Flaws And All | A MJ FANFIC

By Angela_ill

14K 432 310

Circa' 1987-1989 "....She was short with full hips and small waist with smooth Carmel skin and perfect c-cup... More

|Chapter 1|
|Chapter 2|
|Chapter 3|
|Chapter 4|
|Chapter 5|
|Chapter 6|
|Chapter 7|
|Chapter 8|
|Chapter 9|
| Chapter 10|
|Chapter 11|
|chapter 12|
|Chapter 13|
|Chapter 14|
|Chapter 15|
|Chapter 16|
|Chapter 17|
|Chapter 18|
|Author's Note|
|Chapter 19|
|Chapter 20|
|Chapter 21|
|Chapter 22|
|Chapter 24|
|Chapter 25|
|Chapter 26|
|Chapter 27|
| Chapter 28|
|Chapter 29|
|Chapter 30|
|Chapter 30.1|
|Chapter 31|
|Chapter 32|
|Chapter 33|
|Chapter 34|
|Chapter 35|
|Author's Note II|
|Chapter 36|
|Chapter 37|
|Chapter 38|
|Chapter 39|
|Chapter 40|
|Chapter 41|
|Chapter 42|
|Chapter 43|

|Chapter 23|

246 9 11
By Angela_ill

Chapter 23: Navigating Shadows: Love in the Spotlight

Michael POV

The morning sunlight gently filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow on the room. I woke up with a sense of peace, Amahle still in my arms. I watched her sleep, appreciating the tranquility that enveloped us. The events of the previous night seemed like a distant memory, and in that quiet moment, the only thing that mattered was the connection we shared.

As Amahle stirred awake, she found my gaze fixed on her. "Good morning," I greeted with a soft smile. She returned the smile, the warmth in her eyes reflecting the comfort she found in my presence.

"Good morning," she replied, stretching a bit in the bed. "Last night was... something else."

I chuckled, running my fingers through her braids. "Yeah, it was. But we made it through together." I said getting out the bed. As I prepared for the day ahead, the apartment held a sense of peace. The chaos of the outside world seemed like a distant memory, and I reveled in the simplicity of the moment.

Breakfast was a shared affair, laughter intermingled with shared glances, a silent understanding growing between us. After breakfast, I suggested Amahle go do to the stadium today to begin here training as a sound technician, as I handle some press conferences and interviews.

Amahle agreed, and we went about our respective preparations for the day. I could feel a sense of excitement and nervousness emanating from her as she got ready to embark on this new journey, but there was still that aggravation lingering from last night's event. As I buttoned up my shirt, I decided to ask if she was okay.

She sighed and turned to me  "Last night, with Diana Ross... it got me thinking about your past, Michael. The women, the fame, the struggles. It's a lot to process." I sighed I knew Diana got to her, she has a way of getting under people's skin and she successfully got under hers.

I paused, recognizing the weight of her words. It wasn't the first time my past had come back to haunt the present, and I understood the complexities it brought to our relationship. I walked over to where she was standing, gently placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Amahle, I get it. My past is a part of me, and it comes with its own set of challenges. But you have to know that you're the most important person in my life now. What happened with Diana, it's just a part of the past. She nor anyone doesn't define us or what we have," I said, sincerity lacing my words.

Amahle smiled, I can tell she was doubting me . "I want to believe that, Michael. I really do." I gave her a somber smile "you just gonna have to trust me baby" I said putting on my fedora and kissing her forehead. "You ready" I asked Amahle nodded, a determined glint in her eyes. "Yeah, I guess so"

We left the apartment hand in hand, navigating through the apartment's hallways towards the car where Bill was waiting on us. The air was charged with a mix of excitement and uncertainty, mirroring the emotions we carried within us.

As we drove to the stadium, the city unfolded before us, buzzing with life. The car ride was filled with a comfortable silence, occasionally broken by snippets of conversation about the day's plans and the upcoming events. I stole glances at Amahle, noticing the determination in her eyes and the subtle hints of nervousness that she tried to conceal.

