Meltdown [Derek Hale]

By louNowakowski

72K 2.2K 131

She always had a one-tracked life planned out, she was going to be a surgeon and she was going to help cure o... More

Chapter Six
Chapter Twelve


1.6K 57 3
By louNowakowski

Awkwardly doing a small jog through the hospital to try and speed up, Julie glanced at everyone around her. She was hoping no one would question why she was there - people talk when colleagues are running through the hospital when they're not in uniform. She'd had a message from Melissa urging her to head to the morgue, and so whilst Scott and Derek were still out trying to capture the two werewolves she was doing some investigating on her own.

She was about to use her key card to get into the morgue but Melissa stopped her as she appeared from round the corner, "we'll use mine. You're not supposed to be here when you're not on shift," she reminded.

"What's going on? It isn't another Jackson situation, is it?" She asked, she'd been told about how he'd grown a strange gel encasing around him.

"No, it's more... human, oddly enough," Melissa admitted.

"Oh.. so why am I seeing this?"

"Because we both know it's not human at all."

Melissa took her to one of the bodies and Julie immediately scrunched her face up at the sight of it. "Is that brain matter leaking out of the head?" She asked, and Melissa nodded. "Ew."

"You literally want to be a neuro surgeon," Melissa scoffed.

"Yeah but the brains are put together in that, they're not all mushy and - " Julie cut herself off with a gag, "I think we need Stiles-"

"I called you so we didn't have to subject young teenagers to this-"

"I don't care, this is disgusting. Call Stiles."


It didn't take long for Stiles to get to them, and Julie had vaguely heard Melissa threaten Stiles to keep silent about it all as she brought him in.

"What are you doing here?" Stiles asked, and Julie shrugged.

"Being a medical genius," she droned, although he knew it was a lie.

"Why do you want to show me a body I've already seen?" Stiles asked, as he stared at the body that was already laid out.

"Because you haven't seen everything yet," Melissa urged. They joined Julie round the body, as as Julie was the one with gloves on she began to point at everything.

"That's a ligature mark, that means he was strangled with something, like cord, rope.."

"Ah, okay, wait a second... What kind of Werewolf strangles someone? You know, that's not very Werewolf-y." Stiles said, and Melissa nodded.

"My thoughts exactly. And then, there's this-" Melissa began, and as if she were the assistant to a magician's performance, Julie gestured to the head.

"God... Man, what is that? Is that brain matter?" Stiles asked, gagging himself, "yeah, it's brain matter... of course..."

"See the indentation? He was hit in the back of the head, hard enough to kill him. In fact, any one of these things could have killed him. I mean, someone seriously wanted this poor kid dead!" Melissa urged.

"All right, so then this couldn't have been Boyd or Cora, you know? They wouldn't have done all that. So, maybe this is just one murder? I mean, maybe it's just a random coincidence."

Julie narrowed her eyes as she tried to work out who Cora was, she'd left the party early so that she could investigate the dead bodies at Melissa's request, and now she felt very out of the loop.

"I don't think it was just one..." Melissa admitted.

"How come?"

"Because that girl over there? She's got the exact same injuries."

Stiles looked over to the girl, his heart sinking, Julie looked at her brother concerned as Melissa kept talking.

"The ME said this one wasn't just strangled-- whoever did it used a garrote, which is a stick that you put through the rope, and you just kind of keep twisting, and... Stiles? Oh, my God. Did you know her? I am so sorry, I didn't even think..."

"That's Heather, isn't it?" Julie asked, scared to hear the answer and Stiles nodded.

"I was... I was at her party. It was her birthday."

"Okay... We need to call your father, 'cause you're a witness... Stiles?"

"Has anyone else been through here tonight? Any-any other bodies, or even anybody missing?"

Julie looked to Melissa knowing that she would be the only one to have the solution to that, "uh, no. No bodies, but, um..."


"Two girls. They brought the first one in, Caitlin, for a tox screen... and then I overheard that her girlfriend, Emily, just disappeared. I mean, they were out in the woods, and-"

"Nobody's found her yet?"

"I don't know..."

"Okay, the first one?" Stiles began.

"Caitlin?" Julie asked, wanting to make sure he had the right one.

"Okay, is she here? Is she here right now?"

"I think so?"

"Okay, where?"

"Okay, okay, wait-- just wait a minute--"

"I have to talk to her," Stiles admitted, moving to leave.

