Tech x OC

By Espeongirl13

605 25 5

Tech is about to be with the canine of his dreams. More

Roxy Wolf
chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22

chapter 6

19 1 0
By Espeongirl13

it was another day in Acmetropolis and the team was doing their own thing until they heard an explosion, then ran to Tech's lab as they all saw both Tech and Roxy covered in smoke.
Roxy: i told you that wouldn't work (coughs) aya i swear sometimes with you babe.
Tech: maybe we crossed the wrong wires but that has never happened before. Roxy rolled her eyes and grabbed her pliers along with her protective goggles then got to work, fixing what had happened and found a couple wires then fixed them.
Roxy: i got it fixed Tech try it now. Tech tried the invention and it worked then Roxy put her tools away then heard her stomach grumble, even Tech heard it and looked at his girlfiend.
Tech: did you eat breakfast at all this morning?
Roxy: no i forgot since i was too cooped up in training also the only thing i ate was some Pan Dulce. Tech shook his head and walked over to Roxy as he held her close.
Tech: Roxy why don't we go out tonight just me and you?
Roxy: are you sure Tech?
Tech: yes i figured you could use a night to relax since we've been working hard, so we will be going out tonight just us for our first date. i hope your up for it just us two.
Roxy: alright i'm up for it so see you tonight Tech. Roxy went to her room and decided to get cleaned up since she was covered in grease while Tech was trying to think of somewhere to take Roxy, then heard his team mates talking he asked Ace Lexi, and Rev for some advice.

Ace: well why not take Roxy somewhere you both like.
Rev: Ace is right you know what Roxy likes the most since you two were friends.
Lexi: he's right. but when did you guys meet?
Tech: i was outside the Acme Institute and we just ran into each other.

*flash back*

Tech was outside working on a blue print and heard music then saw a wolf playing her guitar, he thought she was amazing at playing Tech walked over and cleared his throat which scared the wolf.
Roxy: oh jeez you scared me.
Tech: sorry but i heard you playing you sounded great.
Roxy: oh thanks (stands up) i'm Roxy Wolf (holds out hand) and you are?
Tech: (takes Roxy's hand) i'm Tech E Coyote i'm a student at the Acme Instute i'm still working on my thesis.
Roxy: really that's really cool i noticed your a scientist which i think is really cool i was never able to succeed in doing it for me. Tech looked at Roxy and he smiled at her then they both looked at each other then went to have some lunch they both got to know each other and, Roxy told Tech about her heritage and Tech was surprised by it.

*at a Latina Cafe*

Tech: that's amazing you have to two different sides to you but what makes you play music?
Roxy: my Mama she would always play music with me and our familia would always have a party to celebrate, our favorite day which is day of the dead. i would be heading to visit my family soon.
Tech: i would like to learn more about your heritage.
Roxy: maybe one day i can but i want to help you out with your thesis.
Tech: that would be great thanks Roxy. Roxy smiled and they both went back to the university to work and Roxy was wearing a lab coat as she helped Tech out with his thesis, they made a great team and worked on the project.

*months later*

just as Roxy was wearing her googles and stood next to Tech as she smiled at him while blushing she had developed a bit of a crush on Tech, then saw the dean of the institute come in.
Tech: you ready for this?
Roxy: just a little nervous but i know this invention of yours will work Tech, (looks away blushing) cause we did this together as friends and a team. Tech smiled and hugged Roxy close as she hugged him back, then they both showed the Dean but he made the invention explode. both Roxy and Tech walked out while wobbling.
Roxy: ow that hurt.
Tech: my baby. then they both were blasted by the radiation Roxy was passed out then Tech saw her on the ground and held Roxy close to him, as her eyes started to flutter open then saw Tech looking down at her.
Roxy: T Tech what happened?
Tech: a meteor hit the city and your magenta. Roxy looked at her fur then looked at Tech to see he was green.
Roxy: your green what happened to us?
Tech: no idea. a theif came out of no where and Roxy used her magic to stop the theif.
Roxy: leave my friend alone now leave. the theif ran and Roxy smirked knowing she scared him off.

