Bonds of Darkness: Swordmen's...

By JesterX3

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Y/N, a once valiant warrior, is losing himself to a malevolent curse, and Jingliu is unwavering in her determ... More

(SEASON 1 START) Prologue: The Descent into Madness
Chapter One: Lingering Shadows
Chapter Two: Unveiling Y/N's Curse
Chapter Three: Echoes of Time
Chapter Four: Whispers of Possibility
Chapter Five: The Weight of Choices
Chapter Six: Memories of Steel
Chapter Seven: The Unseen Threat
Chapter Eight: Jingliu's Awakening
Chapter Nine: Frozen Confrontation
Chapter Ten: Respite and Reflection
Chapter Eleven: Recovery and Revelation
Chapter Twelve: Alliances and Vendettas
Chapter Thirteen: Delusions Unveiled
Chapter Fourteen: Unleashing Chaos
Chapter Fifteen: ???
Chapter Sixteen: Unseen Realms
Chapter Seventeen: Aha, The Masked Fools
Chapter Eighteen: He, Who Ventured the Universe
Chapter Nineteen: O' incoming Death
Chapter Twenty: Grave Mistake
Chapter Twenty-One: Duel of Ice and Fire
Chapter Twenty-Two: Fated Revelation
Chapter Twenty-Three: Unholy Ascension
Chapter Twenty-Four: Solemn Gambit
Chapter Twenty-Five: Goodbye, Sister of Sky
Chapter Twenty-Six: Aftermath and Resolve
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Echoes of Resilience
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Bonds beyond Space and Time
Chapter Twenty-Nine: The Knight's Fashionable Interlude
Chapter Thirty: Crystalline Reverie
Chapter Thirty-One: Memory's Nexus
Chapter Thirty-Two: Ascension's Trials
Chapter Thirty-Three: Realms of Reflection and Resolve
Chapter Thirty-Four: Where Past and Present Entwine
Genesis Arc - Ch. One: Childish Charms
Genesis Arc - Ch. Two: Blossoming Bonds
Genesis Arc - Ch. Three: Caught Red-Handed
Genesis Arc - Ch. Four: A Change in the Air
Genesis Arc - Ch. Five: The Edge of Resolve
Genesis Arc - Ch. Seven: The Siege of Mythic Terror
Genesis Arc - Ch. Eight: New Beginnings and Changes
Genesis Arc - Ch. Nine: The Guardians' Vigil
Genesis Arc - Ch. Ten: Hearts Unfolding
Genesis Arc - Ch. Eleven: Tides of the Unwritten
Genesis Arc - Ch. Twelve: The forging of a Swordsman
Genesis Arc - Ch. Thirteen: Foxian Introduction
Genesis Arc - Ch. Fourteen: Foxian and Knight
Genesis Arc - Ch. Fifteen: Mischievous Concerns
Genesis Arc - Ch. Sixteen: Mara vs Sword
Genesis Arc - Ch. Seventeen: Wrath
Genesis Arc - Ch. Eighteen: Aeon vs Shadow
Genesis Arc - Ch. Nineteen: Gratitude
Genesis Arc - Ch. Twenty: Inner Struggles
Genesis Arc - Ch. Twenty-One: Turmoil
Genesis Arc - Ch. Twenty-Two: Pathways of Mastery
Genesis Arc - Ch. Twenty-Three: Reflections in Luofu
Genesis Arc - Ch. Twenty-Four: A Friend in Need
Genesis Arc - Final Ch: Sword Champion Ceremony
Chapter Thirty-Five: I Have Returned
Chapter Thirty-Six: Unfathomable Encounters
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Lost Child
Chapter Thirty-Eight: The Oath and the Inferno
Chapter Thirty-Nine: Sibling Sentinel
Chapter Forty: Fear of the Unknown
Chapter Forty-One: Truth's Triumph
Chapter Forty-Two: First Aeon
Chapter Forty-Three: Armor
Chapter Forty-Four: Humility
Chapter Forty-Five: Stab
Chapter Forty-Six: Convergence
Chapter Forty-Seven: Convergence P.2
Chapter Forty-Eight: Convergence P.3
Chapter Forty-Nine: Finality
Chapter Fifty: Finality's Lesson
Chapter Fifty-One: Eclipse
Chapter Fifty-Two: Jingliu's Ascension
Chapter Fifty-Three: She, Who has become Fate
Chapter Fifty-Four: Sovereign's Dance
Chapter Fifty-Five: The Enigma Follower
Chapter Fifty-Six: Confluence
Chapter Fifty-Seven: Destiny's Edge
Chapter Fifty-Eight: Sibling Starborn Interlude
Chapter Fifty-Nine: I Am You
Chapter Sixty: You Are Me
Chapter Sixty-One: Idrila's Conference
Chapter Sixty-Two: Y/N, No More
Chapter Sixty-Three: Shatter Thy Dreams
Chapter Sixty-Four: I am back, Jingliu
Chapter Sixty-Five: I Love You

Genesis Arc - Ch. Six: The Path of the Blade

672 33 11
By JesterX3

A/N: All rights to the original content are reserved by the respective copyright owner.

I apologized for the late update; college bombarded me with assignments...

Comment and vote to show your support, thank you!


The emerald tapestry of the woods, a silent witness to countless dawns, now observed the diligent figures of Y/N and Jingliu, their forms sharp against the soft morning light. The Wanderer's presence, both commanding and nurturing, turned their practice into a sacred ritual of growth and mastery.

"Remember, the blade reflects the soul," he intoned, his voice a grounding force. "True mastery is not just skill—it's the harmony of spirit, mind, and body."

Jingliu, in a stance as strong as the ancient oaks, was the picture of focus. Her red eyes, usually so full of fire, now held a depth of introspection. "Master, I remember the first time I saw the Cloud Knights," she began, her voice a whisper among the leaves. "It was the festival of the stars, and they moved... like they were part of the cosmos itself."

A smile flickered on Y/N's face, his own memories of that day coming to life. "Yeah, they were amazing," he agreed, his grip on his greatsword tightening. "But we're going to be better," he added with the confidence of youth, his tone bold yet tinged with reverence for the path they had chosen.

The Wanderer listened, his eyes reflecting a well of memories. "Ah, the Cloud Knights," he mused. "Graceful, disciplined, and bound by tradition." He paused, then added, "But remember, true strength is not bound by any one style. It adapts, it overcomes."

Y/N and Jingliu exchanged a glance, their young hearts alight with the desire to surpass the knights of yore, to forge a new legend all their own.

"Master," Y/N asked, his brow furrowed with the earnestness of youth, "tell us more of your battles among the stars." His request, sincere and eager, echoed the beat of his warrior's heart.

The Wanderer smiled, his eyes holding the glint of distant suns. "On a world far from here, I learned the dance of blades under a sky that never darkened," he shared, his voice carrying the cadence of an epic long remembered. "It was there, amidst the clash of wills, that I grasped the true essence of control and foresight."

Jingliu listened, her spirit drinking in the tales as a sword absorbs the fire's heat, her noble poise belying the wild drum of her warrior's heart. "And now, we learn from your journey," she responded, her words an acknowledgment of the bond they shared with their enigmatic master.

Their master nodded, and with a fluid motion, he beckoned them to action. "Show me the guard of the Cloud Knights," he said, a challenge in his gaze.

Jingliu moved first, her lightsword carving the air with precision, a dance of light and shadow. Y/N, following her lead, brought his greatsword to bear, mimicking the elegance of the knights with a raw power uniquely his own.

The Wanderer, circling like a hawk, nodded in approval before tapping lightly on Jingliu's side, exposing a small gap. "In the field of battle, hesitation is an ally of your foe," he reminded her gently.

Y/N, eager to demonstrate his own growth, launched into an attack with a controlled ferocity that had been absent in his earlier days of training. The Wanderer, ever the ghost in combat, sidestepped, his movement a lesson in itself. "Control, Y/N," he reminded the boy. "A storm must know where to unleash its might."

As they continued, the Wanderer shared fragments of his own journey—a tale of battles across distant planets, where he learned the truths that now shaped his teachings. "Control comes from understanding," he said, his eyes distant with the recollection. "Anticipation, from experience. And the spirit... it is forged in the fires of both victory and defeat."

Y/N listened, his mind racing with visions of such battles, his earlier frustration giving way to a thirst for such experiences. Jingliu, too, absorbed the lessons, her noble heart beating with a warrior's rhythm.

Their session deepened, each movement a question posed to the soul, each answer a stroke of the blade. And as the Wanderer guided them, his words became the weft and weave of their training, binding them to a tradition that transcended any one style.

In the serene lull that followed their rigorous training, Y/N and Jingliu found solace under the sheltering arms of the ancient trees. They sat side by side, the stillness around them punctuated only by the sound of their labored breathing and the gentle rustle of leaves. There, amidst the remnants of exertion, they allowed themselves the vulnerability of dreamers.

Y/N's eyes, alight with the spark of youthful idealism, gazed into the canopy above as if seeking his future written in the branches. "One day," he began, his voice a soft echo in the vastness of the woods, "I'll stand strong against any storm. I'll be the protector, unwavering and steadfast."

Jingliu turned to him, her expression earnest. "And I'll stand with you, Y/N," she declared, her tone imbued with the fiery resolve that was the hallmark of her spirit.

The Wanderer, resting against the trunk of an oak, watched them with the fondness of a mentor witnessing the blossoming of potential. "Dreams are the forge upon which character is tempered," he mused aloud, his words for both the students and the silent woods. "And courage is the anvil. Remember, the mightiest sword is drawn from the dreams of its bearer."

Y/N, his face turned towards Jingliu, nodded in agreement. "We'll be like no warriors before us," he said confidently, a slight smile playing on his lips. "We'll write our own tales."

Jingliu's laughter, rare and bright, rang through the clearing. "Let the Cloud Knights inspire us, but we will surpass them," she vowed, her eyes shining with the light of ambition. "Our deeds will be our own."

The Wanderer stood, his shadow falling over them like a protective cloak. "Then let those dreams guide you," he encouraged. "For a warrior's path is shaped by the dreams they dare to chase."

As the day waned, the woods seemed to lean in, listening to the pledges of the two young souls. Y/N and Jingliu rose, their bodies weary but their hearts invigorated by the promise of the future. With each step they took, the earth beneath their feet seemed to resonate with the weight of their resolve, an unspoken pact with destiny that they would walk the path of the blade, not as echoes of past legends, but as architects of their own fates.

And the Wanderer, his presence a silent benediction, knew that the journey they embarked upon would be fraught with trials and triumphs. But in the courage of their convictions, in the purity of their dreams, lay the seeds of greatness that would one day bloom into legend under the watchful eyes of the ancient woods.


The clearing was awash with the golden light of dawn, each blade of grass glistening with dew as if the earth itself was preparing to bear witness to the day's trials. The air, tinged with the chill of the departing night, carried the fresh scent of soil and the symphony of the forest's awakening.

"Stance!" The command of the Wanderer cut through the chorus of nature, resonating with the authority of the wild itself. Y/N anchored his feet, his greatsword a vertical line against the horizon. Jingliu, blindfolded, stood as still as the morning, her lightsword an extension of her will.

Y/N's arms bore the weight of his sword like the branches of the oaks bore the weight of the sky. 'Why must it feel so heavy today?' he wondered internally, his brows knitting together under the strain. The sword felt like an anchor, dragging him into a sea of fatigue.

The Wanderer's gaze held steady on him. "To hold this pose, Y/N, is to challenge the limits of your body and spirit," he explained, his voice a calm balm to Y/N's mounting frustration. "Endurance is the heart of the warrior's strength."

Jingliu stood in silent concentration, her blindfold a curtain between her and the world she knew. With each rustle of the target, she swung her blade, and with each miss, her inner voice grew louder. 'Trust yourself. The eyes can deceive; let your instincts guide you,' Jingliu's thoughts whispered, echoing the Wanderer's teachings.

