The Blind Girl's Guardian Ang...

By XxImmortalsKissxX

32.8K 285 57

*read anyway please. its kills me to say this, but its on hold. im just really behind on things and ill work... More

1: Ava The Blind
2: Out To The Wild Steel City
3: Ava Valentine Who?
4: The Man Who Ran Into Me (Literally)
5: The Knight In Shining Armor. Without The Armor
6: I Like Evanescence, What About You?
7: Romeo's a Joker and Juliet's Blind. . . This Is A Happy Love Story
9: Dark Matters. . . Not That Stuff From Space
9 1/2: Dark Matters. . . Not The Stuff From Sapce
10: Look What The Wind Brought Me? Damn Not A Pony
11: Her Name Is Ava
12: Peace at Mind. I Think. . .
13: Dancing With Angels
14: The Cat's Out of The Bag (Who Put The Cat In There In The First Place?)
Note To Awesome Readers and Unicorns With Braces
15: Rise of the Fallen Demon Queen
16: Lilith's Wrath
17: Angel of Darkness
18: The Light Within The Darkness

8: Evacuate The Dance Floor If You Value Your Lives

1.6K 14 1
By XxImmortalsKissxX

“Please Mommy? Ava has to be my maid of honor!” Hanna begged.

“No! Honey, I'm sorry but Ava can't have any part of the wedding. The fact she's going is taking a risk. The paparazzi are going to be there, along with countless people who have no clue about her. I'm sorry, I really am but you're going to have to find someone else,” Mother said sternly.

“Mom, please. It's my wedding and Ava has to be part of it or it just won't be right! And if my cousin, who I barley see once a year is coming, then why can't Ava be part of the whole thing?!” she cried.

It was the day after Hanna had come home with Nico with the news and we were waiting for the wedding planer, Olive Tummer, to come. Apparently, she's a high-class wedding planner and had planned Mother's and Father's wedding.

“Honey! Please! Don't make this even more complicated then it already is! And that's final!” Mother said, her anger almost palpable.

I stiffened as footsteps approached. Nice shoes that squeak slightly against the marble floor. A servant then.

“Mrs. Valentine, Ms. Olive Tummer is here.” Manson said. I knew it. My all time favorite servant (besides Julia), Manson. He was about in his mid- forties and was sweet. He had a wife and 3 kids, 2 of which in high school and one in elementary. His family was a bit bankrupt. And even as a servant, he was a close friend. He was great for advice and made the best smoothies ever.

“Excellent! Let her in Manson!” Mother said excitedly, clapping her hands together. The sound of skin slapping onto skin slashed through the air like a whip, making me flinch. “Ava, darling, either go away or stay here and silent.” she directed to me, harshness lacing her words,

I sighed. “I'll stay. I'm bored anyway. Besides I want to meet Tummer.”

Ms. Olive Tummer has arrived!” a loud voice rang through the room, followed by the clop of uncomfortable high heels.

There were a shuffle of greetings and name exchanges as we all got settled in.

“Aw! What a perfect couple! And because it's my job, I'm going to plan the most spectacular wedding ever! I'm thinking a gorgeous flora scene. Wildflowers intertwining the banister and-”

Olive!” Mother interrupted.

“Oh yeah. Okay. So do you have any idea for the theme? I know it's all going to take place in the garden, so I'm thinking the floral theme. And-”

After that I just glazed out and drifted to la la land. Apparently, Kassper was there, too.

He kissed me. He actually kissed me! I have never been touched like that in my life. This is probably the best month of my entire life. But since my parents aren't going anywhere anytime soon, I would need help. I have to go on this date Kassper's just so keen on taking me. A romantic dinner? A moonlight walk in the park? Some sort of party? Kassper does seem like the type to party. But I have to tell someone. Julia already knows. And I trust her with my life. I told Sage every detail (Okay not every detail). She said she could help me get ready. I declined that offer. Julia has the day off so there's no point in asking.

There's Hanna. But she's so busy with the wedding and her future. I can't fill up her schedule with me. She needs her space. And I need some tips for a dress. All the dresses I have are all frilly, itchy, long, uncomfortable, and/or heavy. Nothing I have would make Kassper drool. All over me maybe. Okay that was gross. But what about my hair? How would I know if it was messy or not. I bit my lip as I combed some knots out of my hair. And should I go natural with the make up or-?

