King of the hero's |My hero a...

By _kosu_

91.1K 1.5K 1.3K

In this timeline, Izuku Midoriya was born with the Gum Gum quirk, which allows him to stretch and blow up his... More

My rubbery quirk
Training with All Might
The UA entrance exam
Class A's introduction
Gum Gum vs Santōryū
Class A's battles and leader
The USJ incident Part 1
The USJ incident Part 2
Sports festival preparations
The obstacle course
A kids game????
A Perfect Duo
A burning family
Uraraka's Will
Gum Gum vs Diable Jambe
An Immovable Object vs An Unstoppable Force
The sports festival's winner
A King's Meal
A deal with the devil
Class A's interships
Kodomo Yūsutasu and The Old Man
Deku's Bizarre Adventure
Three Girls One Rabbit And Guardian Dog
A Burning Friend
The calm before the storm
The Hero Killer Stain
A New Dawn
Class A's Reunion
The Final Exam
Class A's Resolve
A Fateful Encounter
The Summer Camp
His Hero
A lost friend
Tomura's Master
All Might vs All For One
Gifted blades
Akuyaku Gakkō
The hero licensing exam
Izuku Midoriya Vs Katsuki Bakugo
The Big Three
David's Mistake
Chisaki's Deal
The Lagoon Squad vs The League of Villains
The Deku Agency's Will
Kai "Overhaul" Chisaki
Lemillion's Rage
Shigaraki's Message
Unexpected Reunions
Hidden Talent
A New Threat
A Gentle Man
A Bouncy Battle
The Number Two Hero: Endeavour
Tomura's Statement
Class 1-A's Tournament
Class A's Decisive battles
Class A's Decision
Distant Memories
Intermission Chapter [Explanation on all of my OC's]
Poking The Bear
Australia's Last Hope
The WhiteStache Agency
The Justice Association
Loose Ends

The Lagoon Squad

452 7 7
By _kosu_

Cover story: The Nighteye Agency arrives with FINESSE!


Two days before the attack on the villain's hotel:

In an unfamiliar ship, a notorious villain could be seen drinking a smoothie while waiting for the captain to finish their poop. After waiting a few more minutes, they came out with a smirk on their face, ready to conduct business. "So, I'll give you five million to steal some weapons for me, how does that sound?"

"Well Wolfram, five million is a lot, but we gotta consider who we're taking those weapons off of." The bald-headed dark-skin man shrugged, gaining a concerned look from his subordinate.

"Dutch, did that shit fuck with your head? Five million is enough to make us do anything, just take the deal!" A sharp-tongued woman yelled, making the man roll his eyes.

"Revy if we listened to every word you said, we would've been dead a long time ago." A blonde-haired man sighed, turning around to focus on a new idea he had just thought of.

"They aren't wrong Revy, we should think this through." A Japanese-looking man agreed, angering the woman.

Looking around at her associates with displeasure in her eyes, Revy bit down on her lip before making a proposal. "Well as you can see, my companions here are a bunch of pussies so could you give us a layout of the building and when it would be the best time to strike?" She smiled, making Wolfram smile.

"That would mean I'd have to take money off of your cut." He replied, angering the group.

"You know what, we'll take it. I doubt they're there twenty-four-seven, we'll grab the guns and leave before they can catch us." The Japanese man thought out loud.

"Rock have you gone insane? Making a move like this against them when there are so many unknown variables at play is stupid. They aren't some low-level thugs, they're at the top of our world. One misplay and we're dead." Dutch argued.

"I agree with Dutch, this is risky and stupid." Benny chimed in. "But, five million is a lot and Rock does have a point. Rock was able to plan that Roberta thing so I think we should trust." He added, making Revy smile.

Realising that his group had made their minds up, Dutch sighed and shook Wolfram's outstretched arm. "We'll take you up on your offer IF you give us half now." Dutch scowled.

"Check your accounts it's already been wired, I wouldn't come to you with something of this magnitude and not have it ready," Wolfram smirked.

"Then it's settled, we're going to Japan baby!" Revy celebrated. "Rock, you happy to go back to that shit hole again? I heard the Yakuza family we fought last time got taken by another one, what was it called?"

"You're talking about Kai Chisaki's family, they rule over the Yakuza in Japan right now." Rock sighed, walking to their door to smoke a cigarette.

"Hey don't smoke without me, I'm coming," Revy said while rushing after her friend.

