Squad Collab Book

By Legendary_Etta_7

365 0 0

Featuring on the Crew of Legend's New Crew Special! Welcome to the new Crew of Legends! Watch as the leader... More

Eyrin: A Guide on How to be Separated.
Purple: To the Top!
Lapis: Admin War!
Mlm: Welcome to the Kingsisleverse.
Roleplayers: Truth of Souls.
StoryTellers: Show Time!
Etta: Tick Tock!
Eyrin: I'm the Knowledge Here.
Yellow: Wild Chasers.
Blake: Hoenn.
Emerald: The Clash.
X: Game of Conquest.
Purple: Black Magic Voodoo.
Mlm: Welcome to the Hoyoverse.
Roleplayers: Now I Got You.
Etta: Blood Moon.
Eyrin: Warzone Insanity.
Yellow: Know Your Place.
Blake: Sinnoh.
Emerald: The Meet.
X: Fear of Love.
Lapis: Almia Shadows and Questioning Lights.
Purple: Bonding.
Mlm: Welcome to the Warriorverse.
Roleplayers: Secondly-
StoryTellers: Shocking Siblings.
StoryTellers: Deathly Meet.
Etta: Darkness of Sight.
Eyrin: Rivaling Against the Deathly Master.
Yellow: PA?
Blake: Unova.
Emerald: The System.
X: Land of Sleep.
Lapis: Vampiric Bonds.
Purple: Tear of Trust.
Mlm: Welcome to the Legendverse.
Roleplayers: Stupidity of Light.
StoryTellers: Buggy Problems.
Etta: Meet the Beat.
Eyrin: I'm Literally Messing with You.
Yellow: Topic of Usage.
Blake: Kalos.
X: Extermination Day.
Lapis: Ice and Flames.
Purple: Tired Problems.
Mlm: Welcome Back to the Pokeverse.
Roleplayers: Discovery and Fall.
StoryTellers: The Fall.

Lapis: Go Rock Squad to Quad!

35 0 0
By Legendary_Etta_7

Clyde was still asleep when Garret woke up to knocking. With shaky steps, he went over and opened the door, seeing Sven there.

"Hey..." Sven smiled softly.

"You guys are probably hungry. Why don't we go get food?" Garret smiled as he turned back and called out to his resting brother.

"Clyde." Not a noise escaped him as he slept through Garret's voice. "Come on, bro." Still nothing. He didn't have the energy today. Sven chuckled rather weakly.

"I'll get someone to help me drag him out in a second. Come on." Garret nodded weakly as he joined him. He kept a small distance from the male as he was led into the break room. "Hey Barlow, wanna help me get the other one out of bed. I got one." The other male nodded as a female smiled.

"Here. I'll handle things here." The two guys nodded as they went out. Garret sat down at a table before food was placed in front of him.

Clyde joined much later. He was placed down next to him with a groan.

"No..." Food was placed in front of him as the others left them to eat. Garret frowned.

"Clyde... dad's not here. He won't beat you for eating. Having some food won't kill you." Clyde trembled as he picked up his head.

"Everything hurts... I'd eat if I could move-" Garret paused as he dropped his head.

"Clyde..." The younger male started drifting off. "Do you want help? I can help-" Clyde looked up at him.

"No. Finish your food." That didn't sit well with Garret. But he didn't have many other choices. He finished his food before a dark haired female went over.

"Oh come on. You gotta eat too." Clyde huffed gently as he struggled to pick up his head.

"I'm fine..." He dropped it the second that word finished. She paused as she smiled at Garret and sat down.

"Here... lemme help you out." There was a grumble before Clyde managed to pick his head up, shaking as he fought to keep it up.

"I'm fine-" He paused as she held up a bite of food.

"Come on. You need the food." He gulped before accepting the help. Garret kept his smile hidden as the female helped him finish.

"Thanks..." He put his head down, his shaking being a lot less notable. She smiled as she stood up.

"Of course. Now, lemme go get a doctor to check you guys." Garret was a little nervous as she left. Clyde, with whatever strength he had regained, found his hand and intertwined his fingers."

"It's ok..." Garret smiled weakly as the girl returned with a female doctor.

"Alright. Who wants to go first?" Garret looked at Clyde, who was already drifting off again.

"I guess I will..." She smiled as the other girl sighed.

