Surviving Summer // Baxter Ra...

By RachelleJennings0

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Kai Anoki's life was tragic, what was more tragic was being transplanted from her home to Shorehaven. Kai was... More

Fallin' Into Your Ocean Eyes
Chapter One - Welcome to Shorehaven
Chapter Two - Team Meetings and Stolen Glances
Chapter Three - You're Trouble Baxter Radic
Chapter Four - The Perfect Not Date
Chapter Five - More Than Gym Partners
Chapter Six - You Have No Idea, Do You?
Chapter Seven - Perfect Last First Kiss
Chapter Eight - Penny For Your Thoughts
Chapter Nine - Team Work Makes the Dream Work
Chapter Ten - Mine, Yours
Chapter Eleven - My Safe Place
Chapter Twelve - L.O.V.E.
Chapter Thirteen - I Like Shiny Things, But I'd Marry You With Paper Rings
Chapter Fourteen - Great Bond-fire Pops!
Chapter Fifteen - Mario Kart Showdown
Chapter Seventeen - Not Proposing Yet....But I Want To
Chapter Eighteen - Happy Birthday Baxy
Chapter Nineteen - Might Have Messed That One Up
Chapter Twenty - Rule Number One: Pinky Promises Are For Life
Chapter Twenty One - Here's The Thing About Grief
Chapter Twenty Two - Perfect Scores...Perfect Couple
Chapter Twenty Three - Six Years Later and a Lifetime Together
Chapter Twenty Four - I Do Too
Chapter Twenty Five - Welcome To The World

Chapter Sixteen - Daddy's Home

2K 43 4
By RachelleJennings0

☼ Kai ☼

The next comp was sneaking up on us as we all spent time preparing. Bax was in the shop working more than usual as I spent more time with the girls while he was gone. I've realized I'm more clingy than I thought, which utterly disgusts me because I use to think girls that couldn't go more than a few minutes from their boyfriends were rather pathetic. Guess the jokes on me now. The four of us were sitting out in the line up as we watch for a wave. "I mean it's kinda weird right?" Bodhi speaks up as I focus back on the conversation. "Not to me" Summer answers as they both look at me waiting for a response. "Sorry...." I trail off as they realize I wasn't listening. "I was just saying how our friendships are all weird and fucked up. I use to date Marlon and he's now with Poppy. Ari use to have a big fat crush on me and is now dating Summer and well Bax and Summer had a bit of a situationship last year and now you and Bax are adorably disgusting together. I just think it's weird....." She clarifies as I nod my head. "It's pretty fucked up." I agree as they all laugh. "I think it's more of a testament to the boys for making us all feel secure in our relationships." I elaborate as Poppy nods along to my words. "You definitely don't have to worry about whether or not Bax is into you...the man literally worships the ground you walk on." Poppy tells me as the girls agree. "I don't think I've ever seen him this happy" Summer adds as I feel my cheeks start to heat, the blush starting to spread. "His birthday is coming up and I want to do something special for him." I say "I was thinking something with food trucks for sure. Unlimited food for him. Maybe have everyone dress up like him." I spout out my ideas as the girls all nod along. "Oh my god could you imagine all of us looking like Bax and surprising him.....amazing." Poppy laughs. "He'll love the food trucks" Summer tells me. The rest of the morning we spend planning out a rough idea on his surprise birthday party. It felt good to have a group of friends eager to help me give him a birthday he deserves.

It was finally competition day, my nerves were at an all time high as I tried to watch the same video of my mum on repeat. "Remember Kai, it's not about your precision it's about the way you feel out there. Let the ocean guide you...listen to what it's telling you. Enjoy the moment Kit Kat." her voice filling me with warmth and sadness the tears already steadily falling. You would think by now I would be used to used to her being gone but I'm not. Each day without her becomes harder when I feel like I'm loosing her in my memoires. Two big strong arms pick me up as he buries his face in the crock of my neck. "I love you" he whispers as I melt into his hold. "I love you too" I kiss his forehead as he pulls back those ocean eyes finding mine. I don't think he will ever know how much I need him, how much I need his touch. He will never understand how he saved me from myself. "Can I see your video?" he questions a little unsure if he should. I nod my head as we sit in the sand. I put one of my airpods in his ear as he watches the video with me again. "You remind me of her.....the way you give everyone here sounds like hers." he smiles kissing my cheek. I look up at him my breathing becoming uneven. "Kit Kat?" he questions as a small smile tilts the corners of my lips. "When I was a toddler I had gotten into some kit kats. My mum said she walked into the bathroom while I was hiding to see me covered head to toe in melted chocolate. At first she thought it was poop, said she was gagging pretty bad at the thought but when she got closer to inspect she saw the kit kat wrappers hidden in the toilet. Ever since then she's called me Kit Kat." I tell him the small smile on my face growing bigger at the memoires. His hand comes to tilt my chin up so he can kiss me, I relax into him as he deepens the kiss.