The Wanderer watched, as much a part of the clearing as the ancient stones that lay scattered about. "The greatest challenges," he spoke as if reading their thoughts, "are veiled not in darkness but in the unexpected."

A sudden tremor through the earth sent a nearby tree groaning towards the sky, its fall swift and silent. "Watch out!" Y/N's voice erupted, instinct driving him forward. He reached Jingliu in three heartbeats, their bodies tumbling to safety as the tree thudded into the space where she had stood.

Lying on the ground, the blindfold askew from her face, Jingliu's chest heaved with shock and adrenaline. "Thank you," she breathed out, her gratitude mingling with the realization of her own vulnerability. "Your instinct... it's as sharp as your sword."

The Wanderer's approach was quiet, his nod one of silent approval. "Today's lesson is learned," he intoned, his eyes reflecting the pride of a teacher. "Y/N, your swift action was admirable; Jingliu, your calm in the face of danger shows your growth."

As they stood, the bond between them, always strong, was now forged in the fire of shared peril. Their eyes met, no words needed, their commitment to each other and their path reaffirmed without a sound.

"Well done," the Wanderer concluded, his voice carrying the weight of the ancient woods. "But remember, a warrior's journey stretches beyond the horizon. Each step you take, each challenge you face, builds the foundation of your mastery."


The dawn's embrace had just begun to warm the clearing as Y/N and Jingliu faced one another, the mist of their breaths weaving into the crisp air. Their blades, reflecting the first kiss of sunlight, were poised for the intricate dance of combat that awaited them.

"Again," the Wanderer's voice commanded, a firm yet gentle reminder of the day's purpose.

"We can do this," Y/N assured Jingliu, his words a bastion of their shared resolve. "Together, as one."

Jingliu nodded, her stance a silent affirmation of their bond. "Lead the way," she said, granting him the trust to set their rhythm.

As their practice unfolded, each movement was a brushstroke on the canvas of dawn, painting a picture of unity and precision. Yet, as they approached the crescendo, Y/N's footing betrayed him, and the rhythm was lost. His frustration was palpable as he voiced his irritation, his usual light-hearted nature clouded by vexation.

"It's not the steps that fail us, but our hesitation," the Wanderer interjected, his presence as grounding as the earth beneath their feet. "Stumble, but do not fall in spirit, Y/N."

Jingliu's hand on Y/N's shoulder was both comforting and encouraging. "Rise, and we rise with you," she reminded him, her words echoing the lessons of their training.

The Wanderer, seizing upon the moment, alluded to a time when their skills would be called upon outside the sanctuary of their wooded arena. "A day will come," he began, his tone laced with the gravity of foreseen trials, "when the harmony you forge here will be your strength against the discord of the world."

Their training continued, not just within the bounds of the clearing but in the life that flowed beyond it. Y/N, with reflexes sharpened by the rigors of the sword, caught a vase tumbling from a market stall, his quick thinking preventing disaster. His newfound strength was on display as he effortlessly lifted a wagon wheel for an elder tradesman, his actions drawing nods of respect from the onlookers.

Jingliu, her awareness extended beyond the physical, navigated the bustling marketplace with a dancer's grace. Her movements were a silent ballet, dodging between patrons and vendors, her senses attuned to the flow of life around her.

The Wanderer watched them integrate their training into these daily victories, small though they might be. "The sword teaches us more than combat," he mused, his words for any who would listen. "It teaches us to move with life's ebb and flow."

As the day waned, he gathered them, his eyes reflecting the twilight sky. "Soon, I must continue my journey, and you both will face a challenge unlike any other," he announced, his voice the harbinger of an inevitable parting. "You will face me, not as students to a teacher, but as warriors to a warrior."

The statement hung between them, a challenge that was both exciting and daunting. Y/N and Jingliu exchanged a look that carried the weight of their journey and the promise of the trials to come.

As nightfall draped the world in stars, Y/N and Jingliu stood ready at the edge of understanding, their hearts ablaze with the fire of warriors.


The forest seemed to hold its breath as Y/N and Jingliu stepped into the clearing, their youthful faces etched with contemplation. The Wanderer, already present and attuned to the rhythm of the woods, noticed the shift in their usual vibrant energy.

