wonze oneshots <3

By as15xx

73.7K 1.4K 236

lucy bronze and keira walsh one shots <3 More

please dont leave
i wasnt planning on leaving baby
it just wasnt meant to be
your drunk, baby
i cant do this without you
a night in with friends
the growing distance
nervous flyer
settling in
authors note
i am so fucking proud of you
every step of the way
this was a mistake
let me help you
this was a mistake (part 2)
this was a mistake (part 3)
every step of the way (part 2)
every step of the way (part 3)
every step of the way (part 4)
every step of the way (part 5)
every step of the way (part 6)
every step of the way (part 7)
every step of the way (part 8)
every step of the way (part 9)
every step of the way (part 10)
even though im a single mum?
even though im a single mum? (part 2)
keira.. say it
i'll always be here when you need me
i wish it didnt have to be like this
i wish it didnt have to be like this (part 2)
authors note: KEIRA WALSH
i wish it didnt have to be like this (part 3)
i wish it didnt have to be like this (part 4)
i wish it didnt have to be like this (part 5)
new book!
every step of the way: theres no tired like newborn tired.
i dont want to leave

i wont survive that lucy

1.9K 27 4
By as15xx

Keira Walshs POV:
From the moment i went down, i knew this wasnt good. The pitch was too dry, way too dry. It was a stupid move, attempting a slide tackle, but now it was too late. My knee was the victim of the poorly maintained pitch, and the dreaded 3 letter word is the first thing that came to my mind. ACL. Theres no way i have just torn my ACL in a world cup, there is no way. But my knee was in agony and the worst case scenario is immediately what you think of. I can see Georgia and Lucy running towards me, and then feel Georgias hands on my shoulders. But the pain mixed with panic caused me to repeat 'Get off G! Get off!' I didn't necessarily mean it, but there where too many thoughts swirling around my brain and it was causing me to become extremely overwhelmed. Lucy has a look of concern on her face, as she knows i have a high tolerance to pain, but still gave me space even though she didnt leave my side.

Lucy Bronzes POV:
I havent seen this Keira shaken from an injury before, and it worried me. She was a key player for us, and if the injury was as bad as it looked then I fear for whats to come for us. However, my main concern was the fact my girlfriend was in pain, so much so that she had shoved Georgia off her. The medical team had rushed over to her, questioning what was causing her pain. Keira shook her head, and frustratingly sighed 'Ive done my knee.' Shit. This was not looking good. The medics where massaging her knee, to see if they could feel anything abnormal, which caused her to throw her head back in pain. I took this as a sign to crouch down next to her, and rest a hand on her shoulder. She looked at me with panic stricken upon her face, causing me to give her a look of sympathy. 'I felt it pop, ive done my ACL i know i have' she rambled. 'Hey, we dont know for sure okay? Dont panic Kei.' I say as an attempt to reassure her, and myself. It's eventually decided that she will need to be stretchured off, causing her to hide her face in her hands out of pure embarrassment. 'Oh this is my worst nightmare.' She mumbles. Im trying to think of ways to cheer her up, so i end up saying 'i bet you'll still look fit on a stretcher' which does reward me with a chuckle. I laugh back at her, but its only a facade. In reality, i was very concerned and panicked for her, and worried that this would be the end of her world cup, when she had worked so hard to get here and proved so many people wrong. She gets a standing ovation as she leaves the pitch, and all i can think about is how i want to be at her side, making sure she is okay.

When half time comes around, im the first one down that tunnel and straight into the changing room. A small part of me hoped that she would be in there, and the injury was minor, but i knew that was very unlikely, so i wasn't surprised when she wasnt in there. I walk over to my changing space, and sit down, trying to catch my breathe, and to my surprise i feel someone sit down next to me. I didnt realise someone else had walked in. My head turns and im met with Georgia, who was probably also thinking the same thing as i am. 'Do you think she'll be okay?' She asks me, her voice filled with concern. 'Honestly G, i dont know. She has a high tolerance to pain, so for her to not be able to walk on it must mean shes really feeling it. I hope so though, i really hope so.' I tell her, the last part coming out as a whisper. 'Yeah, me too.' She mumbles. I put my hand on her shoulder, and we both sit in silence until the changing room fills up with the rest of the girls. There was no way Sarina would let me see her now, as we needed to focus on the game especially with Keira gone, so i just had to wait another 45 minutes to see her, which honestly sounded like forever, but i had to power through. This was the world cup, and we cant let anything affect our performance.

