Betrayal | Ghost x Reader

By frostedbunni

184K 4.7K 3.6K

From a young age your father forced you into a life filled with death and destruction, turning you into a rut... More

Before You Read
New Life
Do or Die
Bargaining Chips
One on One
Moth to a Flame
Second Thoughts
Las Almas
Fucked Up
Life Saver
True Colors
What They Say
Right or Wrong
California Gurls
Now or Never
Nobody But Me
Eyes On Me
Needle and Thread
Wake Up
Official Report
Author's Note


3.6K 88 57
By frostedbunni

Word Count: 5.3k

The entire car ride I found myself trapped in a palpable disquiet filled with a mundane and concernment converge, a choice lingering in the air surrounding me: listen to my silent alarm or dismiss it as an irrational thought. Everything that was usually deemed normal became tinged with an unsettling ambiguity, a landscape filled with hidden meanings that I tried to tell myself were all in my head. And, for the life of me, I couldn't shake the feeling of impending doom wracking my entire being. "You alright lass?" Soap asked, ripping me from my whirlwind of troubling thoughts. Glancing back at him, I offered a quick nod and forced smile, "Never better..." I mumbled quietly, turning my body back around, gazing through the window and out into the passing landscape. 

After what felt like an eternity, our vehicle halted to a stop near the outskirts of the large, abandoned prison, the atmosphere seeming exceptionally eerie, or maybe that was just my mind playing tricks on me. Each of us filed out of the SUV, slamming our doors behind us as cold winds nipped out our exposed skins. "Graves'll have this place on lockdown," Rodolfo stated as he pulled open the trunk, retrieving three large duffel bags filled to the brim with different weaponry. Ghost reached for one, nodding his head, "Expect patrols on the outside," he added on, slinging the heavy sack over his shoulders. "No doubt," Soap agreed, repeating Ghost's process of snagging a duffel bag before letting it hang on his back. 

The unspoken warning still played out through my head, a prickling feeling erupted throughout my body that something was wrong, though what that was remained elusive. My eyes kept wide and alert, scanning the surroundings with a heightened sensitivity, trying to discern what was causing of my unrest, but was met with nothing. "We geared up?" Ghost's voice called out, snapping me from my trance. Maybe this was just the blood loss still affecting me, that's what I decided to chalk it up to anyway. Any distractions could be fatal, not just for myself, but for Ghost as he was going to be relying on me and Soap's guidance through the outsides of the prison. "Guns, ammo, and charges in the packs," Soap replied with a wide grin.

Rodolfo nodded his head as he pulled a large military device from the very back of the trunk before looking back out at the rest of us, "I've got the plummet gun. Ascenders?" He asked, glancing between me, Ghost, and Soap. "Check," we all replied simultaneously. With a quick head nod, Rodolfo began to guide us toward a small trail. As we progressed, a silent struggle to reconcile my unspoken need for evidence to approve my gut feeling managed to keep my mind occupied, drowning out Soap and Rodolfo's chatter. A tug of war took place deep in the pits of my consciousness, the rational side of it versus the visceral sense that alerted me of potential dangers. My brain unable to make out what that "danger" could possibly be.

Shaking my head, I continued down the trail behind everyone else until we came face to face with what looked to be a twenty-foot tall fortified stone wall with watch towers stationed at every corner of it. Soap and Ghost each held up their long range weapons, marking what targets they were going to hit before letting shots fire, none of which making a noise due to the silencers attached to their rifles. "Y/n, Rodolfo, take the ones out in the field," Ghost muttered over his comms, still firing bullets into unsuspecting Shadows. It took me a few moments too long for that command to register, instantly being picked up by everyone around me. "You sure you good, lass?" Soap asked, eyeing me up and down.

"Peachy," I mumbled before peering through the scope of my pistol, my finger lightly squeezing down on the trigger, releasing small, controlled bursts of gunfire into my designated targets. This was something I could get lost in, something I've always been able to when things troubled me. Each Shadow dropping lifelessly brought me just a little bit more comfort, the familiarity of it all serving as a reprieve from the unease running rampant through my mind. With a deep sigh, I brought the gun back down to my side as I crouched low to the ground, slowly moving through the tall grass, using its green blades as cover. "Make sure to keep low," Ghost called out quietly through the comms, the four of us taking down any and all Shadows near us the closer we got to our infil point. 

