The Alpha King's Slave (Book...

By AutumnShore1

165K 7.3K 372

Regal Eclipse Pack Series is now available on Amazon More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43

Chapter 27

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By AutumnShore1

Charlotte walked back over to the window seat, and sat down, picked up her book and read for a bit, before she dozed off again.

When she woke, it was dark and she realized she'd missed dinner. She sighed as she got up and decided to wander down to the kitchen anyway, but was surprised to find a tray of food on the table in her sitting room.

Charlotte sat down to eat, wondering who had brought it up. Brianna probably, maybe Ragnar. Definitely not Caleb. She finished quickly and debated on whether she wanted to venture down to the bath house. She had planned to go after dinner, so she could watch the sunset, but she'd missed that opportunity.

She walked back in her room and began to undress, then slipped on a dressing gown and piled her blond locks on top of her head. Then she began the trek down to the bath house.

At the bottom of the steps, she opened the door, and was immediately hit with the humidity that was produced. She pulled the door closed behind her, and grabbed a towel, then walked over to the tub, untying the belt of her dressing gown.

She stopped when she saw Caleb in the water, his head resting against a pillow, his eyes closed. She wondered if she'd be able to sneak out without bothering him and began to take slow steps backwards.

"What are you doing here, Charlotte?" he asked, not opening his eyes. Caleb had known the moment she'd entered the bath house, her scent permeating the air. He generally came down this late because he usually didn't have time earlier and he knew she wouldn't be here.

"I..." she stopped and took a deep breath. Why was she so intimidated by him? This wasn't like her. She lifted her chin. "I came down to bathe."

"This late? You weren't at dinner." He still hadn't moved. He'd noticed immediately that she'd been missing and had a tray sent up to her. The kitchen girl had told him Charlotte had been asleep.

"I fell asleep. I meant to come after dinner but ..." She stopped. "I'll leave."

"No, don't let me stop you. Go ahead and get in," Caleb said, and waited for her to balk at the idea.

Charlotte's mouth fell open as she looked at him. He wanted her to bathe with him? Well, it wasn't as if there wasn't enough room in the bath for twenty people, but it was still rather intimate. You've literally been naked in front of him more times than not. She tightened her jaw. Why did she feel like she was being tested? But she was supposed to be a companion to him, and so far all she had done was make him mad. She'd try not to tonight. And she now had the opportunity to thank him for freeing her from the prison that was her bedroom.

Charlotte tossed down the towel and slipped off her dressing gown, dropping it at her feet. She stood for a moment, relishing in the warmth from the room. Never in her life had she thought to be naked so much in front of a man and not be completely uncomfortable, but she wasn't with Caleb. Though now, he still hadn't looked at her.

She remembered his words from yesterday. I prefer you naked. He'd also threatened to take her entire wardrobe from her. The nerve of the man. But she supposed he could do it. She was nothing to him, and leaving her with no clothes would probably amuse him.

Charlotte walked down the steps into the tub and sat down on the opposite side from him, a little further down. When he still didn't open his eyes, she leaned her head back so she could look at the sky.

It was completely dark, and the moon was visible, along with the stars. She remembered nights that her father had taken her out to view the stars. They'd sat in companionable silence staring up at the sky. Charlotte felt a tear escape.

Caleb was surprised she'd agreed, but he knew she'd waged an internal battle first. He wasn't surprised that she had decided to get in. He was though, that she'd stood there for a moment naked. He'd purposely kept his eyes closed to make her feel comfortable enough to get in, though it had been very difficult not to stare. He could spend the entire day staring at her naked body.

Now that she was here, he wanted her to stay. She was quiet for a while, but the smallest sound of her sniffling had him looking up to see a tear running down her cheek. "Why are you crying?"

Caleb's voice startled Charlotte and she looked up to see him staring at her. Her skin heated under his dark gaze, her body seeming to know instantly when his attention was on her. It both excited and annoyed her.

"I'm fine, Alpha. I apologize for disturbing you." Not that she'd made any noise, but she did feel like she was intruding.

"Obviously, you're not fine." He hadn't taken his eyes off of her.

"Just .. old memories." Charlotte stared straight ahead now, avoiding his gaze. "From a previous life."

"One you wish to go back to?" He already knew the answer but said it anyway.

"That's not possible." She'd give anything to go back, to have her family back.

"Because you're my slave now?" Caleb asked. He knew he was pushing her buttons. Part of him wanted to see the fiery side of her again.

"Because they're gone," she said bitterly.

Caleb stopped then, realizing he'd pushed too far. He remained quiet for a while, staring up at the sky himself. It really was a lovely night. If things were different, he'd be sitting next to her with his arm wrapped around her waist, looking up at the sky with her.

Instead, he was stuck with a human he didn't want, who had turned out to be a mate he didn't want and who he couldn't get out of his mind, even though he mostly tried to avoid her.

Now she was sitting here near him and he was keenly aware that she wasn't wearing anything. He'd been so angry yesterday with her and Aydan. That was something he still wanted to get to the bottom of.

He opened his eyes back up and looked over at her. She had hers closed now, and there was no more signs of tears. He slipped across the water, and sat down next to her, purposely brushing his thigh against hers.

Charlotte hadn't even been aware that Caleb had moved until his thigh brushed hers, startling her. "Alpha, may I help you?"

