The Gypsy Beauty

By _FirstEdition_

84K 1.5K 15

A Peaky Blinder adventure full of twists and turns, fights, love and heartbreak... Scarlett 'Letty' Hayes is... More

They're Back.
New Barmaid.
Inspector Campbell.
Ada's Pregnant?
I'd Never Break Your Heart.
Tommys Office.
Billy Kimber.
You Used Me.
We've Been Done Over!
Excuse Me?
Arthur Shelby Senior.
Black Star.
Pub Explosion.
Family Meeting.
Sabini's Club.
Alfie Solomon.
Polly's Birthday.
Boxing Ring.
Garrison Reopening.
A Thousand Guineas On A Horse?
Arthur's In Prison!
Wedding Invitation.
No Fucking Fighting!
Russian Business.
Peakys Vs. Calvary.
You Sure You Want To Go Back?
Ah, You See I Missed You.
Angel Changretta.
Charity Foundation Dinner.
Separate Meetings.
Mrs Changretta.
Back To London.
Daddy's Home.
Alfie's In Birmingham.
Grace Shelby Institution.
You Crossed A Line!
Father Hughes.
Christmas 1925.
I'll Never Let Go. I Promise.
The Coin Toss Is Sacred.
I'm What?
You Think I'm Scared Of You?
What Were You Thinking?
I Got Three.
Goliath Vs. Bonnie.
Tell Him You Don't Mess With The Peaky Blinders.
In Labour.
Wall Street Stock Exchange.
That Will Never Beat For Anyone Other Than You.
Oswald Mosley.
Old Fashioned Razor Gang.
Did Barney Kill Mosley?
Bonus Chapter. I Do.

I'll Play Nice...For Now.

740 12 0
By _FirstEdition_

Third person POV

The Shelby family greeted Letty with open arms when she had arrived with Tommy and Arthur. Polly, who had practically raised Letty as her own, had to fight back the urge to burst into tears when Letty had entered her home looking a certain level of pain - that none of them had yet to have seen before. Ada had been taken aback by the state Letty was in. Even though he was her brother, Letty's expression had broke her heart more.

Her expression was blank. Her skin was pale and her once white dress was stained red with Johns blood. The ends of her hair were even stained red. Her eyes were filled to the brim with tears as she attempted to retrain herself from bursting into tears again. Polly had rushed her upstairs and helped her into a bath, before leaving her to her own thoughts.


Scarlett's POV

I had changed into a black dress and heels, leaving my hair straight down, just letting it hang over my shoulders. I left my old room, walking quietly down the hall of Polly's old home, my hands shaking as I walk through the betting and into the kitchen where everyone else sat. "Sis." Finn gasps, quickly wrapping his arms around tightly. "She's alright Finn. Let her sit down." Ada instructs, smiling sadly at me as I squeeze Finns hand before I sit down next to Arthur.

Tommys POV

My footsteps echo throughout the shop as I walk into the kitchen where everyone sits. "John is dead." I begin, my eyes glancing down to my feet. Letty's eyes shut at my statement, shaking her head. "Esme's gone on the road with the Lees. She's taken the kids. Michaels in hospital. He's injured, they it's 60/40 in his favour." I tell them.

"There's no number, there's no percentages. So the hand, the hand beneath him stops him falling. Spoke to son will live." Polly slurs. "Michael and John were shot because we killed someone. Vicente Changretta. His son Luca, has come to take revenge. Men from New York and Sicily are here in Birmingham. These men will not leave our city until our whole family is dead. That's how it works, an eye for an eye, it's called vendetta." I explain, my eyes boring into Letty who looks ready to explode.

"Yeah well...the bullet's been written. When the time comes, and it will come. Me as the oldest brother, will put this bullet into his fucking head." Arthur says placing a bullet onto the table. "There's been some bad blood between us." I say eyeing Letty who rolls her eyes. "Fucking understatement of the year." She mumbles.

"Until this business is settled we stay together. We stay here. Small Heath, Bordesley, Hay Mills down to Greet. We know every face, every man is a soldier in this army. These men are professionals and they're good at what they do, so we're gonna need more than we have. I have sent a message to Aberama Gold." I tell them.

"No. No. Tom. I'll get you fifty Lee boys. Good men, Tom." Johnny replies. "I don't need good men for this, Johnny. I need bad men." I tell him. "Tommy, his people are fucking savages. You know, heathens, Tom. So they come and steal our horses. You know, stealing from their own, Tom." Johnny says.

"So this is the plan Thomas? This is the plan? Bullet with a name on, and help from a bunch of savages." Polly scoffs. "Pol, it's called going on the offensive." I tell her and she scoffs. "I've spoken to Moss. He's putting out word, eyes, and ears so we can find them. The truth is the police are busy with the revolution. Moss says they're expecting strikes and riots when the weather gets warm and the Bolsheviks are planning to-"

"The Bolsheviks avoidant plan a fucking picnic. He's reading the wrong papers." Ada interrupts. "Ada! Real or not real, the coppers don't give a fuck about us, alright?" I shout. "Which means that here today in this room, we have to agree to end this war between us. Take a vote." I say, my eyes moving to Letty again.

"Peace." Arthur says sipping his drink. "I wasn't a part of this so peace." Ada says. "Peace." Lizzie adds. "Peace." Charlie agrees. "Peace." Finn speaks up. "Shut up Finn." Arthur tells him. "Why can't I say peace?" Finn asks confused.

"Arthur, leave him. Finn, take a seat at the table." I tell him and he takes a seat next to Ada. "My sons not here to speak, so I'll speak on his behalf. Truce." Polly tells us. "Five for peace. Two for truce." I count as all eyes turn to Letty, whose eyes meet mine and she glares at me. "I'll play nice...for now." She says and I nod. "Let's get on with this war then." I tell them before I walk off.


I walk into Letty's room, not bothering to knock as I see her sitting on her bed, staring blankly at the wall. "You should sleep." I tell her, taking out a cigarette and lighting it as I sit beside her on the bed. "Every time I close my eyes I see him." Letty whispers.

I wrap my arm around her shoulder, pulling her into my side as I rub my hand up and down her arm. "You did this to me." She says lowly, her hands shaking. "I know." I murmur, closing my eyes. "I want my John back." She says, her voice wavering. "I know." I murmur once again. Sitting up, she turns to look at me. "Are you a fucking parrot? Do you actually fucking know Tommy? Because I don't think you do."

"I understand how you feel-" I begin but she stands up quickly, glaring down at me. "He took his own life for fucking mine! I don't want to have to go through any of this without John by my side. He was looking at me as he died, his blood went everywhere on me. I can still see it." She yells, taking shaky breaths.

"I stayed by your side through fucking everything! You lie to me, you use me, you get the bitch who tried to kill me pregnant but now, you have pushed me over the fucking line. I don't know how I will ever get over this, Tommy. It's John. My John! John who layed in bed with me, John who made me happy, John who loved me...John who took his own fucking life for me!" Letty shouts, her voice getting louder.

She pauses as tears drip down her face. "And he's gone, Tommy. And he's not coming back. He's not coming back." She whispers as she starts to cry. Her knees buckle and she falls to the floor. I instantly sit up, my hands reaching for her. I pull her onto my lap, still sitting on the ground, holding her as she cries harder. "God, I hate you." She sobs, clutching onto my jacket. Closing my eyes, a tear falls down my cheek as I nod. "I know."

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