Manu calls for us to all come over as Bax helps me up his hands never leaving me as he holds on to me like I'm his anchor. "This is the last comp before finals. I'm so incredibly proud of this team and all the hard work you have put into it. I never imagined my first chance at coaching a state team would be this meaningful. Each of you hold a special place in my heart and I'm thankful that you have trusted me with your journey. You all have worked hard over the last weeks correcting your weaknesses. We have this comp in the bag as long as you stay out of your head and enjoy yourselves. Half the journey is having fun. Pops want to close this out?" He says looking at his sister as she gives him a smile. "Let's go kick some ass!" She shouts as we all cheer. We watch Marlon up first as he lands impressive scores, Poppy screaming on the beach in excitement. I lean against Bax's strong body his arms wrapped around me as he leaves a trail of kisses up and down my neck. Soon it was Bax's turn as I quickly kiss him good luck. The girls all stand around me watching the way he attacks the waves in true Baxter Radic form. I seriously could watch him surf and never tire of it, the way he has no fear out there. The sheer confidence he has in the ocean as he does a rodeo flip during the last wave as everyone cheers on the beach. "Baxter Radic pulling out a rodeo flip, this is going to look good for Team Victoria" the commentator says over the speakers. The moment I see that messy wet pink hair make his way back to the beach I go running as I jump into his arms. He catches me with ease as our lips find each others. "I'm so incredibly proud of you!" I tell him when I pull away from our kiss. A look of pure happiness crosses his face. "No one's ever said that to me before." his voice was low, almost a whisper. One of my hands comes to cup his cheek. "Be prepared to hear it for the rest of your life because you are something to be proud of baby" I tell him as my thumb caress his cheek. "If you keep talking to me like that Longboard I'm gonna have to marry you." he teases in all seriousness. "Well in that case. I love you, I'm proud of you, and I can't wait till tonight." I list off as his grin widens. "Marry me" he teases again as I kiss him quickly. "Hmmm Kai Radic has a nice ring to it" I state his eyes turning from that amused twinkle to something more serious...his lips collided with mine as he kisses me breathlessly.

"Okay love birds. You're giving everyone a show." Manu comes up to tell us as Bax's lets me down. We walk up the beach watching Ari's heat next. Poppy and I's heat were the last two as I try to focus on anything except the way Bax looked at me when I called myself Kai Radic. It didn't take long for him to find his way back towards me, the boys stopping him for a chat. His trunks were riding low on his hips, his rashie long gone. His toned abs on full display, I bite my bottom lip as I stare shamelessly at him. I know he's smirking at me....know he's enjoying my heated gaze on him. "Earth to Kai" Summer shouts loudly earning a few stares my way as my cheeks redden. "Summer" I say in a low tone. "I just wanted to tell you that.....I'm glad you're here...that's all really. Just wanted you to know that Bax isn't the only one that's happy to have you with us" She says nudging me with her shoulder, a wide grin on her lips. "Thanks Summer. I'm glad I'm here too." I tell her my eyes traveling to those perfect ocean eyes already looking back at me. "Go rip it out there" She tells me as I nod my head. I go back into our tent as I put on my yellow rashie with my number. I grab my thruster and start heading for my spot on the beach. Bax hurries along after me pulling me to a stop as he kisses me deeply. "You've got this. Your the best surfer out here.....remember she's right here" he points to my head then to my heart "and right here." I felt the tears already welling up as I nod my head. "I love you Kit Kat" He smiles sweetly as the tears start to fall. "Stop being so perfect" I tell him as he laughs. "Go get those 10's baby" He smacks my ass as I give him a wink and get set in my spot on the beach waiting for Poppy's heat to finish.