Ghost shot down what looked to be the final Shadow in the field, straightening himself back up afterwards before hurrying to the wall, "Push up to the base of the tower, that's our entry point," he ordered through the comms. My throat ran dry, my chest tightening as I booked it after him, a slight limp still prevalent in every stride I took. Rodolfo crouched down at the edge of the wall, slinging his rifle over his shoulder and instantly replacing it with plummet gun, clicking a button he let the rope fly up into one of the now empty watch towers. Soap instantly attached his ascender, letting it hoist his body upward. Ghost eyed me up and down before gently grabbing my hand, "I've got you Y/n, don't get in your head," he whispered to me, latching my ascender onto the rope for me, giving me one last nod before I was dragged upwards.

The wound in my side ached in pain as I gripped the metal railing of the watch tower with my hands, kicking my legs overtop it before landing quietly on the platform. Two dead Shadows laid next to my boots, their blood coating the floor and walls. "Fuckers," I muttered under my breath, glaring down at their corpses. Ghost and Rodolfo ascended as well, jumping over the guard rail much like I did, landing nimbly on their feet. "Let's get to the control room," Ghost stated, glancing at the rest of us. Swallowing thickly, I followed after everyone else, my rifle hugged to my chest. "Look for a hatch with a ladder," Rodolfo ordered, moving across the rounded sides of the watch tower, entering the inside of it.

After I entered as well, my eyes followed Soap and Rodolfo as they opened the hatch embedded in the ground, lifting it and letting it fall to the side. "Let's go," Ghost stated as Soap slowly climbed down the ladder. Nodding my head, I crouched down, lowering my body through the opening as my hands and feet worked together, my body descending to the concrete floor, Ghost and Rodolfo following after me. Quickly, we all filed out of the tower out into the grassy terrain, being mindful of any Shadows scanning the perimeter. "Security building is straight ahead, CCTV's inside," Rodolfo quietly stated through the comms, motioning with his gun to the small building in front of us. 

Quickly, we approached the door. Glancing through the window next to it, I took note of three Shadows inside, two of which were chatting about while the third kept his sights focused on the display of different screens in front of him. "Three inside," I muttered quietly. "Copy," Soap replied, changing out his long-range rifle for his pistol. Ghost nodded his head before slowly creeping up to the entryway, holding out his fist before he put one finger up, two fingers up, and finally three. In an instant, he launched his boot into the door sending it flying off its hinges, me and Soap immediately filed inside, aiming our pistols. The security room quickly erupted into a blood bath as all three Shadows were dealt with before they even had a chance to fire back.

"All clear," Soap stated, motioning me to follow him up to the monitors. Rodolfo and Ghost entered the room soon after, stepping over the dead bodies littering the ground beneath their boots. "We'll use the closed-circuit to locate my men and Alejandro," Rodolfo explained as he approached one of the screens, "And help Ghost in planting the detonators". The three of us nodded, "Okay, I'm out then, watch for me," Ghost stated before walking off toward the exit of the room, sparing me one last glance before crossing the threshold back into the grounds of the prison. Taking a shaking breath, I peered down at one of the monitors, switching through the different cameras before finding the one that held a grainy image of Ghost. "You found him Y/n?" Soap asked, briefly looking away from his screen in my direction. "Affirmative," I quickly replied, not peeling my eyes off the camera.

Soap nodded and looked back down at his own monitor, switching through the different channels along with Rodolfo, searching for the cells holding Alejandro and the rest of the Los Vaqueros. "Y/n, let me know when I'm clear to move past the gate," Ghost muttered through the comms, remaining stationed behind a large, brick wall. My palms began to sweat as I switched through the surrounding cameras, watching as different Shadows patroled the grounds near him. My mouth opened, hesitating for a moment as a Shadow practically appear out of thin fucking air, closing in on his position, "One is coming your way," I urgently spoke, my eyes widening so much I thought they might've popped straight out of my skull. 

Ghost seemed unfazed, waiting a few moments for the Shadow to get close enough for him to take down. Another chill ran up my spine as I watched him lunge from the wall, digging his knife into the neck of the Shadow, quickly grabbing the corpse and silently placing it on the ground. A strangled sigh left my lips, my mouth growing even more dry the more I watched. Remaining observant was proving to become increasingly difficult, it was taking every fiber of my being to not fall down the rabbit hole in mind that continuously beckoned me its way. I needed to keep focused, had to remain focused. "Clear," I instructed, "You can move." My finger diligently clicked a small button on the keyboard connected to the monitor, changing the camera again. In every command I made, my words seemed to carry a weight of hesitation, my unease coloring the tone of my communications.