"I'll get sleepy boy some help in a second." Garret slipped his head back as he followed the doctor.


Sven hummed.

"Assaulted? I mean... I know Garret mentioned it, but how bad?" The doctor gulped.

"Garret has symptoms of receiving Sexual Assault." Wendy flinched. "As for Clyde, I found wounds that show Physical Assault." Wendy shifted uncomfortably. "If the other two are this bad, then we need to get them in recovery immediately. Because Clyde's physically unable to move and Garret's unsafe." Sven glanced over at the two, who were resting on one of the couches.

"Where to start?" Luana hummed.

"Clyde seemed to get strength from food. If Solana was able to get him enough strength to get here, then he might be deprived." The doctor nodded.

"He did suffer from malnutrition, so it makes sense." Sven hummed.

"I'll figure out Garret then. You guys focus on Clyde."


Clyde had a big smile as Luana helped him out, getting him food and helping him regain motion. He was able to heal up a lot faster with the help. He had to rely on a walker, but he was full of smiles from being able to move.

Garret scanned his brother as he managed to get across the room without needing help. A smile crossed his face as Sven sat down next to him. He then paused as Sven spoke.

"Your brother's doing better." Garret hummed as he shifted away from the male. Sven noticed before he spoke again. "I'm not going to hurt you. I'm actually going to help you heal." Garret looked at him.

"I'm fine."

"Garret, you were assaulted in the worst way possible. I'm not going to leave you to fend for yourself. Let me help." Garret paused as he scanned the other male. "I know you don't trust us. And that's fine. But you and your siblings are hurting. You should not be." Garret finally smiled.



Wendy actually clashed with Tiffany while the other two were able to fully recover. Well, Clyde got as far as he could. Garret was able to break out of his shell and push the past away from him. While the two rested, Wendy clashed with their sister. Well, she says she clashed with her. But Tiffany was targeting someone else.

"BURN!" An elderly man put up a barrier and blocked the flames from hitting him and Billy, who looked out of it. Wendy stared in shock as the flames started to break through the shield.

"What the..."

"YOU BASTARD!" The shield shattered as the man yelped. Billy reacted by turning on his aura, which started pushing the flames back. Tiffany hissed as the flames started burning through the aura. Wendy stayed silent as she watched the destruction. Tiffany was able to push Billy? It was even worse when Tiffany's flames broke through the winds and nearly hit the two males. "HEY!" Billy blinked a little, almost as if he was regaining himself. The other man must've noticed cause he teleported them out of there. Tiffany hissed before dropping to her knees. Wendy pulled as much courage as she could to approach the female admin.

"Tiffany?" She didn't answer as her aura pulsed weakly, showing her weakness as she tried to get to her feet.

"Go... a-away..." Wendy caught her when she collapsed.


Wendy brought the female back to the Sanctum and alerted her brothers of what happened. Garret looked like he was going to have a stroke.

"She did what?"

"Garret, sit down."

Clyde kept a steady grip on Garret so that he didn't randomly evaporate into the air. He trembled as he looked at the ground.

"I knew she was strong... but not that strong... what did that bastard do to make her mad..." Wendy gulped.

Tiffany woke up a little later. Luana helped her to the break room and got her food, which helped comfort her before her brother went over.

"Tiff!" She paused as Garret ran over, getting a hug the second he could. Clyde, on the other hand, needed some assistance as his energy caused him to drop. Sven got to his side and helped him over to the other two. He sat down beside her as Garret pulled away, allowing her to get Clyde's hug.

"I'm alright, guys. I'm fine." Garret frowned.

"We heard about your rage. Are you sure?" She nodded.

"I'm fine. On a physical note, that is." Garret backed up as Clyde giggled.

"Tiff's so strong!" She smiled as she pulled away and finished her food.

"Are you two ok?" Clyde nodded.

"Yeah! We've been getting help too!" She smiled as Garret cautiously sat down across from them.

"That's good..." She pushed her empty plate away as she took Garret's shaking hands. "I don't suppose anything fun happened, eh?" They shook their heads.

"Unless it's the talk of your rage against dad and Billy." She scoffed as she rubbed her face.

"I could've killed that man. But Billy intercepted my attack." She sighed. "That cursed bastard... Billy's the only one not fighting back and I'm worried." Garret gulped.

"Why were you angry?" She paused before pulling out her phone.

