Among The Fallen Stars...{COD}

By NicoAlsoHasATwitter

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Soap is a single father who moves to a new city. Not to make more friends, but to forget about his divorce, a... More

Authors note
Chapter 1: Humble Beginnings
Chapter 2: Strange Nicknames
Chapter 3: Saved Numbers
Chapter 4: Rest and Relaxation
Chapter 5: Found you
Chapter 6: Discovering Something New
Chapter 7: School's Out
Chapter 8: Mid-day Arguments
Chapter 9: Thoughts Of The Past
Chapter 10: Apologies
Chapter 11: Bar Conversations
Chapter 12: Tired Soldier
Chapter 13: Hangover
Chapter 14: Dinner and Problems
Chapter 15: The World Through Her Eyes
Chapter 16: Drive Home
Chapter 17: Hookers and Daydreams
Chapter 18: New Voice Message
Chapter 19: Five Minutes
Chapter 20: Sun and Moon
Chapter 22: Wrong Idea
Chapter 23: Unknown Purgatory
Chapter 24: Our Last Night
Chapter 25: Last Day On Earth
Epilogue + Authors Note

Chapter 21: Overcast With A Chance Of Heavy Showers

783 15 23
By NicoAlsoHasATwitter

Soap POV

Maddison is having an allergic reaction, stay calm, and lets handle this. "Come here Maddie, sit down" I bring Maddison into my lap, I take the bag off my shoulder, opening it. "Maddie we're gonna play a game, but you have to close your eyes ok? Close em" She closes her eyes, the tears seeping through them. I take out the EpiPen "Hold my hand, and take a deep breath, deep deep" I say.

I put the pen on her thigh, injecting it, she lets out a small yelp. One.. Two.. Three.. Her breaths become heavier, I take the epipen out. She starts crying loudly "Good job Maddie, but we have to go, come on baby, SIMON, call 911, we're gonna run ok, hold on tight" I say. I stand up with Maddison crying in my arms, I quickly speed back to the parking lot.

"D-d-d..." Maddison starts crying, "It's ok baby, daddy's here" I say. I look back to Simon, he's talking into his phone, following closely behind me. "West eclipse boulevard, the third parking lot in" Simon says into the phone. I look back to Maddison, her eyes are flickering, "Maddie stay awake" I kiss her forehead, lightly tapping her face.

You're gonna be fine, daddy's gonna be right here till you feel better. I feel my own eyes water, This isn't the time for that, stay focused. In the distance I start to hear an ambulance, I scan the area, "HEY! OVER HERE!" I yell out. The ambulance stops in the grass near us and the paramedics hop out, "What's going on here?" The paramedic asks. "She's having an allergic reaction, I already applied an EpiPen, about two or three minutes ago" I say.

The other paramedic opens the back of the ambulance, "That's good, lets get her on the stretcher and make our way to the hospital" the paramedic says. I hand her to the paramedic and he puts her on the stretcher, putting a bag valve mask on her face. "You riding with us?" The paramedic asks, "Yeah" I hop in, sitting next to the stretcher.

"What I need you to do, is hold this, this is gonna pump air into her lungs to keep her breathing if she's struggling, keep it steady. And while you do that, I'm gonna start an IV in her arm" He slowly inserts the needle in her arm. Hitting the side of the ambulance, The ambulance doors close, I feel a trembling feeling in my chest. I keep my hands steady, For her sake, I need to stay calm.

Ghost POV

I stand silently, watching John enter the ambulance, I watch him as he quickly wipes his tears away, looking over his daughter. In my hand, I hold the stuffed bunny Maddison had, she dropped it when John picked her up. I walk closer, the second paramedic stops me "Are you family? There isn't much space in there" They say. I look up to soap, the panicked state he's in saddens me.

"No.. I'm not" I say, I take a step back, the paramedic closes the back doors of the ambulance. I watch as the ambulance pulls off, leaving me by myself, along with other onlookers at the park. They're curious to what's happened, and all they have left, is me to look at. I hate their looks, there is nothing to look at.

I didn't mean for this to happen, but now because of me, this happened to you. I walk to my car getting in, I look at the stuffed animal in my hands. The fur isn't the softest, but I know that it's hers, and she's probably missing it. I take a deep breath, putting the key into the ignition.