I couldn't help but reflect on the path that led me to this moment— a life marked by fame, fortune, and a rollercoaster of experiences. Yet, here I was, facing a new chapter with Amahle by my side.

As we approached the bustling stadium, I could sense Amahle's anticipation growing. Things are going to be different now since I announced that me and her are together. The energy of the place, the echoes of distant cheers, and the hum of activity were all familiar to me. It was a world I had navigated for years, and now I was introducing Amahle to its intricacies.

We walked hand in hand through the common area of the arena, the security guards recognizing me and letting us through the area without much fuss. Amahle, however, was greeted with curious glances. It was a reminder that, despite our connection, her journey in this world was just beginning.

We made our way to the sound booth where her training would commence. I introduced her to the head technician, a seasoned professional named Kevin Elison. Kevin, with a warm smile, assured Amahle that she was in good hands and that she would learn the ropes quickly.

I kissed her cheek, she blushed and told me to stop with the special treatment while we're working, I just shook my head and told her that I would return later on "Take good care of her Kev" I said walking out "I will boss man" I heard him say as the door closed.

I walked towards the exit of the arena to head to the car until Frank stopped me "Hey Mike all the press conferences and meetings will be head at the stadium private offices" he said walking me towards the office "Oh" I said confused by the sudden change of location.

Inside the private offices, the atmosphere was more controlled, away from the public eye. Frank briefed me on the schedule for the day, outlining the various interviews, press conferences, and meetings lined up. As we delved into the details, my mind couldn't help but wander back to Amahle and her first day of training.

The interviews and conferences went smoothly, each question met with practiced responses, a skill I had honed over the years. However, amidst the sea of inquiries, my thoughts kept drifting back to Amahle. I couldn't shake off the worry about how she was adjusting to the new environment, and whether she felt overwhelmed by the expectations that came with being associated with me.

In between the sessions, I stole moments to check in on her. As I was making my way back to the main area of the stadium I was stopped by Terrell Grey, the current president of Epic Record. "Hey Mike are you busy" He asked me, "No I was taking a moment to go check on my girlfriend, before my next meeting" "That's what I wanted to talk to you about" He said walking beside me

"My girlfriend ?" I question curious on why he would want to discuss that with me. Terrell Grey sighed, looking around to ensure privacy before speaking. "Michael, it's about the recent developments with your new girlfriend . You know the media will buzzing about your relationship if it gets leaked, and there's some concern about that from the higher-ups at Epic Records."

I furrowed my brow, a mixture of confusion and irritation settling in. "Concern? What's the issue? and I thought we had our personal lives separate from my career." I said irritation seeping through my voice

Terrell Grey nodded, understanding the tension in my tone. "Michael, it's not about separating personal and professional lives. It's about the potential impact on your public image and, subsequently, on the brand. We need to manage this carefully to avoid any controversies that might affect your career."

"Potential impact? Do you hear yourself right now" I said folding my arms, he sighed My frustration with Terrell's insistence reached a boiling point. "This is ridiculous! I can't believe I have to compromise my personal life for some manufactured image. What about being true to myself? What about Amahle?" The controlled atmosphere of the private offices couldn't contain my rising anger.

Terrell attempted to calm the storm, but my emotions were unleashed. "I won't be a puppet for the media. Amahle deserves better than this, and so do I. I won't sacrifice our authenticity for some corporate agenda!"

The weight of fame, its demands and compromises, pressed heavily on my shoulders. "I won't let them dictate who I am or who I love," I declared, a defiant fire burning in my eyes. The clash between my principles and the ruthless machinery of the industry left me highly upset and ready to fight for what I believed in.

Before I stormed off I heard Terrell say "well Frank is explaining the gravity of this situation to her right now", that sent me into a rage. I immediately walked towards to where the sound technician station was.

I specifically told Frank to stay out of my personal life. I walked into the room unnoticed, hearing Frank and Amahle in the midst of a heated argument. Tension hung in the air as their voices clashed, and I could sense the gravity of the situation.

