Helping Love - Klance (Book 1)

By SeraphimFawn-fallen

6.9K 216 183

- Klance Omegaverse AU - Lance doesn't remember much from around 5 years old to his current age, he can't rem... More

Part 1: Commander Yjok
Part 2: He's an Omega
Part 3: Healed
Part 4: The Garisson
Part 5: Secret
Part 6: The odd chill
Part 7: The returned Rival
Part 8: Greeting an Old Friend
Part 9: Old Familiarly
Part 10: The close call
Part 11: Confronted
Part 12: The Two Protectors
Part 13: Run
Part 14: He's afraid
Part 15: Gremlin finds out
Part 16: Self Guilt
Part 17: Library troubles
Part 18: He's lost control
Part 19: Lance is pissed and tired
Part 21: The Confession
Part 22: Comforting Words
Part 23: Quick Break to Earth
Part 24: Keith is pouting
Part 25: I want you
Part 26: The Mystery behind the blade
Part 27: Self Research
Part 28: Ally of Marmora
Part 29: Species Info trade
Part 30: Mall adventure
Part 31: The Marmoran Blade
Part 32: Lance has a dark side
Part 33: No
Part 34: The Link
Part 35: The decision
A/N: I titled the Helping Love series
A/N: I had some ideas, and I'm fixing chapters again

Part 20: The New problem

160 5 7
By SeraphimFawn-fallen

Lance was pissed. Why was he pissed you may ask? Allura was kidnapped by the Galra and now probably at Zarkon's command. Why was she kidnapped? Because she put Shiro's safety above her own and ended up getting captured. "I give all of you one request, one god damn order, and we have one of our own kidnapped?!" he yelled, "Calm down man" Pidge said though the anger of her friend was one she hasn't seen before even Hunk was surprised. "I will not calm down do you even see our newest problem?! Our friend, our princess is captured and probably at Zarkon's command as we speak, if you do not figure out where that damn command ship is I will fucking destroy the Galra bit by bit until they have fucking nothing" he threatened, and Keith got a boner. Such a shy, kind natured boy was a hidden badass in disguise. Honestly, he felt lucky and a bit on cloud nine. "Oi, don't threaten me Mr. I will backhand you so fast it'll make your head spin" she warned, "I dare you to try it young lady, I am pissed, I am worried, I'm feeling incredibly murderous of any Galra that comes my way and I'm on the verge of panic that she's being hurt" his emotions were sporadic and frantic, his scent was now going haywire, the Alphas and the Betas were worried. 

"Look," Coran announced even though he was angry that Shiro wasn't able to protect the Princess he was undoubtedly as worried as Lance was. "We're all worried but fighting amongst ourselves will not get Allura back, so, we must all calm down and plan our next move" he advised with a levelheaded tone as he calmed the room down instantly. A natural talent that he took with absolute pride. It's what made him part of a wonderful advisor. "But Coran, she could be hurt or killed we can't just sit around on our asses doing nothing!!" the advisor said nothing but placed a comforting hand on his shoulder and gave a gentle smile and squeeze, "We'll get her back I assure you but at the moment, you must calm down. You are an important member to Voltron, we'll get her back safe and sound promise" Lance relented and his scent slowly calmed down, but he was worried, what was happening to Allura right now. 

She glared at Zarkon with a murderous fuel, anger filled her to the brim. This man, this monster, took everything from her. Her family. Her planet her people. Her brother. All of them, he took them from her, and it fueled her anger. Zarkon found her anger amusing and got up from the throne he sat on daily, he never left Central command, had no need to. He had his people terrorizing and bringing back Quintessence so there was need for leaving. 

Leaning down on a knee he grabbed Allura's chin in his fingers, she darkened her glare. Tsk, such a defiant child with such a childish anger. She had no people to rule no family to protect. He wanted her to suffer for keeping the lions out of his reach, out of his fingertips. "You are nothing but a child, however you do have a use," she clenched her teeth, hands tied behind her back and the Galra armor she borrowed hanging on her limbs. "You will bring me Voltron, and while you're at it, that Blue Paladin" her eyes widen, absolutely not. "Never!" she yelled, but it satisfied him because he got a reaction. "You will do so, and I know they will do anything to get you back. Once I have the lions and the Blue Paladin, I will destroy this little rebellion you've been creating that will all be a waste of time" Lance!