My eyes somehow managed to remain laser focused on the screen even if my thoughts were elsewhere. "Shadow on your right," I stated quickly, watching how Ghost repeated the same process: driving his knife into the Shadow in question, his hands quickly catching the dead body, his arms quietly lowering it to the ground, and then, his feet moving onwards. His movements were calculated, robotic almost, working efficiently with deadly accuracy. "You can plant your charge there," I instructed, referring to the large military truck directly to his right. Ghost quickly pulled the charge from his pack, sticking it to the underside of the vehicle, "Copy." Using the fabric of my cargo pants, I wiped the excess sweat accumulating on my palms, trying to rid myself of the uncomfortably sticky feeling.

For around fifteen minutes I instructed Ghost where to go and what to do, watching his body move in and out of the different cameras I flipped between. "Two Shadows on your right," I spoke quickly, switching to a different camera to get a better view their movements. My eyes flitted around the screen as Ghost hastily took each of them down before stealthily moving behind a different building, his last charge in hand. "Plant it underneath that SUV," I stated, flipping to a nearby camera for a clearer angle. "We're all set, they find Alejandro?" He inquired after strategically placing the explosive where it needed to be. Taking a deep breath, I ran my hands through my damp hair, small strands of it sticking to my forehead.

Rodolfo clicked down a button on his radio, "Perfect timing, I found him," he stated, looking over at me and Soap, giving us a slight nod. Rolling out my neck, I straightened myself back up as I snatched my pistol from the desk, gripping the stock of it tightly between my fingers. "Where?" Soap asked, looking up from his monitor and approaching Rodolfo's, pressing his palms into the table, leaning forward to get a better look. Rodolfo enlarged one of the camera footages on his screen, showing Alejandro pacing around a small cell, seeming pissed as ever. "Bloody fuckin' hell, that's him," Soap muttered under his breath, a small grin pulling at the corners of his lips. "He's in solitary," Rodolfo stated, eyeing Alejandro's movements along with me and Soap, watching him curse at the door while throwing his hands up in the air. 

"Yep, that's definitely him," I mumbled with a smile, shaking my head. Rodolfo smirked over at me, nodding slightly before returning his attention back down at the computer. "There's two on the door," he stated soon afterward upon further inspection. "Ghost, we've got him. He's alone. Two Shadows on guard," Soap spoke into his comms, pushing himself off the desk and walking toward the door. "Not for long," Ghost replied, "RV outside the cell block, we'll pry him loose." My feet moved quickly beneath me as I followed Soap out of the security room, my weapon held up defensively. "Roger that, on the move," Soap responded quickly, checking the ammo in his pistol before slamming the catch back into its respective place. Rodolfo followed me and Soap swiftly, glancing back at the monitors one last time before exiting after us. 

Silently we moved through the courtyard of the prison, the air thick with uncertainty. Above our heads a helicopter lifted from off the ground, it's loud rotors filling up the otherwise silent atmosphere as it flew away, leaving maelstroms of dirt and dust beneath it. "Heads up on that helo," Rodolfo stated, motioning with his rifle up toward the military aircraft. "Looks like were out o' its line of sight," Ghost quickly responded through the comms before static followed. Our feet worked agilely over crumped debris littering the ground beneath us, sidestepping around corpses and remaining out of any line of sight from other watchtowers. My eyes darted around every area of terrain we made our way through, doing my best to ignore the gnawing pit in my stomach and the aching pains shooting up and down my body.

My troubles were slightly alleviated when Ghost entered my line of sight, watching how his muscular frame began to move closer to where the rest of us where running to: two large brick walls that lead into a smaller courtyard directly outside of the prison structure. "Cell block ahead," Soap stated, pressing his back into the rough brick behind him. My sights took notice of two Shadows positioned near the entryway, "Two Shadows," I murmured, peering through the small scope attached to my pistol before shooting one of them straight through the head, Ghost dropping the other simultaneously, both of their bodies collapsing into a pool of each other's blood. "Let's move," Rodolfo stated, running up to a large olive green iron door, separating the inside from where we stood. 

