Bonds of Darkness: Swordmen's...

By JesterX3

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Y/N, a once valiant warrior, is losing himself to a malevolent curse, and Jingliu is unwavering in her determ... More

(SEASON 1 START) Prologue: The Descent into Madness
Chapter One: Lingering Shadows
Chapter Two: Unveiling Y/N's Curse
Chapter Three: Echoes of Time
Chapter Four: Whispers of Possibility
Chapter Five: The Weight of Choices
Chapter Six: Memories of Steel
Chapter Seven: The Unseen Threat
Chapter Eight: Jingliu's Awakening
Chapter Nine: Frozen Confrontation
Chapter Ten: Respite and Reflection
Chapter Eleven: Recovery and Revelation
Chapter Twelve: Alliances and Vendettas
Chapter Thirteen: Delusions Unveiled
Chapter Fourteen: Unleashing Chaos
Chapter Fifteen: ???
Chapter Sixteen: Unseen Realms
Chapter Seventeen: Aha, The Masked Fools
Chapter Eighteen: He, Who Ventured the Universe
Chapter Nineteen: O' incoming Death
Chapter Twenty: Grave Mistake
Chapter Twenty-One: Duel of Ice and Fire
Chapter Twenty-Two: Fated Revelation
Chapter Twenty-Three: Unholy Ascension
Chapter Twenty-Four: Solemn Gambit
Chapter Twenty-Five: Goodbye, Sister of Sky
Chapter Twenty-Six: Aftermath and Resolve
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Echoes of Resilience
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Bonds beyond Space and Time
Chapter Twenty-Nine: The Knight's Fashionable Interlude
Chapter Thirty: Crystalline Reverie
Chapter Thirty-One: Memory's Nexus
Chapter Thirty-Two: Ascension's Trials
Chapter Thirty-Three: Realms of Reflection and Resolve
Chapter Thirty-Four: Where Past and Present Entwine
Genesis Arc - Ch. One: Childish Charms
Genesis Arc - Ch. Two: Blossoming Bonds
Genesis Arc - Ch. Three: Caught Red-Handed
Genesis Arc - Ch. Four: A Change in the Air
Genesis Arc - Ch. Five: The Edge of Resolve
Genesis Arc - Ch. Six: The Path of the Blade
Genesis Arc - Ch. Seven: The Siege of Mythic Terror
Genesis Arc - Ch. Nine: The Guardians' Vigil
Genesis Arc - Ch. Ten: Hearts Unfolding
Genesis Arc - Ch. Eleven: Tides of the Unwritten
Genesis Arc - Ch. Twelve: The forging of a Swordsman
Genesis Arc - Ch. Thirteen: Foxian Introduction
Genesis Arc - Ch. Fourteen: Foxian and Knight
Genesis Arc - Ch. Fifteen: Mischievous Concerns
Genesis Arc - Ch. Sixteen: Mara vs Sword
Genesis Arc - Ch. Seventeen: Wrath
Genesis Arc - Ch. Eighteen: Aeon vs Shadow
Genesis Arc - Ch. Nineteen: Gratitude
Genesis Arc - Ch. Twenty: Inner Struggles
Genesis Arc - Ch. Twenty-One: Turmoil
Genesis Arc - Ch. Twenty-Two: Pathways of Mastery
Genesis Arc - Ch. Twenty-Three: Reflections in Luofu
Genesis Arc - Ch. Twenty-Four: A Friend in Need
Genesis Arc - Final Ch: Sword Champion Ceremony
Chapter Thirty-Five: I Have Returned
Chapter Thirty-Six: Unfathomable Encounters
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Lost Child
Chapter Thirty-Eight: The Oath and the Inferno
Chapter Thirty-Nine: Sibling Sentinel
Chapter Forty: Fear of the Unknown
Chapter Forty-One: Truth's Triumph
Chapter Forty-Two: First Aeon
Chapter Forty-Three: Armor
Chapter Forty-Four: Humility
Chapter Forty-Five: Stab
Chapter Forty-Six: Convergence
Chapter Forty-Seven: Convergence P.2
Chapter Forty-Eight: Convergence P.3
Chapter Forty-Nine: Finality
Chapter Fifty: Finality's Lesson
Chapter Fifty-One: Eclipse
Chapter Fifty-Two: Jingliu's Ascension
Chapter Fifty-Three: She, Who has become Fate
Chapter Fifty-Four: Sovereign's Dance
Chapter Fifty-Five: The Enigma Follower
Chapter Fifty-Six: Confluence
Chapter Fifty-Seven: Destiny's Edge
Chapter Fifty-Eight: Sibling Starborn Interlude
Chapter Fifty-Nine: I Am You
Chapter Sixty: You Are Me
Chapter Sixty-One: Idrila's Conference
Chapter Sixty-Two: Y/N, No More
Chapter Sixty-Three: Shatter Thy Dreams
Chapter Sixty-Four: I am back, Jingliu