"Anything?" he paced, and Keith grabbed him sitting him down with a hand on his shoulder, the Omega glared at his mate, but Keith ignored the glare in order to keep Lance still for them to figure out the plan to retrieve Allura. "Not yet, ugh, where the hell is this place?" Pidge was annoyed, irritated even. Lance tried to think, "Any places he could hide a whole command?" Hunk suggested, "The universe is huge Hunk, we'd never find it that way" Shiro said, "Number 1 is right," Coran walked over to his console and placed his hand down and opened up the star map and it surrounded the crew, orangish red dots were much lower now than from when they first saw the map, but it didn't make it all the better. Allura was taken and the universe is still in danger. "They could be anywhere though" Lance mumbled, "Correct. However, I'd suggest we look towards the more urgent stress signals, this may be our only close lead to locating Zarkon's Central command" he explained and did have a valid point, "But I doubt they'd even tell us anything" Keith frowned, "Keith they won't say shit in favor of not betraying their tyrant leader" Hunk groaned, "Please stay innocent, please stay innocent" he pleaded, while Keith, Pidge and Shiro all shared the same thought. 

Too late for that. Keith fucked him.

Well, he was still innocent just not in virginity innocent. 

Sighing, they agreed to follow the distress signals until they found a better lead, but Lance remained worried. Allura wasn't just anyone, she was his friend. A friend he never even thought he achieve and not only that, the feeling of knowing someone when you can't put on finger on who or where you've known them, but it wasn't just with her, he felt like this with, it was with Coran as well even Alfor's AI. Nothing made sense. 

She felt so uneased sitting in a cell, the cell in Central command where she was being kept an eye on by a foul Galra man. She didn't like him mainly because he looked suspiciously familiar, if only she had a name to the face, but she's seen many faces so in the end it was hard to keep track, most of the people she knew in the past were now far long gone at this point. Few familiar faces remained, much like Zarkon, like the tyrant for power he is. 

Zarkon wanted Lance but why? The lions she understood, they were the only things that can defeat him but Lance- He had nothing to do with anything else other than as a Paladin and her friend. Though he and her brother shared the same name and unmistakable eyes, they were so different. One Altean the other, a Human like his friends. Well, her brother was half Galran due to an incident involving him as a newborn inside their mother when she was assaulted. She wanted him back but held a hatred for the Galra, one side of that hatred belonged to her mother's assault, the other half that was aimed towards Zarkon who took literally everything from her. If the paladins and Coran managed to come here then she needed to warn them, it wasn't just the lions he was after now, he was after Lance as well. Nothing made sense anymore. 

She heard him chuckle to a nearby Galran and listened in. Restrained as she was, it didn't prevent her from eavesdropping. "Once I get my hands on that blue Paladin again, I'll make him remember where his place is" he grinned, "You've had the Blue Paladin before, sir? They've just started up fairly recently over the last few Pheobs" the Galra next to him said, he was average height with the Galran yellow eyes and skin color while his ears were jagged and pointed at the tips, he chuckled, "Oh, I had my hands on him long before he even became a Paladin, he knows better to run and yet he did" What, there's no way Lance was... she continued to listen, she needed a name so that when she got the chance she could confront Lance. But Shiro said Lance was never captured by the Galra only he was so how did- "Commander Yjok, where have you been for 10,000 years? Emperor Zarkon has been looking for you" he asked, a name that was... Impossible. He couldn't have lived for so long; he doesn't even look aged at all! But to be honest, neither did Zarkon. He hadn't been exposed to the corrupted Quintessence, had he?!

Yjok looked at the Galra next to him, "Somewhere where the rest of the Voltron Paladins home planet is" Horror sinked into her stomach. No. "Where the Blue lion was sighted sir?" he asked and he nodded, "That very same quadrant, now all I need to do, is have that boy back in my hands and indeed make sure he never sees anyone ever again" This bastard, she glared at the door straight to Yjok's head, she'll murder him before he touches her paladin. 