"This." She showed a picture. Garret's face fell as she showed Clyde. "He tore up my full collection that I worked hard to get." Tears formed in her eyes as she sniffled. "I saved up so much for that collection-" Clyde pulled her into a hug as she tore down, which got Garret to get to his feet and hug her from the other side. Sven watched from the side as she cleaned up, getting cheered up by her brothers.


Lunick hummed at Sven's info. The Trauma Pursuit Division had been battling grunts, trying to convince them to give them the location of the Boss's hiding spot. It wasn't working well.

The two went over to where the trio were, where Clyde was asleep with his head on Tiffany's lap and Garret was getting lulled to sleep. His head was against her shoulder as he drifted off.

"Do you plan on moving?" She shook her head as Garret relaxed, finally allowing his consciousness to drift off.

"I'll move when they do. I'll be fine." The duo sat down across from her as she smiled. "Is there something you need?" Lunick gave quite the disappointment in his sigh.

"I regret this, but do you know where the boss would be hiding?" She hummed as she rubbed Clyde's back.

"You could check the temple up the mountain. I'm not saying I've seen him up there, but Billy has vanished in there from time to time." Lunick gave a thankful smile.


A hum escaped the elder as Billy joined him. The Fiore Sector was tiny from their current spot. Billy held out a sword and shield.

"Your weapons, father..." The ender smiled as he took them.

"Thank you. Now..." Billy blinked twice as he sheathed the sword in the shield. "Close your eyes." He paused before listening, closing his eyes. The elder pressed his thumb to the boy's forehead, an aura pulsing. Billy made a soft noise as the elder pulled a wisp out of his head. "Good boy..." The younger boy knelt down, swaying dangerously as his eyes opened, showing an empty gaze. "Now then. Go find your siblings and bring them here." He nodded before leaving, allowing the man to look over the wisp. "I've got you now, Lugia. Combined with my current blessing and the trio blessings, I'll be unstoppable."


Murph was able to stop Billy from getting to his goal. He fought against the magic grip as the others joined him. Solana paused.

"Wow... he looks really out of it." Murph gulped as he held the magic steady.

"I can't sense his blessing. That's the problem I have." The others stopped as Solana pulled out her book and flipped through it. Her heart dropped.

"Oh... no wonder he looks so out of it. If his blessing was taken-"

"I'm sorry, taken?" Lunick looked shocked. She nodded.

"It says here. 'While only rare cases, Blessings can be taken from users. When this happens, the users are bound to the thief. If the thief loses the blessing, the user loses touch with reality until a new blessing is given to them.' It sounds horrible." Murph staggered a bit as Billy tried to push back.

"The good news is that if someone can hold him down, I can undo the order he was given. I can't interrupt the bound because it's tied to the blessing, but I can at least get him off whatever order he has." Solana hummed as she put her book away.

"I got this. Let him up." Murph nodded as he released the magic. Solana pinned him down, giving the caster a chance to get to work. It took a few minutes, but Billy finally relaxed.

"There-" Billy's eyes seemed dull as he stared off at the ground. Solana gulped as Lunick pulled out his phone.

"Hey Sven. Could you come pick up Billy? Yeah, we got him. But you'll want to see why you need to come get him once you get here. Yep, bye."

Billy stared up at the sky when Sven joined them. He was instantly taken aback by the sight.

"So this could be the case of his Blessing being taken?" Lunick nodded as Billy mumbled something softly under his breath.

"He hasn't listened to us. Which means the boss sent him to do something. We need him to get out of here and back to his siblings while we deal with him. We don't want him to get ordered around in the fight." Sven nodded.

"Then be careful. We'll back you up."


Tiffany was frozen as Billy was brought in. The dull eyes said a lot as he sat down on a couch. Garret got to his side with a gulp.


He didn't respond as he stared at the ground, not even giving a reaction. Clyde stayed in his spot as Tiffany cautiously sat down on the other side, bringing him into a one sided hug, trying to be as comforting as possible while her eyes flashed dangerously.


The Trauma Pursuit Division did find the boss. They hid near the entrance to the platform he was on. Lunick gulped.

"Remember. He is going to have Billy's blessing. Plus whatever else he already has. Be ready."

"And pray to god we win." Solana shot a look at the Sniper.

"Oh great. I knew that would've came up." Spenser glared at her as they charged. The boss turned, pulling his Sword when he noticed who it was.