Genesis Arc - Ch. Eight: New Beginnings and Changes

540 34 8
By JesterX3

A/N: All rights to the original content are reserved by the respective copyright owner.


Xianzhou Luofu emerged on the horizon like a beacon of modernity and hope, its skyline a stark contrast to the now-lost splendor of Cangcheng. Towering structures of gleaming metal and glass rose in elegant spirals, reflecting the myriad of stars in the night sky. The city's layout was a harmonious blend of advanced technology and artistic design, with floating gardens suspended between buildings and luminescent walkways weaving through the metropolis.

The air was thick with a medley of emotions as refugees from Cangcheng poured into the city. They wandered amidst the architectural marvels, their expressions ranging from awe to despair. Some stood transfixed, gazing at the hovering transports and holographic displays that adorned the city squares, while others sat in huddled groups, their faces etched with the pain of loss.

Y/N and Jingliu, their hands clasped tightly, made their way through the throngs of people. Y/N's eyes, wide with a mix of curiosity and apprehension, took in the sights and sounds of Xianzhou Luofu. "It's so different here," he murmured, his voice a mix of wonder and nostalgia.

Jingliu, her pale hair catching the light of the city, nodded in agreement. "It's like stepping into another world," she replied, her red eyes scanning the surroundings. "But nothing can replace Cangcheng."

As they walked, they encountered a group of locals performing a traditional dance, their movements fluid and synchronized with the ambient music that filled the air. Y/N watched, fascinated, while Jingliu's gaze was thoughtful. "They have their own ways, their own traditions," she observed. "We'll need to learn, adapt."

They paused at a street vendor, the aroma of exotic spices wafting from the stall. Y/N, ever inquisitive, struck up a conversation with the vendor, asking about the various dishes. The vendor, a kindly man with a weathered face, offered them samples, explaining the ingredients and origins with a smile.

Jingliu tried the food, her expression one of pleasant surprise. "It's different but good," she said, a small smile playing on her lips. "We might get used to this."

Their exploration led them to a public square where a holographic memorial for Cangcheng had been set up. Images of the lost city floated in the air, accompanied by soft, melancholic music. People gathered around, some laying flowers, others simply standing in silent tribute.

Y/N's gaze lingered on an image of a bustling market in Cangcheng, a familiar pang of longing in his chest. "We'll carry Cangcheng in our hearts," he whispered, his voice steady but filled with emotion.

Jingliu placed a hand on his shoulder, offering silent support. "And we'll build new memories here, in Xianzhou Luofu," she added, her tone resolute.

As night fell, the city's lights shimmered like stars, casting a soft glow on the faces of the newcomers. Y/N and Jingliu stood side by side, their hearts heavy with the weight of their loss, yet filled with a quiet determination to embrace this new chapter in their lives.

Xianzhou Luofu, with its strange beauty and unfamiliar customs, was now their refuge, a place to heal, to grow, and to find a new path amidst the echoes of loss and the promise of new beginnings.