"Frank, I can't y'all are pushing this agenda," Amahle's voice rang with frustration.

Frank, attempting to explain, replied, "Amahle, it's not just about us. There are concerns about how this might impact Michael's career."

I intervened, my voice cutting through the tension. "Amahle, Frank, what's going on here?" My eyes locked onto Amahle's, searching for an explanation.

"I don't know Michael how about you ask your manager here" she said with an attitude. I glared at Frank. He sighed "Terrell asked me to speak with her about you all's relationship" he started

I turned my attention to Frank, frustration evident in my expression. "Frank, I told you to stay out of my personal life. What gives Terrell the right to interfere?" My tone was sharp, a mixture of anger and disappointment.

Frank shifted uncomfortably. "Michael, it's not that simple. Terrell is concerned about the potential impact on your image, and he's trying to manage the situation."

I sighed in frustration "Honestly Frank I don't give a fuck, I don't I'm a grown ass man who can make my own decisions, I want Amahle and that's it and nothing
is going to change" I said lowly rage seeping through.

Frank's expression showed a mix of understanding and concern. "Michael, I get it, but there are certain pressures, and Terrell has a vision for your career. It's about navigating through the industry."

I ran a hand through my hair, trying to contain my frustration. "Frank, my personal life is not a bargaining chip. Amahle and I are not some PR stunt. I won't let them manipulate us for their agenda."

Amahle spoke up, her tone resolute. "Michael's right, Frank. He's a grown ass man and he has every right to decide who is best for him".

Frank nodded, acknowledging the intensity of the situation. "I'll talk to Terrell, make him understand that this is not something we're willing to compromise."

As Frank left to address the matter, I turned to Amahle, frustration still lingering. "I'm sorry you have to deal with this, baby. I won't let anyone come between us."

She sighed rubbing her temples "it's cool, I'm not surprised" she said monotone, I was fixated on her body language feeling her frustration "they are doing this because I'm not a celebrity nor am I some innocent, delicate, white woman" she said annoyed

"What do you mean by that" I said leaning against the nearest desk, I folded my arms.

Amahle met my gaze, her eyes reflecting a mix of defiance and weariness. "Michael, I'm a black woman, and the industry has its biases. They're concerned about how our relationship might be perceived, especially given your history."

"My history?" I asked perplexed

Amahle took a deep breath, her eyes holding mine. "Your history of dating high-profile celebrities, a few of them being white at that, the media scrutiny, the controversies—it's all there. And now, with me, they're probably worried about how the public will react. Especially since I am an outspoken, eccentric black woman " she said using air quotes around eccentric.

I'm not surprised by this though, they did the same thing with my ex-girlfriend, Stephanie, they wanted me with someone with more status and I allowed them to force us to breakup. Steph never held against me because she understood how cruel this industry could be.

But this time is different I'm no longer some young nineteen year old. I am a grown ass man who is capable of making his own decision. Amahle's words cut through the air, revealing the harsh realities of the industry's biases and expectations. As I listened to her, a mixture of frustration and determination brewed within me.

The weight of my past decisions and the industry's scrutiny threatened to overshadow the authenticity of our relationship. I unfolded my arms, pushing away from the desk, and approached Amahle with a fire in my eyes. "Amahle, I won't let them dictate who I love or how we navigate our relationship. This industry has tried to control my personal life for far too long, and I won't stand for it anymore. Do you understand me?"

She sighed and leaned against the  desk "I understand, the question is does your label and team understand that" she said. Before I could respond chuck enter the room "Hey Mike you have another press conference with Pepsi to do", Damn it. I sighed and kissed her cheek "We'll finished this conversation later" I said

"Whatever" I heard her mumbled, I sighed, I couldn't get a break if I wanted to. My label is causing confusion in my relationships, theses press conferences are already becoming to much, and now I have to deal with Amahle frustration because she is irritated with the label.