Suddenly alarms began to blare, "What is that racket?" Yjok demanded, "Command, Emperor Zarkon is launching an assault on Voltron, they've just entered the barriers field of range" No, no, no, no, they were making a terrible mistake coming here! "I see, we'll we can't miss the wonderful reunion now, can we? Watch the Altean Princess, they're here for her but they don't know our plan" The Galran nodded, "Yes Sir!" Yjok ran off with two sentries while he remained behind, at some point a few minutes later the Galran left Allura alone in her cell with no one watching over her. Good, now she'll work on getting off the cuffs, she needed to warn them protect Lance and the Lions. 

She grunted as she pulled at the restraints, "P----Prin-- Princess!" she squeaked when the comms implanted in her pink earrings surprised her by activating, "Keith? Where are you, where is the castle?" she asked hastily, "Surrounded by Galra fighters, Coran's waiting by a nearby moon in case we need back-up" Oh how she wanted to scream, "You must get out of here, both the lions and get Lance out of danger immediately!" she ordered, "What's going on?" Hunk came in, "Zarkon is not just after the lions, he wants Lance as well and you must do everything you can to prevent him from getting any of the Lions or him! And keep an eye out for a Commander, someone by Yjok but he shouldn't be alive," she said "I'm confused, was he alive before you were put in a Pod?" Pidge asked, "Yes, but it's been 10,000 years it's impossible for him to live that long" She pulled at the cuffs until they shattered and clattered to the floor. "All the more reason to kill the bastard and make sure he is permanently dead" Keith growled, "Lance look out fighters on your left and high at your right!" Shiro barked, she winced at the volume of the sudden order but pushed it aside. 

"These bastards kidnapped Allura and now they'll feel my anger!" Beautiful trait she admired but at the moment he was in high danger, "Lance!" she heard him squeak in surprise, "Allura? Are you alright, are you okay, did they hurt you? No injuries, right? Oh, please tell me you're in one piece safe and sound" she was relieved that he was okay, "I'm fine but you need to get back to the castle immediately and do not leave for any reason" he made some kind of sound like he was offended, "Absolutely not! Not when I'm severely pissed!" he scowled and fired at a fighter destroying that one and a few others. "That doesn't matter right now, Zarkon wants you and someone else who should be dead, if you get captured you may not come back alive!" she said panicked, Lance's breath hitched, "Why would Zarkon want me?" hesitantly asking, "I don't know but under no circumstances should you give them either reason to capture you, now, I demand you get back to the castle Immediately and that's an order" her voice was stern, she was going to protect him to the best of his ability, even from her end she can't do much since she's stuck in a cell and he has a literal target on his back.

Lance gripped the controls with shaking hands, Zarkon wanted him like Yjok did. What did he do?

"Allura," he fired Blue's jaw blade and destroyed the side of the cruiser causing explosions at its side, "Yes Lance?" "Yjok is at Central Command, isn't he?" How did- "Yes, how did--" a whimper came through, "Lance get back to the castle now, we'll be fine, but you need to get to safety right now" Keith came in, "Lance go" Shiro followed, "No" his voice was almost quiet, "Lance, get your ass back to--" "I said NO!" he barked back, "I am not leaving you guys, if he's after me and at Central Command right now, then he'll need to come get me himself. I will not stand by and be trampled and fearful of him while my loved ones are in danger! Until Allura is back safe and sound in the castle, I'm not going anywhere" he yelled, "But he's hunting you!" Keth argued, "He's what?" Coran's voice finally came in, "Yjok's been hunting Lance for a while now, but now is not the time for arguing!" Shiro bellowed through the comms, voice strained a little from the incoming almost infinite number of fighters. 

She sighed, she needed answers and only Lance could answer them. 

"Lance, when we get back to the castle, I want an explanation but for now, be safe" she said, "I plan on it but the explanation... I honestly wanted to hide it for as long as possible" he admitted, Blue ramming through multiple fighters in anger as she flailed her tail. "There will be no secrets between you and I any longer, I want answers and you're the only one who can give them to me" she heard him sigh, "Okay... I'm sorry..." he apologized, he wanted to keep her safe and once again he's failed. "I'm sorry..." her features softened while stuck in her cell, "It's okay, now go help the others and don't get kidnapped like I did" he gave a small meek chuckle, "I'm coming to get you Princess hang tight" She discarded the Galra armor she borrowed while trying to figure out how he's supposed to come find her.