The refugees of Cangcheng, now sheltered within the high walls of Xianzhou Luofu, gathered in the expansive auditorium, where an air of anticipation mingled with the underlying current of anxiety. At the front, an anonymous councilor from the Xianzhou Council stood, preparing to address the crowd.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered here in the wake of an unforeseen calamity," the councilor began, his voice echoing through the hall. "The destruction of Cangcheng by those dragons was an event beyond our predictions and control."

Y/N, standing amid the sea of refugees with Jingliu, listened with a somber expression. "It's true, no one expected the dragons," he murmured to Jingliu, his young voice carrying a note of sadness.

Jingliu, her red eyes observing the reactions of those around them, nodded. "Understanding it doesn't make it easier, though," she responded softly.

The councilor outlined the government's plans for rebuilding and supporting the refugees, emphasizing their commitment to providing stability and safety. "We will ensure that every one of you has a place here in Xianzhou Luofu. Together, we will rebuild and heal."

Mixed reactions rippled through the crowd. Some nodded in agreement, clinging to hope, while others displayed skepticism, their faces etched with doubt and loss.

An elderly man near Y/N shook his head. "Fine words, but what about our homes, our memories?" he questioned aloud, his voice a blend of grief and frustration.

A mother holding a child close whispered tearfully, "I just want a safe place for my little one."

Y/N felt a surge of empathy. "They're scared, just like us. But at least there's some plan," he said to Jingliu, seeking reassurance.

Jingliu watched the councilor closely, her expression thoughtful. "Words are a start, but action is what really counts. Let's see what they do next."

The councilor concluded with a call for solidarity, "In unity, we find strength. In togetherness, we will forge a new future."

As the assembly dispersed, the atmosphere was a complex tapestry of hope, skepticism, and sorrow. Y/N and Jingliu moved through the crowd, their hearts and minds aligned with the collective uncertainty and determination of the refugees.

"Everyone's lost something," Y/N said, his voice reflecting a maturity beyond his years.

"And it's up to us to find our new path," Jingliu added, her hand resting instinctively on her lightsword. "We're survivors, Y/N. That's what we do."

In their shared glance, there was an unspoken promise - to face the challenges ahead with the courage and resilience they had always shown, side by side.


In the quiet aftermath of the council's announcement, Y/N and Jingliu were summoned to a small, dimly lit office. The air was heavy, laden with a sense of impending sorrow. A somber official handed Jingliu an envelope, its seal already broken.

Jingliu's hands trembled as she unfolded the letter. Her pale hair fell like a curtain around her face, hiding her expression as she read. Y/N watched, his heart sinking, sensing the weight of the words she was absorbing.

"It's from my parents' lawyer," Jingliu whispered, her voice barely audible. "They... they didn't make it. They were in Cangcheng when..." Her voice trailed off, choked by the tears that began to well in her eyes.

Y/N reached out, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder. "I'm so sorry, Jingliu," he said softly, his own eyes glistening with unshed tears.

Jingliu folded the letter, her fingers clinging to the paper as if it were a lifeline to the past. She turned to Y/N, her red eyes brimming with tears. "I always thought we'd have time to... to fix things, to say the things we never said."

Y/N's heart ached for her. He remembered the strained relationship Jingliu had with her parents, the arguments and misunderstandings. "They knew you loved them, Jingliu. They had to have known," he murmured, trying to offer some comfort.

Jingliu shook her head, a single tear trailing down her cheek. "I was so stubborn, always fighting them, pushing them away. And now..." Her voice broke, the floodgates of her grief opening.

Y/N wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into a gentle embrace. "It's okay to be sad, to miss them. I'm here for you, Jingliu. We'll get through this together."

They stood there, in the dim light of the office, sharing the burden of loss. Y/N felt Jingliu's body shake with sobs, her usual strength momentarily eclipsed by the rawness of her pain.

