Ⓗunting Ⓨou (Hunter X Reader)

sun_ve द्वारा

46.9K 2K 10.2K

Y/N is 21, and is a wild witch, specialized in Beast Keeping, plants, and Potions. Once she left Hexside, she... अधिक



519 27 107
sun_ve द्वारा

Hunter POV:

When we got to Steve's house we set some of the things down near what was going to be my new room.

The shape of the apartment was pretty similar to
Y/ns. It just had an extra built in room, which was going to be my room.

Y/n got another phone call from Viney and she went outside to take it. I started getting nervous as she was calling her, she didn't come back inside for a while.

I was setting up my room and Steve was helping me. He was helping work on the desk we got while I was working on the bookshelf. I already hanged and sorted my clothes.

After a bit I already finished the bookshelf so I was helping Steve finish up the desk.

"Is everything good with her?" Steve asks.

"That guy she used to be with. I saw him, so she's calling Viney to ask if he's still contained or not." I shrug.

"...she's been out there for a bit." Steve says.

"...I swear to Titan if he's escaped." I mumble.

"I'm just as concerned as you are, she told me what happened with that guy. It really pissed me off how he was talking to her about having a kid just like that while he was giving her that damn sigil. Dudes gotta know his boundaries." Steve shakes his head.

"Disgusting." I mumble.

"I'm surprised Viney turned out to be so good while being raised with that dude considering their siblings and all." Steve chuckles.

"He's older than her right?" I tilt my head.

"Older brother, yeah." Steve says.

"...Parents must have favored the younger child I guess." I smile.

"Hahah, true." Steve smiles.

"Can you grab that piece? I think this should finish this part of the desk." Steve says.

I nod and hand him the piece he needs when I hear Y/n open the door to the apartment and come back in.

I stand up and I walk over to her.

"Well? Is he still there?" I ask.

She has a big smile on her face and she's holding her scroll tightly. I look at her confused.

"Viney checked and he is still there." She nods.

"So it was just a misconception!" She says.

I furrow my eyebrows and I glance at Steve who's peering his head through the other room. How in the world is that possible?

...I know I saw him.

"Then why were you out there on your scroll for so long?" I ask.

"Because! Viney was telling me about her date! They held hands! And they hugged!" She grins excitedly.

"Oh! Uh.. good for her..! You were really making ne worry." I nod and smile.

My mind is still fixated on how the hell I saw him then. I saw him as clear as day, he smirked and scoffed at me.

"Sorry I should have told you right away before me and Viney continued talking." She smiles.

"I'm... so confused how I saw him... I swear I saw him." I say gently.

"You're probably just paranoid. Viney said he was still there." She shrugs.

"Did she say anything else? Like what he was doing or anything?" I ask.

"She said he was really quiet, and he was sitting really still. Like he was zoned out or something. I honestly think he might be going crazy." She says.

"Oh speaking of that! Did you know he had nightmares about you?" She grins.

"Wait- what?" I scoff.

"Well not nightmares, but hallucinations, you know cause of the nightshade." She says.

"Tch, serves him right." I fold my arms.

"Yeah, he told me and Viney all about it. We went to visit him together one time and it was pretty crazy, what he was telling us." She says.

"What was he seeing of me exactly?" I scoff and smile a little.

"He was saying shit like... Hunter it was actually kinda creepy how he described it I'm gonna be honest with you." She says.

"What exactly did you tell him when you were strangling him when it happened?" She asks.

My cheeks turn pink and I scratch the back of my head.

"Uh- I was just threatening him- a little." I say embarrassed.

"Well he told me and Viney he kept seeing you and you were saying stuff like how you would kill him, and how you'll kill him in hell and stuff." She smirks.

I get embarassed and I hide my face.

"...I was mad at him..! okay?" I say flustered.

"Damn Hunter." She smirks again.

I shake my head and look back into the room and Steve finished up the last bit of the desk.

"It's done!" Steve grins.

"Oh nice." I say and go over to look at it.

I look at the room. The bed is a nice red color and the desk we got is a nice wooden brown along with the bookshelf.

I frown a bit when I look at it. I wish I could get my books at home.

"Is this everything?" Steve grins.

I nod. It definitely seems like it.

"Sweet, welcome to the guild." Steve smiles.

I smile a little and he pats my back. I look over at Y/n who's studying my room now that it's all set up.