"Then it's settled, I'll send you guys a message detailing what I want to be stolen, until then just have a nice cruise to Japan." Wolfram smiled before leaving their boat.


Four days prior to the attack on the Villains hotel:

Inside the walls of UA, a stressed Midoriya paced up and down his room, thinking of a way to save the girl Eri he had met the other day. This was paused by a sudden knock on his door. "H-Hey Izuku, are you okay, you haven't come out for dinner yet." A concerned Ochaco asked.

"I'm fine don't worry, I'm just working out, really really hard!" Izuku responded.

"Oh okay, Todoroki said he's going to leave your food on the side so don't take too long," Uraraka said before turning around and leaving.

"Food doesn't taste good when I know someone out there isn't safe."


Three days before the attack on the villains' hotel:

After having a night of rest, Midoriya woke up to see a text from his Senior saying, 'Come to the Nighteye agency, something fun's brewing!'

"Fun huh? Let's see." Izuku sighed as he put in the location. "Wait, I have to be there in... AN HOUR?!" Izuku yelled as he jumped out of bed with his towel and toothbrush in hand. "I gotta get ready!" He said while running to his dorm bathroom.

After cleaning himself, Izuku slipped into his school clothes and grabbed his hero costume in his room.

Using his quirk to travel across the campus and toward the train station, Izuku made it just in time for his train, running onto it just as the doors were about to shut. "I'm so glad I have my provisional license, using my quirk for stuff like this is really handy." He huffed as he turned around to find himself a seat.

"Izuku, over here!" Mina called out, waving toward her friend.

Walking over to his friend, he noticed that she wasn't alone. "Eijiro, Momo, Ochaco?" He noticed, taking a seat next to his brown-haired friend.

"How come you're here too Midoriya, what's going on?" Uraraka asked.

"I don't know but I do know Mirio told me to meet him at Nighteyes agency. He said it would be fun." Izuku responded while putting his hands behind his head.

"Mhm, well I'm gonna continue my story," Kirishima smirked as he activated his quirk. "So like I was saying."


Flashback to a day ago:

Running down a narrow alleyway, Red Riot pounced on the criminal he was chasing after, trying his hardest to detain the squirming criminal.

"Get off of me!" The man yelled as he twisted and turned.

"Stay still!" Kirishima demanded as he activated his quirk to smash the man into the ground.

Groaning in pain from the boy's powerful punch, the man took something out of his pocket and injected himself with an unknown substance. "I SAID GET OFF OF ME!" He screamed, activating his quirk to stab into Kirishima's hardened abdomen.

"What the hell, he wasn't like this before." The boy noted as he grabbed the man's spike and smashed it.

Jumping away from the crazed criminal, Kirishima noted that his power had skyrocketed after he injected himself with whatever was in that vial.

"Maybe I can use this to strengthen my haki." Red Riot smirked as he deactivated his quirk and released his armament. "They said I wasn't fast so let's see how true they were!" The boy yelled as he recalled his friends mocking him for only being a tank.

Closing his eyes to sense all of the incoming blades coming toward him, Eijiro began to run toward the criminal at full speed, dodging every single blade as he inched closer to the man. "What the hell, stay away from me!" The criminal roared as he shot out a blade hitting the boy in the hand.

"Is that it?!" Red Riot grinned as he activated his quirk and haki in his arm to deliver the final blow. "RED STRIKE!" He called out as he smashed his fist against the man's nose, breaking it and sending the man flying into the wall behind him. "Hehe, seems like I'm not slow after all."


"So that's how I won, but I'm really curious about this vial thingy," Kirishima said as he pulled the vial out of his pocket.

"Why do you have it on you, shouldn't you have given it to the police?" Mina asked, making Eijiro shake his head.

"I would, but I forgot I had it on me." He sheepishly laughed.

"You're so clueless, let me inspect it." Momo sighed as she gently took the vial out of Eijiro's hand. "I'm not that well versed in this type of science, but I can tell you that whatever's in here isn't good for your body even if it makes your quirk better. It's like it's there to enhance a disease." Momo analysed, creating a device to scan the residue of the leftover liquid.

The students continued to talk amongst themselves until they arrived at their destination. Looking up at the Nighteye building, the group is suddenly approached by a familiar face.

"This is serious kids, put your game faces on."