The demands of fame and the constant interference from the industry were taking a toll on both me and Amahle. As I left the room for yet another press conference, I couldn't shake off the frustration that lingered in the air. Chuck accompanied me, sensing the tension.

"Mike, you okay?" he asked as we made our way to the press conference venue.

I sighed, running a hand through my hair. "This label mess is getting out of hand, Chuck. They're trying to control every aspect of my life. And it's starting to slowly affect Amahle."

Chuck nodded in understanding. "I get it, Mike. But sometimes, we need to play the game to get what we want. Let's handle the press conference, and you try to sort things out with Amahle later."

The venue was buzzing with reporters and photographers when we arrived. The familiar routine of flashing cameras and probing questions unfolded before me. I put on the practiced smile, answering questions about my latest projects and deflecting the more personal inquiries.

Despite the outward composure, my mind kept drifting back to Amahle and the unresolved tension between us. The constant scrutiny and interference from the label was pushing me to my limits.

After the press conference, Chuck and I headed back to the private offices. I could feel the weight of the day settling on my shoulders. As we walked through the corridors, I couldn't help but wonder how Amahle was holding up.

When we entered the private offices, Frank approached me, a somber expression on his face. "Mike, we need to talk," he said, guiding me to a more secluded area.

"What now?" I sighed, my patience wearing thin.

"Terrell is not backing down on this. He's insistent that we manage the situation. There's a lot of pressure from the higher-ups, and he's worried about the potential impact on your career," Frank explained, his tone apologetic.

I clenched my fists, frustration boiling within me. "This is ridiculous, Frank. I won't let them ruin my relationship for the sake of their image. I don't deserve this, I've put years in this industry, I deserve to be happy!" I fussed. Frank nodded, acknowledging the complexity of the situation. "I've tried to reason with him, but he's adamant. We need to find a middle ground, Mike, for your sake and the sake of your career."

"Middle ground? There's no middle ground when it comes to my personal life. Either they respect my choices, or they don't. I won't compromise on this," I said lowly getting in his face. "I'm not removing her with my life, Terrell will just have to get over it" I said bumping past Frank, with chuck on my heels.

I stormed out of the secluded area, frustration and determination burning within me. The idea of compromising my happiness for the sake of an image was infuriating. Chuck followed closely, sensing the intensity of my emotions.

As we navigated through the private offices, I couldn't shake off the feeling that my personal life was slipping out of my control. The demands of fame, the interference from the label, and the constant battles were taking a toll.

"Mike, you know this industry is ruthless. Sometimes, we have to make tough decisions to protect our careers," Chuck offered, his voice a mix of concern and practicality.

I shook my head, refusing to accept the notion that I had to sacrifice my relationship for the sake of career longevity. "I won't let them dictate who I am or who I love, Chuck. Amahle is not a pawn in some corporate game. I won't allow it."

We reached the main area of the private offices, and I scanned the surroundings for any sign of Terrell or Frank. The frustration and anger simmered beneath the surface, ready to boil over at the slightest provocation.

"I need to find Amahle," I declared, my tone resolute. As we exited the private offices, the bustling energy of the stadium surrounded us. I moved with purpose, weaving through the crowd, searching for any sign of Amahle. The weight of the situation hung in the air, and I knew that she was still highly upset from earlier.

Finally, I spotted her near the sound booth, talking with Kevin, the head technician. Amahle's expression was a mix of frustration and determination, and I could tell she was holding her ground. "Amahle!" I called out, drawing her attention. She turned to face me, I ran up to her "You ready to get out of here ?" I asked

I saw tiredness and frustration in her eyes "Yeah, we can" she said simply, she gathered her things and told Kevin goodbye, before we could leave, he ran her schedule by her "we'll go into more details about everything tomorrow, you have a good evening Dayi" "Yes sir, you too Mr. Kevin" she said with a smile.

As we exited the room I tried to hold her hand but she didn't take it. I sighed this is really taking a toll on her. Amahle and I walked through the corridors of the stadium in strained silence. The echoes of our footsteps seemed to reverberate with the tension that lingered between us.