As they left the office, the letter clutched in Jingliu's hand, Y/N stayed close to her side. They moved silently through the corridors of Xianzhou Luofu, lost in their own thoughts.

Y/N glanced at Jingliu, her face a portrait of sorrow and regret. "They would be proud of you, Jingliu. Proud of the person you've become," he said earnestly.

Jingliu managed a weak smile, a small glimmer of gratitude in her tearful eyes. "Thank you, Y/N. I don't know what I'd do without you."

As they stepped into the bustle of the refugee center, Y/N made a silent vow to be there for Jingliu, to support her through her grief, just as she had always been there for him. In their shared loss and their shared resolve, their bond deepened, a source of strength in the face of a world forever changed.


The morning light filtered through the windows of the temporary refugee camp, casting a soft glow on the faces of Y/N and Jingliu. They had spent the night in a room provided by the council, surrounded by the soft murmurs of other refugees. Today, they were summoned to the office once again.

In the office, a stern yet sympathetic official handed Jingliu another envelope. This time, it contained documents revealing an unexpected inheritance from her parents. Jingliu's hands shook as she sifted through the papers, a sense of responsibility washing over her.

"We have... resources now, Y/N. Enough to start anew," Jingliu said, her voice a mix of disbelief and determination.

Y/N peered over her shoulder, his eyes widening at the figures. "That's... a lot," he commented, a sense of awe in his voice. "What will we do with it?"

Jingliu's eyes, usually so full of fire, now reflected a maturity beyond her years. "We'll find a home. A place for us," she resolved, her mind already racing with plans.

In the days that followed, Jingliu navigated the complexities of their new financial status. She delved into the world of real estate, her noble upbringing providing her with a surprising grasp of finance and negotiation. Y/N watched her in amazement, his respect for her growing with each passing day.

They eventually settled on a small, cozy house in Xianzhou Luofu. It reminded Y/N of his old home in Cangcheng, simple yet filled with warmth. Jingliu, despite her wealth, had chosen a place that felt like a true home rather than a lavish display of their newfound wealth.

As they unpacked and arranged their new home, Y/N found himself in a whirl of new experiences. Jingliu taught him about household management, their roles reversed as she became the teacher. "You're really good at this," Y/N remarked, watching her expertly handle their finances.

Jingliu blushed at the praise, a rare sight. "Well, I had to learn something from all those tutors," she admitted with a small smile.

One evening, as they sat amidst boxes and half-unpacked belongings, they found themselves talking about the Wanderer. "I still can't believe he's gone," Y/N murmured, sadness lacing his voice.

Jingliu nodded, her expression somber. "He would have wanted a warrior's death, protecting others. We should remember him that way," she said softly.

Y/N looked around their new home, memories of Cangcheng flooding his mind. "He taught us so much. We'll honor him by living those teachings," he vowed.

Jingliu placed a hand on his. "Together, we'll continue what he started. We'll be the protectors he trained us to be."


Over the next few days, Y/N and Jingliu were gradually adapting to their new life, navigating the complexities of their changed world. The nights were the hardest, with Jingliu often waking up from dreams filled with memories of her parents. Y/N, in an act of silent solidarity, stayed in the same room, offering his presence as a comfort.

A week into their new life, the routine of daily living was interrupted by a visit from messengers clad in the regalia of the Cloud Knights. "Y/N, Jingliu, you have been invited to a ceremony by the Sky Faring Commission," one of the messengers announced, his voice carrying a mix of respect and solemnity.

The ceremony was held in a grand hall, its walls echoing with the whispers of history and tradition. Y/N and Jingliu entered, their steps hesitant yet poised. As they took their seats, a hush fell over the gathered crowd, a mix of refugees and locals, all united by the recent events.

An official from the Sky Faring Commission stepped forward, his voice resonating through the hall. "Today, we gather to honor a hero among us," he began, his gaze settling on Y/N. "A young but brave soul, whose actions, along with his mother's ultimate sacrifice, saved countless lives."