"We should get some decorations later, it'll give it more of a look." She smiles.

I nod.

"Maybe we could make like a painting or something together to hang up. That would be fun." She grins.

I smile, and rub my shoulder a little.

"Is there anything else you guys are gonna do today?" Steve asks.

"Yes! I had an idea for something!" She says and takes my arm.

I glance at her and my eyes widen in curiosity.

"I figured we could go into town together, just us. You know for fun?" She smiles.

I blink a few times and my cheeks and ears go pink. I nod a little.

"Oh like a date?" Steve asks raising an eyebrow.

"Yes that's exactly it." She glances back at him also raising an eyebrow.

Steve looks at me and then at her. I get embarrassed, and look down at the ground. We both know he's gonna say something stupid.

"No exchanging saliva." Steve then says.

"STEVE!" She says.

They continue to bicker like siblings and I just let whatever they're bickering about mute in the back of my ears. I don't say anything I just bite the inside of my cheeks and my ears get slightly red. Its best if I don't say anything.

Instead I just sit there thinking about the fact he would probably kill me if he knew about that night me and Y/n had on the boat. I don't suspect she'd tell him, but I know if he were to ever find out about that i'd be dead.

"Okay! See you!" She finally says and we both walk out.

Your POV:

We're in town. It's bright out but at the same time kind cloudy. It's a little after noon, around 2 pm.

"Do you wanna get milkshakes?" You grin and nudge him.

He smiles and nods.

"That's like that one time remember, we got milkshakes but ended up drinking alcohol instead." You laugh softly.

"That was your first time having it! Right?" You then ask.

"...yeah." He blushes.

"You didn't get that drunk you seemed a little tipsy though, I don't know... I don't really remember either of the things we said." You smile.

"I called you beautiful." He stares straight at you.

"Oh Titan, wait- YOU DID?" Your eyes widen.

"You must have forgotten." He folds his arms.

"I was drunk, you were just a little tipsy." You say.

Hunter looks away and then remembers something and laughs to himself softly, covering his mouth with his wrist. You look up at him confused, but you smile at his laughter.

"Why are you laughing?" You ask.

"Uhm... hah... I never told you this, after I left that night it kicked in some more later. Uhm..." He shakes his head and laughs softly.

"What?" You smile.

He shakes his head and chuckles a little bit.

"Heh.. Uhm.. when I got back to the castle that night, I ran into Kiki, I think it was Kiki, she was short so it had to have been her." Hunter smiles.

"Uhm... but anyway, she said something... probably an obnoxious little hello or something... and.. haha! Uhm..!" He stutter a little trying not to laugh.

"She kept going on about something, but I couldn't really hear or understand her and the more I looked at her the more short she looked, so I interrupted her mid sentence and I told her I couldn't hear anything she was saying because she was so far down I could barely hear her." Hunter smiles.

"OH MY TITAN HUNTER." Your eyes widen.

"The worst part is I tried to kneel down to get on her level, and I failed to simply kneel down and I fell on my side." Hunter smiles.

"HUNTER." You say.

He smiles.

"I quickly got up and just went to my room because I knew I shouldn't stay there with her long." He says.

"WAS SHE MAD AT YOU?!" You ask.

"Hahah..! I don't even remember." He smiles.

"Titan! How the hell did you get away with that?" You ask.

"I just did, I mean, even if she were to tell Belos I really don't think he would care. Even Belos doesn't like Kiki that much." Hunter smirks.

You both walk in to the little shake stop and get some shakes together. Hunter got vanilla and you got (flavor). After that you go back outside and walk around again.

"I think it would be kinda funny to see you drunk." You say sipping your shake.

"Oh Titan." Hunter says.

"When I am I literally talk about like... anything, I say whatever comes to mind even if it's not really appropriate to say, and I talk too much, I'm kind of impulsive and I do whatever my brain tells me when I'm drunk." You say.

"And then I just say something stupid and fall over." Hunter rolls his eyes.

"Pfft." You smirk.

You both continue walking and talking. There's a fountain nearby and you both decide to go over and sit on the edge of the fountain. There isn't many people around, it's easygoing just a few people every now and then.

When you sit down you go for his hand and you hold it. He doesn't mind and he take it and holds your hand in his.

He strokes his thumb against your hand.