"What burdens your hearts today?" he inquired, his voice carrying the calm of the dawning day.

Y/N's gaze met Jingliu's before he spoke, "My... mother is returning tonight," he said, his voice a blend of anticipation and uncertainty. "She's been away for so long, fighting her battles among the stars."

"And my parents... they depart on a journey for their 'business trip','" Jingliu added, air quoting with a hint of rebellion that belied her noble upbringing. "But they never tell me more than that."

The Wanderer nodded, understanding the unspoken worries that lingered beneath their words. "Then today, we rest," he declared. "For the warrior's path also demands we honor the roots from which we've grown."

The duo exchanged a glance, surprise evident in their eyes. Before they could protest, the Wanderer raised a hand, preempting their interruptions. "Now, we speak of what lies ahead, including my departure."

The announcement hung heavily between them, and a flurry of questions ensued from both students. Y/N's childlike directness and Jingliu's more measured curiosity filled the air, seeking clarity and reassurance.

With a gentle, yet firm sigh, the Wanderer reprimanded their short memories. "Have you so quickly forgotten? Our duel approaches, and it will be a testament to all you have learned—and a glimpse of all you have yet to face."

Chagrined, Y/N scratched his head, his earlier wisdom giving way to a more boyish demeanor. Jingliu, clasping her arms, turned her gaze aside, the flush of embarrassment on her cheeks.

The Wanderer took a moment to let the quiet of the forest seep back into the space between them before he spoke of the harsher truths of the path they walked. "The morality of battle is not black and white, not like the tales of old where heroes and villains are clearly defined," he began, his tone a steely thread that wove reality into the fabric of their dreams.

Y/N listened, his bright eyes darkening with the gravity of the Wanderer's words. "But the heroes always fight for what's right, don't they?" he asked, his voice a mix of confusion and a dawning realization.

Jingliu, more pragmatic but still holding onto the romanticism of her noble tales, added, "There must be honor in the battle, a line that is never crossed."

The Wanderer let their ideals hang in the air before dismantling them with the precision of a master swordsman. "War is not a tapestry of honor and glory," he said, his voice a somber echo. "It is a canvas painted with the grays of necessity and survival. The line you speak of is often blurred in the fog of war."

The duo absorbed his words, their expressions a canvas of shock and contemplation. This was a lesson beyond the blade, a stark unveiling of the reality that lay beyond their sheltered experiences.

"As you grow, so too will your understanding of these complexities," the Wanderer continued, softening his tone. "It is not my wish to scare you but to prepare you. To walk this path is to accept the burdens it carries."

With a finality that brooked no argument, he dismissed them for the day. "Go," he urged. "The two of you may leave. Cherish these moments of peace."

As Y/N and Jingliu left the clearing, the weight of the Wanderer's teachings settled upon their young shoulders, a counterbalance to the swords they carried.

The Wanderer watched them disappear into the forest, a silent sentinel amidst the whispers of the trees. As he turned his gaze to the skies, a frown creased his weathered features. "A storm brews beyond the stars," he murmured to the woods, "and I fear what winds it may carry to our doorstep."


Y/N and Jingliu navigated the crowded streets of Cangcheng, a juxtaposition of ancient traditions and burgeoning modernity. The hum of commerce and conversation filled the air as they made their way to a place that remained untouched by time—Y/N's aunt's restaurant. Its familiar facade was a comforting sight in the ever-changing cityscape.

As they entered, the warm aromas of cooking enveloped them. A waitress, recognizing the pair immediately, greeted them with a smile and led them to their usual spot. The restaurant buzzed with the midday rush, a symphony of clinking dishes and hearty laughter.

Settling into their seats, Y/N couldn't help but broach a delicate subject. "Are your parents still... you know, about that proposal thing?" he asked, his tone treading a line between curiosity and concern.

Jingliu's posture, straight as an arrow, relaxed ever so slightly. "Let's not talk about that now, it's too early for such worries," she said, her voice steady but the slight furrow in her brow betraying her inner turmoil.

