By Loose_Goose84

193K 7.1K 413

Daniella Harris, a successful Surgeon, that graduated highschool at the tender age of sixteen. On graduation... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60

Chapter 32

3.8K 131 15
By Loose_Goose84

The place was already packed by the time we reached the venue, and the items were about to start.

I rushed the boys into the changing rooms with their dad who had been attached to my hip since this morning, following right behind me. The rest of my family went to find seats.

I still don't really know how to feel about him constantly being in my vicinity.

When the boys were ready, we headed to the stands, but there were no seats available near my family, so we had to settle for seats in the opposite block.

All the hungry eyes of the female spectators were fully focused on Matteo as we walked to a few seats that was available in the corner.

Why are these stares not sitting well with me? Why am I having these possessive thoughts about this man, as if he belongs to me? I need to get him out of my head.

It seems the interaction we had in the early hours of the morning is playing with my head. I shook the feeling off as we took our seats in.

This competition was a welcome challenge for the boys because they were competing against students from another state, instead of competing with the same kids from this region.

"Is it always this packed?" he asked.

"Yeah, sometimes, but today there are kids from other regions also competing"

"Thank you" he said out of the blue, making me turn my head to give him a questioning look.

"For?" I asked.

"For taking this stray in for a few hours" he said, while pointing at his chest.

"No problem, but why are you living in a hotel?" I questioned.

"I've been staying there since Gina moved into my apartment" he said, making me frown.

"I thought you always lived together"

"No, after the whole boy's saga, dad demanded that she be moved in, but I moved out into a hotel the same night. I was done with the whole setup"

"What about your family or other properties you own that you could have stayed at, not that you're not welcome at my house, I'm just curious. I assume you're a rich man without the wealth of the family business" I stated, referring to the mafia.

"Yeah, I know. My family will be cut off by my dad financially if they take me in and I am busy renovating a property that will only be ready in two weeks for move in. All my other properties are rented out and that's basically why I decided to stay at one of my hotels. I just needed somewhere to go after what happened last night and where no-one is trying to kill me. The hotel just didn't feel like I wanted to be there at that time. You and the boys came to mind" he said as he placed his hand on my thigh. Causing chills to run through my body.

"I just wanted to be near you guys. It's like the only part of my life that's making sense now" he said, and the sadness could be heard in his tone as he took my hand and interlaced our fingers.

I looked down at our hands and then looked up at him entranced. He was already looking at me with an unknown expression reflected in his shiny eyes. I sat there in a trance as he lifted his other hand to take a stray piece of hair that dangled in my face and placed it behind my ear.

"What are you doing to me?" I asked without realizing what I'm asking.

"What do you want me to do to you?" he asked.
I just shook my head and removed my hand from his as the announcer spoke, advising us that the competition had begun.

There were 10 different spots on the floor where kids performed in different categories, the boys had Matteo on the edge of his seat the whole time.

Matteo jumped up a few times in excitement, making me chuckle under my breath. It was his first time seeing them compete and he looked like a proud dad because they are really good at this.

I hope him being part of the boy's lives will impact their growth in life positively.

Max really needs some guidance to not just protect and stand up for others but for himself as well. He is currently heavily dependent on Dylan when we are not near, but people won't always be around to protect him. He can sometimes be a little too quiet as well, while Dylan does the talking for both. Dylan does it without realizing it because he loves his brother.

Matteo got up almost at the end of their last performance and was now standing courtside and a blonde woman decided to join him. Their conversation seemed interesting from the way she was throwing her head backwards in laughter and touching his arm.

I ignored their interactions and stuck to watching my boys. Both of them won in all their categories and after the medals were handed out, I left the stands to go get the boys on the floor so we can get them dressed again to head out.

I was just about to walk past Matteo and his blonde acquaintance when he grabbed my arm.

"Babe, I want you to meet someone" he said, making me peer up into his desperate eyes that was pleading for me to bail him out of the situation.

'Babe? Wtf', I thought to myself.