Ringgg - Ringg

Click, "Hello?" I say into my phone. "Ghost, Price here, your favorite superior, we're starting the briefing on our deployment. When you came to my office the other day, I told you that you can't miss another meeting. As I've told you, if one person is unprepared, we're all unprepared". Shit, I had forgotten that the meeting was mandatory "I'm sorry captain, but-" Price cuts me off.

"What comes out of your mouth better be either 'Yes captain I'm on the way' or 'Sorry, this job isn't working out for me'" Price says. "I was about to head to the hospital" I say, "You sick?" Price asks. "No, but.. John's daughter-" Price lets out a loud whistle, "You, go get me my cigar, listen, Ghost, I'm not sure what responsibility you think you've picked up knowing this cadet, but to put things in perspective. You are nothing to him, and I understand that seeing an actual family has brought up memories that we both know you'd much rather keep locked in the back of your mind" Price shuffles for a moment.

"Captain-" Price raises his voice over mine, "People are depending on you, don't let them down because you're trying to get some half ass attempt to fix your personal life. People trust you, either you make your way down here, or you can forget about your position in the 141. Hopefully you make the right choice, Simon" Price hangs up the call.

I keep the phone on my ear, it trembling in my hand, I look down at the bunny in my lap. In it's black eyes, I see my reflection. Unmasked, for the world to see, He was right, I was using him. And using him has cause her to get hurt, It's my fault this happened, Everyone around me gets hurt, knowing that I allowed this to happen.

I hurt her, I made you cry, I hurt someone who trusted me, I did this. I put the bunny in the passenger seat, starting to drive.

 Soap POV

I pace outside of Maddison's room, after we arrived at the hospital, she was taken to the ER. Her breathing is under control, and the swelling in her throat has gone down. She's currently resting, and I'm waiting for- "Where the fuck is my daughter?!" Lydia yells. I sigh, Her, "Lydia" I say, waving her over. She speeds over to me, "What the hell happened?" Lydia asks, not adjusting her volume.

"Maddison accidently ate strawberry ice cream, but it's fine, the doctor said that if I didn't apply the EpiPen as soon as I did, it would have been a lot more serious" I say. "How the fuck does she accidently eat strawberry ice cream? I left her with you for 15 minutes" Lydia says. "That doesn't matter, what matters is that she's fine, and she'll be able to go home in just a few hours" I say.

She pushes past me into her room, I stay out, rubbing the back of my neck. "Wow, can't say I'm surprised" I turn to see Ben, he stands there with his hands in his pockets. "I know what you're thinking, and when she told me what happened she asked me to take her" Ben says, standing next to me, looking at them through the window.

Maddison is sleeping peacefully with the IV in her arm, and Lydia is holding her hand on her face. Looks as if she's saying a prayer, I didn't know she was religious, "So who gave her it?" Ben asks. I turn to him confused "The ice cream, who gave it to her?" Ben clarifies, "I did" I say. I hear him scoff, "I'm not sure why you're covering for someone who tried to kill your daughter, some father you must be" Ben says.

How did he know? "It's not his fault" I say, "John, she's been allergic to strawberries since she the day she was born, the only person that it could have been is him, so it is his fault" Ben counters. I stay quiet, "I'm gonna assume Lydia doesn't know?" Ben questions, looking my direction. I keep quiet, I hear him scoff again "I won't tell her, but one small thing" Ben says.

He places his hand on my shoulder, leaning to my ear "I'd hate to make sure this doesn't happen again, keep him away from her" His tone serious. I feel a shiver down my spine, Ben walks into the room, Shit. I sit right outside of room, I let out a deep breath, rubbing the fabric on my pants. She's gonna be fine, you don't have to worry, calm down, she's going to be fine.

Short time skip, but not really like short short, but a medium time skip. You get it.

Ghost POV

I hurt you, it's my fault that this happened to you, me not paying attention is what got you hurt.

"GHOST!" I jolt my head up, Gaz and Price are looking my direction confused. "What?" I say, "Which sniper do you think is best for a target that's 3 clicks away?" Gaz asks. Right, I walk up to the table, displayed is 4 snipers, different attachments. "Both the Barret M99 and M110 both are able to reach that distance, the M110 is a lighter carry at 17 pounds with accessories, but the M99 has a heavier impact and has better compatibility with the attachments we have at hand" I say.

I pick up the M110, checking if it was loaded and looking through the scope. "I'm not sure why the M110 is being considered for this, it's a difficult reload, and it's only a good shot up to 600 yards" I put the gun down. "Use the M99" I say, Price lets out a groan, taking out his wallet, handing Gaz a 20. I raise my eyebrow at this interaction, "I'm gonna lose this in the fucked up vending machine in the basement" Gaz says, chuckling.