The crowd murmured in agreement, their eyes turning to Y/N with a newfound respect. Y/N felt a surge of emotions – pride, sadness, and a sense of responsibility. He thought of his mother, her courageous act forever etched in his heart.

The official continued, "For her heroism, we posthumously award Y/N's mother this honor." He gestured towards a beautifully crafted plaque, its inscription a testament to her bravery. "And to Y/N, we extend a significant reward, in recognition of his and his mother's service."

Y/N stood up to receive the award, his heart heavy. "I accept this on behalf of my mother," he said, his voice steady but laden with emotion. "She taught me to be brave, to protect those in need."

As the ceremony concluded, many approached Y/N, sharing stories of how his mother's actions had impacted their lives. A woman clasped his hand, tears in her eyes. "Your mother saved my family. We owe her everything," she whispered, her gratitude palpable.

A group of Cloud Knights in attendance took note of Y/N and Jingliu's presence. Whispers spread about the duo's bravery during the disaster, their actions having been reported by both knights and refugees. "They say those two children fought like seasoned warriors," one knight remarked, a note of admiration in his voice.

The Council of Xianzhou Luofu, having heard of Y/N and Jingliu's deeds, expressed a keen interest in them. "Such courage and skill at a young age," one council member noted. "They would be invaluable assets to the Cloud Knights."

As Y/N stood amidst the crowd, his thoughts drifted to the Wanderer. He remembered the lessons, the training, the wisdom imparted to him. "I hope we're making you proud, Master," he thought to himself, a silent vow to continue the legacy of courage and protection taught to him.


In the days following the ceremony, the Xianzhou Council announced a memorial service for Cangcheng. It was to be a tribute to the lost world and its people, a gesture of solidarity with the refugees who now called Xianzhou Luofu their home.

As the day of the memorial arrived, Y/N and Jingliu joined a sea of people gathered in a vast hall, its walls adorned with images and artifacts from Cangcheng. The air was heavy with the scent of incense and the quiet murmur of the crowd.

A council member stepped forward, her voice echoing solemnly through the hall. "Today, we gather not just to mourn, but to remember and honor the world of Cangcheng," she began. "Its culture, its people, and the lives that were a vibrant tapestry of our universe."

One by one, people stepped forward, sharing stories of Cangcheng – tales of joy, of everyday life, of dreams and hopes that once filled its streets. With each story, the essence of Cangcheng seemed to come alive within the walls of the hall, a poignant reminder of what had been lost.

Y/N stood silently, his gaze lost in the images that adorned the hall. Jingliu, standing beside him, watched him closely, her red eyes reflecting the soft light of the candles that flickered around them.

"You haven't cried since... since it happened," Jingliu whispered to Y/N, her voice laced with concern. "Are you alright?"

Y/N turned to look at her, his young face a mask of composure tinged with sadness. "I guess I've run out of tears," he replied softly, offering a half-hearted smile. "Don't worry about me, Jingliu. I'm okay."

Jingliu reached out, her hand gently squeezing his. "It's okay to feel, Y/N," she said quietly. "We've both lost so much."

Together, they stood in silence, lost in their memories. The memorial service continued around them, a blend of sorrow and tribute, but in that moment, they were alone with their thoughts, bound by their shared experiences and the unspoken promise to remember and honor the world they had lost.

As the service concluded, the council member's voice rose in a final address. "Let this memorial be a reminder of our resilience in the face of adversity," she said. "We, the people of Xianzhou, will stand together, united in our diversity and strength. We will rebuild, and in doing so, we will keep the spirit of Cangcheng alive within us."

The crowd dispersed slowly, each person carrying with them the weight of their memories and the determination to move forward. Y/N and Jingliu lingered for a moment longer, their eyes taking in the hall one last time before turning to leave.