"Next up is Kai Anoki going head to head with Sage Moore. I'm excited to see this match up" The male commentator says as we rush into the water. We make our way into the line up waiting for the perfect wave. It looks like Sage is going to take this one but she backs out the last second. "That's going to hurt the Queenslander" the woman commentator calls from the shore. I see what looks like the makings of a perfect wave. I turn around as I start to paddle Sage sitting on the board watching me take it. I drop in with precise skill. I gain speed as I make a beautiful backside tailslide. "I think we can all agree that Anoki has incredible composure under pressure." The male commentator says as I continue to focus on my wave. I notice a steep pitching section in the wave, a perfect opportunity to do a floater. I wait for the precise time to make my bottom turn just as the pitching section reaches its peak as I project up the face of the wave driving my board vertically towards the wave. I glide beautifully across the lip of the wave maintaining my balance and control. I can already hear the screams and cheers from the shore as I descend from the lip preparing to absorb the impact of my landing. I need to make sure I stick the landing, if I can do that I'll get a perfect score. I brace myself as I control my board having a smooth transition down the line. "A perfect Floater from Anoki" One of the commentators say "There's a reason she was National champ last year" The other says as I paddle back out to the line up.

"Impressive" Sage says before paddling to catch the next wave. For the next fifteen minutes we wait for a wave, Sage took another one that ended up fizzling out, not giving her much of a ride. I take my time not letting the clock counting down phase me. "Send me a good one mum" I say looking up at the sky. There was only two minutes left for me to catch something.....the clock was ticking as I see it.....I turn my board as I start paddling taking a deep breath before popping up and dropping in. This wave was beautiful, setting me up for the perfect opportunity to try another trick. I carve in gaining the speed I need to make an alley-oop. I can hear the cheers from the shore as I land it. "Anoki came to win it" the woman commentator says as I paddle back in. My eyes searching for him, a huge grin on his face as I go running towards him. He picks me up spinning me around "Are you freaking kidding me longboard! Just casually out there doing floaters and alley-oops! I'm fucking amazed by you." He marveles kissing me senseless. Everyone crowds around us congratulating me as we wait for the scores. "A spectacular set for Kai Anoki. With two perfect scores she will be taking home the win today, helping lead Team Victoria to first overall going into finals." One of the commentators announces "I've got to say Molly, Team Victoria has a strong group. With Baxter Radic taking the win for the boys and Kai Anoki for the girls. I think we can expect to see a powerhouse from them on finals." the other commentator says. "I agree Finn. I think we're seeing a different Radic this year. I'm excited to see what he has in store for us at finals." The commentator named Molly says.

Later that night everyone gets together at the Gibson's house for a celebratory dinner. We spend the evening eating and recapping the events of the day. I've never seen Poppy so relaxed around finals, it was nice to see. The adults go inside leaving the rest of us to enjoy the firepit together. "I can't believe finals is right around the corner" Bodhi says as a few of us nod our heads in agreement. "I think this is the first time I have ever not felt nervous." Poppy tells us as we all acted shocked. "Oy knock it off!" She shouts at all of us as we bust out laughing. "Seriously though. This is the first year were I feel solid in our team. Were all just vibing like a real team." She clarifies. "We are a real team Pops" Bax teases her. I can feel his laugh as my head rests on his chest, one of his hands playing with my hair. "Smartass!" Poppy spouts off sticking her tongue out at him. "I agree with Poppy. Last year we had a wasn't this easy. We didn't work as a team. But this year something's different, were all getting along." Summer interjects. "Maybe it's all the team bonding exercises Pops been making us do?" I joke as she sticks her tongue out at me too. "Whatever it is, I'm just happy that we are all here." Ari speaks up as Summer looks at him adoringly. "And there's no drama!" Marlon adds as everyone laughs.

A pair of feet walking up the drive makes all of us turn to see a figure walking towards us. "Who's there?" Ari calls out towards the figure walking closer. "I'm looking for Kai Anoki" the familiar voice says as my whole body tenses. Bax sitting up straighter pulling me into him even more. "Who's asking?" He says to the man. "Her father."

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