To Love A Beast

By 8-Youtsu-8

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Chizuru's forgotten past comes back alive when she meets a mysterious fellow out in the forest. With her new... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 13

282 14 5
By 8-Youtsu-8

Osamu made his way to the courtyard where he and Kazama have talked. He felt like taking out his anger at his 'best friend'. What made him angrier was because he didn't understand why he got angry or jealous in the first place with Chizuru.

He kicked a rock into the small pond that was starting to freeze. It was getting colder everyday, no doubt a snowfall will happen soon this month. Osamu loved snow, he liked the way his fur looked when snowflakes fell on it. It looked more white against his black fur.

He enjoyed it more while hunting, watching the prey's blood drop on the snow made it so vibrant. How after sinking into the cold, the liquid turned almost black with a tint of red.

Something like that is disgusting to find satisfaction in but that is how he viewed his winter. He often wondered how Chizuru would look if there was blood dripping from her body onto the snow. Her pale and delicate neck pierced by the fangs that murdered her family.

Osamu shaked his head verociously, making those ugly and violent thoughts go away. "What the fuck is wrong with me?" he asked himself out loud.

"You yourself know that answer, Takeshi. You should also know that when I say sleep outside, you stay outside like a good dog" Kazama's voice was heard behind, he had no other way to show himself. Osamu ignored him and kept on kicking the pebbles in the pond, "Do you remember how the Yukimura clan was wiped off?" he asked suddenly.

That was out of nowhere, Kazama went to have a seat on an old bench under the tree,"The clan had burned in a hellish fire" he answered. (You creatures should be used to those fires no?) his inner wolf growled, Osamu sighed. There was no way he can tell Kazama about the situation he is in, this man has other problems himself. Like repaying debts to a certain clan.

Kazama had taken out his pipe for a smoke, assuming this would take quite a while, he had nothing else to do but stay and loiter around. "Do you know anything about the clan leader's death?" he asked next more demandingly, Kazama glanced his ruby eyes at him and let out a huge cloud of smoke. He smirked wondering why the sudden interest in Chizuru's clan. "They were victims of the fire I believe, there were no remains found", he sipped on his pipe and kept the smoke in his mouth before letting it out.

Osamu stood there watching how his old friend smoked, he was feeding poison to the trees infront of him. The smell of smoke also made him twitch, it reminded him of that night he murdered Chizuru's parents. How the thick clouds of smoke clogged his nostrils.

Speaking of Chizuru, he kinda hoped she would come after him like last time. But she might've felt awkward if her betrothed was here too, he wondered if she even rememberd him. Kazama sure shows his possessivness openly for her but from the supposed bride's side nothing has been said. So far, Chizuru absolutely does not remember him at all.

Kazama chuckled lowly, his deep voice will make you shiver from the bone, "You are having some sort of conflict, aren't you Takeshi?". Osamu stepped back making fists, the Oni was right. Not being able to tell Kazama his greatest sin was hard, what was worse is that Osamu might want Chizuru all to himself. He would've thought she would be a depressed girl but instead she is the total opposite of what it was. He would admit when he had his nightmare, being snuggled in Chizuru's arms was as comforting, or even more, than the bed of animal hides in his cave.

"I can see it in your soulless dark eyes, don't tell me I'm wrong"

"You're right. I might as well say it now. Chizuru's parents weren't burned to death...they were murdered" Osamu began saying after taking a few deep breaths.

"Is that so? Who is it that murdered them?"

"I murdered them. While I was on an uncontrollable rampage, I saw them with Chizuru and her twin. I couldn't control my hunger and... killed them" he finished saying, the only part that he left out was he did it infront of the twins.

Kazama raised his eyebrow as if it was nothing interesting, he found it as something he could use against Osamu. He smoked his pipe again and blew the smoke towards Osamu, Kazama already saw he hated the smell. "Why are you telling me this Takeshi? I could kill you for ruining my betrothal with her but then I guess it wouldn't be as interesting to try and woo her" Kazama answered sounding snide.

Knowing this was the best and only moment to tell Kazama the truth, the wolf took his stance and prepared for any blow Kazama was about to give him,"I want Chizuru".

Instantly, Kazama snapped his head towards Osamu and gritted his teeth,"That territory is off limits my old friend" he stood up and walked towards Osamu and started to pull his katana out.

Osamu clenched his fist and began growling, his eyes were turning red and his canines were growing out, Kazama was threatening him. "I made her an orphan, it's my responsibility to take care of her" he spat, his crimson eyes never turned away from the Oni's glowing golden eyes.

Osamu gritted his pearly whites,"And I need her"

Kazama laughed and turned his katana upside down, pointing it directly at Osamu's heart,"Is this beast finally coming to love? Pathetic, Chizuru would never fall for you. She is my betrothed and I won't let you get in the way" he said. Osamu kept a stoic face, his throat still growling, he meant what he said.

"Kazama, it's time to go" another deep voice joined. Both men turned to a red haired man with a long ponytail and icy blue eyes. Osamu didn't recognize him at all but he looks pretty old and organized. Kazama smirked and put his katana away, his eyes turned to the same crimson demon color and his hair back to blonde.

Osamu tried to control himself but his eyes were still glowing red, "I suggest you prepare yourself for a fight pup. I'll be coming to see Chizuru soon" Kazama said lastly before vanishing in the wind.