"It seems you are the cause of my team dropping and my admins going missing. I'll have to deal with you." Lunick growled.

"You monster... Let's go guys!" They nodded and charged. Well, three of them charged. Spenser jumped back as the boss activated his aura. Murph turned on his own to overcome the overwhelming aura. The trio struck while Spenser hid and aimed.


At the Sanctum, Tiffany was the only thing holding Billy down. His mumbling was quick and unsteady, but from the looks of it, it wasn't good. Tiffany hugged him close, whispering into his ear to try and drag him back. Wendy gulped.

"Come on. Let's go check the battle. Even if Lunick's squad has it under control, it's better to go now than wait for his call."


Lunick gulped as he gripped the cliff, holding on for dear life. Solana and Murph were thrown back, who knows where they landed. Spenser kept his head down, eyeing the battlefield with no aura on. The boss scoffed.

"I know you're out here! I saw four of you!"

Spenser slipped out his phone, messaging Sven about the other three. Sven let him know that the Angel Crew was already moving. He gulped silently before putting his phone away and aiming. He finally activated his aura before firing. A tornado struck the field as he called out.

"Lunick! Solana! Murph! Are you guys ok?!" Solana's voice answered.

"I'm alright!" Murph's voice followed a little quieter.

"I'm stuck- but fine-" Lunick's voice showed fear.

"A little help?" Spenser gulped as he ducked down, turning off his aura as the boss pushed through the tornado.

"Where'd you go!?" Spenser gulped as he peeked out. He was screwed if he tried to intercept this fight. He fired again, his aura making another tornado.

"The Angel Crew's on their way! Hang in there!" Lunick made a sound that sounded like a scream. Oh shit- A noise appeared behind him as he turned around, seeing a small pokemon. It hushed him before smiling.


Wendy gulped as she and the other two she brought neared the battlefield.

"Sven, Barlow, find Murph and Solana and get them back up. I'll look for Lunick." They nodded as they raced down. Wendy gulped before Lunick called out.

"Hey!" She paused before racing over to him. She wrapped her arms around him and pulled him up.

"You good?" He gulped as his arms shuddered.

"No. No I am not. I was about to lose feeling in my arms..." She hummed as she met up with Barlow, who had found Solana.

"All good?" She nodded.

"I have good luck on my side!" Lunick cursed under his breath as they met up with Sven, who was landing with a wounded Murph. Lunick gulped as they joined him near the tornado.

"Is he ok?" Murph blinked a little as Sven started tending to his wounds.

"Some grunts jumped him while he was trapped. He'll be fine now."

"What about the grunts?"

"Not my problem." Murph leaned against Lunick as he gulped.

"Now what..." Wendy looked around.

"Don't you guys have a 4th member?" Solana chuckled.

"Tornado." They paused as the boss broke through again. Just to get another blasted at him. "Where Spenser is, I don't know. He seems to be having fun though." Sven allowed Murph to rest against him after he finished tending to his wounds. Lunick gulped as he tried to get his arms to respond.

"Come on... Come on..." Wendy gulped.

"Take your time, Lunick. We'll cover the field until you and Murph are a little more stable." He nodded as he took Murph back, allowing Sven to join them. The tornado was pushed back, giving the group a chance. Solana activated her aura, which must've signaled to Spenser since he didn't fire another tornado. The group clashed with the boss as he cackled.

"You can't defeat me! No blessing can win against mine! I, a user of the blessing of Mewtwo, shall rise to the top! You'll have to take my blessing to win! And only I can take blessings!"

Solana heard Spenser fire before the boss froze. Two wisps were pushed out of him, surprising the others. She whipped around to where the Sniper was hiding, not seeing him. Did he hide again? Sven used the opportunity to pin the boss down, getting a wild hiss in response. The other two Angel Crew Members aided him in disarming him and holding him down. Lunick and Murph ran over as Spenser joined them. Wendy hummed.

"We'll take him down." Lunick nodded as Barlow and Sven joined her in heading down the mountain. Murph tiredly leaned against Spenser as he looked over his rifle. Once the group had left, Solana spoke up.

"What was that?" He hummed as a soft giggle appeared behind him. The small pokemon poked out before floating out in front of them. Then he answered.

"I had help."

"The fuck you mean you had help?" The pokemon giggled.

