
By charisomer

22.3K 1K 313

Jenna Coleman discovers something about Richard Madden and Lily James which leads to a series of different ev... More

2-Operation smile... Or not.
3- Regret
4- I need you...
6-Loki's Calling
7-I'm here for you
8-I'm sure it's fine...
10-Not okay
12-Out of control
13-To take your mind off it
14-My favourite Scot
15-Girly night
17-I'll survive
19-Not okay-again
20-My girlfriend?
21-Haven't you heard
23-Third wheel
24-The perfect date
25-You'll never know
26- What?
27- #ThoseSmolemanFeels
28- I want to forget
29- You look hot in the morning
30- Just about you
31- We can Skype?
32-Dodgy takeaway
33-I'm Sorry
34-Karen and the Babes
37-Lets play a game...
40-Avacadoes, Avalanches and Revenge
42-Water fight
43-Who says I'm sober?
44-Folie Douce
45-Shut up Jen.
46-What kind of person?
47-The Next Step-Jiley
48-You are so my OTP
49-Eyes front soldier!
50-Leave me alone
52-The truth
53-I CARE!
58-Let's talk about sex
59-The Return of the Sexy Chef
60-Change of plan and Lots of Kisses
61-Hot Water & Guess Who
62-Perciatelli and the Capaldster
63-Out of sync
64-I what?
65-Hello Old life
66-Madden madness
Proposal yaaaasssss


189 13 9
By charisomer

*Matt's POV*

"Hi Matt, it's Dan. I just wanted to let you know that the house is done, all the furniture everything. Call me if you need anything." The voicemail says.
Well that's great! We spent last night at my old flat and now we can move in!
"JEN!" I shout to her. She runs into the room and stands like a soldier in front of me.
"YES SIR!" She shouts, saluting.
"Guess what?"
"WE... ARE... MOVING IN!!!" I shout back.
"Yeah!" I grin at her.
"Can we go now?"
"Well if you want to go in that then sure." I indicate her loose playsuit she put on because it was the only thing she had.
"It's not like I have anything else." She stares blankly at me.
"Alright then,"
We decide to walk round seeing as it's only fifteen minutes away and it's really sunny. We sit talk much, I can tell we're both excited and it almost feels like talking would ruin the atmosphere. Finally we reach the house. Our house. I take Jenna's hand gently and she happily curls her hand around mine. I turn to look down at her fondly and I'm met by her gazing up at me.
"Geronimo." I whisper and we start to walk up the path and then (after unlocking the door) into our house.

There isn't much to say but how perfect it is. It fits both of us so well. And I'm so glad that Dan designed it this way.
"Eeeeeeee!" Jenna squeals running back over to me.
I laugh at her and then flip out my phone.
"Time for a house party and for you to apologize to your friends." I smile at her.
"Hey, I'm sorry!" She nudges me gently.
"Yeah I know, still haven't quite forgiven you for shouting how much you 'fucking hate me'" I quote.
"Still haven't forgiven you for saying you hate me too!"
"Well I suppose we better break up as we hate each other," I smirk at her.
"Hmmmmm... No, you know I'll put up with you and my passionate hate for you. I think I can manage..." She says, smiling.
"Yeah... I'll just about manage living with you." I continue our sarcastic chat.
"Anyway! Time to call the band." She balances on her toes in her excitement.
"Alright." I gently push her head down so she's back to her small, normal height,"I prefer you when you're small." I tell her.
She glares at me and crosses her arms. I smirk at her and then call Karen.

Three hours later, basically it's now four pm

Everyone apart from Ben and Sophie can come as they're in Australia for a premiere. We didn't invite Richard and Lily though because of Jenna kissing him. Although, I do hope they can make it up and get over this awkward situation. I'm sure they can! Anyway, the group are arriving now-ish and we're all gonna chat and eat food. Oh, that's the door!