I knew she was upset, and rightfully so. The intrusion of the label into our personal lives was testing the strength of our new found relationship. As we stepped into the cool evening air outside the stadium, I caught up with her, gently placing a hand on her shoulder. "Amahle, I'm sorry about all of this. I never wanted our relationship to be interfered with," I apologized, my voice earnest.

She sighed, her eyes reflecting a mixture of weariness and frustration. "Michael, I knew being with you wouldn't be easy, so this something that have to be cool with" she said nonchalantly but I know this is seriously irritating her. Amahle's words hit me like a punch to the gut. I understood the challenges that came with being in the spotlight, but witnessing the toll it was taking on her was another matter entirely. As we walked through the parking lot towards the waiting car, I mulled over the predicament we found ourselves in.

"Amahle, I get it. I know this life is not easy, especially for someone who didn't sign up for it," I said, the weight of the situation pressing down on me. "I never wanted to put you through this. I just want us to be happy without any interference."

She glanced at me, a mixture of frustration and understanding in her eyes. "Michael, it's not your fault. I'm assuming this is how the industry is, it seems to come with its own baggage, I just have to decide if I'm strong enough to deal with"

I stopped in my tracks "What do you mean by that" I asked concern, is she already ready to give up on us I thought, Amahle turned to face me, her eyes filled with a complex mix of emotions.

"Michael, I'm not saying I'm giving up on us. I'm saying I need to decide if I'm strong enough to handle everything that comes with being in a relationship with someone of your stature in this industry. The label, the constant scrutiny—it's a lot, and I need to figure out if I can navigate through it without losing myself."

I sighed, the gravity of her words sinking in. "Amahle, I don't want you to feel like you have to endure all of this alone. We're in this together, and I'll do everything I can to make it easier for you. I won't let the industry tear us apart. "She gave me a small smile, appreciating the sentiment.

As we approached the waiting car, Bill was there waiting for both of us, I opened the door for Amahle, and she slid into the backseat. The drive back to the apartment was filled with a heavy silence, each passing moment carrying the weight of the challenges we were facing.

When we arrived home, I held the door open for Amahle, and we entered the apartment in a subdued manner. The once tranquil space now seemed tinged with the complexities of our reality. I closed the door behind us, turning to face Amahle.

"Amahle, I know this is tough, and I hate seeing you go through it. But I want you to know that I'm here for you, and we'll find a way to make this work. Our relationship is more important than any industry expectations," I expressed, my sincerity evident in my gaze.

Amahle's demeanor held a passive strength, an unspoken understanding of the challenges that came with being entwined in the complexities of my life. she maintained a composed exterior, her emotions concealed beneath a surface of quiet resilience.

The weight of the day lingered in the air, but Amahle chose not to let it shatter the tranquility we had found in each other. I could sense the weariness in her eyes, the toll that the industry's interference was taking, yet she remained a pillar of strength.

She offered a small, understanding smile. "Michael, it comes with the territory, right? I knew what I was getting into, and I'm just tryin' to  figure out how I'm gonna navigate it.Her words held a passive acceptance of the situation, a recognition that the challenges we faced were not easily overcome. As we sat in the living room, the apartment now filled with the soft glow of evening, Amahle spoke with a measured calmness.

"I appreciate your support, Michael. I just need some time to process everything," she said, her tone gentle yet firm. "This isn't about giving up; it's about understanding what it means to be a part of your world." I nodded, acknowledging the complexity of our reality.

Amahle's passivity didn't signal resignation but rather a thoughtful approach to the intricacies of our relationship. In her quiet strength, she conveyed a willingness to weather the storm together, finding a path that respected both our individuals.

As we settled into the evening, Amahle's passive yet understanding nature became a source of solace. "Let's take it one step at a time," she suggested, her words echoing a patience that resonated deeply. "I believe in us, Michael, but we need to find a balance that preserves who we are."