The day of the attack on the villain hotel:

Pulling up to a building three blocks down from their destination, a group of criminal jumped out of an SUV, running toward the building to complete their mission.

"Since you lost the bet on the way here, you have to knock the first person we see out Rock." Revy chuckled, bringing her jog to a halt as they walked through the doors to the hotel. "It smells of blood and perfume in here." The woman states as she sniffs the atmosphere around her.

"It smells like sex to me." Benny shrugged.

"Considering what Revy just said, I'm gonna have to see what your sex is like," Rock said as they all sensed someone.

Sticking his hand up to stop his group from walking, Dutch looked around and then nodded at Rock, signalling him to go.

"Alright." Rock sighed as he turned the corner, to be met with a lizard man.

"Hey, who are yo-" Spinner coughed as he passed out on Rock's fist.

"One down, let's continue," Rock said, walking away from Spinner's laid-out limp body.

"Hey, why don't we kill him?" Revy pointed out.

"He could be a civilian, we never know." Benny reasoned.

"I doubt civilians stay in here, let's just put a cap in his," Revy suggested as she took out her gun.

"No let's leave it, we don't need to kill twenty-four-seven." Dutch intervened while closely following behind Rock who found a stairwell.

Signalling for his comrades to follow him, Rock waited by the stairs until they all felt an oppressive presence walk down the stairs. "Shit, he's gonna come down here," Revy claimed as she took out her guns only for the man to stop on the second floor and rest against the wall.

"Shiro mo kuro mo nai sekai, Nikushimi no oku de naiteita, Tachidomaru koto mo yurusarenai, Tada sono mukō e." The dark-haired man sang to himself as he turned up the volume in his earphones, playing with the fire in his hand with his free arm.

"What is he saying, what do those lyrics mean Rock?" Revy whispered, pestering her friend for an answer.

"Something about black and white, hatred and crying. It sounds like a depressing song, but that's irrelevant. Benny you go up there and we'll follow behind." Rock whispered as his blonde-haired friend walked passed him, approaching the lanky man.

"Hey, do you speak English?" Benny asked him.

"Yeah I do, why are you here? And who are the people behind you?" Dabi fired back, pausing his music to listen to their response.

"We're here for business with Donearth and Alligator, do you know where they'll be?" He lied.

Looking at them for a moment, Dabi sighed, "They're not here right now, they should be back in an hour or so though." The dark-haired criminal replied, looking at them once again before turning his music up and slouching against the wall again.

"That was close," Dutch said as they entered the second floor, scouting it for any signs of a hidden door. "Nothing here, let's take the other staircase." Their leader suggested, opening the door to the other staircase to reach the next floor.

Once they arrived on the floor above, they noticed a man with a mask on walking around the floor. Taking it upon himself to deal with the situation, Dutch crept up behind him and choked him until he was unconscious.

"Go to sleep," Dutch whispered in his ears as the man's legs went limp. "Alright let's go," Dutch said while dragging Mr Compress around the corner.

Searching the huge building, the group stumble upon a slightly creaked open door. Peering through it, they saw a scruffy-haired man watching an anime on his own as he mumbled to himself. "The meeting with Chisaki went over better than I expected, hopefully, sometime soon we can gain his trust and take over. It's been a little while since I sent Toga and Twice there, I hope they're doing alright." The man blurted, changing the episode to continue his binge. "If I'm able to do this and then recruit people like that Nine guy, I could surpass master and become the next, 'Ruler'," Shigaraki smirked as he pressed play.

"Wait... don't tell me..." Dutch sighed, holding his head in his palm to calm himself.

"Tell you what? What am I missing?" Rock asked, looking at his friends who had a look of horror and surprise on their faces.

"Simply put, if he is what we think he is, he's the spawn of the devil," Benny told his friend. "But he's not our target, let's just leave."

"Leave? What if he sees us, I'm gonna knock his ass out with my electrical bullets and call it a day." Revy responded as she booted down the door. "Sorry man, can't have any witnesses," Revy said before shooting Tomura, knocking him out. "Now, let's go and find those weapons." The woman ordered while running up to the next floor.

After twenty minutes of searching, Dutch noted that the design of the toilet on the highest floor looked different. Running his fingers along the wall, he noted that it felt different and pressed his hand against the wall, revealing a secret vault.

"Benny, come deal with this!" Dutch yelled, calling his team over.

"Ah the vaults here, stand back everyone," Benny smirked as he placed his palm onto the vault, unlocking every passcode inside of it to open the door. "That was one complicated ass vault, but there we go." Benny smiled.

Entering the dark vault, Benny closed his eyes, opening them a moment later at the exact same time the lights turned on.

"Weird Tech wizard." Revy scoffed as she picked up one of their targeted weapons. "These weapons are cool as fuck, I wish we could have some of these for ourselves." The tatted woman continued while pretending to shoot the rocket launcher at her friends.

"Stop playing around with that thing and let's go, we got everything we need." Dutch ordered, running out of the vault to escape the building.

"Slow down you're too fast," Benny said while jogging out of the room to see his group getting ready to jump out of a window.

"Hurry up Benny." Revy eagerly waved to her friend.

Once he was at the window they were all standing in front of, Dutch was the first one to jump. Without the use of his Haki, Dutch landed seamlessly.

Next was Rock who activated the haki in his legs to soften the impact. "Man, I wish my quirk could be used for stuff like this." The Japanese man coughed as he looked up to see his half-Chinese friend land next to him.

"Stop being a little bitch." Revy joked while slapping his back.

Lastly, Benny jumped out of the building, but unlike Revy and Rock he didn't activate his Haki, instead, nanobots emerged from his legs and created two metal legs that had rockets on the bottom of them, allowing him to land safely. "Don't worry about running guys, the car should be here right about... now," Benny stated as their car pulled up, opening its doors to reveal empty seats.

"Man does it feel nice to be back in here." Revy exhaled as she put the guns she stole in between here and Rock.

"We're not out of danger just yet, we need to get out of Japan before we can relax," Dutch commented, gesturing toward Benny to start the car.

Locking all of their doors and putting the address of the harbour in his GPS, Benny revved the engine and drove off.

After ten minutes of driving, Revy began to notice sand dropping from the ceiling. "Hey Benny, when was the last time we went to the beach?"

Pondering on her question for a moment, Benny shrugged. "Probably about a year, why?"

"Because there's-"

"Sand back here." An ominous voice said in unison with Revy, forcing everyone to turn around and look at the boot of the car.

Drawing all the sand in the car to herself, Alligator appeared in her full form, moving the guns that were separating Rock and Revy to sit next to the pair.

"Would you look at that, even after all of these years, I'm still on your mind, aren't I Dutch?" Alligator giggled.

"Benny pull over!" Their leader yelled, forcing his blonde-haired friend to pull over in an alley.

Drawing her guns out, Revy pointed her twin pistols at Sand King while Rock looked at her with fear in his eyes.

"Give me five reasons why I shouldn't pop your ass right now?" Revy squinted, her index finger hovering over the trigger.

"I shouldn't have to give you five, you only need one and that reason is, if I wanted to kill you or do any harm to you, I would've already." The tall woman responded, swiftly disarming Revy, shocking her.

"Wha-How?" Revy stuttered as she looked at Sand King's hands.

"Don't worry about how Revy, just let her talk, she's always got something up her sleeve." Dutch ordered, trying his hardest to avoid eye contact with Alligator.

"You three should be lucky you have Dutch on your side, if you didn't, I think I would've killed you as soon as you entered my hotel." The woman claimed.

"Wait you saw us enter?" Rock asked, gaining a nod from the woman.

Turning her head to face the stunned Rock, she analysed him before turning to look ahead like she was previously doing. "You'd be fools to think we would leave those idiots inside of our place alone. They have to be monitored constantly."

"Are those idiots the people we knocked out?" Benny thought out loud.

"Yes they are, and the one, you shot, is the successor of The Ruler." Sand King revealed as she stared into Revy's soul.

"Okay, so what if I popped him, he's gonna wake up in an hour or two and forget all about it," Revy argued, making the woman sigh.

"You're a hot-headed one aren't you?" She giggled once again before lifting her bottom off of her chair to wrap her arms around Dutches neck. "Luckily, you have him to keep you level-headed."

"Get your hands off me, we're not like that anymore." Dutch scoffed as he forcefully removed her hands from around his neck. "Anyway, I know you have some sort of proposal for us since you've kept us alive, so what is it? Spit it out." Dutch demanded, making Alligator smile.

"You're always so sharp." She noted while plopping herself back in her seat. "Well, how about I add you to our payroll? If you decline I'll happily kill you right now... well not all of you, I'd keep Dutch alive." She smirked, creating sand blades which emitted haki.