"Sorry, didn't mean to pry," Y/N quickly apologized, his childlike openness making room for empathy.

Jingliu, her lips curling into a rare mischievous smile, decided to lighten the mood. "I don't mind," she teased, "unless you're planning to claim me for yourself?"

Y/N's reaction was immediate, his eyes wide as saucers. "Who are you, and what have you done with Jingliu?" he whispered in mock horror, causing her to laugh—a sound as clear as the chime of a bell.

"I suppose I've picked up a bit of your relaxed manner," Jingliu admitted, her giggle fading into a contented smile. "It's quite liberating, actually."

Their lighthearted banter was interrupted as they noticed an unusual sight—a fleet of starskiffs painting the sky in an intricate aerial dance. The sight had become a familiar one over the past fortnight, a pattern that neither had seen before.

Jingliu glanced at Y/N, her curiosity piqued. "Perhaps your mother would have some insight into this?" she suggested, gesturing towards the spectacle above.

Y/N nodded, his eyes following the path of the skiffs. "I'll ask her," he said, his tone carrying a hint of his own curiosity. "It's strange, though, even for Cangcheng's standards."

Their conversation drifted with the starskiffs, wondering about the reasons behind the increased patrols. Was it a drill, a celebration, or something more? The question hung between them, unanswered but acknowledged.

The rest of their meal passed with shared stories and laughter, a respite from the uncertainty that seemed to grow with each passing day. As they left the restaurant, the sight of the starskiffs etched into their minds, they knew that change was on the horizon. It was an inevitability they both felt, a silent prelude to a future that would demand all they had learned and all they were yet to learn.


The afternoon waned into evening as Y/N and Jingliu parted ways, each returning to their respective homes, both feeling the weight and warmth of the day they'd spent together. As Jingliu assumed her role as the temporary lady of her household, Y/N hastened his steps, drawn by the tantalizing scents wafting from his abode.

Upon entering, the aroma of home cooking enveloped him, and with a burst of childlike exuberance, he sprinted toward the kitchen. There, his mother stood, her vulpine features softening as she turned to greet her son's joyful clamor.

"Mom!" he exclaimed, embracing her with an eagerness that momentarily lifted her feet off the ground. The hug, filled with months of missed moments, was both a greeting and an affirmation of their bond.

His mother gently chided him, her voice tinged with melancholy. "The council's affairs kept me, my dear. Longer than I wished."

Y/N's disappointment flickered across his face but was quickly replaced by his usual optimism. "It's alright. What matters is we're together now," he said, his words a reflection of his growing maturity.

Together, they set the table, a quiet symphony of clinking plates and cutlery. Y/N's mother observed him with a keen eye, noting the subtle changes in his manners. "You've grown," she remarked, her voice a blend of surprise and pride. "Not just in stature, but in poise."

Over the meal, she probed into his life during her absence. Y/N, his heart swelling with the day's adventures, confided in her, "I met a girl, Mom. Her name is Jingliu."

Her predatory gaze sharpened. "A girl, you say?" she inquired, the protective mother surfacing. "Tell me more."

Y/N hesitated, aware of his mother's shifting aura, but honesty won out. "We met in the woods. She was practicing with a sword... and we became friends."

A flicker of concern crossed his mother's face, tempered by curiosity. "You're not keeping things from me, are you?" she pressed.

Y/N, with a resigned sigh, delved deeper into his tale, speaking of Jingliu's noble origins, her struggles, and her dreams. "And I... I chose to stand with her, as a swordsman," he finished, his voice carrying a weight beyond his years.

His mother sat back, processing his earnest declaration. The impulse to dissuade him clashed with the realization that her son's path was his to choose. "Hmm," she hummed, a complex melody of emotions.

Y/N braced himself for rebuke, but it never came. Instead, his mother expressed a desire to meet this influential friend of his. "Tomorrow, if she's available," she suggested, a spark of intrigue in her eyes.

"Here?" Y/N blinked, taken aback by the unexpected request.

