Why Even Try (Book 1 of 4)

By 5654wdh

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Loki, Thor, Sif, the warriors and ... you! How did the Odinson's and the warriors become friends? And what i... More

Chapter 1 - The Beginning
Chapter 2 - Thor's Heart
Chapter 3 - Not So Fast
Chapter 4 - This Can't Be Happening
Chapter 5 - The Day has Come
Chapter 6 - I Made It
Chapter 7 - Feeling more Aware
Chapter 8 - Reunion of Sorts
Chapter 9 - I Need to Wrap this up
Chapter 10 - Trying Something New
Chapter 11 - A Tragedy at the Palace
Chapter 12 - Waiting on Word
Chapter 13 - Beginning To Heal
Chapter 14 - Getting Better
Chapter 15 - Jolly Good
Chapter 16 - This Feeling is Disgusting
Chapter 17 - I Am Your Prince Too
Chapter 18 - Loki's Poems
Chapter 19 - The Prince's Dance
Chapter 20 - I Will See You Tomorrow
Chapter 21 - Finding Out Something Interesting
Chapter 22 - I am Going to Take Care of You
Chapter 23 - I Know You Care, But...
Chapter 24 - Taking A Day Off from Practice
Chapter 25 - What Could Have Happened to Him?
Chapter 26 - Will You Help Me?
Chapter 27 - Nothing But Trouble
Chapter 28 - A Strange Way to Return
Chapter 29 - Needing More Time
Chapter 30 - Someone New
Chapter 31 - I Can't Believe That Happened
Chapter 32 - Waiting For the Next Time
Chapter 33 - Trying to Figure Out What to do Next
Chapter 34 - What Does This Mean?
Chapter 35 - It Means Everything
Chapter 36 - But Why Not?
Chapter 37 - Not the Best Idea
Chapter 38 - What Do We Do Now?
Chapter 39 - I Will Always Be Here For You
Chapter 40 - The Next Morning
Chapter 41 - The Nightmares Continue
Chapter 42 - Needing to Show Him
Chapter 43 - Feeling Safe At Last
Chapter 44 - So Much To Say
Chapter 45 - How Could So Much Have Gone So Wrong, So Quickly?

Chapter 43 - One More Dance

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By 5654wdh

I wake the next morning from my bed, with Loki next to me, snoring ever so slightly. It makes me giggle, which wakes him. He rolls over and faces me and smiles. I cannot help but smile back.

"Good morning Darling, how are you feeling today?" he asks with that silky smooth voice of his.

I feel great, and will be glad when we can talk. Thank the Norns we got so good at our telepathy.

"How are you feeling, really Love?" he probes.

I am nervous about the ball tonight, Loki. I am nervous about my bruises being seen, and I am nervous about going with you...

"Why? Because I am the Prince... "he concludes. I nod.

Yes, Sorry.

"No need to apologize, Love... I promise you have nothing to worry about, and I will keep you safe. I would never put you in a position that makes you uncomfortable. If you do not want to go with me, I understand..."

I know, it's just a little scary after everything that has happened, and it's not a matter of going with you, it's a matter of being so prominently seen in this condition.

Panic begins to set in, and Loki can see it in my eyes. He springs into action and sits me up, gives me some water and holds me. He pats my hair and tells me that I am safe, and everything will be fine. My mom comes in and sees us, and Loki tells her that I had a little panic attack, but will be fine. She sits down with me and rubs my arms too.

"You both need to get up... Loki you have things to take care of this morning, and f/n, I have breakfast for you and then the Prince has lined up some things from you before you need to get ready." She says and Loki smiles, satisfied that he got away with something.

Loki, what did you do?

"Nothing you need to worry about love, except to relax and enjoy yourself." Loki says, "See you at 6 in the Family's chambers for dinner". He confirms that my mom will walk me there and then she will be off to the great hall to give everything the once over before the guests begin to arrive.

Loki gives me a quick kiss on the cheek, but looks into my eyes, enough to let me know that he really wants to give me more than just a peck on the cheek, but he will refrain until later.