Soap approached the door, pulling down on the handle before attempting to push it open. "It's locked," he mumbled, taking a few steps back. My eyes flicked over to him, it was taking everything in my entire being to not to say "of-fucking-course it is". Rolling my eyes, Rodolfo spoke up, "We need to breach it." Ghost shook his head, "No Rudy, knock," he instructed. Rodolfo looked confused as ever, but just nodded his head anyways. "On me," he stated before pounding his fist on the door once... twice. A beat passed before a Shadow opened it, immediately eating bullets from our four separate guns. Blood spurted from the different wounds riddling his body before his body toppled to the ground.

Each of us quickly filed in, stepping over the corpse as we fired our guns into the other Shadows, a sea of crimson soaking the the ground, dripping through the crevices of the second floor, splashing onto the ground one. More Shadows began to close in on us, firing off their guns, their bullets narrowly avoiding our bodies by just mere inches. My finger rapidly squeezed the trigger of my pistol, the recoil rippling down my arm and into my body, my teeth clenching in pain. My eyes widened as my trigger began to hold resistance, it was fucking jammed. "Are you serious," I hissed, throwing it down to the ground. Instantly my fingers interlocked around a throwing knife as I slid across the bloodied floor before stopping behind a separate wall, sending it into the first Shadow I saw.

"Y/n, what the bloody fuckin' hell do you think you're doing," Ghost barked, glancing over at me from across the small room, still firing his weapon. Those words went in one ear and throughout the other, my undivided attention still remaining on the Shadow a few feet from me, laying lifelessly with my knife lodged in his eye socket, a rifle hanging loosely in his hand. Dull pain radiated from my shoulder, a piercing one stabbing in my side. "Fuck it," I hissed before sprinting across the open area, bullets whizzing past my body as I lunged at the gun, firing a shot the second it met my outstretched hand, instantly killing a Shadow who was moments away from inflicting a deadly blow through my skull.

Ghost glared at me before running up to where I was the moment the coast was clear enough, "Stop doing stupid shit like that," he hissed at me, his gaze hardening. Talk about fucking whiplash, one moment he cares and the next he wants my ass served on a silver platter. "My pistol jammed, didn't have another one," I muttered, aiming my newly found rifle at a Shadow before squeezing the trigger, watching their neck snap back as the bullet collided into it. "For fucksake," Ghost grumbled before pulling me to the side, his eyes falling on my bandage, a small circle of blood seeping though the cotton. "I knew I should've never let you come," he growled, pulling me close to him, "Stay close to me."

"Alejandro's up this stairwell, let's go," Rodolfo yelled back at us, running up a flight of stairs at the end of the room we were in. Soap booked it after him, shooting at a Shadow on the second floor before moving out of my line of sight. "Close, okay Y/n, I'm not fuckin' around," Ghost growled before sprinting off. Groaning slightly, I limped quickly after him, rounding the stairwell as I made my way up it. My eyes fell on Soap as he began to open up Alejandro's cell door with a wide smile on his face before a loud boom filled my ears. "The fuck," I muttered before running up to the small room, peering inside. Alejandro was about two and a half seconds away from knocking the shit out of Soap who was currently looking on the verge of tears.

"Colonel, relax it's us," Rodolfo quickly stated with wide eyes, grabbing Alejandro's fist before it found its way to Soap's face. Alejandro glanced from Rodolfo to Soap and then back to Rodolfo before grinning, acting as if he wasn't about to give Soap a first class ticket to pound town. "Soap, Rudy, Ghost, Y/n," he stated happily, letting his arm drop back down to his side as he looked between all of us. Soap nodded his head, slowly blinking, "Didn't think we'd leave ya... did you?" he asked, his voice only slightly wavering. "What the fuck took you so long pendejos?" Alejandro asked, shaking Soap by his shoulders. Soap looked moments away from an existential crisis, only shaking his head and then nodding, clearly not knowing how to respond.

Ghost stood at the door, his pistol aimed outward, "Place is crawling with Shadows. Expect hell ahead," he stated as Rodolfo handed Alejandro a rifle. "Let's fight fire with fire," Alejandro grinned, his finger switching the safety off his weapon as he moved out of the room. "There's more Vaqueros in the cells upstairs," Rodolfo stated, looking at Alejandro. "Time to get 'em out," Soap replied, still having not moving from his spot before snapping out of it and following the rest of us out of the cell. We all booked it up the stairs, each movement I made had both of my wounds aching in pain, my jaw clenching. "There'll be guards down the hall," Alejandro stated. Rodolfo grabbed a flash bang off his tactical belt as he slowly crept to the edge of the corner wall, looking back at us briefly before throwing it down the hall, a loud bang reverberating around the walkway.