"Blue sonic scan" he grabbed his bayard and placed it in its slot turning it as she activated her sonic scan to find Allura, "Damn, since when could you do that?" Pidge asked, "No idea but hey it worked, I found her. Near the lower part of the right side of the ship. Cover me!" "Copy!" He thrusted his controls forward, the leg boosters burst as he dove forward with Hunk of his tail, Pidge helped Shiro and Keith defend themselves until they got Allura. Hunk fired attacks coming towards Lance while keeping him cover, once they got Allura then they'll wormhole out of danger, that was the plan. Retrieve Allura, get back to the castle, not confront Zarkon since they weren't at all ready, and get out of Central Command. That was all they had to do. "Allura, back up because Blue and I are going to break a hole on your location" He said, "Okay..." great decompression, oh boy. 

Timing it, Blue gave the go ahead and Lance pushed forward, and her head rammed a hole in the ship. In high command, alarms rang. Blue nudged herself to keep out the decompression and opened her mouth for Lance, the surroundings were destroyed "Allura?" She peeked out from the eyehole that was wide in length, but width was short. She smiled, and Lance placed his hand on the pad to let her free and he hugged her, "I'm glad you're alright" he nuzzled his face into her shoulder as she hugged him tight, "Let's get out of here" he nodded, and they quickly went back into Blue's mouth, and she shut it quickly. "I got Allura" they heard the paladins sigh in relief, "Now, both of us are going back to the castle, until we can wormhole out of here you aren't going to fight in this battle" he whined, "But I can't leave them to fight for themselves" he argued not wanting to leave their friends at a disadvantage, "You are the one being hunted, we must get you to safety to prevent that" he groaned, "Fine! But if it gets too much for them, I'm coming back out" she nodded, and he pulled back allowing the decompression to destroy the interior where the prison cells were and headed back to the castle, "Hunk, join the others, Lance and I are heading back to the castle" Lance sighed, he wanted to stay and help. "Roger

Getting back to the castle she and Lance left Blue in hanger and went to the bridge where Coran was. "Ah! Princess thank goodness you're alright" he was relieved to see Allura was alright, and glad to see Lance. "Now, I would like to ask you somethings" he flinched, "I believe I would like to know as well" Coran voiced keeping his eyes between the two and the battle at hand, luckily the castle was still hidden thankfully. "Not without Hunk, he doesn't know" he wilted, all he was doing was putting them in danger by telling them. "What about Keith, Shiro and Pidge?" She asked him with her fluent tone of steadiness, "They know... Keith forced it out me, He told Shiro and Pidge was the last one after her two day healing process" he explained, "Why didn't you say anything?" he looked down at his feet with his hands clenched, "I couldn't and I refused to, Yjok is at Central Command, if he finds out you will be in danger and the other end of once he knows and you're in his hands... Your dead and he will make sure to announce the newest death" he wanted to cry, "But it's impossible" she frowned worriedly, "What is?" Coran questioned, "Yjok is alive" his eyes widen. That was purely impossible. 

"But that can't be, he surely couldn't have survived for 10,000 years without any aging" he said, "Is he not supposed to be alive? Maybe it's just someone else who has the same name" he suggested but Allura shook her head, "No. I saw him for myself during my capture, he didn't age at all" Coran felt dread, "He must have been poisoned by Quintessence then to have lived this long" Lance blinked, "But... he can't have been from 10,000 years ago, no one can live that long" he said subtlety panicked "I'm afraid he may have survived somehow" she sighed, and Lance hugged his arms. "If that's true... then who really am I?" he spoke in barely a whisper, "Lance? What's wrong?" she noticed that something changed about him, "Lance, lad, are you alright?" Coran stepped over to the two. "No... No, I'm not" looking at them, they saw something they haven't seen before from him, it was fear, but it was a different kind that they couldn't place. "We need a wormhole now!" Pidge came in yelling, Lance jumped in surprise and the Alteans turned to the screen with Coran rushing to his console, "What's going on?" Allura demanded going to her pedestal and Lance next to her worried but ultimately questioning his entire existence. 

