sweet seduction

By cherrymoonss

10.7K 493 27

I was you're friend until you treated me as if I was dirt under your foot, but I swear I'll be the demon in y... More

Act one
chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter sixteen
act two
chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18

chapter nine

322 18 0
By cherrymoonss

The next day as she promised, she took the prince to the gardens after his classes with his mothers premission of course.

They played many games together and she told him stories of when she was just a little girl. He enjoyed them very much and begged to know more each time. This amused the favourite very much and she would almost always give into his pleas.

" Gülnihal hatun, let's play hide and seek" suggested the young prince as he ran from her for the third time that day, Gülnihal was well aware of this game since she played it with her own siblings.

The young prince wanted to be chased, Gülnihal did as he silently requested and a game of hide and seek was played for an hour until the prince grew tired. 

" Come my prince, let us go back inside. Your mother will be awaiting your arrival"

She was making her way to her mahidevran sultanas chambers with Mustafa holding her hand, then nigar kalfa cornered her, within caring that she was in the presence of the prince she told her that hurrem had requested to meet her. 

She was hesitant so quickly made up a swift lie, there was no way that Gülnihal was stupid enough to listen to that.

" I cannot, mahidevran sultana has requested me for prince Mustafa, I am to escort him to their chambers " 

" I will take the prince" she said, already taking his small hand in hers. Mustafa looked confused 

" Forgive me kalfa, but mahidevran sultana gave strict orders. I have to bring the prince back"

The kalfa shot her a look that spoke 'obey or you'll be punished ' 

Gülnihal decided on ignoring her, even after everything that had happened nigar remained loyal to hurrem as if she was the only sultana. 

" Gülnihal if hurrem requested to see you then you have to go, she out ranks you" 

Irritated and full of need to show this now over confident women her place, she turned her attention onto her and spoke in a silky smooth tone

" But prince Mustafa and mahidevran sultana out rank the both of us including hurrem hatun, if I show up late I'll inform the Sultana that you did not allow me to go to him"

Nigar had a look of a scared animal in her eyes as if she were a doe stuck in a trap.

" Are you threatening me, Gülnihal hatun?" She asked

Gülnihal shook her head explaining that she was only giving a reason if she was absent. The kalfa left after her point was made.

After spending some time with the prince, Gülnihal decided to leave for her chambers, it was the holy Thursday night yet the sultan called for no one. Mahidevran sultana wasn't that upset since she had visited the sultan in the morning and afternoon. 

" You are available now, are you not " said nigar once she left.

Gülnihal nearly had a heart attack, was this woman waiting for her the whole evening, she had half a mind to run back into the Sultanas chambers. But she didn't.

Reluctantly she followed her, once inside she saw esma who was sat in a corner of the room. With her sat another woman. 

Gülnihal wondered why she was even needed now that hurrem did not have the prince to look after. Yes she was pregnant, but surely only one maid would make do. 

" You called hurrem hatun" she said as she met her eyes

The red haired woman took one look at her and came closer, her eyes were red full of tears. Without any hesitation she slapped Gülnihal across her face.

Shocked and eyes burning with tears she could only look up at her, was she crazy? Did she realise what could happen if this got back to the Sultan

" Hurrem hatun, what are you doing. You said you only want to speak to her" said an enraged nigar kalfa. She placed herself between the two women.

Ah so nigar was a naive woman she thought in pity,but at least she tried to help her.

" She stole my beloved, she is a theif"! Hurrem cried out.

Gülnihal unable to control her rage, yelled back at her 

" This is a damn harem and every woman here is allowed to visit the sultan. You do not own him" 

" He was and will remain mine! I'll have you exiled you whore" she barked back 

Gülnihal laughed, was this woman thinking straight? 

" If I'm a whore for obeying the orders of the dynasty then what dose that make you? Pure? Inoccent? Face it Alexandra, if I am a whore then every woman who spent a night with the any sultan should be called a whore".

Hurrem froze, the mention of her birth name caused her mask of confidence and lack of understanding to crumble. Her eyes drifted off to face nigar kalfa who was just as shocked. But Gülnihal was not done just yet, she needed to make her understand.

" Yes hurrem hatun, that includes you, if we are speaking with a sane mind then, you yourself are a whore"

The two former friends held challenging eye contact and Gülnihal swore she felt as if hurrem was making some sort of silent promise, she would need to be on her gaurd from now on 

" Gülnihal hatun " said a trembling sumbal agha

All three woman looked his way. The tension broken, he then came closer only addressing nigar and Gülnihal

" Make your preparations, the sultan has called for you " 

Gülnihal smirked, she finally got the holy Thursday night. She heard hurrem scream as she was leaving.

The last words she heard from nigar were

" Hurrem hatun please calm down, think of your child"

Hurrem responded with  " don't tell me what to think about kalfa" 


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