"I'd like to finish our conversation from yesterday." He settled back next to her on the seat, knowing he was making her uncomfortable.

She moved so that her thigh wasn't touching his. "I wasn't aware that the conversation wasn't over."

"Oh it was far from over," Caleb moved closer again.

Charlotte gulped, remembering his words from yesterday. What will you do for me? She still wasn't sure what he was talking about.

"We were discussing your bedroom activities with Lord Aydan," Caleb reminded her.

Was he saying what she thought he was saying???? "Alpha, I don't know what you are referring to."

"What else did he do besides spank you?" Caleb asked.

"Nothing, Alpha. I'm not sure what you're implying." Charlotte was lost. One minute he'd made the accusation that she'd bedded Aydan, even though he knew for a fact that she hadn't, and the next he was talking about him spanking her.

Caleb felt annoyed. Why couldn't she just answer the question? She was always coy with him and it annoyed him to no end. "Did you enjoy being spanked by Alpha Aydan?"

"What?" Why would she enjoy that? Was he insane?

Suddenly, Caleb was right in front of her. He pushed her legs apart and was between them before she was aware of what was happening, his face inches from hers.

Charlotte gasped at how quickly he'd moved and how close they suddenly were. She'd had no warning; he was just suddenly in front of her. His hands were resting on her bare thighs and she could feel the tingles.

"Did you enjoy it when Alpha Aydan spanked you?" Caleb asked again, his eyes glowing briefly this time.

"No, Alpha. I did not enjoy it. But I was also hysterical when it happened." Charlotte dropped her gaze.

Caleb was taken slightly aback by her answer. Hysterical? Her?

'We don't know what Mate has been through,' Storm reminded him quietly.

He hated to agree with Storm about anything at the moment but the wolf was right. He had no idea what she'd been through. He searched her face but she was closed off, and he found himself wishing he could feel her emotions right now. He pushed that thought aside.

Charlotte pushed away the negative thoughts that had accompanied the memory of Aydan spanking her, and instead tried to focus on the man in front of her. Every time she was around him, it was like he was purposely trying to anger her. Had she liked it when Aydan had spanked her? What kind of a stupid question was that?

Caleb watched Charlotte's forehead wrinkle suddenly and she looked back up at him.

"People enjoy being spanked?"

Caleb laughed. "Yes Charlotte, some people enjoy it. It can be quite pleasurable if done right."

"More like painful," she muttered under her breath, and saw a smile appear on his face.

"Some derive pleasure from pain." Caleb stroked her thighs with his hand, causing her to gasp.

She didn't see how but if he said so, she supposed it must be true. She remembered when he had her bent over his desk yesterday, his hand squeezing her bottom. That had most definitely been pleasurable. Not as pleasurable as when he'd rocked his hips against hers though. She blushed and met his gaze again. His closeness unnerved her.

"Charlotte, did Aydan touch you to see if you were a virgin?" Caleb needed to know. He saw her cheeks turn bright red and she looked down.

"No," she whispered hoarsely.

He frowned. "That's not what you said yesterday." He tipped her chin up and saw the confusion on her face. "You said please don't do this to me again. It hurts. Did Aydan hurt you?"

A tear fell down her cheek. "Not him. Others."

Caleb brushed the tear away with his thumb. "Others? More than one before me?"

She nodded refusing to meet his gaze. He watched her swallow hard, as more tears fell. "Who?" he demanded.

She shook her head. "Please."

"Who Charlotte?" He grabbed her chin again. "Look at me."

She bit her lip and met his gaze, her cheeks bright red as tears trailed down them. "Please don't make me talk about it. I can't," she whimpered.

Caleb dropped his hand and groaned at himself. He was upsetting her again. He liked her temper, but now he was just hurting her. She wasn't angry, she was upset that he was stirring up things she didn't want to think about.

He stared at her for a moment longer then wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her up against him before sitting back on the bench behind him with her straddling him.

Charlotte gasped at the sudden change in position. She was extremely aware of every inch of her body that was touching him. It was such an intimate position. Her breasts were squished up against his chest, and he had one hand on her back and the other gripped her bottom, holding her tightly against him. She squirmed a bit at being locked so intimately against him, and he buried his head in the side of her neck. "Don't move," he growled. Charlotte froze, then gave in and relaxed against him as she felt herself calm down. If she was going to be stuck in his steely grip she might as well enjoy it. She wanted to dislike him but she just couldn't.

Caleb breathed in her scent deeply. He needed to calm down and so did she. One day, he'd find out who had hurt her, but not today. He desperately wanted to fully claim her as his but he needed to just content himself with this and then stay away from her for a while.

After several long moments, he forced himself to loosen his grasp on her. She sat back, looking at him. She was so beautiful. He stared at her for a moment longer, then sat her back down on the bench across from him and got out of the tub.

Charlotte watched him go, stunned at what had just happened. "Alpha?"

He stopped and turned back to her.

*Thank you for allowing me freedom today," she said quietly.

He nodded, then grabbed a towel and dried himself off before leaving the bath house.

Charlotte leaned her head back. Sitting with him like that had been both arousing and comforting. She didn't understand her own body and she most definitely didn't understand Caleb.

She sat a bit longer before heading back up to her room and crawling in bed. 

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