"Why?" Julie asked, as she followed her brother.

"Because I think I know what's happening."


Finding the right room, Julie glanced at the chart, "okay, you go in, I'll keep...oh perfect, it's Joe who's watching. I'll keep him distracted," she urged, and Stiles nodded as he went into the room.

Julie waited around, hovering at the nurses station keeping her eyes down the hall waiting for her brother to emerge from the room.

"Hey, stranger, what you doing here?" A voice called, and she looked back confused before seeing who it was.

"Oh, waiting for my dad. Thought I'd steal a lift from home since he's going to be interviewing the patient anyway," she droned. Watching him nod and trying to leave, she quickly spoke up again, "I thought you were in tomorrow?"

"I'm only doing a half shift tonight, thought I'd pick up the extra hours. Want to make sure I beat you this year?"

She began to laugh, "sure you do, that's not going to happen," she mused, and he raised his brow.

"Well you're not picking up any extra shifts."

"And you're not actually doing any work," she scoffed, offended at his words.

"So why are you actually here and why is your brother speaking to my patient?"

She looked at him confused, her eyes narrowed as she stared at him. "What are you talking..."

"Don't try and lie, your brother has a scent-"

"A scent?" She asked, placing her hand on her hip as she did so. That sounded oddly werewolfy for a human.

"Yeah, mischief follows everywhere you and him are," he scoffed, and she hummed.

"Sure, sure," she muttered, "hey, what's this I hear about the intern trying to perform surgery on someone-"

"You're not changing the subject... oh and look, there's Stiles," Joe urged, and Julie glanced behind them to see Stiles emerging from the room.

"Huh, I wonder when he got here," Julie mused, before offering a smile to Joe, "see you for breakfast!"


Julie and Stiles both met up with Scott in the hospital car park.

"So, Boyd and Cora might not have killed anyone?" Scott asked.

"You're gonna wish they did."

"What makes you think that?" Julie asked, crossing her arms as she absent mindedly toyed with her car key.

"I'm not exactly sure yet...The other girl who was out in the woods, Emily? Eventually, they're gonna find her. She's one of them. Emily, Heather, that guy Lydia found at the pool? All three were virgins. And they're all gonna have the same three injuries-- strangled, throat-slashed, head bashed in. It's called the three-fold death."

"So, if these aren't random killings, then what are they?" Scott asked.

"Sacrifices..." Julie realised.

"Human sacrifices," Stiles confirmed.


"Why would I tell you?" Julie scoffed, as both her and Joe walked through the halls of the hospital.

"Er- because, you had your brother - outside of visiting hours might I add - go in and speak to my patient," Joe reminded, and Julie hummed as she thought about it.

"Okay, okay, okay," she huffed, as she turned to look at him, "if you must know he was gaining confidential information for a very top secret mission."

"A top secret mission?" Joe droned back at her.

"Yes, because you see... my brother, well, he's actually Robin."

"What do you mean he's Robin?"

"Well," she grabbed onto his arm and pulled him into a nook so that she could whisper, "you see, you can't tell anyone about this, alright? Not a soul. It would put my life and yours at risk."

He nodded, waiting to hear what she was going to confess to. He already knew though, he had multiple suspicions.

"Joe... don't freak out but... I'm batman."

"You're an ass," he scoffed, and she laughed as she moved away to continue walking.

"Stilinski!" A voice called out, and jumping, she turned to look at the owner of the voice, "post-ops, you're on my service today," Dr. Greyer called out and her joy immediately fell.

"I hate trauma," she scoffed, and Joe began to laugh, "oh shut up, you're on peds," she countered, as she separated from him to walk over to Dr. Greyer.

"I'm actually going on call, my step-son is being a menace at school. I've rescheduled all my surgeries for today, but if anything comes in I'll be right around the corner. Remember all procedures done, must be done with an attending in the room. I don't care how many times you've had to vent people, Stilinski. Attending's there at all times," he urged, and she nodded slowly.

"Good luck with Liam," she said, and Dr. Greyer nodded before passing her the charts.


Pushing her hands into her jacket pockets, Julie trudged towards the loft. She couldn't wait to collapse onto the sofa.

Seeing a pile of blue on the floor, she narrowed her eyes trying to see what it was. It appeared to be just a pile outside of the door. As she got closer, however, she began to pick up her pace. Pulling out her phone, she cursed to herself when she saw that she'd ran out of battery.