Months had passed since Y/N and Jingliu made Xianzhou Luofu their new home. They had grown accustomed to its rhythms and culture, finding comfort in the familiarity of their training sessions in the field behind their house. The grief of their losses had settled into a quiet acceptance, a part of them but no longer defining them.

One morning, as they wiped the sweat from their brows after a particularly intense sparring session, Y/N turned to Jingliu. "Do you think it's time? Time we joined the Cloud Knights?" he asked, his voice steady but revealing a hint of underlying excitement.

Jingliu paused, considering his words. "Yes, I think we're ready. We know Luofu now, and it's time to take the next step." She replied with determination. "Let's clean up and head over this afternoon."

Later that day, they stood before the Cloud Knights' headquarters, a grand structure that exuded both strength and elegance. As they entered, they felt the weight of many eyes upon them, curious and assessing. The reputation of their heroics during the catastrophe had preceded them, but so had the tales of their unconventional weapon choices.

The skepticism among the Cloud Knights was palpable. Whispered conversations ceased as they approached, only to resume in hushed tones once they passed by. Y/N's greatsword, slung across his back, drew particularly pointed looks. It was a rare sight among the Knights, who typically favored lightswords, spears, or glaives.

The whispers about Y/N's unconventional greatsword and Jingliu's rebellious elegance had created an undercurrent of doubt among the seasoned warriors.

Y/N, usually calm and wise beyond his years, felt a simmering rage within him each time he heard the hushed tones and saw the sidelong glances. The skepticism only fueled his determination, lending a ferocity to his movements that belied his youthful appearance. When he wielded his greatsword in training, it was with a power and precision that stunned the onlookers. Each swing was a defiance, a statement that his choice of weapon was not a child's whim but a warrior's calculated decision.

Jingliu, in contrast, maintained a composed demeanor, her movements with the lightsword a blend of nobility and deadly intent. She moved with a grace that captivated and intimidated in equal measure. Her combat style was a dance of light and shadow, each strike a testament to her skill and her noble upbringing.

The true test of their mettle came when they faced Sir Caiwen, a knight of high esteem and renowned skill. The seasoned warrior regarded them with a critical eye, his own weapon at the ready. The duel that ensued was a spectacle of skill and strategy. Y/N and Jingliu moved in unison, their coordination flawless, as if they could read each other's thoughts.

Sir Caiwen fought with the expertise of a veteran, but even he found it challenging to counter the combined force of Y/N's brute strength and Jingliu's swift strikes. Y/N's greatsword crashed against Caiwen's defenses like a tempest, each blow echoing with the rage and pain of his recent losses. Meanwhile, Jingliu's lightsword weaved around their opponent with lethal precision, her strikes complementing Y/N's with an elegance that was almost poetic.

The battle was intense and drawn-out, with both sides displaying remarkable prowess. But as the duel progressed, it became clear that Y/N and Jingliu were not just holding their own – they were dominating. The pair moved with a synergy that was almost supernatural, their attacks a seamless blend of strength and finesse.

Finally, with a swift, coordinated maneuver, they managed to disarm Sir Caiwen, a feat that earned a stunned silence from the onlookers. As Caiwen's weapon clattered to the ground, the air was filled with a mix of disbelief and newfound respect.

Sir Caiwen himself looked at the duo with a mixture of surprise and admiration. "Impressive," he said, breathing heavily from the exertion. "Your strength and coordination are exceptional. You have the makings of true Cloud Knights."

From that day forward, the skepticism surrounding Y/N and Jingliu began to dissipate. Their victory over Sir Caiwen had proven not only their individual skills but their ability to work together as a formidable team. They were no longer seen as just refugees from Cangcheng but as valuable assets to the Cloud Knights.

Under Sir Caiwen's mentorship, Y/N and Jingliu honed their skills further, their unique styles now viewed as an advantage rather than a peculiarity. They had faced doubt and skepticism head-on and emerged not just victorious but transformed.