When have I been so obsessed with what I look like?

The answer is never. I never had really cared about what I looked like or what people thought of me, the poor blind girl. They could never look past then the fact I was blind.

It must be the fact I'm about to go out with an actual guy. It's turning me into an actual girl. Okay. If I'm finally hitting the girl stage, then I need to meet with the expert. The one who could work absolutely anything.

I need to tell Hanna about Kassper.

Did I mention how much I hate being blind?


Kassper's POV

I was nervous. I never am. Ava's just so confident. Just not in her sense of direction. She was something you don't see in every girl. And I barley know her. But I want to know more about her. Simpler things. The things no one could really see behind her pale, sightless eyes.

I ran my hands through my dark hair and checked my reflection one more time before I left. I straightened my white tie over my black button up shirt and adjusted the pockets on my dark pants. I made sure there was no left over snack on my face. She may be blind but you never know.

“Going out?” Angel said from my bedroom doorway.

I turned to see her in my shirt and my sweats. Her blue eyes were narrowed and her lip was curled back revealing her pearly white teeth.

“What do you want Angel?” I asked angrily.

“You're going to go see that blind girl aren't you?” It was more of a statement then a question.


“So?” she snapped, “She's dangerous! No one knows why but just to be cautious and stay away from her! Can't you feel it? Everyday it grows, stronger. The darkness that seems to seep from her skin.”

To be honest, I have noticed that. It started the nigh at The Show. On stage, I swore I saw the shadows reach for Ava, stretching towards her. But never able to get to her. Like a unknown force within her was trying to call them to her.

“I have. I'm being cautious so don't worry-”

Being cautious? Since when have you been cautious? Your Caution's evil twin.”

“Angel! Shut the hell up for just a second!”

“No! Not until you see there's something wrong with her.”

“There's nothing wrong with her! I'll take a closer look tonight to see what's going on!” I pushed pass her and stride down the hall to the front door.

“There was an attack.” she stated.

I froze, my hand on the door knob. An attack?

“Just an hour ago. And they came with a warning.”

“What was the warning?” I said just barley above a whisper. An attack? They hardly ever strike first. Only if there's an even more powerful force leading them.

'She's rising. The Queen will destroy all that is and will be.'” Angel said. I turned to see she was as white as a sheet. “Please Kassper. Don't go. I have a really bad feeling about her. Like something involving that warning bad.”

“Then I'll investigate.”

Why?” she cried. I yanked open the door and stepped out. “Kassper I'm begging you not to go! Kassper I-”

The rest of her statement was cut off when I closed the door and was on my way.

Lilith, Ita, Lila, Ligeia. The name of the Mother of all that's evil. She's getting stronger.

And Ava has something to do with it.


Ava's POV

The dress wasn't as uncomfortable as all the others, but still itchy. And breezy.

I had told Hanna about my date with Kassper. She excepted it with a “OMG! My little sister is going on her first date! You know how long I've. . .” blah blah blah. So then we decided to have her make me look like a, well. . . a girl.

The dress I wore was black (So I was told) with a plunging neckline and a turned-up collar. It was sleeveless from the shoulders down, but the long black finger-less gloves I wore was connected to the dress with ribbon that wrapped criss-crossing up my arm from the top of the gloves to the sleeveless part of my dress. The skirt flared out like a long tutu that only reached halfway down my thighs. She let me keep my Doc Martins on, but insisted on make-up. She had dappled my eyes with supposedly dark eye make up and put supposedly pale lip gloss. All in all, I felt sticky and open. Really open. Like little-to-the-imagination open. When I had told Hanna that, she said excacly. Love ya too sis.

So here I was, standing outside in the cold autumn evening, without any sort of protection from the harsh wind. Hanna had managed to get Mother and Father busy for a while and snuck me outside at the base of the hill, ready for pick up. The lack of jacket still confused me. She said it'd be more romantic.

I heard a car pull up. A smile slid its way onto my face.

I heard the engine cut and the driver's door open. Footsteps followed.

“Hello Madame Valentine,” Kassper teased.

I rolled my blank eyes. “ Whatever Lord of The Dorks.”

“Aw that's harsh.” he stood in front of me now. I felt his warm breathe tickle the top of my head. Damn why does he has to be so tall?

“Oh you haven't seen harsh yet,” I said slyly.

“Are you suggesting something?”

