Masked Love -Mattheo Riddle

By Lyra_Nightshade

82K 1.4K 1.7K

Two broken souls with glass hearts, who despise each other with a passion, meet once more behind masks and sh... More

Background info
1. Invitations
2. Nightshade Manor
3. The Masquerade Ball οΏΌ pt. I
4. The Masquerade Ball pt. II
5. The Masquerade Ball pt. III
6. Nocturnal birds
7. 'To, my Nightingale'
8. Dream or a Nightmare?
9. Love, your Raven
10. Love, your Nightingale
11. Depressing train ride
12. Uninvited
13. The Slytherin Party pt. I
14. The Slytherin Party pt.2
15. The Slytherin Party pt.3
16. The Slytherin Party pt.4
17. The Slytherin Party pt.5
18. The Slytherin Party pt.6
19. Missing
20. A hickey?
21. The Room of Requirements
22. Havoc
23. Letters from no one
24. The Plan (timeskip)
25. Acceptance
26. Fate?
27. Please read!
New Chatacters
28. The Second Ball pt.1
29. The Second Ball pt.2
30. The Second Ball pt.3
31. Pansy Holmes and Astoria Watson
33. Persuasion
34. Grief and Acceptance
35. Plotting
36. Distraught
37. Plan in action
38. Revelations
39. Beginning of War
40. The Pensieve
41. Ending of war pt. 1
42. Ending of war pt. 2
43. Eventful
44. Preparations
45. The Final Ball
Author's note
Plots I didn't include

32. Girl to girl talk

1.2K 24 36
By Lyra_Nightshade

We're continuing this chapter from
Lunch time, after what happened in the last chapter.

Lyra's POV:

I had skipped breakfast, now it was lunchtime.

I finally got out of my room and walked downstairs to find Pansy and Astoria in the sitting area.

I remembered their interrogation. I know they're mad I sort of ditched them, but I had a good reason, I hope. They were asking me questions, they somehow knew I was with someone, I can only hope they don't know who, but then again, would it be that bad if I know his identity? I can't risk it, not yet at least.

Astoria turned her head and noticed me. I gave a faint smile, she stared for a second before smiling back and nudged Pansy who stared at me wide eyed before she relaxed and smiled, inviting me over.

I wonder what that was about.

"Hi girls." I smiled

"Lyra, you missed breakfast." Astoria smiled.

"Yeah, wasn't hungry." I chuckled

"So about the ball last night." Said Pansy.

I grew tense "what about it?"

"you ditched us, but we're willing to forgive and forget for a teeny tiny price." Said Pansy.

What could they want? Probably like snacks or something right? Pansy has an unhealthy obsession with muggle food, especially ice cream. I could do that.

"Alright, what do you want?" I asked.

"Who were you with during the ball?"

O fuck.

"Umm, I was with... myself! Yeah, I felt nauseous and took a walk." I tried lying

I heard Pansy snicker and glared at her.

"Lyra, who was that guy with you at the ball." Astoria asked as clearly as she could, but it felt like she knew?

Well, let's see, I don't even know his identity, would it really be that bad if I told them that much?

I took in a breath, "how about we talk about this after lunch?" I put on a fake smile.

They shared a look then nodded and we went to the dining hall for lunch.

It was a very quiet one.

Mattheo seemed to be distracted with something and simply stared down at his plate while he ate while Kayla kept smiling at him and batting her lashes. Bitch. Wait why am I mad?

Something was definitely up between Draco and Jessica, they shared secret glances at each other, but never directly looked at each other.

Ezra looked at Astoria a couple times, but she seemed to not notice.

Theodore and Enzo seemed to be the only ones chatting and joking. Marcus seemed abnormally quiet, while Eliana seemed anxious about something and kept playing with her food with her fork.

I was glad I wasn't the only one wanting to keep quiet. My mind wandered back to my masked lover? No, that's not right.

We quickly finished lunch and I hurriedly ran to my room before Pansy could stop me.

I closed my door, locked it and sat down on my bed, book in hand, and o per it to where I had left off.

About five minutes passed by, then suddenly, my peace with interrupted by a small knock.

I hesitantly asked "who is it?" But I already knew the answer, sort of.

"It's me Ly, open up." I calmed down at the sound of Eliana's voice.

I walked up to the door and Eliana walked in and as I was about to close it, Pansy, Astoria and Jessica walked in as well.

I stared at them. Astoria started,

"They know."

"Know what?" I asked

"We told them that you were with a guy during the ball, and ditched us for him."

O dear.

Astoria's POV:

We hadn't told them that we believe it's Mattheo, we simple said that we know the reason Lyra wasn't with us at the ball, and that it was for a guy. It seemed unlikely for her to do that so they agreed to help us find out who, little do they know, we already know, we just need to know if she knows.

"Lyra, so, who was this 'guy' they keep talking about?" Jessica asked "who is he that he managed to keep you away from us? What is he more important than us?!" She sort of yelled while Pansy and i  kept smirking and sharing glances at each other while Eliana watched them amused.

Lyra looked nervous, something she doesn't usually show.

"Okay, fine. I'll come clean. Sit." We sat on her bed and waited for her to speak but first she cast a silencing charm then stood in front of us and gulped.

"Okay..." she said as we all waited very impatiently for her to start.

"So, I don't know who he is." I smirked and looked at Pansy who was also smirking as the other two looked intrigued.

"You don't know who he is?" Asked Eliana.

"So, you ditched us for a stranger?" Asked Jessica narrowing her eyes.

Lyra sighed, "no. There's more." Now we were intrigued, what more could there be?

"So, remember the ball at the beginning of the year?"

We nodded.

"I met him then."

Okay, so they met behind masks at the first ball, then at the second and never knew each other's identities.

"So you ditched us for a guy you met twice in your life?" Asked Jessica.


"WELL TOO BAD CAUSE YOU DID." Jessica yelled back.

"Hang on." Said Lyra "where were you near the end? When I came back you weren't there."

She was right.

"I was umm in the bathroom." Said Jessica

"Now that I think about, Draco wasn't there either." Said Lyra

"What does that have to do with me?"

"You seemed to be a bit distracted at lunch today, any relation?" Smirked Lyra.

"I umm THIS ISN'T ABOUT ME!" Yelled Jessica.

"Jess, were you with Draco?" Asked Eliana.

Jess was now red and flustered. She ran and hugged Eliana sobbing into her shoulder.

"Yes, yes I was with Draco." She sobbed.

Eliana comforted her, well tried to at least while Lyra looked happy to be right about them.

"Don't get too happy missy, we're not done with you yet." I said to her.

I'm so happy to be back
Finally finished this.


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