As weeks turned into months, Y/N and Jingliu gradually found acceptance within the ranks of the Cloud Knights. Their prowess in training and missions spoke for them, earning respect from those who had initially doubted them. They became known not just for their distinct choice of weapons but for their bravery, skill, and commitment to the ideals of the Cloud Knights.

One evening, as they returned from a rigorous training session, Y/N looked over at Jingliu, a smile breaking on his face. "We're really doing this, aren't we? We're Cloud Knights now."

Jingliu returned his smile, her red eyes shining with pride. "Yes, we are. And we'll face whatever comes next, together."

In the heart of Xianzhou Luofu, amidst the solemn walls of the Cloud Knights' headquarters, Y/N and Jingliu carved out a new chapter in their lives. They had faced skepticism and doubt, but their resilience and skill had turned the tide. Now, as full-fledged members of the Cloud Knights, they stood ready to face new challenges, their journey intertwined with the fate of a world rebuilding from the echoes of loss.


In the five years since Y/N and Jingliu had taken refuge in Xianzhou Luofu, the world had seen them transform from grief-stricken children to skilled, determined teenagers. The fall of Cangcheng was a scar in their hearts, a constant reminder of their duty to safeguard their new home as members of the Cloud Knights.

As they stood before the grand hall of the Cloud Knights, the morning sun casting a golden hue over the spires of Luofu, Y/N's stature had grown more muscular, his greatsword still by his side, a symbol of his strength and resilience. Jingliu, with her pale hair shimmering in the sunlight, exuded grace and lethal precision with her lightsword.

"We've come a long way, haven't we?" Y/N's voice, now deeper, carried a mix of pride and reflection.

"Yes, and we'll go even further," Jingliu responded, her eyes resolute. "Cangcheng's memory lives through us."

Their initiation was a complex blend of honor and underlying envy from their peers. The duo's unique combat styles — Y/N with his unmatched strength and mastery of the greatsword, and Jingliu with her swift and graceful lightsword techniques — set them apart, garnering both admiration and isolation within the ranks.

"Let them talk," Y/N said confidently after a particularly intense training session. "Our strength lies in what we've endured. We're here for a reason."

Jingliu nodded in agreement, her resolve unwavering. "Our path hasn't been easy, but our purpose is clear. We're not here to be liked, but to make a difference."

Gradually, Y/N and Jingliu began to find their place in the Cloud Knights. Their shared history, resilience, and exceptional skills in missions — first small, then increasingly significant — slowly earned them the respect and admiration of their fellow knights. The initial barriers of skepticism began to crumble as their peers sought their company, eager to learn from their unique experiences and techniques.

Beyond their combat roles, Y/N and Jingliu worked tirelessly, weaving the rich tapestry of Cangcheng's culture into the fabric of their new home. With the substantial funds inherited from Jingliu's parents, they championed projects that bridled the essence of their lost city, a tribute to its memory and a gift to their new community.

One of their most cherished initiatives was the establishment of the Cangcheng Cultural Pavilion. Here, the traditions, arts, and flavors of their fallen world found a new stage. The pavilion became a hub of activity where refugees and locals alike gathered to experience and learn from the diverse heritage that Y/N and Jingliu had so lovingly preserved.

"We're not just preserving memories; we're sharing our world with them," Jingliu remarked one day, as they watched children of Luofu gleefully learn a traditional Cangcheng dance. Her voice carried a sense of pride and achievement.

Y/N, leaning against a wall with his greatsword beside him, smiled at the scene. "Cangcheng lives on in these moments," he said, his eyes softening. "In a way, it feels like we've brought our home here."

Their days weren't solely consumed by their cultural and community work; they were also devoted Cloud Knights, known for their skill and dedication. Despite their responsibilities, they found time to maintain their rigorous training regimen, keeping their combat skills sharp and ready.

In the field behind their house, the sound of clashing swords often filled the air. Y/N with his mighty greatsword and Jingliu with her swift lightsword, their training sessions were intense yet graceful, a dance of power and finesse.

