let them. They took care of me that night and we became friends. Watching how they interacted and feeling the things Hyunjin thought and felt made me realize I wanted better. Jacob showed back up and slapped me and I decided to end things. I broke up with him. I was already falling in love with Hyunjin anyway but had I been happy with Jacob I wouldn't have ended things with him. I don't think if that had been the case, I would have fallen for Hyunjin. I think I needed real love and Hyunjin could provide it so we connected. As soon as I broke up with Jacob it became real that we were going to try to see where this would go. Hyunjin made plans to come see me."

Hyunjin picked up the story and they continued through telling how everything had happened. Though they didn't go into details about their sexual side they did talk about everything else. Everything leading up to the visit to Korea. The others chimed in to add their perspectives for various things and they would pause whenever nurses came in to check on Felix. Finally they arrived at the pivotal moment. Changbin softly took up the story of seeing Felix come in. How they all had laughed that Hyunjin couldn't be there when they met him. How he watched proudly as his brothers met Jinnie's connected. How he felt as it became his turn and then how the world exploded internally. Felix squeezed his hand and smiled at him.

"I wasn't expecting it." Felix picked the story back up."I was so terrified that Jinnie would be angry at me even though I had no control over it." He looked over at Hyunjin with a smile. "He wasn't angry. He wasn't just happy about it but he didn't blame me and he was determined to do whatever I needed to make things ok. That night they connected as well." He watched the two men look at each other and grin. "I know we have no experience with poly relationships but I love them. Both of them so so much. They have made me happier than you can believe."

"Because I had been added into the connection; we started researching harder. It is a health risk as we explained earlier to be apart from your connected but Felix and Hyunjin hadn't experienced more than some minor headaches and achiness during their separation so we weren't prepared for the results of the three of us being apart." Changbin said. He began explaining what had happened since the visit going all the way through the attack. Finally the room got quiet.

" could you not tell us any of this?" His mother asked, her voice broken. "You must have felt so lost and alone and yet not." She looked at Hyunjin. "I knew you had more to do with my son's relationship breaking up but when we met you, your bond was so strong it settled our fears. I can see during this conversation you answering questions that weren't asked."

"They weren't asked aloud mom. They were asked though." Felix told her gently.

"We know this is a lot to take in. We needed some convincing when it happened. You are taking it better than I did." Chan added sheepishly with a grin to his brothers.

"This is a lot, honey." His mother admitted.

"You said you can't be apart for long?" His father asked. Felix nodded. "I assume since they are idols they can't be based out of Australia so I assume you are going to have to move there?" Felix nodded again.

"I was planning to talk to you this week about it."

"We have arranged for you to move to the dorm with us." Chan told him. "They know someone is coming home with us. I did not answer any questions, I told them we would explain everything when we got back."

"How did you get them to agree?" Changbin asked.

"I threatened for all of us to break the contract." Chan answered bluntly. There was a gasp around the room but Seungmin nodded.

"We would have to. It would kill them to be apart." He said. "That was a good threat and we would do it." He looked over at Felix. "You are part of our family. You were the moment you connected with Hyunjin. We would protect each other with everything we have and you are one of us now."

"Thank you Minnie." Felix said with an affectionate look. "Thank all of you. I know when all this went down you all kept my connected together and helped them. I know it was not easy but you all worked together and that means so much to me.

"You are one of my kids now too, Lix." Chan said.

A knock on the door had all of them turning. The police came in to get a statement from Felix. It took several more hours to go through the details. They had training on the connection and their acceptance helped Felix's parents to realize this was their new reality. It all settled in. Felix was exhausted by the time the interview was over. His head was throbbing from his injuries. He finally slept and the others made plans. Vanessa and Arny were going to head to Felix's apartment in the morning to start packing things for him. His parents were going to talk to his job and make sure he was cleared to move and be off as he recovered. There were discussions over what and how and when to tell the company but they wanted Felix's opinion first. Late in the afternoon Chan went to organize hotel rooms for the guys and everyone went to go rest. Changbin and Hyunjin refused to leave Felix.

Early Tuesday morning Chan was awoken by his phone ringing. He answered. "You should have told me about them." He heard a familiar voice say.


"Changbin and Hyunjin and the third. You should have told me as soon as you knew."

"But how do you know?" Chan asked in confusion.

"It hit the press. We were blindsided by this Chan, we could have been ready."

"Hit the press?"

"Look at the news, Chan." The man said. "And get ready. The storm is about to hit. I will be there at some point today and I want to sit with you eight and we need to get on the same page for what's coming. Until I get there, do not talk to the press. Are the connected together?"

"Yes." Chan answered, trying still to figure out what was happening.

"Good. Do not let them be on their own. Leave as much security with them as you can. I have ordered the security with you to prioritize the trio. What is this boy's name?"

"Felix sir."

"And you have met him?"

"Yes sir, he came to visit Hyunnie and that's when he connected to Bin."

"Ok." The man said. "Stay with him, protect him."

"Sir? I should tell you I threatened to end our contract to get us here."

"I know, Chan." The man replied gently. "I told them to let you all go and that I would handle it when you got back." Chan could hear him take a deep breath. "I need to get on a plane. I will be there as soon as I can."

"Thank you sir." Chan said and the line went dead. He sat for a moment in shock that his boss had just called him about all this. Then reality set in and he started scrolling through the news.

Jacob had gone to the press for a quick payday as well as some revenge. He had told the world that a money hungry stalker fan had gotten lucky enough to connect with not one but two members of Stray Kids. He lied and made Felix sound as conniving as he could. That he intended to move to Korea and mooch off them. The response was as bad as it could be. The public and Stay were lambasting Felix. They were already begging Changbin and Hyunjin to leave him. He had even given the press pictures of Felix kissing Hyunjin and Changbin at different times and obviously (to Chan at least) taken with his hidden cameras. He had picked pictures that looked like Felix coming on to them and not that it was a consensual relationship. It was a thorough smear campaign. It was going to get ugly. No wonder Park Jin-Young was coming personally. They needed to get ready. 

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