Price reaches for it back, "Well if you're just gonna waste it give it back" Price says. Gaz stuffs it in his pocket, "NO NO, you lost, and everyone knows that the only person who has the key to that machine doesn't even show up" Gaz laughs. "What's going on?" I ask, "Gaz noticed you were distracted, so we made a bet, and quick hands here won" Price explains.

He was right, I was, "Mhm, are we done with this briefing?" I ask. Price lets out a hearty laugh, "Thinking about that cadet again?" Price asks. Gaz shifts his attention to me, an interesting look in his eyes "Cadet? Don't tell me Ghost found himself another fling, she hot? What she look like?" Gaz asks. "He" Price corrects, Gaz looks to him and back to me, a moment goes by.

"... Is he hot?" Gaz asks, I walk over and smack the back of his head. He stands up holding where I hit, "IS IT WRONG TO ASK?" Gaz yells out. Price lets out another hearty laugh, "Well you know how long these meeting last, so sorry that you won't be able to see your booty call" Gaz jokes. I lean back on the table, crossing my arms "Ok, back off of him, but Gaz is right, we've only gone over strategy, and we're just now getting to equipment" Price explains.

I lean my head back, Shit, "Send him a text, 'TTYL PBDD'" Gaz chuckles. I look over to him "Pardon? PTBDD?" I question, "Prepared to get dicked down" Gaz says, making a thrusting motion. I sit up from my leaning position, "Heh, yeah?" I say walking towards him, he nods. "Why you walking over here man?" he questions.

"PBDD, right?" I say, I grab him by the collar of his shirt, pulling him towards me. "It's a joke-" Gaz says laughing, "Yeah, it's gonna be even funnier when I pull your heart out from your throat" I threaten. "That doesn't sound very funny" Gaz says, "You haven't even seen it yet" I say. Price taps me on my back, "Yeah ok, let him go, go call him and lets get this done" Price says. He turns back to the snipers, I release Gaz's collar, he shoves my shoulder. Mouthing 'Bitch', I flip him off as I leave the room.

I call John, Ringg.. Ringg.. Ring.. Click 'The number you have called-'. Shit, "Hey.. Johnny.. I uh.. I'm sorry about what happened today, I forgot that she was allergic, so I'm sorry for forgetting, that was stupid of me. I.. Haven't heard from you in a couple hours since the park, I mean you aren't required to call me, but it would have been nice.. No, That's wrong to say, I'm sorry. I know how you were when everything went down, let me know how you are, or just any thoughts or feelings you might be having.. Or nothing at all, Sorry, I don't mean for that to-".

Click, I squeeze my phone, I end the call, not wanting to listen to the rest of the prompt. Where are you? I put my phone away walking back into the room, Gaz and Price quickly jolt up from beside the door. "Yeah this 556 looks good" Gaz says, Price is adjusting the straps on a vest "This vest looks sturdy enough, I'll check it off the list" Price says.

Clear that they listened to everything I just said, "Oh Ghost you're back! How was your call?" Gaz asks, putting the riffle down. "Didn't pick up" I say, I walk back over to the weapons table, a moment of silence goes by for a moment. "TelL mE hOw YoU'rE fEeLiNg, So YoU cAn FeEl ThIs DiCk LaTeR" Gaz mumbles, I turn to him, he's pretending to make out with the air. I slam down the clipboard, walking over to him.

"WAIT-  IT'S A JOKE WAIT WAIT WAIT- PRICE??" Gaz yells out to him, Price picks up the clipboard looking it over. "I'm gonna grab the 556 and go to the shooting range, you two look busy" Price says. He grabs the gun starting towards the door, "PRICE WAIT!" Gaz pleas, I grab him by his collar again. Gaz smiles at me, "Heyyy, that was a joke ya know.. A joke.. Not my best I can admit.. Heh" Gaz says.

"A joke hm? Let me try a few, and you tell me if they're funny or not"

{Foreshadowing is the best thing since sliced bread, I'm also writing this on Sunday, so I got this done in one day. Oh my god I just realized this is gonna be published on the 1st, what did you guys do for halloween? I'm planning on giving out candy dressed like a 70s hippie.

Update: My sister rather stay at work for 4 extra hours than pass out candy with me. Stayed in my room and cried, and wrote more of saturday's chapter. Anyway, hope you enjoyed!}

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