His mother nodded, returning to her meal, her hum now light and thoughtful. Y/N observed the change in her, a mix of apprehension and relief within him. He decided to put off worrying about the meeting until tomorrow. For tonight, he would bask in the familiar love and warmth of his mother's presence, a haven amidst the storm of change brewing on the horizon.


Morning draped the woods in a serene light as Y/N approached the familiar clearing. Jingliu and the Wanderer were already engaged in a training session, their movements a fluid interplay of attack and defense. Upon Y/N's arrival, they paused, offering greetings that held the warmth of shared camaraderie.

The Wanderer's eyes narrowed perceptively, detecting the undercurrent of contemplation in Y/N's demeanor. "What preoccupies your thoughts?" he asked, the wisdom of his years attuned to the silent language of his pupils.

Y/N hesitated, his gaze shifting between his companions. The request his mother had made—to have Jingliu visit—lingered in his mind, but it was another matter to involve his master. Taking a deep breath, he extended the invitation. "Would you both come to meet my mother?" he asked, the simplicity of the question belying its significance.

Jingliu's initial surprise gave way to an anxious curiosity, while the Wanderer regarded Y/N with a steady gaze. "And what prompts this meeting?" the master probed, ever insightful.

"It's... she's curious about our adventures while she was away," Y/N replied, skirting the full truth of his mother's intent.

"Hmm, lead the way," the Wanderer acquiesced, sensing more to the story than what was shared.

Transitioning to the interior of Y/N's home, the atmosphere was thick with a blend of nervous anticipation and the comforting familiarity of family walls. Jingliu, despite her noble upbringing, felt a flutter of unease at the prospect of meeting a friend's parent, especially one as enigmatic as Y/N's foxian mother. The Wanderer, a stoic presence, rested beside his greatsword, unfazed by the domestic setting.

Y/N's mother broke the silence, her eyes still closed in contemplative poise. "I did not expect a companion of such... stature," she remarked, a hint of amusement touching her voice.

The Wanderer's chuckle was a soft rumble. "A master, in service to the path of the blade," he offered by way of explanation.

When the matriarch's gaze finally met the Wanderer's, the air crackled with the unspoken understanding of warriors. Then, turning her attention to Jingliu, she posed the question that had been lingering in the air. "What are you to my son?"

Jingliu, her poise unwavering, responded with heartfelt simplicity, "A friend who sees me for who I truly am."

The response elicited a silent response from Y/N's mother, her irritation brewing beneath the surface. Her son's unusual tidiness had been a clue, a precursor to this moment.

Jingliu, sensing the tension, added, "His company brings me peace."

The revelation caused Y/N's mother to inwardly seethe with a mix of protectiveness and exasperation. Her son, noting the rising storm within her, gently called her out, "Mom, your anger is showing."

With a dramatic sigh, she composed herself, resigning to the friendship that had bloomed in her absence. "Very well," she acquiesced. "You may go, but take care of my son, Jingliu," she warned with a pointed look that left no room for misunderstanding.

With a quiet "meep," Jingliu assured her of her commitment, and the two young warriors exited, leaving the elders to their counsel.

Once alone, Y/N's mother faced the Wanderer squarely. "I know of you," she began, her voice carrying a note of authority. "Why are you here?"

The Wanderer's tone held a gravity that filled the room. "You've seen it—the storm that gathers beyond our skies. The coming conflict that threatens all we hold dear."

She nodded, her features drawn with concern. "I have. It's... harrowing. Is there a way to prevent it?"

The Wanderer's gaze turned towards the window, towards the world beyond. "No, not to prevent. The clashes of titans are beyond our reach, but there is a way to mitigate the fallout."

"Tell me," she implored, her voice threaded with desperation.

The Wanderer's response was cut short, a deliberate pause that suggested the answer was not one to be taken lightly. "To protect this Flagship—and its people—we must prepare. The journey ahead is perilous, and the role your son and Jingliu may play is pivotal."

The foxian mother's eyes reflected a mix of fear and resolve. "Then we will do what we must. For our home, for our children."

The Wanderer nodded solemnly, the weight of destiny pressing upon them both. "Indeed, for the future of all."