Her understanding wasn't a surrender to the industry's pressures but a strategic embrace of the journey ahead. We shared a quiet moment, the world outside fading away, leaving room for the connection we were determined to protect.

In the dim light of the apartment, Amahle's passivity became a beacon of hope, a reminder that love, when nurtured with understanding, could withstand even the most relentless storms. As we faced the uncertainties of the night, I found solace in the fact that, with Amahle by my side, we could carve a path that defied the expectations of an industry that often sought to dictate the narrative.

September 7, 1987

It's been a few days and Amahle has still insisted on having her space. I don't blame her I thrusted her into a industry that doesn't feel like she belong. Today I had a live press conference with Pepsi since they are sponsor the tour. Earlier in the day Amahle left for training with Kevin, so I was left to proceed with my morning alone lost in my thoughts.

The press conference was a standard affair, with the usual questions about the upcoming tour, my latest projects, and the state of the industry. I answered with practiced ease, my mind occasionally drifting to thoughts of Amahle and the ongoing battle against the label's interference.

After the press conference, I decided to head down to my family home to speak with Janet. I needed another opinion on how to navigate this whole thing with Epic before we leave for Japan.

Janet POV

As Michael's sister, I've been through many ups and downs with him throughout his career. His relationships, the pressures of the industry, and the constant battle to maintain authenticity in a world that often demands conformity. When Michael showed up at our family home, I could sense that something was weighing heavily on him.

"Hey, Michael. What brings you here?" I greeted him as he entered the living room. His demeanor was a mix of frustration and contemplation.

"I need to talk, Janet. It's about Amahle and the label interfering with our relationship," he sighed, running a hand through his hair.

I motioned for him to sit, sensing the gravity of the situation. "Tell me what's going on ?" I knew that this was bound to happen, Amahle has that demeanor about her, she commands the room when she walks in and she is not even an celebrity, and I just know the label sense that as well.

Michael began recounting the events of the past few days, detailing how the label, especially Terrell Grey, was insistent on managing the situation with Amahle for the sake of Michael's image and career. "Janet, they're trying to control my personal life again, and I can't stand it. I found this woman that makes me happy and they're trying to take it from me " he gritted his teeth, his frustration evident.

Listening to his account, I couldn't help but feel a surge of anger. "This is ridiculous, Michael. you need to do something about that ? It's none of their business!"

"I've tried already Janet, I'm just going to ignore them and they'll just have to get over it or lose me as an artist, and I know they're not stupid enough to let that happen, my thing is now is how to get Amahle to trust me" He said looking at the floor

"Trust you on what?" I asked "Trust that I won't let the industry separate us, how that I will always put her first besides music" he said bring his attention, I recalled Michael telling me that he hasn't officially asked Amahle to be his girlfriend, he said that they were waiting but I think now would be the perfect opportunity. At least to prove his love to her.

As Michael's sister, I could see the internal struggle he was facing. The battle between his personal happiness and the demands of the industry was a recurring theme in his life. "Michael, you need to make it clear to Amahle how much she means to you. This is the time to solidify your commitment to her," I advised. "But what he still wants to wait" he said

"Well at least, she knows you still want her, I say you make it special, get her ring or something, show her how much she means to you" I smiled putting my hand on his shoulder. Michael looked thoughtful for a moment, considering my suggestion. "You're right, Janet. I need to make it clear to Amahle that she's my priority, that I'm not willing to let anything or anyone come between us. I'll do something special, something that shows her how much I love her," he declared, determination shining in his eyes.

I nodded in agreement. "Good, Michael. Actions speak louder than words, especially in situations like these. Show her that you're serious, that she can trust you to protect your relationship from the industry's interference."

Michael stood up, a renewed sense of purpose in his movements. "Thanks, Janet. I needed this perspective. I'll make things right with Amahle. She deserves to know that she's the most important person in my life."

He hugged me goodbye and went along his way. I was so happy for my brother, he was starting his solo career for real this time and I am so proud of him. I'm also thankful for Amahle because of her, he is coming around a lot more, and I couldn't be happier.

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