"Oh crap," she hissed, before running over. "Hello? Sir?" In front of her was a postman, trickles of blood down his forehead. He'd collapsed outside of the building, "hello?" She called out, pressing her fingers against his neck.

No pulse. He was warm, the blood had barely began to clot, but there was no pulse.

"Derek!" She shouted, praying he could hear her. "Derek!" She called out even louder, as she swung the man onto his back and began to resuscitate. "Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god-" she muttered on repeat before calling for the werewolf again. He was home. His car was parked next to hers and he'd already told her he was going to stay home to keep an eye on Cora.

So why wasn't he running to her?

Hearing the door open, she quickly called out to them, "quick, get your phone out... we need an ambulence, blunt trauma to the head, no pulse-" looking up when she heard no movement, her shoulders deflated. In front of her was three people she definitely didn't recognise.

That was a lie.

She knew who one of them was.

He was the same man from the hospital who'd tried to take Isaac.

"Oh you've got to be kidding me..." she muttered, before she realised they were only staring as if the action she was doing was below them, "hello, dead person... call an ambulance!" She repeated.

"We don't concern ourselves with the lower form-" the woman began, and Julie rolled her eyes.

"Save your speech for later, I'm sure you worked very hard on it in the mirror but right now you need to phone a damn ambulance."

"Jules get back!" Hearing the grunt of the voice, she looked over to Derek who was stumbling out of the doorway blood marring his entire being and a hole that was slowly healing over.

"I can't-"

"He's dead, I'm afraid, Jules is it?" The eldest said, and she rolled her eyes at the words once more.

She was getting very fed up of the superiority complexes around. There was a man, dead, a normal human being who was just delivering a letter and yet now he was dead. All because he was in the wrong place at the wrong time and none of the creatures surrounding her cared.

"It's doctor," she interrupted, glancing up at the man with a snarl. She looked him up and down. She could tell he was the cause of this, the British ones were always the villains. She'd noticed it in tv drama's, and she imagined it would be the same now.

"Juliette," Derek gritted out, approaching her to try and shield her from the alphas. She didn't want a shield, she wanted a damn ambulance.

"It's werewolf business, leave him for dead," Kali added on.

"I don't care!" She shouted, continuing with the compressions, "I don't care that you're all so bored you go around killing each other, I don't care about your stupid werewolf politics, I don't care that you thought attacking a man for nothing made you think you were powerful, truly I pity you, I do, because you're all stupid. What I care about is that this is my patient and like fuck I'm letting you kill my patient! So for the love of whatever stupid god keeps abandoning me, back the hell off!" She turned to face him on her last yell, and Kali went to step forward to kill her but Deucalion grabbed onto her arm.

"You have fire-"

"Shut up and phone the damn ambulance."

Checking for a pulse again, she felt some relief flood through her as she found a pulse. "Derek, phone now or I swear to god you will not survive another day!"

He pulled out his phone throwing it to her and she quickly phoned the ambulance.

"Come along, I believe this show is over for now," Deucalion muttered, "It was nice meeting you, Dr. Stilinski."


"You can't be so stupid-" Derek hissed as both him and Julie stared into the hospital room where the post man had been kept.

"Me stupid?" She scoffed, glancing back at him irritated, "you all stood and watched as an innocent man was going to die. Do you even understand the serious neuro-deficits he is probably going to experience now all because none of you could phone a damn ambulance?!"

"They were the alpha pack, Julie, they could have killed you! You have to watch your mouth!" He continued but still she did not care.

"Me? Derek, I am not in this mess. All these alphas, all this drama, this is not my drama. I am not a werewolf. I really like you, and watching you die would break me... but i am not a werewolf, I am human. I will not stand by and watch as more humans are killed as collateral damage. They didn't need to attack him."

"Yes but they did and do you even understand what they could have done to you-"

"It would be a lot less than what I would have done to myself if I stood by and let him die," she countered, "I stand by what I said. All this werewolf politics is stupid. When does it end, Derek?"

"You can't stay at the loft anymore."

She looked at him confused and horrified. Was this him breaking up with her?


"They know where I live, they know how to get past all the security systems... you may be so intent on risking your life, but I'm not. They're going to kill you, Juliette. Every time I disobey them, the longer I fight the more they want to kill you, Cora, Scott, Stiles... either I kill you, or they do. So I need you to stay out of this."

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