Maids arrive to take me to the Royal Family's private spa and dressing area. Loki has scheduled a massage for me, but one that must be guided by Eira due to my injuries. Once the massage is complete, I have a quick tea and lunch with my mom, and then some additional treatments for my skin, hair, nails, make up etc. Soon it is time for me to put on the dress that Loki had designed for me. It's a beautiful black ball gown with a full skirt, off the shoulder sleeves with some beading on the sleeves and strategically placed on the gown. The sweetheart-ish style neckline does not plunge as low as some of them do, that's because Loki knows exactly how I was feeling, and didn't want to have more of my bruises show. I choose to not wear any jewelry as I do not want to draw any more attention to the condition of my skin or body. The ladies have done my hair up so unfortunately the marks on my neck are quite prevalent, but what did Loki say, not to hide from what happened, I have nothing to be ashamed of. They have even created a sequined gauntlet to place over my arms, to hide the cast.

My mom comes to get me, and scolds me slightly because I am already a little later than what was planned, and I will probably be a little late for the quick dinner with the Royal Family. She says that they will understand especially after what I have been through. We walk the short distance and I stop for brief moment in front of the doors, where I know that on the other side is Loki, and the rest of the Royal Family....

"My dear, you are going to fine, and the envy of many of the women in attendance tonight not only because you are with a Prince, but because, after all you have been through, you are strong enough to face everything tonight. Walking in with your head held high, and on the arm of a prince," My mom says, "I am so proud of you."

She hugs me, if only she knew how I felt on the inside.

On the other side of the door...

Loki paces, while holding a single red rose. He twirls it in his fingers. She's not late really, just later than what he wanted her to be. He wanted her here earlier just so their night together would be longer. Odin and Thor are speaking in the corner, both have had plenty to drink already, and Frigga has not come down yet.

"Loki, have a drink with us," Thor bellows, "I am sure your date will be along soon enough..."

"If she hasn't changed her mind," Odin contributes to the conversation.

What if she changed her mind? Did I push too hard already with the dress, the way I practically forced into attending with me? I just wanted to help her, not to worry about anything else after all she has been through, and yes... keep her by my side all night. Oh Loki, you're the dolt, why did you not allow her to decide on her own who her date should be? Or if she wanted to attend at all. Because deep down, you were afraid she wouldn't choose you...You couldn't blame her if she didn't show up tonight, you have practically smothered her with the dress, bath salts, and care since the incident. I just need her to know how much I love her.

The door opens slowly, and all eyes turn, Loki's breathe catches in his chest...

Kathalia appears and turns to motion Loki to the door, taking a deep breath I square my shoulder and walk inside. Immediately my eyes lock with Loki's and I smile at him. He is nervous and all he can do is shove the rose in my face.

Thank you my Prince...

I curtsy, and wince as I stand back up. Even though I am well on my way to healing, I have had a busy day, and I get sore and tired easily.

How will I make it through this whole night?

Easy my love, you will have me at your side.

Loki's gallantness makes me smile, and he takes my hand and kisses my cheek.

"You look absolutely stunning," Loki whispers in my ear.

Truly? Can you see all the bruises? How bad does it really look?

Before he can answer, Frigga engulfs me in a careful hug and Thor rushes to do the same.

"Oh my dear girl, how are you? I haven't seen you since the day after the incident.... You look much better." Frigga asks, and I turn my eyes to Loki, with some sadness since I cannot answer.

"Mother she.... " Loki clears his throat to address the rest of the family present, "Lady F/n sustained damaged to her neck and throat, and she cannot speak...yet"

"Oh my, I'm so sorry sweetheart I forgot," and she carefully hugs me again, while my mom excuses herself to see to the last minute arrangements before the guests begin to arrive. They will have dinner, while the family eats quietly here, with me joining them.

Thor comes rushing to give me a hug, which causes me to grunt in pain, and makes tears form in my eyes. Loki sees this and asks him to release me, which he does, and I wipe my tears.

"I am sorry my sister, I was just so happy to see after not seeing you for so long..." Thor says, and I nod and smile at him. Placing my hand on the side of his head I speak with him telepathically.

Thor, thank you so much for all you have done to help both me and Marek's family. I do not know what I would have done without your help.

He nods at my words, since he is not a telepath he cannot respond in that manner. Once the link is broken, he eyes return to their normal color and refocus.

Odin is last to come over to me, I have never really figured out exactly how to act around him. He is a little aloof to me because deep down he knows that I would be a good match for either of his sons, yet I figure he hopes at some I would have, or still would choose Thor. He cannot deny the connection between Loki and I, and sooner or later he will have to realize that.

"My child," he begins, and Loki moves to stand next to me, but he doesn't touch me, "you have been through much and I am pleased to see that you are healing well. I am happy you are able to join us this night."