One such evening, as they took a break from their sparring, they sat on the grass, catching their breath under the setting sun. The mood was light, a stark contrast to the usual intensity of their training.

"Remember the time you tried to cook that Cangcheng specialty dish and almost set the kitchen on fire?" Jingliu teased, a playful glint in her red eyes.

Y/N laughed, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. "Hey, I've improved since then! I can make at least two dishes without causing a disaster now."

Jingliu chuckled, shaking her head. "Well, I'll stick to the cooking. You can handle the swordplay," she said, nudging him lightly with her elbow.

Y/N grinned, picking up his greatsword and standing up. "Deal. Now, ready for another round?"

Jingliu stood, her lightsword in hand, a determined yet joyful expression on her face. "Always."


In the eight years since joining the Cloud Knights, Y/N and Jingliu, now 18, had risen swiftly through the ranks. Their unprecedented ascent, marked by a series of record-breaking achievements, had made them the youngest to ever stand just below the rank of General in the history of Xianzhou. Renowned for their combat prowess and strategic acumen, they had become an indispensable part of the Cloud Knights, reserved as a vital line of defense in dire situations.

One tranquil evening, as they stood on a balcony overlooking the sprawling cityscape of Xianzhou Luofu, Y/N turned to Jingliu, his expression contemplative. "Look how far we've come, Jingliu. From two lost kids to...this," he gestured to the bustling city below, vibrant with lights and life.

Jingliu leaned against the railing, her pale hair reflecting the moonlight. "It feels surreal, doesn't it? Sometimes, I still find myself missing Cangcheng," she admitted softly.

Y/N nodded, a distant look in his eyes. "I miss it too. But we've built something important here. We've helped so many," he said, his voice tinged with a mix of sorrow and pride.

Jingliu smiled, turning to face him. "We have. And we'll continue to do so. Cangcheng's spirit lives on through us, through what we do here."

Their conversation was interrupted by the arrival of a messenger, a young knight who hurried towards them with a sense of urgency etched on his face. He snapped to attention before them, offering a salute that was both crisp and respectful.

"Commanders Y/N and Jingliu," he addressed them formally, recognizing their ranks just below General in the hierarchy of the Cloud Knights. "The Council requests your presence immediately. There's been a significant development on the frontier – a situation that demands your expertise and leadership."

Y/N and Jingliu exchanged a quick, understanding glance. Their rise through the ranks had brought with it not just prestige, but also immense responsibility. They were now key figures in the defense and strategic operations of Xianzhou Luofu, looked upon as young but capable leaders in times of crisis.

"Thank you, Knight," Y/N replied, his voice carrying the authority of his position. "We'll attend to the Council at once."

Jingliu's eyes narrowed slightly, her mind already shifting to the potential challenges they might face. "Any details you can share with us now?" she asked, her tone indicating that she was already strategizing their next move.

The messenger hesitated, a hint of concern flickering in his eyes. "I'm not privy to the full details, Commanders. But from what I've gathered, it's a situation we haven't encountered before. The Council seemed... particularly apprehensive."

With a nod of acknowledgment, Y/N and Jingliu swiftly prepared to depart. As they moved, their demeanor shifted from the ease of camaraderie to the focused alertness of seasoned commanders. The weight of their titles was a constant reminder of their duty to protect and lead, a duty they embraced with dedication and courage.

They departed for the Council chambers, ready to confront whatever lay ahead. The experiences of their past – the loss of Cangcheng, their struggles and triumphs in Xianzhou Luofu – had forged them into formidable warriors and compassionate leaders. As they walked, a sense of anticipation filled the air. The future was uncertain, but one thing was clear: Y/N and Jingliu were no longer just survivors of a lost world. They were its legacy, its guardians, and they would face whatever challenges lay ahead with the strength and resilience that had become their hallmark.


End of Chapter


A/N: Commet and Vote to show your support, thank you!

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