Chapter Six - You Have No Idea, Do You?

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☼ Kai ☼

Thankfully the Gibson's allowed Ari to have a "bonding team hang out" in their shed but I have a feeling Summer is going to be throwing something less bonding team and more party. Ari was following her around begging her to not go crazy with the invites.

Bodhi and Poppy walk in with bags in their hands their giant grins plastered on their face as they grab me and head into the house. We go to Ari's room, Summer shutting the door behind us before the girls start throwing me outfits to try on from the bag. "Is what I'm wearing not okay?" I look down at my shorts and crop top. All three of them making faces as they shake their head no.

I try a few on, all of them leaving little to the imagination, so many low cut shirts and short skirts. The last dress I put on each girls jaw drops. "That's the one!" Poppy squeals. "You look so hot" Summer smiles "Ditto" Bodhi nods. I look in the mirror my hands running down my sides. It was a yellow backless bodycon dress with thin spaghetti straps that tied in the back. It complimented my curves beautifully, I hated how much I loved it. "I can't wear this." I say still staring at myself in the mirror. "The hell you can't!" Poppy shouts. "Kai Anoki you are wearing this dress and you are going to get the guy tonight! Stop acting shy and be that sexy confident girl that has boys following you around like love sick puppy dogs!" Poppy's little pep talk got me to agree to wear the dress. I offered to pay them back but they both waved it off saying it was a gift.

The sun was setting as I walk around the backyard trying my best to be social. "Kai" someone says running up next to me as he hands me a drink. "Griff....thanks for the drink" I give him a smile. "I'm excited for the tryouts coming up" he says to me as I nod my head taking a sip from the drink he brought me. "Should be good." I answer, my eyes searching for that familiar messy pink hair. "I was wondering if you would want to...." he gets interrupted by Poppy as she grabs my hand and pulls me into the shed to dance.

"Poppy no.." I protest but she refuses to let me slink back into my comfort zone. "Come on Kai. Let's see what that body can do!" she smiles forcing me to dance. I let out a groan before I close my eyes letting the music fill my ears. I find my rhythm moving my hips to the beat "There we go!" she shouts over the music. I don't know how long I stayed on the dance floor, or how long my eyes stayed closed as I enjoyed moving to the beat. When my eyes finally flutter open I see those beautiful ocean eyes staring at me , the look in his eyes was intense.

He sauntered towards me, those blue eyes never leaving mine. He stands inches away from me our bodies so close that if I took a deep breath we would touch. He leans down his lips inches from my ear "That dress is dangerous" he whisper shouts, my body shivers as his breath ghosts over my neck. I pull back slightly "how so?" I ask not recognizing my voice. "Don't make me spell it out for you Kai. You know how good you look in this dress tonight." his eyes trailing down my body. I was so touch deprived that I desperately wanted to beg him to kiss me...touch me...I didn't care I just wanted him on me now.

A slow song comes on, I have no doubts one of the girls planned for it. Both of Bax's hands land on my waist before he slowly moves them to my bare back rubbing soothing circles. Every place he touched lit up in flames. My hands greedily take this opportunity to lightly trail up his bare chest, his shirt completely unbuttoned before I lazily wrap them around his neck. We sway back and forth to the song my heart pounding like a jackhammer, praying he can't feel it.

We spent an hour dancing together not saying a word, just enjoying the way our hands explore each other. It was hot that I was suddenly very aware of how every nerve ending in my body was on fire. I needed to cool off before I did something stupid. "I need a you need one?" I ask him. "Let me get it" he offers but I turn him down. "No it's okay I need to cool off for a second anyway." I tell him before leaving the shed in search of the drinks.

Poppy runs up to me as she gives me a sly smile. "That was the sexiest thing I have ever watched. You both were all over each other." she says excitedly. "Why did you leave! He was so close to kissing you." She goes on as I take a huge gulp of my drink. "I needed to cool off." I tell her "Of course you did" she winks as I roll my eyes.

"Hey Kai..." Bodhi comes up to us giving Poppy a weird look as she looks over my shoulder. I turn to look but Bodhi tries to keep me distracted. "Bodhi what's going on?" I ask trying to look past her. My heart sinks as I see Bax and Summer in the middle of the dance floor. One of her hands holding his chin as he smiles down at her. I felt like an idiot.

My drink slips out of my hand as I start walking out of the Gibson's backyard. I have no idea where I was going or how to get back home but I didn't care. I just needed to leave, it felt like the air had left my lungs as I struggled to get control of my breathing. The rising panic filling my chest as my mind went straight to my mum. She would be the one I went to for advice, would be the person who would hold me while I cried over a stupid boy....but she wasn't here. There would be no advice or hugs. There was nothing because I was alone. She had left this world and I was truly and utterly by myself. I've spent countless hours keeping myself mind, my body...Bax's stupid words about not being alone floating through my thoughts, the reality of how wrong he was hitting me full force. It felt like the damn had broken wide open in my chest as every emotion I have tried to bottle up comes flooding through. He was wrong....I was alone. I should have known better than to like a guy who was still clearly in love with his ex, tonight proving it. I stop my rushed footsteps as I sit down on a curb. Tears blurring my eyes. I felt stupid for crying over a "relationship" that never started. It was just mindless flirting. That was all it was but I fell for it. I fell for all of his perfect words, his beautiful smile, and above all I fell for the way he made me feel.

I feel arms wrap around me as I look up to see Poppy, Bodhi and Marlon all sitting down with me. A sob escapes my lips realizing I wasn't alone after all, they followed me. "I'm so stupid" I cry as Poppy tucks my hair behind my ear. "You're not stupid Kai. He likes you. I swear. There has to be an explanation." she tells me. "I really like him." I say barely above a whisper. "You're all he talks about lately." Marlon tries to reassure me. "Summer is just a touchy friend." Bodhi tries to find excuses where she can. "Friends that have a history?" I remind them. "A situationship is barely a history." Poppy says. "Besides we all saw the way he looked at you tonight, the way he couldn't stop touching you. That isn't some mindless flirty." Bodhi tells me. "How about we go back and find out what happened. Let Bax and Summer tell us really what happened?" Marlon offers but I shake my head. "I just want to go home. I should have never done this party, who was I even kidding. Pretending to be an old version of myself....I'm not her anymore. All I think about is my mum...missing her, wishing all of this pain would just end. Keeping myself distracted long enough so I can stay numb. I'm a mess...a broken mess. Why would anyone find that attractive? I'm not her....I'm nothing like Summer. How could he ever chose me when she's right there?" I rush out. "Kai...don't belittle yourself like have no idea how incredible you are." Poppy says but I don't want to hear it. I untangle myself from them as I stand. I needed to go back home, I could feel the wave waiting to crash into me. The one I'm afraid I won't survive. "I'll drive her back." Marlon offers as I thank him. Poppy and Bodhi give me one last hug as Marlon hops into his jeep and takes me back to the Tetanui's house. Once inside my room I curled up into a ball on my bed as I let the darkness consume me...sleep claiming me soon after.

Surviving Summer // Baxter Radic x OCDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora