1 Girl, 5 Boys, and A Day Tha...

Od imjustmexox

11.7K 182 73

Elizabeth~ A 15 yr old, sweet girl with a past, broken dreams, but the 5 best friends/ brothers a girl could... Více

Chapter 1~ Mornings and swimming
Chapter 3~ Tired of the nightmares...
Chapter 4~ Don't make me go back, please...
Chapter 5~ Paparazzi Sucks!
Ch. 6~ Fan problems...
Ch. 7~ My tummy hurts
Ch.8~ I don't wanna catch the love bug...
Ch.9~ Austin Carter Mahone
Ch. 10~ Am I ready for that to happen...
Ch.11~ "Mood swings"
Ch. 12~ What are you doing?!
Ch. 13~ Marriage?
Ch. 14~ Believe it or not...
ch.15~ Eat A Lot. Sleep A Lot.
ch.16~ "One hint?"
ch.17~ Please, not tonight
ch.18~ Big crowds and clastrophobia
Ch.19~ Shadow
Ch. 20~ Round one of two
Ch. 21~ I can't do that
Ch. 22~ Meeting the mom
Ch. 23~ We do?
Ch. 24~ My fault
Ch.25~ He loves me
Ch.26~ Desperate Housewives
Epilogue- 3 years later

Chapter 2~ It was only just a dream...

808 10 5
Od imjustmexox

Hey guys, sorry its taking so long to post, i had nationals and i've kinda been worn out like all week, plus i lost my notebook that had the story written in it, but nationals are done and im gonna jsut write it now haha so i am now going to post haha, hope you like it!


"Its ok, Hazza, I cant stay mad at you," I said, getting comfy in his lap.

"Good, cause i cant have my princess mad at me," He said, holding me tighter as my eyes shut close.

"Well , angel, what would you like to do today?" Louis asked me, and i could hear the smirk playing on his lips.

"Wait, you guys are actually free today?" I said, opening my eyes, looking at the boys my excitement growing.

"Yup, and unfortanatly that means you're stuck with us, cupcake," Liam said, but i could tell he was holding back a smile too,

"Yay!" I said, sitting up straighter, smiling at the boys.

"So what do you want to do today, Shortstack?" Zayn asked, sitting on the folding chair next to mine and Harry's.

I was about to answer, when I realized, I didnt have much planned for days like these. Lately, it doesnt seem like these days come around often since the boys are recording, getting ready for their Summer tour and I have school, I love that the boys love their jobs but with that and school its so hard to have these days.

"hmmm," I said, tapping my chin in a thinking way, when my stomach decided to answer the question for me and growled, "how about food?"

Niall seemed to have brighten up at my question, "Umm, yea, duh!"

We all laughed, as he said that as if it was totally obvious.

"Ok, well then, everyone go change and we will figure out where to eat afterwards," Louis said in his "authorative" voice, making me giggle.

We all agreed and headed to our rooms to change. I walked to my closet and opened it, my eyes immediatly landing on a cute middriff white top, a blue tank, blue sweatpants and some brown and white sandels. (pic on side) I threw on my outfit, please that it actually looked decent and threw my hair into a messy ponytail. I didnt even bother putting on even the slightest make up, as I walked out my door and to the living room.

"Hey babygirl," Niall said, as i sat in his lap making myself comfortable.

"Hey Nialler," I said, leaning my head on his shoulder.

"Why do you still smell like chlorine?" He asked, taking an exaggerated whiff of my hair.

"I didnt have time to take a shower, dont judge," I said, looking at him.

"Don't worry me neither," He said, chukiling.

I stuck my tounge out at him, as he laughed and stuck his tounge back at me.

"I hate to interupt this umm war, I guess, but where do you guys wanna go?" Liam said, looking at Niall and I, along with the others.

"hmm, how about the food court?" I asked.

"Yes!" The boys cheered.

I will never understand how the simplist of things will get these boys so excited, but I love them.

"To the car!" Harry yelled, walking out the door to the car as the others followed laughing.

Louis was the driver so we all piled in as he started the car.

"Here we go," Louis said, backing out of the driveway.

"How are you guys so hyper, this early?" I asked, as I yawned.

"Um, Liz its like noon," Zayn chuckled, looking at me.

"Yea, yea whatever," I mumbled, fighting to keep my eyes open, gosh why am I so tired?

"you're not going to go to sleep are you?" Harry asked.

"No, of course not," I said, opening my eyes.

"Good cause we're here," Louis said, looking through the rearview mirror.

We piled out of the car , and kept our heads low in hopes to not get caught by paparrazi. As we entered the mall we sighed in relief and headed our seperate ways of the food court to get our food. Liam and I got Chinese, Zayn and Harrygot Chik-fil-A, and Niall and Louis got Subways. We all ate in silence, well Niall scarfed his down, as if he would die if he didn't, but soon everyone was done.

"Ok, boys ready to go?" I asked, examining all the empty plates and trays.

"Yea, whats next?" Niall asked, looking me.

"Hmm, how about a movie?"

"Sure, which one?" Harry asked.

"TOY STORY 2!" I exclaimed, since it was my favorite movie.

"YES!" Liam exclaimed, hugging me tightly.

"Liam, cant breath," I said, jokingly, but it was seriously a bone- crushing hug.

"Sorry, but have I mentioned you're my favorite adopted sister?" He asked, smiling down at me.

"I'm your only adopted sister," I said, looking up at him, giggiling.

"Yea, yea, whatever," He said chuckiling.

We all walked out to the car, and hopped in.

"Lets go," Liam said, once we all got settled and buckled in.

"Crazy, crazy, crazy til we see the sun I know we only met but lets pretend its love," I sang, smiling at the boys.

"Who's that about?" Harry asked, eyebrow raised.

"N-no one," I said, stumbiling on my words slightly.

"Mhm," The boys said, all looking at me, well except Louis who was focused on the road but I could see his smirk.

"No one really," I said, looking out the window so they wouldn't see my rosy cheeks.

"Babygirl, is there a boy?" Niall asked, suddenly serious.

I knew they would get protective so I merely sighed and looked at them.

"Yea, but its ok, we're not gonna date, no need to warry," I said, honestly, still scared to let guys near me.

Their faces fell, as the car grew silent, and I leaned into Liam's side.

"Why would you think that, cupcake?" Liam asked, wrapping an arm around me.

I simply shrugged and rested my head on his shoudler.

"Babygirl, whats wrong?" Niall asked, full concern in his voice.

I just shook my head, tears stinging my eyes as I held them back. Lucky for me, we got there just as the question was asked, so I shot out the car and ran to my room. As I entered I jumped onto my bed, hearing the thump of the boys footsteps behind me.

"Shortstack, whats wrong?" Zayn asked, as I felt a sink in my bed.

"I guess i'm just scared to trust the boy, or any boy for that matter," I said, crying.

I felt another sink right behind me, and I was pulled into a warm comforting chest, I'm guessing Harry, why couldn't I just like a guy for once, without being scared.

"What'cha thinking about, Angel?" Louis asked.

"Just why I can't be a normal teenager for once, and actually like a guy, without being scared he would break my heart.

"Ohh, Princess, you'd be suprised how many teen girls are afraid of that, it almost doesnt seem like it would be normal, if you didn't have that fear," Harry explained, stroking my hair.

"Really?" I sniffed.

"Really," I heard two female voices ring behind me.

"Dani, El!" I exclaimed, getting off my bed and hugging them.

"Hey girlie, heard you were having some trouble," Dani said, looking down at me.

"Yea, well not really now, but was. Wait how did you guys know?" I questioned them.

"The boys called, and told us you could use some girls," El explained.

"Thank you!" I said, smiling and running to the boys, envopling them into a hug.

"You're welcome," They said, chuckiling.

"So, did we hear something about a movie night?" The girls asked.

"Oh yea," I said.

"What movie?" Dani asked, smiling since she probably knew the answer.

"Wait let me guess, Toy Story 3," El said, giggiling.

"Yes!" Liam and I cheered, smiling.

"Come on kids," The others said, laughing.

"Hey i'm not a kid!" Liam said, laughing and hopping off my bed.

"Me nie-," I began but couldn't finish cause I knew it was a lie,well not completely but close enough to not even bother.

"You aren't?" Niall asked, before continuing,"Then I guess no piggy back rides."