I glanced between him, and the girl and she was a gorgeous blonde lady but was clearly glaring at me. Luckily, I am very good at keeping up appearances, so I ignored her childish expressions.

"This is Santina, I did a few business deals with her dad a few years back"

"Hi, Santina, my name is Daniella" I said, while giving her a smile. Something I rarely display to people I don't know.

"Hi, nice to meet you" she said with a smile that's not meeting her eyes.

"Do you have a child that's competing today?" I asked, trying to make conversation as the vibe I was picking up was not sitting well with me. This woman want's the man standing here next to me.

"No" she said then gave a fake laugh "I don't have any kids. I'm not ready to ruin my body for kids just yet. I came with my sister to support my nephew and you?" she asked just as Max and Dylan made their way over to us with their medals dangling around their necks.

"Mom, dad, look!" Dylan shouted enthusiastically as he made his way in our direction.

"They are yours?" she asked referring to my boys, looking at Matteo, clearly unhappy about their existence. No sporting a sour look on her face.

"Yes, they are ours" Matteo said as he took both the boys into his arms for a hug "hey well done guys. That was awesome. You did so well," he said, kissing them on their heads.

My family also made their way over to us and everyone gushed over the boys winning their categories.

"Daniella, we are heading to the restaurant to eat something, are you guys joining us?" dad asked.

"Yeah, I just need to get the boys out of their clothes, then I'll be there" I said.

"You can go ahead; we will meet you there" Matteo said. Before I could protest, I remembered this girl standing here.

"It was nice meeting you, Santina, but I have to get go my boys sorted" I said, giving her a smile and left pulling the boys with me. I didn't care if Matteo followed or not.

"Boys, take a quick shower in there. I will wait outside the door. Here are your clothes and shout if you need anything" I said, then as soon as I turned around, I bumped into Matteo's hard chest.

"Ouch! Are you trying to unalive me?" I asked rubbing my nose.

"I'm so sorry I didn't mean to. Are the boys in there?"

"Yeah, they are busy taking a quick shower. So, what's with the 'babe' situation outside?"

He rolled his eyes "you know why I did that" he said, as he stood with his shoulder against the wall typing on his phone.

"You can just drop us off if you have to be somewhere" I said.


"I mean, you have been with us since early this morning. Don't you have stuff to do?" I asked, without even realizing how rude that might have come across.

"Is it wrong for me to want to spend time with you and my kids?" he asked, clearly not happy with my comment and question.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it that way. You are a businessman and normally businessmen are busy. I didn't mean for it to come across in that way" I said, trying to correct my statement, but he still didn't look happy.

The boys came out and we made our way to the restaurant with Matteo still silent. I never feel bad about what I say or my actions because I try not to offend anyone, but I feel like a piece of crap right now.

He was already going through shit with his family. The boys were his only happy place and now I'm also adding onto his load by being nasty to him.

We stopped in front of the restaurant where my mother mentioned they would be, and he didn't switch the car off.

He got out of the car and opened the doors for me and then the boys "Boys, you did so well and I'm very proud of you. Enjoy your lunch, I'll come pick you up for school Monday morning, ok?"

The boys didn't look too happy about their dad leaving, but they accepted and gave their dad a hug. Matteo didn't even look in my direction and got in the car without greeting me and left as soon as he made sure we entered the restaurant.

I felt so bad but pushed it to the back of my mind as we walked inside masking my expression with a blank facade.

"Where did Matteo go?" Ervin asked as we reached the table.

"He had to leave" I said, while taking my seat at the table.

"Boys, why do you look so grumpy? You will see him again and besides; you won all your items" Chase said, trying to sound enthusiastic.

"We know" Dylan said, as he slumped down in his seat. Vivian had to leave early this morning to sort out some business and Chase looked like someone that didn't have a wink of sleep from all the unimaginable stuff they probably did.

"Chase, did you get any sleep last night?" I asked, trying to taunt him.