Loud hacking coughs followed soon after as everyone in the bang's vicinity was momentarily blinded. Capitalizing on this, we all popped out from behind the wall, shooting any Shadow that we could see through the thick smoke, most of them doubled over on their hands and knees, trying to catch their breath. "Down here!" Alejandro yelled, running past a door and out into a separate cell block, each one lined up and down the room filled with numerous Los Vaqueros soldiers. Soap instantly ran into a nearby area that held a control pad filled with different lights either lit up red or green, little switches beneath each one. "Get ready," Soap called out, his fingers quickly flicking each one before a loud buzz sounded out, all of the doors opening, releasing the soldiers.

"Sergeant Parra has guns, take on and hold here," Alejandro ordered his men as Rodolfo set his large duffel bag on the floor, zipping it open and revealing the wide array of rifles and pistols. Different Los Vaqueros called out to Alejandro in Spanish, probably saying something along the lines of "thank God you're here". Alejandro looked back at us, "Rest of you with me," he ordered before turning back around, holding his rifle up defensively as we progressed further through the prison, making our way to the exit. For the most part, the winding hallways we ran through were mostly empty besides the occasional Shadow here and there. Eventually we stopped in front of a small drop leading to what looked like a cafeteria, "This was the mess hall," Alejandro stated, jumping from the second story down to the first.

"Let's make a mess," Soap grinned before jumping down as well. My eyes darted between my bloodied bandage and the drop. Shaking my head, I launched myself downward anyway, hissing in pain the minute my feet made contact with the ground. "Bloody hell," Ghost grumbled from behind me, staring at the back of my head as I made my way forward. Shadows immediately poured through the different doors leading into the cafeteria, sending out endless shots at the four of us. "The exit is over there," Alejandro yelled out whilst retaliating with gunfire right back at the Shadows. Harrowing screams, loud bangs, and sickening squelches filled up the air as we continued to fight our way to the thick iron door at the very right side of mess hall. The cafeteria became decorated with corpses strewn out across the two separate levels, adorned with fresh blood glistening on the walls and floors.

The stench of iron invaded my nostrils, a disgusting scent that's been nothing short of impossible to get used to. My eyes darted over to the door that was no longer guarded by Shadows, without thinking twice I hightailed toward it, killing any Shadow that came in my line of vision. "Vamos!" Alejandro yelled, following after me. The moon and stars became clear in the horizon as I shoved open the door, the fresh air welcoming itself into my burning lungs. "Exfil is over there," Rodolfo stated loudly, nodding his head in the direction of the large, concrete wall about fifty feet in front of us. There were tiny silhouettes at the top of it, small flashes of light indicating gunfire at the Shadows closing in after the four of us. As we all sprinted toward it, huge explosions vibrated against the ground we sprinted through, the charges detonating at the click of Ghost's finger.

Price's voice cut through the comms, "All Bravo and Los Vaqueros... top of the wall. Get here and I'll get you out. How copy?" At the sound of his voice, the pit that had been continuously rooting itself deeper in my abdomen, sneaking up on me slowly, wrapping its tendrils around my chest, heart, and mind for the longest time, finally began to squeeze and tighten, making it incredibly hard to breathe, to remain focused. My breath came out in short bursts as I pounded my feet against the terrain, the only sound in my ears being my racing heart and echoing footsteps. Loud radio chatter filled my comms, but every word seemed so insignificant, so much so, it all passed through my head as if it were just the wind whooshing past me. My wide pupils darted over to Rodolfo as he sent a rope flying to the top of the wall when he got close enough, attaching his ascender to it before his feet lifted off the ground.

My trembling hands fumbled with my own ascender as I pulled it from my vest, my shaking fingers barely allowing it to make contact with the rope. Cold sweats rolled down my neck before the tiny beads traveled deep into the contours of my back as my feet raising off the ground, my side screaming in pain as gravity pulled at my stitches. The pain was a distractor, slicing through the tendrils gripping at my head, unweeding them from the divots of my brain, releasing some of the anxiety that held me in a chokehold--even if it was just for a little bit. When the metal railing came into sight, my fingers grasped around it before I kicked my legs over it, landing harshly on the soles of my feet. The hairs on the back of my neck stood to attention as I looked over at Price and Gaz. "Hey," I whispered breathlessly, my gaze darting between each of them.