"We go to the highest bidder, so what's your price?" Rock asked, trying to keep his composure.

"Well whatever you're getting paid now, I'll triple it and keep that money going in monthly, I know Wolfram is too stingy to do that. Obviously, I'd love for you guys to be my personal team, but I'll have to hand you over to the idiots inside of the hotel. Don't worry though, you'll get frequent missions." She explained, intriguing the group.

"How did you know it was Wolfram?"

"I know when his snakey ass is doing something, he's so easy to read."

"Well then, your offer doesn't sound bad, what's your opinion on it Dutch?" Benny said while thinking of all the money he could be earning if they accepted the offer.

"I'll do it if you can promise us one thing."

Knowing what he was going to propose, Sand King smiled. "I promise Dutch, you don't even need to say a word." She cut in, putting the man at ease. "Now that you've agreed to this, I'm going to explain what's about to happen." Alligator smiled while crossing her. "I'm going to let you guys go and you're gonna act like you're going to wait for those four idiots to show up at the harbour and act like you're escaping. Expect one of them to attack you and when they do, turn around and go back to the harbour to fight. Fight them and push them to their limits, but I must warn you, if you fight the tall one with burned-off skin, fight him like your life depends on it, he's a strong bastard." She warned them, making the group remember the ominous presence they sensed from Dabi. "I'm gonna tell Tomura to think about recruiting you guys and if he has even two working cogs up there he'll take the advice, if he doesn't I'll step in. So how does that sound?"

"Pretty easy, that sounds doable," Revy answered.

"The rest of you?" Alligator wondered.

"Yeah, that sounds fine," Rock responded while Benny and Dutch nodded.

"Well then, I'll be leaving, don't fuck it up."


"And you, Mr I know everything, why the fuck would you allow them to walk by you so leisurely, I thought out of everyone, you would have the most sense, but obviously not!" The blonde criminal yelled, shouting at the dark-haired man who rested his feet on the table. "Get your fucking feet off of the table before I cut them off." He threatened, activating his quirk to wrap around the man's legs.

"Take your shitty strings from around my legs before I incinerate you." He sighed, glaring at the angry man.

"Relax both of you, if we send them out now, they could catch them." Alligator stated.

"You know what... you're right, you four go now. And even if it kills you, get those weapons back." The Heavenly Demon demanded, forcing the group to get up and leave.

But before Shigaraki could leave, Alligator grabbed him and gave him some advice. "Know when to destroy and when not to, things you destroy can be useful in the long run." She whispered, confusing the man.

"Right..." He replied before running out of the door.

Following behind his group, Shigaraki followed them into the garage, jumping into the car to sit next to Spinner in the back seat.

"I'm assuming I can trust you on the wheel?" Tomura asked his masked companion as they turned the engine on.

"Trust me, I'm an amazing driver." Mr Compress smirked.

Pulling out of the garage, Mr Compress drove off in the direction of the harbour.

It didn't take long for the group to catch the lagoon group who were eating ramen. "They're here, let's go!" Revy yelled as they jumped onto their boat.

"Don't worry guys, this car has a boat function they're not getting away." The masked villain claimed as he pressed the boat function while driving into the water.

"I would love to attack them, but all of our quirks are close range," Shigaraki noted, making Dabi smile.

"You wanna attack them huh? Let me deal with that." Dabi smirked, jumping out of the car to dive underwater. Once he was directly under their ship, he lit his fist on fire and struck the boat. "Shitty little, wait wha-" Dabi gasped, looking at a rocket appear out of the bottom of the ship, directly hitting him in the face.

Fortunately, the dark-haired man was able to recover and swim back to his friend's car-boat.

Using his fire to dry himself, Dabi looked outside of the window to see the Lagoon squad turn around and dash straight back to the dock.

Turning around to follow after the Lagoon squad, the League began to wonder why they suddenly turned around. But before they could reach a conclusion, they arrived at the harbour, jumping out of the car to fight the group.

"You little bastards attacked our engine." Benny snarled as he transformed his group's boat into a mech that wrapped itself around him.

Alongside him, Revy smiled at Shigaraki and at shot at him forcing him to dodge and make her follow up with a kick, which sent him enough a warehouse window.

"I'm gonna have fun dismantling you kid." She grinned.

"I'd like to see you try," Tomura replied as he covered his hands in haki.