"Hey. I actually wanna ask you something." You say and look up at him.

He takes a sip from his shake and then looks at you tilting his head slightly, waiting for your question.

"What do you wanna do? When you officially join?" You ask.

His lips drop from the straw.

"Like... there's different job offers. Viney works at a clinic for magical beasts, she actually helped create the clinic herself, with the help of some friends she had in Hexside." You say.

"Um... there's distributing, some people go up here and get clothes and other things for people who can't really leave that much, you could teach at the school we have down there, if you're into that." You say.

"School? You guys have a school?" His eyes widen.

"It was actually made a year ago, it's kinda new." You say.

"Um... you cold work at a stall... you could work with the scouts with me and Steve." You say.

"I wouldn't mind working with you or Steve, I'm familiar with the subject anyway." He says.

"I figured, You could be a good help too, since you're an ex emperors coven boy." You whisper.

He frowns and stops rubbing his thumb against your hand. You glance at him and notice his sort of gloomy expression.

"Hunter?" You say.

"...I'm not used to it. It feels weird being called that, all my life that's who I was." He says, putting his shake down at his side.

He goes quiet and scratches the back of his neck.

"Well... not necessarily all my life, I literally don't even have a childhood." He whispers sadly.

He goes quiet again and then he looks down at his feet in the ground. You put your milkshake down at your side and look him in the eyes putting your hand on top of his, he looks at you.

"I hope you know that you're doing great right now Hunter." You say.

"What are you talking about?" He says confused.

"...This all must be so hard for you, scary too. And I hope you know these emotions your feeling regarding all of it is normal, it's okay to feel upset." You say.

"All this stuff about who you are and stuff... its really hard, I bet. But... you're gonna feel better." You say.

"Don't let it define you as a person. Let your own thoughts and feelings define you as who you are." You smile.

Hunters ears turn pink and he looks away.

"If you do that, I'm sure you'll feel a bit better okay?" You smile.

"And... you're doing the right thing leaving there." You say.

You take his hand tighter and you rub your thumb on his hand. He blinks faster and watches you talk.

"And... I'm really proud of you, for getting through all this and doing all this." You smile gently at him.

He blinks a few times more and his face gets pink. He tears up a little and sniffs silently. He looks away from you slightly and rubs his eyes.

You smile softly.

"...Thanks." He says very softly.

He rubs his thumb against your hand again. You smile and decide to kiss his cheek. His ears perk up and turn pink as soon as he feels your lips against his skin.

He looks over at you for a few moments, and then he looks around to see if there's any few people nearby.

But it's just you and him sitting on the edge of the fountain. He looks back at you and holds your cheek in his palm.

"...I really like you." He says softly.

"Do you?" You smile.

He smiles awkwardly and laughs softly to himself. He nods and leans closer to you, like he wants to kiss you.

The closer he gets you close your eyes. You set your hand down to lay it against the edge of the fountain.

You were just trying to position yourself appropriately to kiss him when your hand thought it would be a splendid idea to just slip.

Before you know it you immediately fell in the fountain, like a cartoon. There's a loud splash and your face gets submerged under the water and you accidentally breathe some in through your nose, and accidentally swallow half of it.'

You quickly lift your head up and cough loudly from the water you just inhaled. Hunter looks at you with wide eyes, processing what the heck just happened.

"Oh my Titan." He says softly trying not to laugh.

"UGH!! NO!" You exclaim angrily. Your outfit ruined and dirty from this dirty water.

"Pfft- I'm so sorry- a-are you okay?" He smiles a little and pulls you up out of the fountain.

"Damn it!!" You huff angrily and squeeze your wet clothes.

"Hahahah! It's okay, let's get you home." He smiles and puts his hands on your shoulders.

"Cold dirty water!!" You exclaim.

"I swallowed it! Fuck!" You say.

He takes his jacket off and puts it around you, you take it eagerly and hug it around your body tight. He laughs softly.

"This is not funny." You say grumpily.

"I'm sorry! I didn't expect that would happen!" He laughs.

"Mean! You're mean!" You say to him.

"I am not mean." He smirks.

"Your fault! All your fault! You shouldn't have leaned in jerk!" You say.

"I'm sooo sorry." He smiles and holds your hand.

"Ughh!! I need to change!!!" You say and grip his warm dry hand with your cold wet one.

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