“I could be suggesting a lot of things.” I waggled my eyebrows.

“Ava Valentine, I never knew you were such a player,” he laughed.

“No. You're the whore here.”

“You're right. I haven't seen harsh yet.”

I laughed. “Come on. Lets go. The guards might notice a suspicious van outside, kidnapping me.”

“Van? No. Suspicious? Yes.” he said. He slid his hand around my arm, making me flinch for a second from the sudden touch. “Come. To your carriage, Madame.”

“What's with you and calling me madame?” I said as he helped my into the low car. A sports car apparently.

“It suites you.” he shut the door then came around the other side and got settled behinf the wheel.

“Suites me? Just because I have lots of green doesn't mean I should be treated like royalty.”

“What?” he helped me with my seat belt, his hands brushing lightly against my shoulder and hip as he adjusted it and clicked it into place. I got goosebumps on my bare legs. Hopefully, he won't be able to see them. “Do like the name sweet pea better? Honey buns? Cookie? Just to tell you, you don't seem like a sweet pea to me.”

“You're right. Now those names just make me crave for some sweets,” I said shaking my head.

He chuckled under his breathe as he started the engine. I felt the smooth jerk of the car rolling away from my prison.

“How about Queen? That's more you.” he said as the car tilted slightly in a left turn.

I smiled slightly. “Queen. That's. . . fitting.”


Kassper's POV

She was gorgeous in that slimming black dress. The neckline showed enough cleavage for any guy to start drooling. The short tutu skirt gave an amazing view of her long pale legs. The Doc Martins adoring her feet just gave her a rebelling look. Ava's blue black hair was combed thoroughly for once with a small black clip-on bow in her hair. The dark eye stuff made her pale eyes stand out against her smooth pale skin. Her pale pink lips had the slightest shimmer on them. I wanted to kiss her again. To hold her in my arms again. I had no regret from the kiss from last night. If I could, I'd do it again.

Then my eye caught the pendent from around her neck. A small black onyx crescent moon. It glinted slightly in the pale moonlight, like a winking eye.

“How about Queen? That's more you.” I said as I eased the car around a bend.

A smile appeared on her lips. A small one that didn't show her teeth. But even then, it lit up her gorgeous face a bit. “Queen,” she said, “That's. . . fitting.”

Queen it is. It just seemed her. Powerful but beautiful.

We drove in silence for a few minutes, the car winding its way down the hill she lived on.

“So where are we going?” Ava asked. She seemed a bit uncomfortable, fidgeting with the hem of her skirt. It was sort of weird seeing her in a skirt. She seemed more of the sweeter and jeans type.

“That's a surprise,” I said smiling. I can't wait to see her face when she realizes where I'm taking her.


Ava's POV

The ground was vibrating as the music pumped on. It made my ears thrum and teeth vibrate against each other. People were jammed together on the dance floor, hooting and laughing. The smell of sweat and alcohol filled the heavy air.

“Welcome to la fiesta final,” Kassper said to me. His hand was laced in mine as he led me through the big building.

The ultimate party?” I asked.

“You know Spanish?”

I nodded. “Only a bit. I speak more French though. A little bit of Russian, Romanian, Chinese, and Italian, too.”

He let out a low whistle of amazement.

“Well anyway. This party is thrown by Addison Blackwatter once a year. Every year it gets better and better. And it's also one of the most exclusive high school party there is.”

“Addison? Isn't she your ex?” I asked.

“Well. . . yeah. That's how I managed to score some tickets to this. Don't worry.” he added, “No one can replace you.”

I smiled, “I may hate crowds but I wanna dance. Come on!”

We hit the dance floor and jammed to “Evacuate The Dance Floor” by Cascada. This party seemed exclusive. The place was huge judging from all the people packed into one room and how all the noise echoed off the high walls and ceiling. We danced to a few more songs, laughing, joking, teasing each other, and just having fun. Sweat glazed my skin and I was completely breathless. Kassper had to keep his hand on my so I wouldn't fall or run into something. Or so I think.

I did feel a bit claustrophobic. Like a sardine how I was backed between Kassper and a bunch of other people.

The song slowed to “All I Need” by Within Temptation. Kassper' strong arms wrapped around my waste and pulled me close. I wrapped my arms around his equally strong neck and slowly danced together. I stepped on his toes a few times, followed by a few muttered apologies. He led me through the dance gracefully, helping me get into the pattern of the song. I sang softly to Sharon Den Alden's gorgeous voice.