A swift fortnight had transformed the tranquil woods of Xianzhou into an arena where the mettle of two nascent warriors was forged under the watchful eyes of the stars. Y/N and Jingliu, bound by the thread of impending departure, honed their skills with a fervor born of the promise and pressure of their upcoming duel.

The unlikely kinship between the foxian mother and the enigmatic Wanderer, while fraught with tension, had evolved into a respectful accord, their late-night deliberations an enigma to the youth. Amidst this backdrop, rumors of romance swirled and were swiftly quashed by the vehement protests of both Y/N and Jingliu, much to the concealed amusement of their elders.

The day of reckoning dawned clear and bright, the morning light casting long shadows that seemed to stretch in anticipation of the duel. The Wanderer's gaze swept over Y/N and Jingliu, pride evident in his eyes as he beheld them in their armor, gifts of his tutelage. Their weapons, extensions of their resolve, glinted with the promise of the dance to come.

"Today," the Wanderer began, his voice resonating with solemnity, "marks not the end but a waypoint in your journey. Mastery is an ever-distant horizon, and though you have grown, the path stretches far beyond what eyes can see."

Their silent nod was the signal, and with the grace of a storm, Jingliu launched forward, her light sword a comet against the dawn. The Wanderer sidestepped, his movements a whisper against the wind, but found himself shadowed by Y/N's descent, his greatsword an arc of azure determination.

The clash of blades was a symphony, the Wanderer's evasion a dance amidst the tempest of their assault. "Impressive," he conceded inwardly, his warrior's heart buoyed by the spectacle of their growth.

The duel escalated as the Wanderer unsheathed his own greatsword, its bandages unfurling like the banners of an ancient war. His counter was a gale that tested Jingliu's tempest, Y/N a bulwark against the tide. The azure aura that embraced Y/N's greatsword hummed with a silent song of the sky itself, a testament to his unyielding will.

The master's blade met Y/N's defense, a collision of past and future. Jingliu's form was a blur, her strikes a cascade that sought to find purchase on the Wanderer's seasoned hide.

Laughter echoed, rich and deep, as the Wanderer acknowledged their valiance. "To see such skill from seeds I've sown brings this old heart joy unbound!"

They regrouped, a silent accord passed between them, their next move unspoken yet understood. The Wanderer's energy, crackling like a storm about to break, was a challenge they would meet head-on.

Y/N, with a warrior's cry, charged, his greatsword descending like the final verdict of the heavens. The impact was a thunderclap, the ground yielding to the testament of his strength.

The Wanderer found himself at the epicenter of Y/N's resolve, his preparation disrupted by the sheer force of the youth's conviction.

"Marvelous! Truly marvelous, Y/N, Jingliu!" he praised, his voice a bastion against the dissipating energy.

"Now, Jingliu!" Y/N's command was a beacon, a call to action that spurred her into motion.

Jingliu's response was a tempest unleashed, her blade a flurry of light that carved through the stalemate, extinguishing the gathering storm of the Wanderer's energy.

Silence fell, the forest itself a witness to the crescendo of their trial. The Wanderer stood, his armor etched with the tale of their onslaught, a smile of pure exhilaration upon his face.

"You have surpassed what I have taught, stepped beyond the threshold of apprenticeship," he declared, his voice imbued with pride. "This moment, this duel, will be etched in memory as the day you truly began to walk the Path of the Blade."

Y/N and Jingliu, their breaths coming in unison, stood shoulder to shoulder, their swords lowered but their spirits as high as the soaring hawks above. They had met the challenge, not as pupils, but as warriors in their own right.

The Wanderer's eyes held a new light as he looked upon them. "Remember this feeling, this unity," he advised. "For it will be your anchor and your compass in the days to come."

As the echoes of their battle faded into the chorus of the forest, the trio shared a moment of peace, a brief respite before the march of destiny would call them onward. The Path of the Blade lay open before them, an odyssey of endless horizons and uncharted realms. But for Y/N and Jingliu, the journey was one they would face as equals, their blades as one, their bond unbreakable.


End of Chapter

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