"Keith's being an idiot and now trying to fight Zarkon, Shiro got ejected out of Black because of Zarkon and now we're getting hammered out here!" she quickly explained, "He's what?!" Lance yelled, "Yes and he shut off his comms!" Hunk came in clearly tense, "This is why I didn't-- argh! I'm heading your way hang on!" He quickly ran out before Allura could stop him, "Coran seal the blue lions hanger immediately!" she ordered the old man as he did so, she pulled up the camera feeds for the castle and watched as Lance ran to Blue's hanger and was ultimately locked out, "Allura open up the hanger doors now!" he shouted, "Zarkon is after you I cannot" she forced, "I don't care, my mate is being a dumbass and my friends are in danger. Now open up the doors!" Mate? Since when?! "Mate? When did you--" she was cut off by Blue roaring, "Open the doors now" he once again shouted, "No" she stated firmly, "Allura Altea you open these doors right now or you will never find out about why Yjok knows about me" it was a clear threat of knowledge, "Princess," Coran called and she shut her eyes frustrated, "Argh! Fine, open the hangers doors" he did so, and Lance ran in and into Blue's mouth quickly rushing back into battle. 

Lance fired and he was angry. 

"Keith Kogane!!" Hunk winced, "Oh boy that does not sound good" "Yeah you think? Lance is majorly pissed" she looked for Shiro and found him floating around while violence was everywhere, she thrusted her controls forward towards him and got him her Green's mouth. "I got Shiro!" "Now, we just need to get Keith" Hunk moaned, "He's dead" Lance growled, "Lance don't kill him" He pleaded, "No promises" he responded sweetly. 

Hunk watched as Lance headbutted the red lion out of Zarkon's range and grabbed hold of it, and it brought Keith's voice, "What the hell Lance?! I'm going to kill him!" Keith yelled, "Not today you bastard, let's go, Allura get a wormhole now! Hunk, get Black" He did so and they rushed back to the castle, Allura tried to start a wormhole but wasn't able to for some reason, "I can't something's preventing me" she was frantic, "Crap" Shiro groaned, "We can't stay here much longer if we do we'll be decimated" he said "I know, I know, what to do, what to do" She tried to find anything that was preventing them from escaping but Lance noticed something in the sky and squinted his eyes, something flickered and then it vanished completely. Now was the chance, "Allura wormhole, now, now!" she pushed her Quintessence into the pedestals, and a wormhole appeared, "Pidge get me to Black quickly!" Shiro ushered and she took the chance and rushed to Black, timing it before Shiro ejected himself out of Green and used his jetpack to get back to his Lion and join the others. 

"Get in the castle now, we're making the jump" they went into their Hangers with Keith joining Lance and Shiro joining Hunk with Pidge in Green's hanger. "Uh, Allura, is the wormhole supposed to look a Galra purple?" Keith called noticing the wormholes deep blue change colors, "No, no it's not hang on!" She pushed more Quintessence, "Allura!" Lance ran out of Blue and rushed out of the hanger leaving Keith with the lions, "Lance!" he yelled, the castle shook with the disturbance and the lions doors weren't closed leading them to fly out of the castle. He gasped, "Guys?!" he ran to the bridge and the doors opened, "Allura," she whipped around to see her and Coran. 

"Oh Lance, the others," he paled, "What happened?!" instantly his worried scent began to release, and she and Coran could smell it. "They fell through the wormhole, and we don't know where" She panicked, "Calm down, we'll try and get them back" he assured, "But how we don't even know where they went" Lance cried as Allura quickly went over and took him in her arms to give him comfort, "Oh no" she gasped as they went through the wormhole. 

"Coran are you.... Uh" Lance blinked, "Lance? What is it..." Allura turned her attention to where Coran was, he was relatively younger. The pair looked at one another surprised they were the only ones who didn't have a change they then looked back to Coran who was unaware he looked different. "Um, Coran," the man was as cheery as usual, "Yes Lance?" he asked, "Don't you look a bit..." he started, "Younger?" she finished, Coran payed no mind to it. "Not at all, by the way we're entering the wormhole" they blinked and went through the wormhole once again.

Upon exiting, Coran now looked even younger possibly early adult or even late teenager, he was brooding. The friends shared a look of stunned expressions, oh no. 


A/N: So, I need to rewatch the episode where Voltron went to save Allura from Zarkon's command since I legit forgot most of the details so whoops :)


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