Tech: you have powers? Roxy froze and looked at Tech with a scared face then held her arm and looked away from him.
Roxy: actually i was born with my magical powers i get them from my parents i had to hide my powers, cause i had lost a lot friends due to my powers and i was afraid you'd leave me too Tech. Tech walked over to Roxy and held her close as Roxy was confused by what was going on and looked up at Tech, as she put her hands on his chest.
Roxy: so your not afraid?
Tech: no i now have powers too they can magnetize and i have metal be used anyway.
Roxy: that is sweet. Tech looked at Roxy and they both had met Zadavia then was put together with their team.

*end of flash back*

Duck: i was wondering how you got a hottie for a girlfriend.
Tech: we were friends Duck and besides she loves me the way i am and i love her the way she is as well. what they didn't know was Roxy was using a spying spell to know what they were talking about then Roxy smiled at Tech and went downstairs to leave with Tech for their date.
Roxy: Tech you ready for our date?
Tech: uh i was thinking we go somewhere you love the most.
Roxy: Tech that's sweet of you but let's just go some where we both like so let's go. Tech and Roxy both left and went to enjoy their first date which was at a pizza joint.

*with Roxy + Tech*

they both were enjoying some pizza and laughed a bit.
Roxy: you told the others how we met and Duck got jealous about you having me as your girlfriend?
Tech: he did but i'm glad we were friends Roxy your the most beautiful wolf i had ever met Roxy and i'm, glad your my girlfriend i wouldn't trade you for anything in the world. Roxy smiled and blushed while looking away from Tech they both left after paying for the pizza and went on a walk, as Roxy leaned on Tech with her head on his shoulder.
Roxy: what a beautiful night.
Tech: yeah but i have something more beautiful too look at.
Roxy: oh and that is?
Tech: you. Roxy blushed and smiled at Tech as they both looked at the moon and Roxy felt a breeze blowing it blew Roxy's hair as she closed her eyes and smiled, remembering all the things she did before she became a hero then Tech wrapped his arms around Roxy's waist as he put his chin on top of Roxy's head. then a sinister laugh came out of no where and Roxy knew the voice then saw it was her old friend Michael.
Michael: hello Roxanne.
Roxy: Michael what're you doing here?
Michael: is it wrong to see an old friend?
Roxy: (growls) yeah right you tried to take my powers and you weren't even my friend you lied to me! i thought you cared about me Michael but i'm lucky to have my coyote.
Michael: oh yeah then let's see how the coyote can handle this! Michael blasted Tech and Roxy ran to him to see what was happening to him.

Roxy: no Tech what's happening to you it can't be a curse your turning to stone. oh god no please Tech don't leave me babe. Roxy tried to remove the curse but nothing was working her magic wasn't strong enough she began to tear up and looked at Tech.
Tech: i love you Roxy you must fight him in order to help me.
Roxy: I'll try i promise Tech i won't give up on you love you too much to loose you. Roxy stood up and walked toward Michael and blasted him with her magic then started fighting Michael then heard the team come and they saw the fight, Ace and Rev helped Tech onto his feet but Roxy saw the curse take over Tech and she started crying at the loss of her only love.
Roxy: no please no Tech don't leave me (cries) no not you too i already lost my parents and now i lost my coyote. (growls) that's it Michael ahs crossed the line and now he's going to pay for taking away my coyote! Roxy's eyes turned a dark purple and her dark magic had been triggered and the team was scared by what was going to happen.
Michael: (eyes widen) what i thoguht you only had light magic?!
Roxy: no i'm my mothers daughter too so now your going to suffer for what you did to Tech! darkness help me defeat my foe and turn him to stone! the spell had taken effect then Roxy looked at Tech with a sad look and held his face in her hand, then felt tears in her eyes knowing he had suffered such a terrible curse.
Lexi: can you restore him Roxy?
Roxy: no my magic isn't strong enough i lost Tech.

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