"Short notice much?" Karen says immediately after I've opened the door.
"We've only seen you for a second and you've already been sarcastic." I say before hugging her fondly.
"That's me!" She flourishes her hands enthusiastically.
"So I guess our plan worked..." She said excitedly. Jen comes to the door then.
"KAREN!" She shouts.
"JEN!" She shouts back.
"I've missed you," Jenna says while hugging her.
"You too," Karen says.
"Also, I'm so sorry for pushing you guys away." Jen pulls away from the hug and looks at Karen seriously.
"No, it's okay it was a crazy situation for you, it's cool." She replies with a genuine, comforting smile.
"HOUSE TOUR!" I shout interrupting their moment.
"Alright!" Karen says sarcastically (again).
"Chill out Matt! Where's the Darvill?" Jenna realizes and addresses Kaz.
"Oh he went to buy flowers cause this was SUCH SHORT NOTICE..." She glares at me mockingly.
"Come on!" I say pulling them both upstairs. We walk up the stairs and onto the landing and then into our room.
"This is our bedroom," Jenna indicates to Karen.
"The room of love..." She replies wiggling her eyebrows and winking. Which earns her a push from me.
"Ooh nice bed!" Karen says jumping onto it.
"Alright Kaz, make yourself at home," I tell her jokingly. Jenna goes to join her on the bed.
"Did Dan choose all the furniture?" Jenna asks.
"Yeah, I just gave him a list of a few things we would like to have and really loose guidelines and he filled them perfectly." I reply.
"EVERYBODY, IT'S DAN APPRECIATION DAY!" Karen shouts loudly. I join the other two on the bed.
"Shut up you!" I mock punch her.
"It's rude to hit a lady!" She gasps dramatically.
"Is it rude to cuddle a lady?" I ask, curling Jenna into my arms.
"Ahhhh the feels!" Karen moans.
"I like being cuddled by you so no, for me it's not rude." Jenna tells me quite seriously.
"Seriously, you guys, you don't even know how many feels I have right now."
"Karen how glad are you that your OTP are back together?" I turn to face her, Jen still in my arms.
"Super glad!" She claps her hands together to show her happiness.
"I'm glad too," Jenna murmurs sincerely.
"So am I," I murmur back into her hair.
"What's happening here!" Arthur suddenly says and we all turn to look at him standing in the doorway.
"I'm having a threesome with Matt and Jen," Karen says almost automatically.
"Woah!" Jenna says sitting up quickly.
"You answered that way too quickly!" I stare at Karen almost in awe.
"How did you get in?" Jenna says, confused.
"Through the door?" Arthur says.
"But it was shut?!" Jenna says.
"Well no, it was open, I walked right in." He says.
"Oh shit!" Jenna says loudly before jumping off the bed and running downstairs. I lay back down for a second and listen. Now I can hear muffled. voices, must mean the others are here. I walk downstairs with Karen and Arthur, taking the flowers from Arthur on the way down. We're met with the sight of Jenna and Emma hugging tightly. I think Jen might be crying actually, yeah she is.
"I am so so sorry, please forgive me" she gasps to Emma between sobs.
"No it's okay," Emma replies gently, taking Jenna's hands.
Tom walks over to Jenna and stares at her.
"Jenna, what you did was one of the bravest, kindest things to do. But you didn't realize that it would've been better if you'd stayed with us. That doesn't matter, it's over now. It's happened and you dealed with it. That was one of the hardest things to deal with and you managed it okay and you did something amazing out of it. I've seen all about your research into metal health and visiting the girl and her friend. I will support you all through that. But right now, you need to realize that even though you pushed us away it doesn't mean we don't forgive you. We all forgive you and would help you again in an instant. Jenna, we're your best friends, we'll always forgive you."

I slowly move over to Jenna and hug her from behind. She relaxes back and I can tell that Tom's speech really helped.
'Thank you' I mouth to Tom as Emma lets go of Jenna's hands.
"Okay honey," I quietly say to Jenna and she turns round to face me,"the sorry's are over, everyone forgives you. Try to enjoy yourself." I smile reassuringly at her. That's when there's another knock at the door. Arthur opens it to Zac and Yvonne.
"Zac! Yvonne!" Jenna smiles brightly at them, wiping away her tears.
"Jenna!" They smile at her together. There's no discussion but they have a tight hug altogether.
"GROUP HUG!" Karen shouts and we all run in to hug each other. We separate, laughing and all smiling at each other.
"Ahhh, look at this! The gang all back together again!" Zac smiles.
"Well, apart from Ben and Sophie." Tom reminds him.
"And, Richard and Lily!" Karen says loudly," I'm sure they'll be here soon!"
"What do you mean?" Jenna says, her smile dropping off her face.
"I invited them? Normally when we have gatherings, I call everyone to let them know!?" Karen says curiously, while the others nod about the fact that she calls them.
"No, they can't come here." Jenna whispers, all the colour gone from her face.
"What's the matter Jenna?" Emma asks worriedly.
"They can't come her because I... I kissed Richard."
I loosen my grip on Jenna's tense shoulders a she turns around to bury her pale face in my chest. I stroke the back of her head.
"I'm sure he'll understand?" I tell her gently.
"No! It was so awkward and imagine if he's told Lily."
"Richard's so nice, I'm sure he'll forgive you!" I protest, trying to make her feel better.
"Mmmmmm." She replies uneasily.

That's when we hear the knock at the door.

Yeah not a long thing from me because I'm tired. I hope you enjoyed and sorry (really not sorry) for the cliff hanger.

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