"Daniella, leave your brother alone" my mother said as the whole table bursts out laughter, already knowing what he did the whole night. In my mother's eyes, Chase can do no wrong.

"Guys, we can only leave on Monday and not tomorrow" Ervin interrupted.

"Why?" Elira asked, not looking happy about it.

"Hey, you can do without that silly boyfriend of yours for a minute. Enjoy your time here with the family" Aunt Drita reminded my cousin.

"We were invited to the opening of a club here in New York" Ervin said, getting back to the main topic.

"Who's we and who's club?" Daniel asked.

"The Shqiptarët (Albabians)" Ervin said, pointing to everyone around the table "minus the old people" he followed up, making everyone laugh again.

"I'm too tired. Count me out" I said.

"Nah little Sis, Vivian is also coming. You can't bail when it is our last good night to spend with the cousins. Who knows when we'll see them again" Chase said.

"I'll think about it" I answered.

After my tummy was stuffed, the tiredness started to seep into my bones. The boys went with the old people to watch a concert, so I decided to take a nap with the intention to skip on the night club and the hopes that they would forget about my existence in order for me to sleep in peace.

Bujar and Daniel came to wake me up a few hours later "Dr. Harris, get your but up and out of this bed. We are leaving in an hour" Bujar said as he pulled the the blanket off me.

"I'm.... so..... tired" I said in a sleepy voice and groaned as i rubbed my face in my pillow.

"Danny, unemployment doesn't look good on you" Daniel said, and I gave him the questioning eyebrow.

"Yeah, you were use to no sleep and now you sleep late every day" he said.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"22:00 and you better get ready. We will be leaving at 23:00" he said then held his hand up as I was about to protest "we're not leaving you behind. You have to live a little and before you ask about the boys, they are asleep in their grandparents bed" Daniel stated, then he pulled Bujar out of the room.

I groaned getting my but up before I procrastinate and make everyone unhappy by staying in bed.

I stood in the shower, allowed the water to caress my tired body and enjoying the last few moments before I head into a club with sweaty bodies and loud obnoxious music.

Clubs are so not my thing.

I wrapped my body in a fluffy white towel and did the same with my hair as I headed into my walk in closet to check what clothes I have that is club worthy.

Mom bought me a few dresses a few weeks ago because the only clothing that was in my closet were a few evening dresses from when I was a teenager that probably don't fit and all types of jeans, pants, t-shirts, and so on.

I decided on a black long sleeved dress with a plunging neckline that reached my mid thigh. I went for a ten inch black pointy heel. I love heels every blue moon, even though I'm not a girly girl.

Once my hair was dried and styled, I headed downstairs. Everyone was seated around the kitchen Island drinking raki. I can feel the hangover already.

"Hey sis, you look sexy for a change" Daniel said, as he held out his arm for me to join him next to the table. I obviously ignored his comment because my mind was still foggy from the little sleep I got and I didn't really care what he said.

"Hey guys, where is Vivian" I asked Chase because I didn't see her.

"Here I am" she announced as she came from the direction of the bathroom.

"Hey girl, where have you disappeared off to early this morning?" I asked her.

"I had a work emergency" she said out loud for everyone to hear, but whispered in my ear that she had to go to bed and slept the whole day. Making me chuckle.

We headed to the club in 3 black SUV's. Once we got there, there was a long line of people outside, waiting to get in.

I'm not someone that frequent clubs and only went to one in my life, so this will be my second time.

We walked past the line and headed straight in with the bouncer just nodding at us. You could see chrome everywhere and neon lights. It was kind of overbearing but in a good way.

We went upstairs as all the rich folk apparently only hung out on the second floor. The floor was packed once we got upstairs and you could see the swaying bodies on the dancefloor from above.

My brain ignored the stares of the people and admired how expensive and beautiful this place was.

I glanced across the floor and could see probably 150 people standing and talking to each other. Everyone did look like they came from wealth, but you could make out the easy companions that's only there for a good time, if you catch my drift.

We were directed to white couches in the corner and the table was instantly flooded with all kinds of alcoholic beverages.