Don't tear me down for all I need

Make my heart a better place

Give me something I can believe

Don't tear me down

You've opened the door now

Don't let it close”

I was in a trance. Singing unconsciously. Just going with the flow of the song and the lyrics I know by heart.

I'm here on the edge again

I wish I could let it go

I know that I'm only one step away

From turning it around”

My trance was broken from the sound of a high girlish shriek that made my flinch and cover my ears so they wouldn't bleed. The noise came from my right.

Kassper?” the girl who shrieked said. The voice was familiar. Childhood familiar.

“Addison? Hey how's it going?” Kassper said pulling away from me a bit.

“You whore!” Addison screeched. So we meet for the first time, face to face.

“Addison! You should know! We're over, remember?” Kassper sighed over the music angrily.

“You dump me and go for her! I've never even seen her before! What the fuck, Kassper!” she continued to yell. My thoughts exactly. I was wrapped in Kassper's arms with my head rested on his chest. I felt the vibration of his vocal cords as he argued with Addison. The quick beat of his heart was right under my ear under, what felt like, a tie and button up shirt.

“Addison, you dumped me! So don't get jealous that I found another girl and one you haven't seen before. And you shouldn't be yelling at me about who I date who. You're the one who's on their, what, 9th? 10th boyfriend since you dumped me?” Kassper yelled.

Kassper!” she pleaded. “Baby come back! I need you! Just dump that bitch and join me upstairs!”

That remark set me off. “'Just dump that bitch'?!” I snapped spinning around with amazing grace. To face the general direction of Addison. “'Just dump that bitch'?!” I yelled again louder. “Honey you have no idea who you're dealing with! I will lock you in a Port-a-Potty, set it on fire, then kick it down a hill in a landfill filled with human waste! So if you value you're sanity you will back off bitch and get the fuck away from us!”

There was a deathly silence between us and multiple people around us watching the drama. I think they were.

“You're blind,” she said barley above a whisper. “Kassper, that bitch's blind.”

“Oh, I didn't know! I though I was just stuck in a game of a life-time of Heaven!” I snapped sarcastically. “ And I'm not deaf either!”

Silence. Then Addison burst out laughing. A few of the spectators joined in nervously. “Kassper! You have horrible taste! Of all the other gorgeous women in the world (like me for instance), you chose a low-life, self-conscious, blind girl? That's so retarded!”

I trembled not in fear, but anger. Fire y anger that boiled my blood. So I did the sesible thing. I located where her horrible mocking laughter was coming from. Then I punched Addison Blackwatter right in the nose. I felt my fist impact her once perfect nose and squished it under my fist. Blood gushed onto my face and I felt a few specs land on my face.


Kassper pulled me away before I could brake more of her. A few minutes later of pushing our way out of the hysteric crowd, we reached the cold air of the outdoors and he led me to his car.


We drove in silence for a few minutes then Kassper broke it.

“I'll just tell you now, I don't know a single who could punch someone.” he said, I heard the smile in his voice.

“Really?” I asked. I was still a bit pissed, but Kassper's comment had cheered me up a bit.

“Really. It was hot, actually.” he chuckled.

“Hot?” I arched my eyebrow. He thought I was hot? I was anything but hot or anything along those lines.

“Yeah. And you have surprisingly good aim. I thought you were going to hit her ear, though. You were aiming for her nose, right?” he asked.

“I was aiming for her face in general. Didn't know I'd get her dead center.” I giggled.

He chuckled. “She was pretty shocked, too. I doubt she'd ever met anyone like you.” he said laughing. Then he turned sober, “I've never met anyone quite like you.”

I blushed. I was speechless from that comment. What could I say? “Um. . . thanks. I mean it. So tell me, what was her facial reaction?”

He laughed. “It was hilarious! She was shocked and horrified all in one, twisted pancake! With the bloody syrup.”

“Hey you just ruined pancakes for me!” I said playfully slapping him. His arm I think.

AN: thanks for reading :) I love you all! Now how'd you like addison? Bitchy and dumb right? And kassper was more of how I imagined him. Sorry for not posting for a bit but I have a life yoou know. Please vote, commet, fan, watev! Just dont report me! D:

peace out home dawgs (wow I really cant pull that off)


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