"I said what I said." Lunick frowned as Solana pulled her book out and flipped through the pages. She then paused.

"Meloetta... right?" It nodded as it spoke telepathically.

'Mew sent me to deal with this as Mewtwo and Mew aren't on good terms. And I had a feeling Lugia would need some assistance. Poor Lugia always has a hard time keeping Blessings intact.' It hummed. 'I know there was a Lugia Blessed User that will be in need of a blessing. Let's hurry.'


Billy was hardly there when they got back to the Sanctum. The only thing he would do was hug Clyde, who refused to let go. Meloetta whizzed over to him as Wendy went into a full stop.


Meloetta hummed as it tapped Billy's head, getting a weak reaction as he sorta looked up, trying to find what tapped him. It smiled before bringing out a wisp and putting it on his head, allowing it to slip in and get to work filling the void. A soft voice escaped him as he blinked twice.

"Hm?" Clyde tightened his grip as the older boy's eyes flashed a little. "W-what-" Tiffany and Garret, who had stopped to watch, ran over to his side.

"Billy?" The older boy looked up, confusion written across his face.

"Where-" Clyde finally got the hint as he pulled away, giving the other two a chance to hug him while talking in soft voices. Meloetta giggled before vanishing, indicating that it had places to be. Wendy gulped as the two teams grouped up.

"So what went down?"

"Spenser had help." The sniper shrugged as Billy broke down, getting pulled into a hug with Tiffany.


Billy was resting against Tiffany when Lunick and Sven went over.

"How's he doing?" Tiffany smiled as she petted his head.

"Steady. But I can tell he misses dad. The manipulation hasn't really worn off. 'Cause he has been whining." A soft mumble escaped Billy as they sat down.

"So what's the plan?" She hummed.

"Well... for starters, I need to get Billy to not rely on dad. He forced him to rely on his words, so I need to get Billy off that. Even if that means getting him to rely on me instead." Sven hummed.

"I could talk to the Crisis Service Team." Lunick glanced at him. "They might be able to do something." She smiled as Billy stirred.

"That would be great." Sven nodded as Billy woke up, confusion washing across his face.

"Huh-" She hushed him as the two left. Lunick hummed.

"You really think the Crisis Service Team can help them?"

"Most certainly. Just depends on who they send." Sven hummed. "After Billy's fixed up, we should see if they would want to join the Conclave. They may be our enemies, but they were forced into that role." Lunick nodded at that.


Billy was able to heal. With the help of Crisis Service Team Member Crawford, Billy latched onto Tiffany and was slowly regaining his old personality. It was slow, but he was getting there.

Garret and Tiffany were able to heal. While Garret just had trust issues, Luana helped Tiffany by telling her about her own collection, even saying that Tiffany could have it when they stopped by the Almia Sector again.

Clyde was still far weak, but now that Billy was a little more aware of his siblings, Tiffany had him focus on helping Clyde heal. Which was a good choice as the two brothers were often seen asleep after working on healing.

Lunick asked Tiffany about the next step. She hummed silently as she watched Billy help Clyde walk, trying to get him to move under his own power.

"I'm not sure. I never thought we would get this far." Lunick hummed as Billy caught the younger boy, getting weak giggles as he was helped up.

"Would you want to join the Conclave?"

"Maybe... Probably. I would have to ask the others. But I don't think it would worry them. I doubt we'll take the front lines though..." Lunick hummed.

"You could make a backup team. Be the Trauma Pursuit Division's Backup." She paused before nodding. "Here, let's go talk to the Chairperson." She smiled as a giggle escaped Clyde, who had tackled Billy, who looked really confused on why he was on the ground. The other two chuckled as Billy blinked in confusion.


Lunick allowed the siblings to get a room in the Trauma Pursuit Division's part of the Sanctum, which helped them get settled. They grouped up afterwards.

"How's the family?"

"We're getting there." Billy leaned against her as Murph stretched. "The biggest trouble to get around is we'll eventually have to get Billy used to his new powers. But other than that, we're moving forward." Lunick smiled as Sven poked his head in.

"Chairperson's calling everyone together."


The Sanctum gathered as the Chairperson smiled.

"First of all, great job everyone against the Go Rock Squad. They have been officially disbanded." Everyone cheered at that. She quieted them down. "Now then. We are about to take off for the Almia Sector. Rumors have surfaced."

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