Readying her guns once again, Revy began to run away from Shigaraki to create distance between her and the man, only for him to chase after her, forcing her to turn around and shoot him in his foot and hand, breaking through the haki covering it.

"Shit." Tomura winced, backing away from the gunslinger to think of a plan. "I'm weaker than her right now so my only option is to grow. My armament and observation Haki need to be improved if I want to win. If I can strengthen my haki enough to be able to survive her bullets or react to them, I'll be able to do something." He thought out loud before dodging a bullet from Revy.

"I don't know what you're planning, but whatever it is, it better be good." She smirked while shooting six bullets at the man, hitting him in his leg and arm.


In the warehouse directly opposite Shigaraki and Revy, Dabi was fixated on a massive mech. "So what's your quirk, it's obviously something metal related?" Dabi asked gaining a chuckle from Benny.

"Anything technological, I can control." He replied, intriguing Dabi.

"So how are you able to form a mech like that?" He wondered.

"If you've ever read a Steel-Man comic or movie, you'll understand. Nanobots are really useful." He smiled, firing off a rocket at Dabi.

Staring at the rocket coming toward him, Dabi jumped toward it and melted it, making it blow up in his face. "Have some of this!" Dabi yelled as he let off a wave of blue fire.

Tanking the blue fire head-on, Benny laughed and began to shoot him. "You're gonna need some more than some hot fire!"


Throwing one of his balls at the dark-skinned man, Mr Compress tried to escape the man who was running at him. "Shit!" Mr Compress let out before he was grabbed by Dutch and thrown into the ground.

"No running, we're gonna fight like men with nothing to lose." He smiled as he threw his guns and knives to the ground.

"It's not my style, but I'll never back down from a challenge." Mr Compress sighed before throwing his balls away to the side.

To the masked villain, this fight meant more than just a fight between men, it was a fight to regain his dignity. After getting his arm cut off by the assassins and being completely embarrassed by Katsuki Bakugo, Mr Compress had one goal in mind and it was to fight like a man and regain what was lost.


Kicking the massive lizard man into a crate, Rock sighed as Spinner struggled to get up. "You have way too many openings."

"No, I don't!" Spinner yelled out, grabbing his sword to swing it down at Rock only for him to slap the massive sword away, knocking him onto the ground.

"You're a horrendous fighter and you're stupid. Pick a struggle." Rock calmly stated, making Spinner shake his head.

"Take that back!" Spinner demanded.

Looking down at the man with pity in his eyes, Rock took a deep breath and coldly blurted, "As someone who exists in the twilight I know who's cut out for it and who's not. You're just like me, you're in the twilight zone, but unlike me, you can't stay here. You have to choose, do you genuinely believe what you're doing is right or not?" Rock asks, forcing Spinner to get up.

"I d-do." He stutters, making rock sigh.

"You have no conviction, a man without conviction is nothing but a hollow mess," Rock commented, imbuing haki into his fist to finish Spinner off, but before he could, spinner blocked his attack.

"I have no conviction? I know what drives me, but I don't know if what drives me, drives this group, that's why I'm so unsure. I want to create a world similar to the one that Stain wants, but... but then my friends, the only people who have accepted me have their own ideal worlds so I have to help them even though some of theirs don't match up with mine." He said, making rock roll his eyes.

"You really have no conviction, you're a mess, you're someone who can't choose between themself and someone else. You're... pathetic and so are your friends." Rock said, slowly walking up to Spinner to deliver a devastating punch to his stomach and knocking him down. "I should go and help Benny, that guy he's taking on his sc-" But before Rock could finish his statement, Spinner attacked him from behind, forcing him to dodge.

"Don't you EVER talk about my friends like that!" Spinner says with a sharp glare on his face.

"So your friends are what drives you, good to know." Rock smiles as he turns around to face Spinner.

"Hey dickhead, what's your quirk?" Spinner asks while covering his huge sword in haki.

"Critical. I can see your weak points, it even goes so far as your brain, which means I can see what you lack. I can tell you're not the sharpest tool in the shed." Rock chuckled as he took off his tie and wrapped it around his fist.

"Shut up, I'm smart in my own way. Like I know I have to be perfect to win against you!" Spinner declared, getting into his battle stance to fight.

"Yeah, sure." Rock smiled before running at Spinner.


In a room near the fights, Alligator looked at her screens with a smile on her face. "Let's see if they can live up to my expectations."

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