After what felt like the longest 45 minutes of my life, the game finished, and we could move on to the next game of the world cup. It wasnt our best performance, however we did lose a key player early on. When the final whistle blew, I immediately went over to Sarina, and asked her where Keira would be. 'In the medical room on the left, go and see her i know your desperate' she smiles at me. I thank her and walk as fast as my legs will take me to my girlfriend. Once i reach the room, I hesitate to knock, as i can her sniffles from behind the door. Please dont be as bad as it looks, please dont be as bad as it looks. I hustle up the courage to knock, and less than 5 seconds later im met with the face of a medic, who smiles at me and lets me in. 'Ill give you two some privacy' she says and smiles at me. All these reassuring smiles are just making me more nervous, but i had to put on a brave face and comfort my girl. Shes layed upon a medical table, her arms are over her eyes and her knee is taped up with an ice pack on it. She looks so vulnerable, and it just made my heart ache for her. When she hears the door shut, she looks up, and relief is washed upon her face. 'Lucy' she whispers, her voice trembling. 'Hey Kei' i whisper back. I can see her bottom lip start to wobble, and i waste no time in walking over to her, leaning down and wrapping my arms around her. She sits up to deepen the hug, and i can feel a puddle of tears on my shoulder. 'Are you in much pain?' I ask her, my main concern. 'Not really, im dosed up on pain killers and the ice is helping a bit.' She mumbles against my shoulder. 'Im so sorry Kei, do they have any idea how bad it is?' I question, scared of making her more upset. 'No, not yet. I felt it pop Lucy. Its my ACL i know it. Im going to be out for the rest of the tournament, all because i made a stupid decision to make a slide tackle on a dry pitch.' She curses at herself. It wasnt her fault, the pitch should not have been that dry, yet she still blames herself. 'Baby its not your fault, alright? Dont blame yourself. Lets wait and see what the doctors say before we make any assumptions, because i have a feeling that we are going to see you on the pitch again this tournament.' I tell her. I dont mean to give her false hope, but i also dont want to doubt her ability to bounce back from this. So i have to have hope. Its hope or nothing, and i know what id rather choose. 'I dont know what ill do if its what i think it is, i cant go through missing a whole season, i wont survive that Lucy.' My heart was breaking listening to her, shes the last person that deserves this. Why is the world so cruel to the best people? 'Hey hey hey, none of that. IF it is that, then i will be there every step of the way. Every step. You wont be alone Keira, you are strong enough to overcome whatever this is, i know you are.' I say, placing my hands on the side of her face, so she has no other option but to look in my eyes when i tell her. 'You hear me?' I ask her, the pain in her eyes evident. 'I hear you' she whispers back. I nod at her, press a kiss to her forehead, then rest my head on top of hers. She melts into me, and wraps her arms around my waist. We sit in silence for a while, just soaking up each other's company. I eventually break the silence, as it was time to go back to the hotel. 'Come on baby we gotta go, here are your cruches.' I say, passing them to her. Im still in my kit, and i havent even showered yet. Id just have to wait until i get back to the hotel. Once shes sorted, i open the door for her and we walk over to the changing rooms. When she walks in, Georgia is the first person to go up to her, and the rest of the girls followed. She has the support of everyone in this room, and the rest of the nation, she will be able to bounce back from this. I know she will, because Keira Walsh doesnt give up.

Authors note:
- this was another request! also a very big happy birthday to our special girl Lucy🫶🏼 an inspiration to many and a massive role model to young girls and boys across the world. she truly deserves all the best in life, and should be so proud of everything she's achieved so far. still so much more to come! love her long time xx

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