Gaz nodded in my direction before clasping his hand around Soap's, helping him over the railing. Ghost and Alejandro made it to the top as well soon after, each of us looking around at each other. Price's eyes landed on Soap, a smile pulling at the corners of his lips, "Sergeant MacTavish," he grinned, patting him on the back. "Good to see you Captain," he replied, nodding his head with a smile. Gaz looked over at Ghost as he pulled his rifle off his back, "Ghost," he greeted quickly with a small nod. "Garrick, Price," Ghost responded. Nervously I began to wipe the sweat off my palms, hoping no one took notice of my growing anxiety in fear they'd ask what was bothering me. A question with an answer I didn't even know myself.

Soap looked over at Gaz, "How'd you know?" He asked, slinging his rifle over his shoulder. "Laswell," Gaz quickly replied, glancing over at Price for a moment. "As soon as Shepherd went dark, she called us," Price replied, his eyes falling on me at the mention of Laswell for the briefest moment before he tore them away. If I wasn't paying attention, I wouldn't have even noticed it. Ghost nodded, "Laswell... still solid as a rock," he stated, his voice holding a slight rasp. Soap looked over at Alejandro with a smile, "Colonel Vargas, meet Captain Price and Sergeant Garrick". Alejandro nodded with a grin, outstretching his arm as he firmly shook both Gaz and Price's hand, "Thanks for the assist," he stated as pulled a small rope from his vest, wrapping it tightly around a sturdy part of the guardrail, "Now let's get the fuck out of here."

Without wasting another moment, Alejandro slowly shimmied down the rope before landing firmly on the grassy ground. Soap followed him immediately after, along with Price and Rodolfo until only Ghost and I remained. "Look at me, Y/n," Ghost muttered, cupping my cheeks with his gloved hands, "If there's something bothering you, you can always talk to me." My wide eyes met his softened ones, shaking my head feverishly, I swallowed harshly, "I'm fine," I whispered, my voice holding some hesitation. Ghost's pupils darted across my features, his eyebrows pinching together. He didn't believe me. Slowly, he dropped his hands back down to his sides before nodding, "Let's go then," he stated before helping me onto the rope. My palms burned as I slid down the fiber, the roughness of it cutting into my soft skin. 

Not even a second after my feet made contact with the ground, Price began to approach me, his eyes hardened over completely as he stared me down. Run. Run was the only thought in my mind, my brain screaming at me to move my legs, to book it as far as I could get before I'd be riddled with bullet wounds no one would care to heal anymore. "Y/n," he called out, acting as if my name alone tasted like pure acid on his tongue. His voice was stern as he pulled a pair of zip ties from his pocket. Ghost appeared next to where I stood, his eyes falling on my pallid face over to the cuffs in Price's left hand as his right one reached out for my wrist. "The fuck is happening," he boomed angrily, pointing a finger in Price's face. He paid no mind as he grabbed both of my wrists, forcing my feet to swivel around so my back faced him, my front facing to Ghost who's widened eyes fell down to my guilt-ridden face.

Tears brimmed my waterline as I felt Price slip the zip ties over my wrists before tightening them a little too much, my bleary eyes avoiding Ghost's at all possible costs. "Y/n Y/L/n, you are being detained by the SAS for the crimes you have committed against us," Price stated bitterly, glaring at the back of my skull with a look of pure resentment. "What the fuck?" Soap blurted, his head whipping around in my direction. Ghost shook his head, reaching out for my arms, "No fucking way, where's your fuckin' proof!" He snarled loudly. My pained eyes met his wild ones, taking notice of the fear and hurt hidden beneath his hardened glare. "Laswell will explain everything," Price stated before latching onto my arms and dragging me with him toward a black military SUV.

My feet stuttered beneath me as I was yanked backwards, my side aching in pain as small trickles of blood seeped through my shirt. Against my better judgement I met Soap's stare, seeing how his mouth hung agape, his eyes wide with shock written all over his features. Ghost looked on at me blankly, slowly blinking as his gaze followed my battered body getting hauled away, shaking his head he slammed his rifle into the ground, shouting profanities at Price. Alejandro and Rodolfo glanced at each other with confused expressions, not believing what was happening. Even Gaz looked slightly confused, his eyebrows pinched together as some small traces of sadness made its way to his face. Tears rolled down the smooth contours of my skin as I looked at the ground, at my feet stumbling against the wet dirt. They didn't know what was happening, why this was happening. But I did, I did

Lies always have a funny way of catching up to you, I suppose.

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