A tall blonde guy made his way in our direction our direction. He had on a white shirt with the first three buttons opened, black skinny jeans and a pair of expensive white sneakers. He had a gold chain around his neck to top it off.

He was introduced as James, who was a business man originally from London. He kept giving me glances, but I was too good at ignoring said glances.

I decided to zone and and started to drink from whatever was on the table. They wanted me to enjoy, so I will make sure to do so.

After my 3rd rum and coke, I started to feel the buzz. Daniel got up from his seat and I could feel and smell the person. A woodsy, minty scent.

"Hey, are you enjoying your evening so far?" James asked, while placing his arm behind me on the backrest making.

I feel buzzed but I'm not blind "yeah, nice place you have here" I said.

"So, how long have you been friends with Ervin and the guys?" he asked.

I decided to be sarcastic "since birth" I said. He gave a questioning smirk "he is my cousin" I answered.

"I wasn't aware that he had such a beautiful cousin"

At that moment Ervin jumped in "Yes, this is my lovely cousin" he said, giving me a side hug, before continuing his conversation on the other side of him.

"So, what do you do for a living?" he asked.

"I'm currently unemployed" I said, as I started to giggle at the shit coming out of my mouth.

"I'm looking for staff at the club if your interested?" he said.

"My guy, she's a Doctor. Don't let Danny fool you" Bujar piped up.

"Really?" he asked.

I decided after my fourth drink that I needed to go and dance because that's what I felt like doing. I just wanted to escape my thoughts for a short time or for my mind to be blocked out from the world.

I further Ignored James and gave Daniel a look. He knew to followed me downstairs to where the normal people danced. These overbearing pretentious crowd were never my thing and I knew not to go downstairs alone.

I started to dance while stuck in my head as my body started to move with the rhythm. My heart dropping in my stomach again going over how rude I was towards Matteo.

I spotted Daniel at the bar talking to a dark haired girl, but his eyes remained on me. I loved my brothers for their protectiveness. They were always looking out for me.

I headed in his direction and got myself four shots of tequila. I downed all four glasses and made my way back to the dancefloor without interrupting Daniel, who was looking at me wide eyed as he continued to speak with the girl.

I don't know how much time went by, when I felt two hands on my hips and my heart instantly dropped. I faced Daniel to check if he still had his eyes on me and he did, but he was standing there with a smirk which made me frown.

I got a familiar smell as I slowly turned around and saw the one person that I thought wouldn't speak to me so soon.


"Daniella, are you drunk?" he asked peering down at me, with his arms now wrapped around my waist.

"Maybe" I answered, as I looked into his eyes. Drunk and captivated by this man standing before me "what are you doing here?" I asked.

"I should ask you that. I didn't think you would be interested in places like these?"

"I'm not. It's the second time in my life coming to a place like this" I answered.

I placed my hands on his chest "I'm sorry about earlier today. I didn't mean to offend you. I don't like upsetting people" I said, but he stopped me before I could continue and bent down to bless me with a kiss.

I closed my eyes as the father of my children take another first from me. I have never kissed anyone and he could probably sense that, that was the case.

But the alcohol in my system didn't allow embarrassment to creep into the list of emotions I'm experiencing as he

Bliss, as his hands unwrapped itself from my body and moved towards my hair massaging my head. His tongue asked for entrance and I allowed it as he took control and showed my just how earth shattering his kisses ar.

He pulled away after a minute and my eyes fluttered open as I peered up into his gaze "let leave?" he asked and I gave a nod.

I glanced towards the spot where I saw Daniel last "he went upstairs" Matteo said.

"I have to get my clutch and let my brothers know I'm leaving with you" I said.

"No need. Already told them your leaving with me and your brothers will take your clutch home" he said.

He pulled me by the hand as we made our way to the door. It felt like the alcohol was affecting me more after stepping into the evening chill.

My feelings and actions are so unexplained but the alcohol allowed me to not care at this point in time.

It made me bold but will i regret this? 


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