"Father," he begins, "she is very happy to be here, and grateful that you have allowed her to attend the ball with me tonight, even though she and I are not courting."

"Of course," Odin responds, offers me his arm which I take, and turns to lead us to the table. "But if either of you would like to remedy the not courting situation....you have my blessing to do so." We both nod in silent excitement; I do not think either of us thought that he would actually approve of us together.

Loki holds my seat for me, and Frigga sits on my other side. After a quick prayer, the food and wine are set out in front of us and everyone begins to eat except me. Memories flash in front of my eyes, the last time I had such a lavish meal I was on a date... with Marek... it seems so long ago...Marek, who is dead. Whose throat was slit in front of my eyes; why couldn't I have been quicker to get to him to teleport? I could have done more to save us both, couldn't I have? I look at my arm in the cast and at the bruises that still adorn my shoulder and neck area and begin to imagine what I must look like.

Who do I think I am? Or better yet what everyone else will think...who does she think she is? Showing up to a ball with a Prince, looking like that? You heard what happened to her, what kind of warrior will she be? Allowing herself to get beaten and ravaged, her date killed...she should have just wrapped herself in a blanket rather than wear a dress, or not have shown up at all.

My thoughts spiral out of control and my hand begins to shake as I try to eat and I end up dropping my fork and letting out a small squeak.

"Darling?" Loki says with concern.

I'm fine Loki, I just need a moment.

Frigga, excuse me a moment, please.

"Of course my dear, would you like me to come with you?" I shake my head no, as she stands up to allow me to get up for a moment and move to the terrace and get some air.

Once out of the sight of the royal family I take a few deep breaths and end up sitting on the floor with my knees up to my chest.

My dear, Frigga called me and said you are not ok, what's wrong?

I am fine mom, I just had a little panic attack at dinner, I promise I will be ok, and will see you at the ball.

Finally I stand up, and walk back inside. I am immediately met by Loki who pulls me into a tight hug and carefully rests his hand on the back of neck to pull me closer to him. When he pulls away he can see that I am better and leads me back to the table to continue eating.

"My child, are you alright, we would like to continue our dinner and not be late for the ball" Odin says, and draws many gasps and looks of disgust from the rest of the family.

"Father, how can you say these things to her, after what she has been through?" Thor defends me. "after what it appears she is still going through" I cast a grateful smile to Thor.

"Merely asking a question my son..." Odin says smarmily.

"Well, she is our guest, OUR GUEST, Odin, and you will treat her with the dignity and respect she deserves..."Frigga says, and then leans over to me and whispers.

"Ignore him my dear, he has had a bit to drink already..." and I laugh, which causes Loki to laugh because he hasn't heard that in so long. Soon all of us except Odin are laughing and we settle until it is time to go to the main hall.

The five of us walk to the doors of the main hall. Odin and Frigga will be announced first, then Thor, Loki and me; the three of us are going to walk in together since Thor did not bring a date. I smile and nod in understanding.

Loki is my hair and make up ok?

It's perfect my love...

You better not just say that to make me feel better

Truly, you look lovely. And about what Odin suggested earlier....

Loki cannot continue, the Herald has already begun to announce us.

"Ladies and Gentlemen.. Their Majesties, King Odin and Queen Frigga..."

Odin and Frigga walk up to their seats at the front and turn to acknowledge the crowd; Odin gives Thor the sign and we start up the aisle.

"Prince Thor..."Prince Loki and Lady F/n..." we enter and there is a smattering of applause and Thor waves to everyone. He is hardly graceful, which Loki notes and whispers in my ear; causing me to laugh. Loki has offered his arm to me, Thor holds my injured arm carefully.

"Keep your head up darling, you are doing wonderfully," Loki whispers to me, and soon the applause pick up , and we hear Fandral in the crowd.

"Let's hear it for Lady F/n!!!" and the applause get louder and more thunderous and Loki uses his free hand to squeeze my hand that is on his arm.

"We are almost there my dear..." he says.

And just like that we arrive next to Frigga, and turn to wave to the crowd. Once we sit down, the rest of the hall reverts back to mingling with each other.

"My dear you did wonderfully...Odin wondered if you would make it, and I am pleased to say that he owes me a massage...and I may make him rub my feet tonight after all of this dancing" Frigga says to me and we laugh.

"Speaking of dancing," Loki interrupts, and stands, offers his hand to me and pulls me to my feet, "May I have this dance Lady f/n?"

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