Osamu picked up the boulder Kazama sat on and threw it at a tree raging in madness. He should have never mistaken that demon for a friend. Those hellish monsters only lie and decieve everyone for their own personal gain, thinking themselevs as a superior race. They are no better than humans at all.

Osamu growled and held his head while grunted loudly,"Ggrrraaahh!". His inner beast was coming out but Osamu wouldn't let him. He felt the beast claw his way out of the small weak cage inside him, Osamu felt his hand transforming into paws, he needed to calm down fast. Last night he calmed down by listening to Chizuru's voice.

"Where is Chizuru?" he grunted holding his body together. He dragged his feet to their room, as he did he caught a sight in which was a very bad time to see. Green Eyes was asleep on her lap while she had her hand on his head,(That whore, so you do that to any defenseless man) he growled even louder.

Osamu walked faster not deciding if to go to Chizuru or run somewhere else, he turned left and right. His ears have come out, his tail was next and that was when the worst pain will come after.


The wolf turned to Chizuru, who was exiting out of Green Eyes' room, she probably saw him already...tranforming. Osamu looked at her and turned away, his snout was coming out already, what would she think of him now? Osamu ran towards where he can see trees, maybe he could hide there.

"Osamu-san!!" he heard Chizuru scream from behind. Was she actually going to follow him? He hoped not, he was afraid he might attack her a third time. He ducked his head from trees and branches, getting a scratch or two on his face.

The fur from his legs started to grow out, this was the second worse pain he felt while transformig. Growing his fur out felt like a thousand needles poking out of his skin simultanously. The hind legs were already visible, along with his fluffy black tail. Now came the worst part, getting his spine in place. Osamu twitched, he wouldn't be able to run away like this, it was too painful. He dropped on the ground and endured the shifting of bones happening in his back.

"Osamu-san!!" Chizuru reached him and fell on her knees, catching her breath. As she opened her eyes, she flinched or rather jumped back when she saw Osamu lying on the ground, being half wolf and half man. Osamu held his hands on his face, biting his hand so the pain from it can distract him from the other one. His brows were furrowed, and he was sweating buckets, and it also looked like he was having a very hard time to breathe.

Chizuru reached out her hand, it automatically wanted to touch Osamu and couldn't hold it back, "Osamu-san?".

Osamu forced open his eyes, seeing Chizuru infront of him with a terrified expression,"Chizuru... Get away" Osamu grunted, he clenched his teeth and growled.

Chizuru didn't listen to him, and stayed where she was, trembling. It's not that she was trying to be brave, but she was afriad of what was happening to Osamu. She wanted to help him but didn't have the slightest idea on how to.

Osamu's body was nearly finished, his head was the last of the transformation. He wanted Chizuru to leave so badly but she stubbornly stayed. He could kill her if his beastly self came out in control,"Leave. Me.Alone!!" he yelled just as he finsihed turning into a full grown wolf. He thrashed around, being pissed for not having stretched out his legs in a while.

Chizuru stayed breathless as her new friend turned into the black wolf that had attacked her a few nights ago. She stared at him with fearful eyes instead of concerned ones. Chizuru began to stand up, only to be a mistake since the wolf saw her already.

"It's her. It's her. I'll finish what I started a long time ago"

She's your friend

"She's my food"

You wouldn't eat her even if you wanted to

"Watch me"

Osamu lunged at Chizuru, not giving her a chance to escape. He scratched her cheek with his claws and teared the new yukata she wore,"Osamu-san!" she cried. He ripped the bottom edges and tore the obi in half, Osamu was about to beat her to death. Chizuru was starting to feel her blood spill from a few scratches, but she doesn't blame him. She knows Osamu is a good person and wouldn't do something like this.

He pounced on her like he did last time, looking for a good aim to take a chunk out of her.

"I'll let you see your parents soon you hellish Demon"

As he was going in for the bite, Chizuru grabbed the rock and hit him with it. Osamu yelped, he shaked his head furiously. When he turned to her, his second senses finally came in place.

She was whimpering, her eyes still had that look when he was about to kill her. "This isn't you. You are kind" she glared at him. The wolf looked at her injuries, he clawed her cheek and ruined her new clothes. Her chest was almost open, but he could see the scarring mark he gave her.

Osamu almost killed her again, he had some nerve to say he had the responsibiltiy to take care of her. A protector wouldn't kill a person they were supposed to protect.

(I...did that?) he thought, Chizuru was breathing calmly and was glaring at him, waitng when he will turn back to his human self.

What did I tell you? You simply can't kill her

How can this be?...

You don't want to hurt her

I have to

But you can't

No...I can't...but it's too painful to be near her

He can't be with Chizuru any longer. Their meeting wasn't fate, only an unfortunate coincidence. He knows she was completely fine until they crossed paths. He could have let it go but his damn stubborness refuses to.

Osamu looked at the injuries he left her and dashed deeper into the forest, where best he will protect Chizuru from him.

"Wait, Osamu-san, don't go!" she cried out after him.

A small wave of dizziness swept her head, feeling foreign to her. She wasn't sure how the feeling of blood loss was despite seeing countless soldiers falling because of it. She certainly hoped death wasn't the only option.

The deep cut on her chest stung a little, her adrenaline was wearing off. A sign to head back quickly.

She worried terribly on her way home, what if something bad happened to him? She can't leave him alone right now, when he needs help. Chizuru ran, or tried to, back to headquarters to tell everyone, they needed to find Osamu as soon as possible.

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