"No, no I am," I said, giggiling, before contiinuing, giving him the puppy dog eyes, "Piggy back ride?"

"Yea," He said, chuckiling and kneeling down.

"Yay!" I said, hopping on his back, dangiling my arms over his shoulder.

"To the living room," He said, before taking off down the stairs, as I screamed and laughed.

"Don't drop her Niall!" Louis yelled, down the stairs.

"You think I would drop my babygirl?" He asked, causing me to smile.

I suddenly plopped down on the comfy, cushions of our couch.

"Whooh that was fun!" I said, laughing.

"Sounded like it," Harry said, coming up behind us.

After we had all gathered in the living room and I calmed down I smiled, "Movie time!"

I got up and put the DVD in the player and returned back to Niall's lap, which was currently my spot, with Harry and Louis on either side of me, El next to Louis, Dani next to Liam on the love seat, and Zayn on the floor in front of Niall and me.

"No quoting," El said, laughing at Liam and me as we pouted.

"Fine," we promised, smiling.

The movie was amazing, well it always was, haha, but by the time it ended we were ready for another movie.

"Another movie?" I asked, looking at everyone.

"Sure," They said.

"How about, Taken?" Lou suggested.

"Yea," We agreed.

As he got up, I have to admitt I was pretty worried, this movie was creepy at times, not much, but I didn't say anything.

"Everyone, ready?" Harry asked, as he pressed play.

As the movie got into the part where the girls are by themselves in Paris, I buried my head into Niall's chest, not wanting to see the part where the girl gets dragged from under her bed.

"You ok, Liz?" He whispered into my ear.

"Yea, this part is just creepy to me," I replied, holding tighter to him as I could hear the girls breathing grow heavy, indicating it was getting closer to the time.

He picked me up and walked to the kitchen with my arms around his neck and legs loosly around his waist. When we got to, i'm guessing the kitchen, he set me onto the island area and looked at me.

"Why didn'y you tell us you were scared of this movie?" He asked, clearly worried.

"I guess, because you all like this movie and this was the only scary part, so I didn't think about it," I explained, looking down.

"We wouldn't have watched it if we knew you were scared," Liam said, making me jump slightly, "Whoa, sorry didn't mean to make you jump, cupcake," he continued.

"Its ok, and I kinda wanted to watch it," I said, as my stomach groweled.

"Hungry?" Dani asked, giggling.

"Apparently," I said, smiling.

"Well what would you like Princess?" Harry asked.

"Hmm, chicken!" I said, smiling.

"Alright chicken it is," Harry said, chuckiling.

"What do you want to do while we wait?" Zayn asked.

"Hmm, VIDEOGAMES!" I said, giggiling.

"You girls are so going down," The boys said, minus Harry.

"Yea right," The girls and I exclaimed, laughing as we went to the living room.

After about half an hour to an hour Harry called us for dinner.

"We so won!" Dani said, laughing as she high-fived us.

"Whatever," The boys said, crossing their arms.

"Aww don't pout," The girls said, kissing their boyfriends, and I kissed all of their cheeks.

We laughed and sat down as Harry set our plates in front of us, and we began to eat.

"Well, I think I'm gonna head to bed," I said, placing my dishes into the sink.

"Ok goodnight, girllie," the girls said and hugged me.

"Goodnight boys," I said, hugging them.

"Goodnight, Liz," they said kissing my head.

With that I headed to bed and fell asleep, happily.


W-where am I? I see black, thats all.

"This can't be good," I concluded to myself.

"Oh good you're awake," a voice all too familiar to me said.

"What d-do you want?" I asked trying to sound strong, but my voice faltering slightly.

"I want to know why you ran from me," He exclaimed, suddenly mad.

Before I could answer, however, his fist collided with my stomach and an open hand came in contact with my face, earning a groan from me. My father just slapped me for the first time in about a year, what am I saying my father just saw me for the first time in about a year, but thats when it hit me, everything with the boys was only a dream!


Don't hate me! I know sad chapter, but I hope ya'll like it :D Basketball season is over so I will be able to post faster, hopefully! Please comment telling me whatcha think. K, well bye, haha.

P. S. I have a new story I idea that I may post, but idk, I guess we'll find out soon, lol.again please don't hate me :p

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